InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Across Time ❯ Dad ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Across Time by: Sakura

A/N Here's my new fic that was inspired by one of Lady Kara's fics (sorry, but I can't remember the title). I hope you like it enough to come back and read when it's updated.


The girl looked at her surroundings, curiously. She remembered running away from the village, into the forest, and stopping by a well, but that was all. It was pretty quite where she was now, which was surprising because it had not been that way before. There had been screaming and other sounds of death.

The sounds of people arguing brought her to full attention. The girl jumped up into a tree to get a better look. What she saw was nothing too important- three humans, a small kitsune, and a dog demon. The girl was just about to turn and leave, when she realized something. She eyed the hanyou carefully.


"Daddy!" The girl jumped from a tree and came bounding up to Inu Yasha to hug him. Puzzled, Inu Yasha looked down at the young girl. She wore a small, green, ragged shirt -which showed much of her belly- and a green skirt. Her hair was a very light shade of brown, and sticking up, out of the top of her head, were small dog-like ears. She looked up and Inu Yasha, revealing her eyes- one was a beautiful sky-blue, while the other was golden, just like Inu Yasha's.

"Who are you?" Inu Yasha asked pushing the girl away.

The girl looked shocked, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. "Daddy," she choked out, "don't you...remember me?" Inu Yasha continued to stare. "I came from our village and went into the Forbidden Forest, the one with the sacred well..." That's when the girl realized what had happened. She had been wondering why her father looked younger.

"Whoa, kid, why don't you start over?" Sango said, squatting in front of the girl.

The girl took a deep breath, and began. "My name is Matoko. I'm from a village not too far from here; I came into the forest because I was running away from these bad people, and I don't must have something to do with that well." Matoko continued her story about the well and the war that killed her mother.

"But I still don't get why you called me `Dad'. I don't even know you."

"Well, I'm from the future, so're my dad." Matoko smiled sweetly at Inu Yasha.


Later that night, the group set up camp with Matoko. Inu Yasha had done his hardest to avoid the newcomer, which, strangely, didn't upset Matoko all that much. As she kept saying, she was used to it.

"He left the village right before the war started. Mother had been killed, so it was only me and my older brother, Ryu. Ryu was also killed during the war, protecting me."

"Well, you're from the future, right? Can't you tell us anything about it, anything bad?" Shippo seemed very eager to see what awaited him in the years to come. "Kagome's from the future too," he added.

"True, but I was born after Dad collected the Shikon no Tama and Kagome went back to her own time period. How come you never told me that much about her?" Matoko asked her father. Inu Yasha blushed, but then his body stiffened. It seemed that Matoko, too, sensed something because she quieted down.


The demon had come from nowhere. It had succeeded in capturing Matoko and stealing the Jewel. Now, Inu Yasha and the gang where wandering aimlessly through the village the demon had gone. Inu Yasha, himself, seemed to only be worried about the Shikon Jewel.

"Damn it! I don't see why we have to rescue her. We could be looking for more Jewel shards."

"Inu Yasha! She's your daughter, you can't just forget about her!"

"I don't trust her... See, there were silver hairs on her kimono, and they weren't mine. That, and the fact that she smelt of fresh demon and human blood... there had been a murder."

Miroku looked at Inu Yasha questionably. It wasn't hard to understand why the hanyou felt awkward around this girl who claimed to be his daughter, but why he was getting all suspicious was a true mystery.

"Maybe it was her brother's hair and scent. Matoko did say that he was killed," Sango said, making a tighter grip around her Boomerang. "But for now, we should focus on getting her back."

At that last statement, from behind, Inu Yasha's ears could be seen flattening themselves against the top of his head. He was obviously angry about being reminded that they were taking time to save some quarter-demon they didn't even know.

They entered a small room at the end of a long corridor, and seeing how it was the only door they had seen, other than the one they came in through, they figured that Matoko might be behind the door. They also considered that it was a well-thought out trap. The only thing was, Inu Yasha hadn't picked up another demon scent since they left the campsite and entered through the corridor. Slowly and cautiously, Inu Yasha opened the door... Matoko was lying in a heap in a far corner of the room. She didn't seem to be hurt at all.

"She's just fainted," Kagome informed the group.

Inu Yasha's ears flattened once more against his head, and he was making a low growling noise. He opened his mouth to speak... but then a female's cry soon startled everyone and the hanyou's ears perked up in surprise.

The cry had come from a frightened Matoko. She had been dreaming and was sharply awakened. She was now leaning into Kagome's shoulder, her breath coming in small but loud gasps as her sobbing increased.

Matoko's sobbing ceased and she began to wipe away remaining tears from her eyes. As she looked up at Inu Yasha, her eyes began to well up with more tears, but they refused to fall.

"So... who was it that kidnapped you?"

Kagome and the group sent cold stares at the hanyou.

"Is that the only reason you came to rescue me? To see who it was you could fight next... and see if they possibly had any shards for you?"

"Of course! Do you think I wanted to do some `fatherly bonding'?"


"A few years after you all and my father placed the Shikon no Tama back together, people from the modern times had an agreement, they all wanted to live as though they were back in the feudal era again. Instead of neighborhoods, they went back to living in smaller villages, and instead of cars they travel by carriages drawn by horses and oxen. Demons, oddly enough, have come back into existence; they're still ruthless, merciless killers too. Some think it was the power of the Jewel...but that couldn't be! Kago-"

Matoko lowered her head; she wasn't allowed to tell the others that much about the future. It was alright to talk about the economy, but the people who did what was prohibited. But someone wasn't going to stand to just the economy...

"What do you mean, what happens to the Jewel?" Seeing that Matoko was not going to answer his question, Inu Yasha pressed further. "Who becomes my wife? Kagome...or Kikyo?" Matoko's eyes widened in surprise. She stood quickly, her ears flattened against her head.

"I'm definitely not going to tell you that! ...but just so you know, it' No, I can't bring myself to tell you! If I did that, then there would be a possibility that neither me nor Ryu would be born! And then...I would never be able to meet Jaeger."

The quarter-demon's eyes widened further. Not only had she mentioned important people from the future, she had also given out their names. If she said anymore, then there was a sure possibility that what had happened in her future would probably not happen in the future that Inu Yasha was looking forward to.

"Who's Jaeger?"

Her father's question snapped Matoko from her daze. She had had no problem with him not talking to her, but this sudden question was a bit surprising. Telling them all of Jaeger wasn't necessarily a bad thing; seeing as he had failed to play much of an important role in the war.

"Jaeger was a great friend of mine...after my brother was killed. He was related to Koga of the Demon Wolf Tribe; he was his younger brother in fact. I just wish that I'd have seen him before I passed through that well."

"Koga? What were you doing associating with his kind? If I was there-"

"Well you weren't! When I reached five, and the war begun, you left us! Mother, Ryu, and myself had to live by whatever we had!" Matoko snapped back at her father. "...I'm sorry; once Mother died, Ryu formed a great hatred towards you- I'm guessing it's because you said you'd always be there to protect the three of us."

Inu Yasha's cold stare softened. He walked over and sat in front of Matoko. Slowly, he reached out his arms and embraced the quarter-hanyou. Matoko broke their hug, looking Inu Yasha straight in the eye. She then turned to look at the monk, the exterminator-girl, the kitsune, and her gaze stopped on the reincarnated priestess; then she turned back to her father.

"I trust you," Matoko breathed. "Ryu was my half-brother; he and I have different mothers. A human named Himiko is my mother, but his mother..."

A/N ...lalala! Hmm, "his mother..." is...KIKYO!!! *gasp* Nah, I'm just pulling you're leg. *pull, pull* ^.^ Okay, so only one person knows who this mysterious mother-person is, and if she tells, I swear...I'll...CRASH HER BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!!!!! (yes, that means you, Badi)

I'm a little hyper; if anyone thought I was just doing that because I'm a complete idget, then well...I forgive you. I can be an idget too, so yah know. Okay, I'm going to stop talking like this, and start finishing up the prelude chapter to this fic. The prelude will explain some unanswered questions you might have. It tells about the war, the couples, the kids, Jaeger...etc. Review, please; let me know if you think this was good enough to be updated, or if I should stop wasting my time.