InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Across the Battlefield ❯ The truth ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay I know I haven't updated in ages (what century is it?) but I'm lazy and like to read rather than write. I have also found a new favorite anime/manga… (Drum roll please)


Now after that bit of information I'd like to talk about Across the Battlefield (I would like to dub it Battlefield or A&B if think I'll go with a&b 'cause it require less typing ^__^). Anyway I understand from readers that they didn't quite understand the Inuyasha flash back part last time. Okay I'll summarize it.

When Inuyasha was a little kid he was in a demon clan (more like tribe) called Ibo de Inu but he was always left out of games. Guess why? *Ding ding* you just got the 1 million yen question! Because he's a Hanyou. Duh. Anyway he used to play a game where they forced him to play the bad, evil human who chased the good demons (*snort *#_#kind perverse huh?) anyway he get angry and snaps out of his inner monologue. Then Kikyou pins him to a tree. Got it?

Okay (ehem); And now for our feature presentation…

Across The Battlefield: Chpt.5 The truth


Kagome ran her hand down the dials, knobs and buttons. She eyed the levers and radios. Appliances and machines where evil things and not to be trusted. That was something she had learned from her computer, it purposefully crashed, on purpose.

--Wait that was redundant.

Yura looked over Kagome's shoulder scanning the dials.

"Would you stop doing that?" Kagome snapped.

"Whoa! Freak out Kagome. I just want to make sure we don't crash in the middle of a desert." Yura rolled her eyes and reached out her hand to flip a lever.

"I can do it fine by myself thank you." Kagome ran her hands through her sweaty hair and immediately regretted it. Now her hands were sweaty also. " I don't need some stuffed up expert helping me, I need to do this by myself."

"I'm not doing this to be stuck up--- I'm doing this to make sure we don't crash"

" Well it's irritating me okay?" Kagome snipped (Rabid: I made up "snipped" up but it's a verb now and it means to reply in an irritated manor. Actually its an Adverb... oh whatever I'll stop making comments)

Yura smiled and left the cockpit. "I'll go check on the luggage."

Kagome shivered as Yura left the room. That smile… again she felt that she didn't know Yura at all. That her casual smile had been a warning.


'Okay so this lever is pulled---' Kagome's thoughts were abruptly ended when gigantic jolt went through the plane. It made her head hit the back of her chair with such force that it would have knocked her eyeballs out of her head if she had been a cartoon.

"What the hell was that?!" she reached up her hand to massage her bruised head.

Yura rushed into the cockpit right on que.

"I think we've hit bumpy winds" She picked up the plane manual and flipped through the pages. "It says here that if you get some bumpy winds its best to try to steer out of the direct path of the winds intill they settle down" she looked at Kagome. "Guess we better just wait it out."

"Fine, great" Kagome said gritting her teeth as she began turning them slightly off course, and out of the winds path.

"This happens to everyone." Yura said rolling her eyes. "Its routine."

That was right about when several ugly birds hit and splattered across (uggh >_<) the window right in front of Kagome.


"Shut up Kagome," said an irritated Yura. "They're just birds with a bad sense of direction"

Yura walked forward to examine them more closely. She flinched back in surprise.

"Disgusting" she murmured.

"What is it?"

"I think we just ran into some rather… unnatural birds" Yura offered as explanation.

"What?" Kagome inched closer and tried to look at the birds without throwing up.

"Oh my God!" She whispered. The birds where larger than average and possessed sharp predatory beaks. They had dull black wings that seemed to soak up light rather than reflect it .The stench of them came through the glass making her put her hands in front of her nose. What really struck her odd was the odd cut right between the birds two eyes, it seemed to be oozing puss. That's when she saw the cut blink. It wasn't a cut(!) it was slit- a slit for a third eye.

"It's a southern barbarian." she gasped.

"It's not a southern barbarian. Its an under demon" Yura shook her head. Then she continued, "Southern barbarians are the humanoid ones… the ones that have more power, are smarter and look vaguely human." She stared at Kagome. "Sometimes you can't even tell the difference if they dress up like humans and hide their power." That stare sent shivers down Kagome's spine.

(Just to tell you Yura is steering the plane at the moment, it isn't flying by itself ^_^)

Several small jolts went through the plane again. Kagome fell over on her butt.

Yura looked up. "Theirs more."

"Why are they after us?!" Kagome asked in a panicked voice.

"Did we get too close to their nest?!"

"They don't have nests… They hunt in packs and move from place to place." Yura said matter-of-factly.

"Then why are they attacking us? And how do you know that?!" Kagome said. She felt as if there was some big thing she wasn't getting. Some big secret Yura was keeping from her.

"They are attacking you because you have the legendary necklace of promise" Yura said. She turned and stared at Kagome, as if she was looking at something inside of her. "You have it," she hissed. "Give to me."

"What are you talking about?!" Kagome shouted, backing up.


HAHAHAHAAHAH! Evil cliffy!

I know my writing isn't as good usual but that's because I forced myself to write even though I have major writing block. I believe that the way to break writing block is to just keep writing and it will slowly disappear. Well anyways Kag and Inu will be meeting soon and the big showdown with Yura is beginning so you've got loads to look forward to.

Suggestions for reading

Fruits basket:

Long Denied

My review for long denied:

Longed Denied(LD) is a great fic. No not great-- WONDERFUL. If you're like me and like to read Fruits Baskets fics you'll know over 90% of them are Hentai, Yaoi, angst, lemons and self-insertions. Not like I haven't anything against that but most of it is BAD writing. Now finally there is this great continuation called: Longed denied (its also a crossover). It deeply explores each main character and even some who aren't main characters. It is good colorful writing and gives you reasons for each characters behavior. It intertwines the past and present of Fruits Basket and weaves it all into a tale that will make you stay up at all hours of the night reading. Trust me I've done it.

Ranma 1/2:

A tale of Two Wallets

My review for a tale of two wallets:

It's no wonder a tale of Two Wallets is a featured Fanfic. Its funny, zany and gets right to the heart of Ranma 1/2 but it adds a whole new twist to it. The one thing I don't like about it is that the characters go on long monologues that get really boring. I like monologues but this author doesn't know how to right them (unlike Long Denied's which are really good). Overall the good points of Tale of 2 wallets really outweighs its bad ones.


The Sinners

My review for the sinners: A new fresh piece of writing brought to you by the Author of Dead Famous and Bottled Genius. Rozefire just keeps whipping out new entertaining fics. This may not be as good as the legendary Dead Famous but its interesting and worth a read. I just have a sinking feeling this one will be discontinued. Damn.

And…Good-bye for now!!!! Farewell. Ta-ta. Miss you already.