InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Admit Your Love ❯ Finally Rin's Opinion ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Here's to a new chapter I have finally put another one up. Everyone say thanks to Cammy Rammy for beta reading for me please. Hope you enjoy and thank you all for the reviews.
Disclaimer: As much as it pains me to say this I in no way own Inuyasha.
Dedication: This chapter is dedicated to Mr. Magic Bunny, my pet rabbit that died June 2, 2005. I'm really gonna miss him. *Cyber tear*
Didn't mean to bum you out so now on to the chapter.
Admit Your Love
Ch10: Finally Rin's Opinion
She woke slowly, her mind really wanting to go back to the dream with Sesshomaru.
`Wait! Where am I!? She thought in a panic, as Sesshomaru was the last thing she remembered before passing out.
She turned her head to get a better view of the room though she didn't need to look far because she found Sesshomaru sitting in a chair next to her with his tail tightly wrapped in his lap, fast asleep. A sigh of relief could be heard in the quiet room. Rin recognized the room and she knew if he was beside her then she was safe.
Though suddenly, that relief turned into embarrassment and her cheeks grew red as a cherry after remember the dream she had just had.
`I kissed him. How could I be so bold? What was I thinking?!' She was amazed and confused at the same time. `I was afraid. I was scared that I was going to die and never see him again, that I'd never tell him how I felt about him. So I did the first thing that came to mind, I kissed him.' She didn't exactly call it logic but that's all her fuzzy brain could do after losing so much blood.
`Ha logic that's funny.' What she did no way had any logic thrown in there it was more like insane.
`He's probably ready to kill me right about now for such a bald act. He probably would have if I hadn't caught him off guard.' She thought bitterly with a chuckle.
Rin's thoughts shifted back to the dream. If she was truthful to herself that wasn't the first time she had a dream like that with him in it though they varied a little, she held each one close cause she knew she would never have the nerve to act on them. Actually if she thought on it a little bit this dream was not the same but it was different only in the fact that she had been rubbing his tail. That had always been off limits to her but she still remembers that softness as though she had just stroked it yesterday…
I had been about twelve when it happened. It had been a long day and Lord Sesshomaru was looking for or avoiding something, which she would never know and he seemed, tense and stressed out. We both rode Ah and Un back to the manor that night and he was highly tense from his last visit and as I set behind him my curiosity got the better of me. I wondered silently if he was truly like a dog. If I rubbed his tail would that calm him? It was also an excuse in my mind at the time. It only took my hand inches to move over and the fine hairs tickled my fingertips and at first I shied off thinking it a bad idea but I quickly dismissed that thought and brought my hand back over to land lightly on his tail. The hairs were fine and soft and altogether it was fluffy underneath my palm.
It was no different than a puppy's I swear. With no protest from Sesshomaru I began to move my hand in a stroking manor until I was going at a leisurely pace and it seemed to be working. His frame seemed to loosen up and for a second she was positive that she had heard him purr if only for a brief second. Well that was until he realized fully what I was doing and again he stiffened up and turned around to give me one of his iciest glares and growled in warning.
“Don't ever do that again,” he ordered sharply.
I quickly dropped my head and let my hands fall to my side too embarrassed to look him in the face.
“Gomen nasai Lord Sesshomaru,” I said barely above a whisper but I knew he heard me.
That was the first and last time that I had ever rubbed his tail. How she remembered the feel of those fine hairs between her fingers she'd never know. It actually seemed as if she had been petting it in her sleep but he wouldn't let her do that.
`Would he?' She thought as she stared at him in wonder.
`No,' she thought with finality shaking her head, `he would never let that happen.'
She went back to her dream, it made her heart race and her emotions go haywire.
`He truly marked me in this dream. Sesshomaru made me his forever but that wasn't the part that set her afire. It was the way he kissed me, holding my lips in a deep kiss it made every sensation in her body tingle,' some thought came to Rin just then and her eyes widened in belated horror.
`OH MY GOD!!' Her eyes instantly flying to the demon lord in fright.
`I hope he wasn't awake when I had that dream. I was pretty… aroused and I know he can smell things like that cause when he gets the opportunity he teases Inuyasha about the same thing. I will die if he was awake during my dream,” Rin was in a panic but more than anything she was just plain embarrassed, her cheeks burned red.
`No,' she eventually erased those thoughts, `he probably would have yelled at me for doing things like that around him even though I heave no control over how I feel about my dreams or him.' Bitter at that last thought her gaze again went to the sleeping inu youkai but this time her eyes held desire in them.
`He really is a gorgeous being. Everything about him is perfect from his long silvery white hair to his violet marks that heighten his cheeks, his lips that seem so luscious to my eyes but stiff to others. His eyes are what draw me in the most those lovely bright amber orbs that stare at you like dazzling twin suns. I wish he were awake so I could see those eyes,' Rin thought longing for that action to happen.
*No you don't because he'd be wondering why you were staring at him like a love struck puppy. * Said Rin's inner voice.
`You're right but still I'd love to see them,' She countered sleepily as she laid her head down on the soft pillow and positioned herself just right so that she didn't hurt her back.
“Ai Shiteiru,” she mumbled and was off to sleep.
El Fin
Just kidding just joking. *Avoids flying objects* I just love to imagine that surprised look on your faces. No but would you have totally hated me if I had stopped there. *Everyone nods their heads* I guess so well don't worry I have plenty more chapters where this came from I hope to get two up over the break and then it's off to college for me so this is my graduation chapter. Go Me!! I hope to have a laptop in college but I don't know if that will happen so I'll have to set something up with my sister.
So how did everyone enjoy the new update I hope it was up to par with everyone? I had a lot of changes I made in this one though I don't know why. *Shrugs* Also I have noticed that my chapters really are short but honestly I don't know how to make them longer but when I start to write it out on my own and that's only two chapters from now if I remember right. Okay well that's all on to the Responses and as always please review.
Review Responses:
Angels Heart 1622: Thanks for the review and wow you liked my story enough to talk like Mary Poppins, lol, thanks.
Vik Vik: You're very welcome for the update and here is another one to top it off. You love this story really?! Thanks, though I'm never gonna get used to people saying that.
Chillkat: Thanks for the review. I'm confused there's a we?
Cammy Rammy: Thanks for the review and thanks for beta reading for me you really did a great job. The part of your story that I read was good and I saw you updated so I'll have to read that soon.
Imagine-me: Thanks for the review and for understanding. There's only two more chapters written out. Oh and you just read what happened next if you're reading this. LOL.
Inufire: Thanks but I don't know about really great.
Neko-tsuin: That's totally okay about the pc thing cause I got something else you can beta for me if not this story cause I'm not putting that story up for awhile. You did do a excellent job beta reading for me and I thank you. I'm sorry no one commented on it though, I think they might have forgotten. Oh and thanks for the review.
Crazy in love with Sesshy: Thanks, didn't know my story was cool.
Stephanie M.: Wow you really liked the chapter that much you were laughing the whole review. Please take deep breaths cause I wouldn't want to loose one of my favorite readers. Thanks but I planned on making the chapter changes anyway cause I personally hate when I read really short chapters unless the story is really good. Yeah I know I'm picky. I honestly didn't get the goobers thing until I watched Spongebob. Can you believe I just watched that movie? I'm so behind I know. Well anyway sorry about the long wait but here's the update.
Maidenofthemist89: Thanks You really think I did a great job I'm flattered. I can't wait to see where I go with the story too. LOL j/k
Leandri: Wow thanks. I never paid attention to the way I write. Elegant, thanks never thought of it that way.
Jazmine: Thanks for the review.
Unknown beedee: Thanks. Yeah I guess it was.
Jerseygrl246: Bad Sessy indeed. Actually I thought that was mondo weird after I posted it. Lol. Thanks for the review.
Inuyasha's woman: OKAY OKAY I HERAD YA!!! Here's the new update. *takes rat* I ain't scared of no stinkin rat. *gets bit on finger and gives rat back* You may have won this time but I'll be back. *starts running when Inu's woman puts rat on the floor* aaaahhhh mommy make him stay away. Okay I have too much time on my hands. Thank You for the review.
AnimeGirl: Thanks for the review and here is a new chapter.
Hobbitfancier77: Thanks for the review and sorry for the long wait.