InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ake no Ame ❯ Ake no Ame ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Okay… I REALLY need to know what you think! This is my first shot at something truly angsty! Please, please, PLEASE give me feed back!!!
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue.
I no own,
So you no SUE!
Ake no Ame
(Bloody Rain)
The rain poured against her poorly covered skin as she ran. It was a remarkably marvelous feeling; the wind whipping her hair back, her clothes like a second skin, and the little droplets beating her lightly, almost massaging-like. Yet, they seemed to cleanse her. Wash away everything, leaving the absolute power of her purity radiate through.
More trees whipped by. Underbrush clawed at her ankles. Her heart pattered in a high paced dance. Thu-bump, thu-bump. Rapidly, it sped on. It only served to fuel the growing adrenaline. She couldn't imagine how much greater the speeds felt with demon blood. The adrenaline more of an addiction; the ache for more driving you to new extremes.
Was this what it was like to fly? She let out a bubbly laugh that echoed off the trees. If it was flying, then it was no wonder he loved to run like this so.
Slowly this elation died with the brief remembrance. Him. She thought. He knew nothing. He was nothing. It was time to give up and move on, time to be happy. Even so happiness was gone, she loved him, but she was too much like her. Yet, the pain didn't seem so great anymore. It was more just a dull throb.
Her steps increase to a higher speed. No, she would not trail that road again. He was done. Gone. She was free! This was her time! HERS!
The dark green of the leaves became menacing, haunting. The bark of the trees just voids of black. They mocked her. Everything mocked her.
She pressed on. The grey of the scenery deepened, tale-tellingly. It shrank around her, confining her, her breath. Her lungs burned; oxygen seeming like some miracle cure, and her, a weakening girl. A girl with some degrading aliment slowly suffocating her inside out. Yet, despite the constriction, she pressed on.
And the darkness grew. The night was coming on, and the storm felt the need to worsen.
A heavy sigh escaped pale lips between gasping pants. The figure slowed to a walk as she arrived at a small clearing with a well in the middle. Its light birch wood was darkened with the falling water.
She felt the thunder deep within her chest. An echoing of endless ache, endless pain; a pain of love. Though, it was not an unwelcome pain. In fact, she embraced the pain. Held it close, close to her heart, the shattered pieces seeming to close onto it. As if doing so could undo the break. Undo it, and glue the fragments back together.
She stepped closer and laid a dripping hand on the slick surface. No, she would not go home. She was not weak. He would learn that. The barest of smiles found her pale lips.
Oh how she could prove it to him! How she could spite him, and defy his surety that she was a burden! She would be anymore. No. She would stay, stay and fight. She would finish this battle, and turn to the next. She would stand tall and never tumble at the billowing howl of his winds, nor that of the Shikon no Tama.
The Shikon no Tama.
Suddenly a wind howled about her. The bitter air chilling her arms through the white shirt, and freezing her bare legs; even under the skimpy green skirt. It somehow reminded her that she was alone. That no matter what, even in a room full of people, she was alone. Who else could she fully rely on?
A sob tore at her vocal cords. He did that. He took away her true strength. He took her ability to see everyone's good. Stole the last hold on her precious beliefs. She gave another sob, and a crystalline tear left a salty path to be instantly washed away by the rain.
Crumpling to her knees, and falling slightly forward, her head hit the side of the well, and none too softly either. A muffled, but noticeable bump echoed a couple times around the trees. That was followed closely by more sobs, which soon became choked as pink tinged the free falling tears.
More thunder sounded, and a random burst of lightening allowed the world an occasional peek at a girl with raven black hair, practically glued to her back and skin, in the most atrocious attire to be found in Feudal Japan. A white, long sleeved cotton shirt stuck to her slight frame, and revealed everything underneath. The bottom of the shirt tucked into the top of a green skirt that only went a little below the middle of her thighs, and was pleated.
She was alone now. There was only her.
This is her greatest lesson in life. It is her final transition into life. The hit of harshness and brutality slapping her only once, but it was with a force to crumple mountains. A force that also left her trembling and wallowing in the false safety of memories.
Her shoulders never ceased shaking, and tears steadily became redder; became rivers a blood coursing down her face; only faintly diluted by the rain. All sobs stopped, but not the immense shaking, and the rain grew in its intensity. Raw emotion poured out of pale blue eyes as her head rose to view the clouds above. As she watched, the rain droplets came to match her own tears.
No longer did the clouds wash everything away. Now, now they bathed her in more. It no longer felt cleansing; it was not comforting… Oh no. The sky matched her, disgusting, and filthy.
This dark beauty rumbling far above her…
It bled for her…
The skies rained upon her in blood…
Again, desperately need feedback. And if you've seen this on FanFiction.Net that's because I have it there too, but this has been modified. PLEASE tell me what you think! I don't care if it's flames, or criticism. I want EVERYTHING!