InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ AfterMath ❯ Chapter 11~Questions! ( Chapter 11 )
AfterMath~Chapter 11 By Mija
Disclaimer~I do not own Inuyasha and Company or anyother charactor in this fic..:-)
Chapter 11~Questions!
~~~Kagome and Inuyasha had gone back to the village while thier friends talked with thier mates. They had not spoken to each other the whole way there, and when they got to Kaede's Inuyasha said he was going to go down by the spring for a bit. Kagome just nodded sadly and went into the hut. When he saw her Shippo ran into her arms. He had been waiting rather impatiently for her to return, after the little scene by the well. He had been affraid Inuyasha meant to hurt him, but in all thruths it wasnt Inuyasha why he had left, he had needed some time to think. He bombarded Kagome with questions about the she demon and why she looked like Inuyasha, if she was really his sister and what about Sesshomaru? Kagome explained to Shippos and Kaede, who was eager to hear as well, what they had found out. To say they were surprised was an understatement.
"Soo Inuyasha has a sister does he?" Kaede asked, but it was more in contemplation than an actuall question.
"Yes, her names Kyoto." Kagome replied.
"Kagome???" Shippo called up to her from where he sat on her lap.
"Yes Shippo?"
"Did you really mean it?? when you called me your pup?? did you mean it?" he asked with hopefull eyes. He had always thought of Kagome as his mother and he knew she cared for him, but he had never dared dream that she would be his new mom, although he had hoped and dreamed of it.
"Yes Shippo...I meant every word of it...Ive thought of you as my pup for the longest time now...does that upset you?" Kagome asked with a warm smile for the kitsune pup she held.
"No way!..ooh Kagome!..Ive wanted you for my mother for soo long!..can I call you momma now?? please?" Shippo replied with utter joy as he hoped up and hugged Kagome tightly. Kagome laughed warmly.
"Of course Shippo, I would be honored." she replied happily, as Shippo kissed her cheek and danced around happily. Kagome laughed and watched him for a bit, till he danced right out of the hut and outside, to play and talk with his friends no doubt.
~~~Shippo was really really excited that Kagome was his mom now, but when he had danced right out of the hut, it had been more to sneak off than to just go out and play. He has someone he needed to talk to now that Kagome was his mom. It was funny how all the grown ups thought he was too young to know much about anything, but he was a demon after all, he may look young in human years but he was older in demon years and his parents had not neglected to teach him what he would need to know in the future. He knew all about the smell on Kagome and Inuyasha. They had mated of course, as did Sango and Sesshomaru, and Miroku and that half she demon Kyoto. He could smell it on them clear as day. When Kagome had left when she was in heat for those three days, he had understood why she wanted to be gone, but he had been ignorant of the becoming thing. His parents had never told him about that, so he had asked Kaede. Kaede was wise and never lied to him or skirted the truth like the other adults. So she had told him and he had understood. He had been soo worried about Kagome all that time. And when the others returned and then Inuyasha without her, he had almost thrown a fit, till Inuyasha explained that she had gone home to her time for a bit. Even then he had been able to smell Kagome all over Inuyasha, this really bothered him. He hadnt been brave enough to ask him then but he needed to know now, had Inuyasha forced himself on his new mother?
~~~Shippo followed his nose and found Inuyasha half sitting and half laying aainst a tree next to the spring. His eyes were closed and he had his arms folded behind his head for a cushion. Shippo was not fooled in thinking Inuyasha was asleep. He could smell the instant Inuyasha had sensed him coming. Shippo stood there by Inuyasha looking at him, waiting for him to say something. He wanted to talk but he wasnt in the mood to be bonked on the head by and angry Inuyasha, so he waited. Finally Inuyasha snorted.
"Soo what do you want runt?" Inuyasha growled, yet kept his eyes cloesed.
"We need to talk Inuyasha." Shippo said in a more mature tone than normal, which had inuyasha opening one eye and looking at him curiously. Inuyasha could tell the kit was nervous but was staying his ground. It must be important to the kit to talk to him.
"About what?" Inuyasha replied as he sat up and crossed his legs, looking suspiciously at the kitsune.
"I want to know something...did you...did you force yourself on momma when she was in her becoming heat?" Shippo asked bravely, although inside he just knew he was going to get stomped on the head by Inuyasha. But he had to know. Inuyasha's eyes buged out and then he looked furiously at Shippo, making Shippo jump slightly, but not run away like he usually would have.
"Momma??? when did you start calling Kagome momma?" Inuyasha asked, eyeing the kitsune closely.
"When Kagome said I was her pup and that I could call her momma now if I wanted to." Shippo replied proudly. Inuyasha Keh'ed.
"So did you Inuysha? Did you hurt Momma?" Shippo restated his question.
"Look runt, not that its any of your fucking business but NO..I did not force myself on Kagome...I wouldnt do that to should know this by now runt." Inuyasha replied angerly, but Shippo saw the truth in his eyes and knew that Inuyasha had told the truth, he hadnt forced Kagome, but things were not settled between them yet, he could smell the worry on both of them when ever they were near.
"But your her mate now right? Do you love her Inuyasha?" Shippo dared to ask. Inuyasha leaped up to his feet and glared down at the little kit who was trembling at his anger, but still refussed to run.
"Why all these fucking questions runt?? Which are non of your damn business." Inuyasha growled.
"They are my business Inuyasha...Kagome is my mom now and I want to make sure that she is never hurt...that you wont hurt her Inuyasha." Shippo said sadly but bravely.
"When have I ever fucking hurt Kagome?? You know I would never hurt her you little shit." Inuyasha snapped heatedly. Shippo jumped but stayed put.
"Not physically no you wouldnt..but her heart could hurt her heart."
"Look Runt as far as that goes that is soooooo not your fucking business, that between Kagome and MATE and it?" Inuyasha warned and Shippo resigned himself to it, he knew it was true, this was between mates. So he asked a different question.
"Did you mean it Inuyasha?" he asked looking up and Inuyasha curiously.
"Mean what runt?" Inuyasha replied with confussion.
"Back by the well, when Kagome called me her pup, you said I was your pup I really??? are you my papa now or did you just say it soo momma wouldnt sit you?'
"You know your really getting on my damn nerves runt."
"So you really hate me that much??.." Shippo asked a bit saddly. Ya he and Inuyasha often fought and stuff, but in all thruths he really liked Inuyasha and a part of him had hoped Inuyasha liked him to. It might of been fun having Inuyasha as a dad, it would be troublesome no doubt, but he was strong and loyal and he would of been a good papa. Inuyasha saw the look on Shippos face and a part of him melted inside, although he would not admit that much, but he wanted to put some of the kits fears to reast.
"Come here runt." he growled but sat down and patted his lap for Shippo to sit. Surprised but not wanting to loose this rare moment, Shippo hopped on Inuyasha lap and looked expectantly up at him.
"Look...what makes you think I hate you? I mean you travel with us right? And I havent gotten rid of you yet." Inuyasha said, Shippo frowned.
"Thats because Kagome wouldnt let you." Shippo replied.
"Look runt, you and I both know that if I truelly wanted you gone, then I could have found alot of ways to be rid of you...but I didnt want to be rid of you." Inuyasha replied a bit grudgingly.
"But why?"
"Because you made Kagome happy...and if you ever tell another living soul I said this I will definitly kill you runt...but...It was nice having a little one act silly and laugh and just make a general pest of himself." Inuyasha replied with a grin.
"How about all those times you threatened to kill me? and you chased me around the camp and stuff?" Shippo pouted, looking every bit the small kit he was.
"Shippo think about it all those times, did I ever really put any real anger into it?? You know Im fast, do you think all those times you escaped me when we ran around the camp was cause your soo good at escaping?? please..I could of caught ya in a heartbeat."
"Then why didnt you?"
"Because it was kinda...nice just chasing ya around for fun...most of the times we dont have anything to do but chase demons with shards and chasing you around helps break the tension...and I like to hear kagome laugh when we do it." he said almost wistfully, but then caught himself and glared back down at Shippo.
"And if you ever tell her or anyone else I said that I swear I'll.." Inuyasha began to threaten but Shippo cut him off.
"Ya ya I'll kill me...soo what about all those hits you give me?'
"Were they lethal? Did they really hurt you as much as they might have if I used anger and strength behind them?" Inuyasha asked, eyeing the kitsune as Shippo thought on this a bit, then smiled.
" could of really hurt me bad, but you never did."
"There ya go."
"Soo Inuyasha..ummm.."
"No more fucking questions runt, im tired."
"just one more...please?" Shippo asked with those big pleading eyes of his that always worked on Kagome, sadly enough, much to Inuyasha chagrin, they worked on him too.
"Feh!..fine what is it?'
"So will you be my papa now or not?"
"Feh!..Your my mates pup right?"
"So that makes you mine as it?? good now go bug Kagome and leave me be." Inuyasha replied testily as he shrugged Shippo off his lap and rolled over as if to sleep. Shippo sighed, but was happy. Inuyasha was stubborn and foul mothed and bad tempered, but this was as close to a yes he was ever going to get to his question. In fact the whole conversation had gone rather well. he hadnt got hit or anything, that was a good sign, one of Inuyasha rare moments but good ones, when he allowed just a bit of his emotions to show.
~~~Shippo hopped away from Inuyasha with a smile. He hadnt gone all that far when he whispered. "Im glad your my papa too Inuyasha." he said, but he knew Inuyasha had heard him. He heard Inuyasha Feh again but nothing else. Shippo walked back to Kaedes feeling alot better and like he had a real family now. he knew there was still some stuff Inuyasha and Kagome needed to work out, but he had always known the two loved each other, even if they never wanted to admit it. so he was sure all would end well and things would turn out fine. Ive finally got a new momma and papa, he said to himself with a huge smile upon his kitsune face.
A/N~Okies heres the next chap..soo what do you all think?? Did I make Inuyasha out of charactor? I thought this was how he might react to finally admitting to Shippo and himself that Shippo was his pup, not much emotion but not a total ass me know what you all think k?? till the next chap be well be happy and read ya laters..huggs Mija..:-)