InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Addicted to You ❯ A Very Short Chapter ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Inuyasha sprayed himself with the hose after staying in the hot sun an exceedingly long time, and sweating his brains out, and watering the backyard. (A.N.: Sorry! I didn't specify!) He turned his head in the direction of the porch and saw an angel, well, it really wasn't an angel, but it was Kagome, the equivalent of his angel. She had sat down on the porch and was looking nonchalantly in his direction. She started to giggle, and then Inuyasha noticed that he was feeling a cold trickle down his leg and realized that he had the water from the hose oozing down his leg, wetting his pants. A slight tint lit his cheeks, and he looked down, but to not ruin his cocky image he gave a "What r' you lookin' at?" (A.N. Tee Hee!), and even that wasn't much of a comeback as he had wished it had, she was still giggling and sitting on the porch, teasing him and batting her eye lashes at him. It annoyed him enough to take action, by spraying her torso with the garden hose, she screamed excitedly with a sweet smile still on her face. It made him wonder how she managed it, and pinned a shot on her behind with the water from the hose. She calmly walked to the side of the shrine and registered out with a large bucket of water in hand. She came within three meters of him and splashed the water on him, soaking him from head to toe in water. He retaliated with the hose and she came back with more buckets until the lawn, and they themselves, were completely drenched. He sprayed her hair and she 'sat' him into a mud puddle for it, and unlike other times, this 'sit', did not cause pain, but it did cause a whole lot of mud to go everywhere! Kagome looked at Inuyasha. 'He looks kinda helpless, sitting in the mud,' she thought, 'that is, of course, if youkai can look helpless!' She inwardly laughed to herself. 'Well I could take advantage of this "helpless" moment… or not. And miss a thing like this! No way!' she said to herself. She sat on his stomach letting him give out a "Harrumph". She put her head on his stomach and basked in the sun for a little while, soaking in the solitude of the afternoon, letting her skin become warm and rosy. After a while, she turned over. He held her to himself and kissed her forehead.
"What about Pierre?"
Inuyasha envisioned Kagome, breaking his heart in two and giving part of it to Hojo and the other half to Kouga. Then he envisioned two happy children running up to him calling him their Ojai, and then snapped out of his daydream.
"What's up?"
"Nothing, really."
He spaced out again.
"Watshi wa?"
Kagome looked at him in awe for a moment and muttered something.
"Yes, I did just say that."
"But you never…"
He masked her mouth with his hand, and then dived in for another kiss, but this time, she stopped him before he could touch her lips.
"Stop, wait!"
"This just… isn't right! What with Pierre, Hojo, and every one else! I can't! And what would my mother think about this!"
"Think about what?"
"You and me, together, that's what! This is fleeting love!"
"Then how come your heart rate has jumped, your temperature is rising, and you're sweating like mad?"
"Stop that! You're part youkai and I'm not! It's not fair!"
"No, it's not, but you have been doing this to me for two years already, and for the sake of my sanity, kiss me!"
A sudden rush of unbelief and shock overtook Kagome while she was still sitting on his lap. She could not believe what he had just said. Was this really Inuyasha speaking to her?
"Please, just kiss me."
She looked in his eyes and saw that he had wanted her all this time. She drew near to him as if she was going to kiss him then said; "No, not yet." And withdrew from him, leaving him there on the lawn, reeling from the words she just uttered.
End of chappy!
Author's note:
Ha! You thought I was going to let her kiss him huh? Well, you were wrong! Hee, hee, hee! Man I am mean! Besides, we need grip-your-seat-so-tightly-the-cotton-comes-out-but-you're-still-hanging-on- to-the-fading-cloth, drama and action (which is coming soon)! I luv being the author of this fic! I get to choose what happens in this fic and you people get to sit there and squirm! By the way…Start drawing! I will dedicate 7 chappies to the person whose picture I like best. You will also "get" your own character in the improved author's notes! WHEE! FUN!