InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Accidental love ❯ A quick battle ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the Inu characters!
Miroku, Sango, Kagome and Shippo looked and all saw the red with silver coming. Sango readied her boomerang. Inuyasha and Kikyo came.
“Where are the jewel shards?” Kikyo demanded.
Suka stepped in front of them all, “what makes you think that you will get the secrets of High Stone?”
Kikyo pointed an arrow at Suka and fired it. A flash of silver caught the arrow. There standing in front of Suka was Sesshoumaru with Kikyo's sacred arrow between two of his fingers. Kikyo was surprised that anyone could catch her arrows.
“Pathetic dead human. How far did you think I'd let you get?” Sesshoumaru dropped the arrow to the ground and in one blast destroyed Kikyo.
“Kikyo!” Inuyasha shouted.
“And you little brother are no better,” Sesshoumaru drew the Tokijin. Inuyasha drew the Tetsaiga. The battle began. Suka walked back into the room and grabbed the real Shikon jewel. Both brothers stopped fighting when their noses caught a familiar scent.
“Naraku,” Inuyasha spat. Both brothers left High Stone and came across the scene of Naraku fighting off the West's army. Naraku turned to Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha.
Naraku laughed, “Do either of you really think you can defeat me?”
“You have gotten too cocky Naraku,” Sesshoumaru said emotionlessly and muttered something under his breath and the shards of the fake Shikon jewel shards appeared in his open hand. He blew onto them and again the shards turned to dust. Naraku and Inuyasha both were surprised by this. Sesshoumaru pointed the Tokijin at Naraku and blasted him. Naraku put up a barrier and laughed once more.
Inuyasha destroyed Naraku's barrier and used the wind scar. Sesshoumaru watched the battle for a moment `Something isn't right here' he thought. He was right; not long after the battle had started, Naraku absorbed Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru did try to save his little brother but it didn't work.
“A quick battle,” Naraku laughed. Sesshoumaru raised the Tokijin so it was across his chest diagonally. Naraku laughed again, “Do you really think you can beat me?” Sesshoumaru looked at the Tokijin and then felt the Tensaiga pulse. He sheathed the Tokijin and drew the Tensaiga.
He leapt at Naraku and slashed him with the Tensaiga. Naraku laughed, “Did you really expect anything to-“he stopped as he felt something inside him. The souls of the demons he absorbed left him. And in the end Naraku felt apart into what was left that Naraku had absorbed, including Inuyasha.
“You were right Naraku. It was a quick battle,” Sesshoumaru muttered and walked over to the body of his younger brother. He waited for the Tensaiga to pulse but it never did. Inuyasha soul appeared.
“I don't want to be revived Sesshoumaru. I don't want to remember everything that happened. Treat Kagome the way you know she deserves to be treated,” Inuyasha then disappeared. Sesshoumaru looked around at the battle field. Kagome walked over to Sesshoumaru but stayed silent.
“That is it,” Sesshoumaru said after a while and humans, demons, and half demons came out and started tending to the bodies and preparing graves.
“It's over?” Kagome asked. Sesshoumaru nodded.
One chapter left! Weird how I end both my fics with ten chapters.