InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Across the Battlefield ❯ The life of a cadet ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- No I don't own Inuyasha So @#$&! Back off or I'll sick my cat on you. MEOW.

She sat down on the hard cold bed trying to organize her thoughts. She ran her hands through her cool black hair and pushed her hot forehead against her army camouflage color pillow.

Kagome had known she could be drafted, she had known that the first day she had signed up to military school. That knowledge had still not prepared her for the utter shock of the announcement earlier that day…


The intercom crackled loudly through the hot sticky air. A few kids looked up in surprise a few others just stared blankly ahead, the day had been a dull one, a peaceful one. It had been one of those days where you felt nothing could go wrong but usually did.

Kagome broke her mechanical pencils lead tip in surprise before looking up expectantly at the intercom.

"All students please come to the office, you are to be assigned military positions (cough) as cadets, today. I repeat all students to my office…"

That's all Kagome had heard. It had been like walking through molasses to the office. She walked so slowly as if she couldn't change what was happening but her vision was so blurred that she could barely remember being assigned as a air force cadet. That is what they assigned her to that is. They had divided the class into three groups, ground force protection, ground force scouting and air force scouting. Of course her class would only be cadets and they wouldn't be allowed near the fighting and they wouldn't' touch the weaponry equipment within a ten foot pole. That wasn't saying there was going to BE fighting, the government always went into high gear panic mode when there was a youkai sighting (what they liked to call southern barbarians).

(end Flashback)

"I'll never make it out of this living hell." she mumbeled. When she had arrived at the air force (being escorted with her peers by soldiers) she couldn't help but notice that there was a whole group of soldiers doing crunches one after one after one. She had seen the various instruments of torture (otherwise known as exercise equipment) lining the walls. And horrors of horrors she had seen the "cloths" she was expected to wear. She also had a sinking suspicion the soldiers had arranged her to see all this themselves.

A large girl came storming in beside her and flung her duffle bag on the top bunk. (Kagome was sitting on the bottom)

"hey" Kagome said as she scrambled up. "I took that spot already."

"I don't see your name on it" the other girl said bluntly. She smiled funnily as she looked at Kagome's knew outfit.

"Hmmm green ski pants, leather jacket and an army cargo tank top and none of it fits you, you must be a real looker" The girl grinned.

"Hey I really don't prefer comments." Kagome said angrily, the whole ensemble made her look fat on the hips, busty on the chest, and small compared to everyone else. She had never been a big person but she had never considered herself tiny and her big personality had always made up for it. Now she felt well (she looked down at her floppy pants) baggy… no more like puny.

"Don't worry one of those hotshot startup soldiers must have played a prank on you, They're always doing that. Giving girls crappy cloths and playing pranks in general" The girl shook her head in exasperation.

'Yeah well if they did I sure wish people would stop making comments' Kagome thought darkly.

"Hey don't give me the evil eye." The girl laughed. "Not all of us are mean, I'll get you some new cloths!" She led Kagome off towards the front of the building. "I'll take you to the seamstress, she always has a match for everybody."

Kagome smiled. Maybe she could get used to this place after all. Maybe just maybe.

Hey sorry I haven't updated in awhile don't *cracks knuckles * but I will oh I will.

Hope you enjoy (and thanks all you authors who reviewed)

Rabid Fan