InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ All Alone ❯ All Alone ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Alright my people ley-san here and I gotta say this is a sad story, but it's good, at least I think so…


O and its in Kagome's POV




Life. It's such a funny thing. You're born, and grow up. You spend all your time growing up to be the best you can be. You work and work and work, for what? In the end what's the point? So you're smarter than that girl, or stronger than that guy. It doesn't make a difference. Not one bit because there will always be someone better. Not him though, he was the best. But he still lost, but it was timing, he wasn't ready.


Dead. It's such a sad word. It brings everything down. You could be in the best mood and say it and it will still sound like you're sad. Dead dead dead. It sounds so low. It brings everything down.


Damn that alarm clock, doesn't it know I don't want to go to school today? No matter how much I try to ignore it, it's only a matter of time before Souta comes banging on the door to drag me out of bed. Literally. I won't leave any other way. I tightly grasp the Jewel of Four Souls and shut my eyes tight so the tears wouldn't fall.


They all say they understand, and time will heal the pain, or my favorite, you have to get over it sometime. But they don't understand, no one does. Time didn't heal me, it hurt me. And I will never ever get over it, because it's always with me.


My teacher's getting mad at me again. I'm at school now, and the basterd is yelling at me again. "I understand that you're hurting Kagome, but it's been long enough. School comes first." There's that word again, I understand Kagome, I know how you feel. I cover my ears, I can't take it shut up, stop talking to me stop! Stop! "Stop!" The teacher looked at me confused, I didn't mean for it to come out loud, but it did and I won't stop it now.


"You have no idea how I feel! How it hurts! It's eating me from the inside, I can feel it biting at me. You're alone now Kagome! He's gone Kagome! It's all you fault he's dead Kagome! Dead!" I'm hysterical. The tears are streaming down my face, I know I sound crazy, but that's how I feel. The class lookede at me scared. Scared for them, or for me?


I run to the damn teacher's desk and shove all his stupid papers and books off, they didn't make a difference. I'm stronger than I thought, his stuff fell across the room to the closed door, hit it and bounced off. "It's all my fault. He died because I had to go see him. He told me to stay away, wait until he made it safe for me, but I missed him and I was late. He was worried about me and I distracted him and that basterd brother of his killed him! He killed him and laughed. And now he's dead! He's dead and I never told him that I loved him!"


I stop shouting now. It was out in the open. Yeah, Sango and Miroku knew, I held him in my arms and whispered the words to him, but he didn't say anything, so I yelled it, but it was no use, he was dead. I'm oblivious to everyone else in the room. "InuYasha I need you so much! It hurts and I need you to make it better!" I shout through my tears, but of course my half demon protector didn't save me this time. Sango and Miroku tell me he loved me too, but I'll never know now.


I'll never know because I'm all alone. I look up to my class. They are all shocked. My closest friends in my era have unfallen tears filling up their eyes. I'm not hysterical any more. Tears still make their way down my cheeks, but surprising enough, it feels better to get that out, it was the first outburst I've had since he died. The tears slow down a little and I looked at my teacher. "May I go wash my face?" I ask, the sadness in my voice easy to hear over the silent classroom. I will never be happy again, ever. "Of course Kagome, come back when you're able." He says.


I slowly get up and walk to the door. I'm all alone, I miss InuYasha so much, my heart is so shattered. "Sorry" I whisper glancing at the mess I made of the teacher's desk. I reach for the door handle and my eyes catch something shining. The stupid teacher's stupid letter opener. You aren't supposed to have those in school, they are as sharp as knives, and dangerous.


Sharp as knives. I glance at my teacher quickly then back at the letter opener. Then the teacher again. "What is it honey?" he asks. Don't call me honey. I reach down and in one swift movement, grab the letter opener. I'm fast, slaying demons and using my bow and arrows really increase my agility. InuYasha would be proud of me, but he can be proud. "I won't be alone much longer." I whisper and walk out the door. "What was that honey?" I hear my teacher ask as the door shut behind me.


I don't give him enough credit, it only takes about a minute for him to realize what I took. I sprint down the hall and outside. I stop once I come to a tall fat tree. "Just like the one you would sleep in InuYasha." I say as I climb up it and onto a sturdy branch. I rip the sleeve off my shirt and start to carve his name on my lower inner arm, so he could find me. I…N… it hurt, but not as bad as my heart hurt. U…Y…A…S… the blood runs off my arm onto the ground underneath me. It is dark red, like the color of his clothing. H…A. I look at my arm and smile at it, now I'm with him, I'll die soon and he'll be with me. I twist my arm so the blood pours off in different directions. I look at the pool of it underneath me and was shocked to see that it was going together. It builds up until it forms his clothes, then he appears in them. InuYasha is right underneath me!


I start to feel dizzy. The blood loss is taking affect, I am dying. I rock a bit before I fall off the branch. "Shit" I hear InuYasha curse before he jumps up and catches me before I have even fallen passed the last branches of the tree. His strong arms wrapped around me tightly. "Damn it you stupid wench, why would you do something like this?" he says with emotion as we landed on the ground. He runs his clawed fingers over the cuts and I giggle because it tickles. The blood stops flowing and his name shows bright on me. "I had to." I whisper. He looks at me and grimaces, but I see a smile. "Did it hurt?" he asks with concern. I shake my head. "Not as much as not having you near me." I say.


He looks at me with caring eyes, "Oh gods Kagome." He whispers to me as he pulls me into a hug and buries his face in the nape of my neck. "I love you so much." He says as he buries his face in my hair deeper. His warm breath tickles. I smile the first smile I have in a long time and kisses one of his ears. InuYasha looks up at me with a boyish grin on his lips, a fang sticking out the side. "Let's go." He says. I nod as he picks me up, bridal style, and carries me towards the heavens. I have one hand wrapped around the Jewel, I don't want to leave it behind, and my other around InuYasha's neck. I wasn't alone anymore.




Kagome's teacher saw what happened and called Kagome's mother. The two somberly walked to her body, it was obvious she wasn't alive. Kagome's mom looked at her daughter's arm, and once she saw what it said she put her hand to her mouth as her tears fell. The blood of the name was streaked down Kagome's arm, it almost looked like long, sharp nails gently made their way down it. `But that's impossible' she thought. Kagome's mom looked for the jewel her daughter used to wear around her neck to find that it was missing.




A/N~ how was it? Sad? I'd like to dedicate it to my friend tom. He hanged himself last spring for a lot of reasons, one of them being his girlfriend broke up with him. I'm telling you all now, that suicide isn't the answer, no matter how big your problems seem. Review. *~Ley-san~*