InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Adventures In The Past ❯ 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the rest of the Chars .....There. I said it. (sighs)


EVERYONE stood around with thier jaws dropped and dead silent.........

"Well you could just set up a trap for Naraku, using me as the bait!" I repeated.

"ABOSOLUTLY NOT!!!!!" yelled Koga.

"And why not?" I asked.

Kagome ran over to me.

"NO!!!! I will NOT have you bait youself to Naraku!! He is dangerous Cat! Pure evil!" she stated angrily.

"All the more reason to stop him once and for all!! And what better way then by using me as bait? We already know he is coming for me. So why not use that to our advantage?!?" I answered in a deceptivly calm and deadly serious voice.

"Kagome's right Cat!" Piped up Shippo.

Koga got in my face.

"NO!!!" yelled Koga.

"Why not!?!" I yelled back.

"I will not allow this!!!" Koga said in a dealy serious and scarily calm voice.

Ginta and Hakaku stared at each other, wondering exactly why Koga was getting so furious and all, thinking it had to be more than just becuse it's a female suggesting it.

"And just who says you have any say so in it? I am the one who would be the bait!" I argued back

"Over my dead body woman!!!" Koga yelled and started pacing.

"He's right Cat. I will not allow you or anyone else here to become bait, so just foget it!" exclaimed Inuyasha.

"Listen to them Cat." added Sango.

"We ALL want to finish him off once and for all, however, I couldn't live with myself if we used a woman for bait. Especaily considering it's a trap for Naraku!" stated Miroku.

Koga stalked back up into my face, and lookeds me directly in the eyes.

"Forget it woman!" he said in the same voice as a lil while ago.

"It is NOT going to happen! End of discussion!" announced Inuyasha.

"Got that right mutt!!" added Koga.

Everyone but me yelled "AGREED!!"

I sat back down sulking.

Kagome came back over, held my hand and said "Try to understand Cat. You are important to us all, and we are all just protecting you!"

"The only thing that is certain is NO ONE is getting used as bait for the bastard Naraku!" stated a very angry Inuyasha.

"Damn right!" agreed Koga.

"Okay, so drop it already!" said Kagome.

I sighed heavily yet again, and continued sulking.

"Fine!" I agreed.

"Then just what are we gonna do?" I asked.

So we all sat back down again and were quiet for a long time trying to come up with any alternate plans, also everyone was calmed down now as well.

"Well it seems the best thing we can do is find a place where we can ALL make a stand!" suggested Inuyasha.

"Yeah that does seem like the smartest thing to do." agreed Sango.

"Yes, As well as the most logical one." added Miroku.

"Fine, so as soon as day breaks we will travel again but only untill we get to a spot I know of up ahead..its still about half the days length away tho..However we will deffinately be able to ALL make a stand there. And it has pleanty of shelter and food for us all! We will be able to hold ourselves there untill Naraku makes his move. That's all we can do now." stated Koga as we all sat back down.

"So then we are just gonna get to a place where we can make our stand and wait out there for Naraku to attack then huh?" I asked frustratedly.

"Koga are you thinking of where I think your thinking?" asked Ginta.

"Yes." answered Koga.

"Well I guess we have no choice huh?" added Hakaku.

I looked across the fire at Koga.

"Koga, are you absolutely certain we will have enough food and water for everyone for some time there?" I asked.

"Yes!" he answersed.

We all sighed at the same time.

"Well I guess we have to." said Kagome.

"Yes this is our best option." said Sango.

"As well as the most logical." added Miroku.

"So we move out at sun up then." supplied a determined Koga.

Everyone stood up and yelled "AGREED!!!"

Then Inuyasha stood up.

"Kaogme you will ride on my back again and, Cat you will ride Koga's back again. Sango and Miroku you will ride Kirara and Shippo will go with you. Koga you will lead the way." stated a very determined Inuyasha.

"Fine! Ginta, Hakaku, you two will bring up the rear with the wolves." commanded Koga.

"Alright Koga." they both agreed.

"Alright people we have our plan now, as soon as the sun is up we are heading out to the place Koga has mentioned. Make sure everyone gets there safely! Let's start packing up the camp now." announced Inuyasha.

So we all started packing up the camp and getting ready to leave.

Koga walked up behind me, turned me around, and put a yellow flower in my hair.

I smiled and thanked him for the flower.

He said "Your welcome."

Then I turned back around again.

"I hope you understand Cat, I wasn't trying to upset you back there. I am just trying to keep you safe and so are the others." he said in a calm sweet voice.

"Neither was I." I stated.

"It's just that I care so much about you, and the possibility of losing you like that.....It really scares me!" he saids.

"Koga what are you saying?" I asked.

Koga sighed.

"I am saying that I care very deeply for you! And I don't want to see you hurt!" he said in a concerned voice.

"Me too Koga. I care deeply for you as well, and I can't stand the idea of you being hurt either!" I replied.

Koga turned me around to face him, put his finger under my chin, lifted my head, lowered his head, and brushed his lips feathering them against mine.

Then he let go of me, and walked away while I stood there.

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Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter eight please rememeber to read and review thanks. Also let me know what you all honestly think of this storyline so far thanks.