InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ All Hallows' Eve ❯ Decisions ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]



Chapter 3 – Decisions






There's a lot of stuff I've kept from you, too, to protect you.


What does he mean by that?




Kagome…” Gulping, himself, the hanyou nervously rubbed at the back of his head with his right hand. “Can we go up to your room?” he asked her awkwardly.


Um, okay,” she answered, surprised by the unexpected question.


While Inuyasha knew that there was nobody else home, her room still carried with it the semblance of privacy. Not to mention the fact that it was utterly bathed in her scent, and while she was sitting right across from him, the inu-hanyou was sure that he would find a larger quantity of her pure scent to be soothing at that moment. Kagome sort of had a bunch of other scents all mixed in with hers right now, from hugging her friends at the party.


Coming into her room and shutting the door behind them, Kagome clicked on her bedside lamp and sat down on the bed, gesturing for him to sit down beside her.


After first removing Tetsusaiga from his obi and propping it gently against the wall, he did just that.


What's the matter?” she asked him then, her tone of voice both serious and nervous, and he mentally kicked himself for having worried her.


Nothing, really,” he answered honestly, offering her a faint smile. “I just realized a few things tonight.”


Such as?”


Kagome tried desperately to keep the hurt note out of her voice. She wasn't necessarily hurt for herself, but for the man sitting beside her. It wasn't fair for him to have had his past relationship dragged through the dirt like that, and in front of so many people.


Oh you know…” he stalled, “...stuff…”


Inuyasha? I don't-”


She was cut off by a clawed index finger placed gently upon her lips, which she found to be nearly as shocking as if he had actually leaned forward to kiss.


I really appreciated you coming to my defense like that, even though nobody knew they were actually talking about me.”


Well…” she tried to say, but he shushed her once more.


You were wrong about one very important thing, though, in your retelling of everything.”


Kagome scrunched her face in confusion, then, knowing for a fact that she knew the details of what had happened between he and Kikyou. Inuyasha had told her the rough draft version of his side shortly after they'd first met, but had gone into more depth later on, once they'd grown closer. Kaede had also long ago informed the future-born miko of all she'd recalled from witnessing the events play out in her youth, and Kagome had also observed first hand what had transpired from Kikyou's point of view when she'd attempted to heal her body of Naraku's miasma.


I don't see what…”


Pausing as she saw Inuyasha lean his face closer to hers, Kagome wondered briefly if he actually was going to kiss her, before she heard him whisper, “I never said that Kikyou was the only woman I ever loved, I said she was the first.”


Kagome gaped at him as he pulled back, sitting himself upright, his lips never once brushing over hers in the slightest.


Inuyasha…?” Her voice timid, pleading with him to not tease her like that. Just what was he trying to say?


His next sentence pretty much summed it up for her.


I know how you feel about me Kagome, I do, but I'd always thought I was doing the right thing, by not telling you how I felt.”


Why?” was the only thing she could think to ask, her heart pounding in her chest a mile a minute.


Because...” He feigned a chuckle. “You'd live a lot longer that way.”


Nobody would want to kill me just because we're together,” she argued, but the look he flashed her at her words made her second guess that statement. Come to think of it, what had been the cause of his mother's death? He never had told her.


Look at me, Kagome,” he insisted in that moment. “I'm a hanyou,” he sneered, gesturing up and down to his very being. “This isn't just playing dress up, these things are real,” he said, pointing to his ears. “As you're well aware.”


But I like your ears,” she stated softly.


Nodding, he said, “Well you're the only one.” Then chuckling a little, he added, “I can't imagine that anyone else would have ever bothered to fish out that damn candy.”


Laughing softly herself, Kagome proceeded to reach up and rub his ear once more. He shot her a look of protest, but she ignored it, and he offered her no further resistance then, as he sat there, letting her rub the delicate piece of fuzzy skin between her fingertips.


I don't find these disgusting, not in the slightest,” she insisted. “They're a part of you, and for that reason, I love them,” she added, dancing around coming right out and telling him to his face that yes, she loved him, even though he'd just admitted that he already knew she did.


I believe you,” he replied with a contented sigh, adding, “It took a while to believe, but now I do,” as he unconsciously tilted his head sideways into her touch.


Being hanyou makes you who you are, because of your youkai strength and your human heart,” the miko continued then, cradling his head when he finally permitted it to drop, as he rested it upon her shoulder. “I love you just the way you are,” she confessed finally, adding, “and nobody else's opinion matters. I can take care of myself.” Thinking for a moment, she finished with, “And if not, then I have you to protect me.” Her tone of voice revealed her smile.






I was thinking about what Miroku said, too.”


Confused, she asked, “What did Miroku say?” while never once ceasing in her ministrations upon his ear.


That life is about having fun, and to live while we are alive.”


You heard our entire conversation, didn't you?” she asked knowingly, not upset in the slightest.


Wasn't like I was trying to listen in or nothin'. You saw that I was out on the fence. You just always forget how good my hearing is,” he answered with a smirk in his tone.


Blushing, and suddenly wondering what else he'd overheard over the years, Kagome attempted to regain her dignity by asking next, “So what did you think about? About Miroku's words of wisdom?”


That we have no idea if any of us will live to see a day without Naraku, but before I die, I want to feel alive.” That said, he quickly turned his head from her grasp.


Inuyasha? What-”


That time, finally, the reason she was cut off was because of a second pair of lips pressed firmly against her own.


After breaking away from the brief contact, Inuyasha rested his forehead against her own, and breathlessly apologized, “I'm sorry, but I hardly remember our last kiss, since I was transformed for half of it. I just wanted…I'm sorry.”


Is that all you wanted?” she asked him then, a strange air of disappointment in her tone of voice. “To kiss me?”


Whipping his head back up, his eyes caught hers, and he could not have masked the longing in his gaze even if he had wanted to.


I don't think it'd be wise to do anything else,” he finally said after a moment, a faint air of disappointment clear in his own voice, as well.


Aren't you always calling me stupid?” she asked teasingly, to which he flashed her a look of confusion, before she continued with, “So what makes you think I'd suddenly want to do what's wise?”


That said, the miko promptly pulled off her acrylic fangs, tossing them onto her nightstand before leaning forward to capture his lips once more. Inuyasha offered the girl no resistance, as he relished in the feel of her soft flesh against his own, as she deepened the kiss, increasing their passion.


He was surprised, at first, when he felt her tongue edging his lips, but responding after a moment by opening his mouth, he eagerly let her in, letting her explore him fully. Inuyasha was conscientious of his own fangs, unable to remove them as Kagome had done with hers, but he knew that she was aware of that fact, and so if she wasn't concerned then he finally decided that he shouldn't be, either.


As she explored him, he found himself growing bolder, exploring her as well, not ready to submit so easily as his tongue battled her own for dominance over the kiss. Eventually, it was Kagome who submitted, permitting Inuyasha to take control. Unconsciously, she slowly started leaning herself backward upon the bed, or was it actually Inuyasha that was gently pushing her? Neither knew, the only thing they did know being that once they finally pulled apart for air, Kagome was lying flat on her back with Inuyasha lying possessively over her.


I think we should stop now,” he managed to say between heavy breaths, his face as flush as the red of his suikan, and for once not because of anger or embarrassment.


I don't want to stop,” Kagome protested defiantly, earning herself the most amusing look of bewilderment from the person currently lying on top of her.


But, Kagome-”


I want to live while I am alive,” she interrupted, but then seeing his reluctance, the miko wondered briefly if it was he who truly wasn't ready, and she finally added, “But, I won't force you into anything you don't-”


Once he broke away from the kiss that had silenced her, Inuyasha answered with finality as he looked down into her eyes, “I want you.”


His voice was void of hesitation, although you could tell that somewhere deep within himself he was still battling against his conscience regarding the morals behind what they were each silently proposing. The humans of his time, should they ever find out, would brand her as a whore. Worse, a youkai's whore. No priest of his time would honor them by performing a marriage blessing.


Except Miroku, he'd do it, he realized, right before he also realized that he was getting way ahead of himself. Who knew what the future held, for any of them? And hadn't that actually been the point all along?


I can't make you any promises,” he whispered to her finally, the shimmer behind his eyes punctuating the sincerity of the emotions he was currently feeling. He wanted to promise her the world, but simply feared his inability to keep such a vow.


I'm not seeking any,” she answered without hesitation, stating with her eyes that she fully understood.


Anything could happen to one, or both of them, but that was the point. With their futures both remaining so uncertain, Kagome at least wanted to secure the present, right then, that moment in time, to cherish forever.


Are you sure you want to continue?” he asked her after a moment, already feeling his stiffening member beginning to strain against the confines of his fundoshi, but not about to force her into anything she truly wasn't ready for.


I've never been more sure about anything in my entire life,” she answered once again without hesitation.


Nodding, Inuyasha backed away from the girl below him then, pulling her arm gently to encourage her to sit up with him as well. Kagome glanced at him in confusion, which shifted into understanding, when she both saw and felt him reach up to remove the fake ears that were clipped into her hair.


These don't suit you,” was all he said, as he tossed the things aside.


Nodding her understanding, she then proceeded to also pop off each one of her press-on nails, which were just cheap store bought acrylics that she'd filed into points and polished white. Inuyasha took a moment to examine each one of her costume pieces as they were removed, dumbfounded by her creativeness, or more accurately, her willingness to dress herself up in such a way.


Brushing her hair back, exposing a human ear to his gaze, the hanyou leaned forward and whispered into it, “You may love my ears, but I love yours,” as he proceeded to stick out his tongue and dip it inside said ear.


She shuddered involuntarily, his actions sending tingles down her spine, and she glared at him with a very 'How dare you!' expression at exposing one of her most ticklish places.


Well well well...” he said with a cocky grin, but Kagome didn't give him the satisfaction of attacking her a second time, as she promptly propped herself up on her knees before pulling Inuyasha's face into her chest.


He was momentarily in Uhhhhhhhhh mode, as any male would be, until the sensation of Kagome sticking her tongue into his ear caused him to whimper in both surprise and pleasure. The realization that she was pleasuring him caused a pooling of heat to localize between her legs, the scent of which instantly caused a similar reaction in Inuyasha, which finally prompted him to pull away.


Before we go any further, I think I should officially say for the record, I love you,” he stated with confidence, as he leaned forward for another kiss.


I love you too,” she breathed between kisses.


He kissed her slowly and thoroughly, trailing his tongue along her jaw line and neck before heading back up toward her lips. His hands, in the mean time, had gripped her obi, and twisting it so that the knot was in the front, he slowly worked on untying it. He smiled into their kisses when he felt her delicate hands reaching for the double-knot of his hakama, panting with anticipation when he felt the ties come loose.


Pulling away, Inuyasha sat himself back on his legs, making quick work of the string holding closed the wide flap of his suikan, before undoing his own obi, pulling both his fire-rat suikan and white kosode open, exposing his chest. Kagome's hands were quick to react, as they reached up of their own accord, running delicate fingers across the chiseled muscles of his chest and stomach.


Taken aback by the bizarre expression plastered across her face, which he could only describe as disbelief, Inuyasha gently grabbed Kagome's hands to still them, as he playfully asked her, “What's with the look?”


I've just never touched you like this before without applying bandages,” she answered behind a nervous giggle.


Nobody has,” he confessed.


While Kagome had already been pretty sure of that fact, hearing him admit it bombarded her with a barrage of different emotions. On the one hand, she was thrilled to know that she'd be his first, but on the other hand, it saddened her to know that everyone in his world found him disgusting and untouchable. What was wrong with them? Couldn't they see how gorgeous he was?


Finally, she said, “Nobody has ever touched me, either,” as she proceeded to pull open the now loosened folds of her yukata, exposing her bra and panties to his gaze.


Oh I know, believe me I know,” he answered her hoarsely, as he was suddenly mesmerized by the way the tops of her mounds spilled out of the thing meant to support them, just begging, screaming for him to touch them, to taste them.


I guess something like that you'd be able to smell, huh?” she asked knowingly, a hint of teasing in her voice.


She hadn't really meant anything by it, so Kagome was understandably surprised by the way he suddenly pulled back a little again.




Everyone will know, Kagome,” he stated somberly, as if just realizing it for the first time himself. “They'll all be able to smell it,” he explained, sounding as though he was quickly talking himself out of everything. “I don't just mean Shippou or Kouga…” He paused, monetarily picturing the look on the wolf's face should the ookami ever come back around, but shaking his momentary amusement free, he added, “But Naraku, he'll know, too, and he'll use it against us.”


He's already trying everything within his power to stop us. I really don't think it'd make any difference,” Kagome argued.


Shaking his head in disagreement, Inuyasha said, “It'd make you a target.”


I'm already a target,” she pointed out. “Only one who can purify the jewel, remember?”


I don't know...”


What happened to living while we're alive?” she asked him then, sitting herself up and cupping his face in her hands. “You're right, of course, in that none of us know what the outcome of this whole mess will be, who may live, or...”


She didn’t want to finish that thought out loud, but she didn't have to. Reaching up and placing his hands over hers, Inuyasha held Kagome's hands to his face, as he turned his head just enough to nuzzle against her right palm.


You said you couldn't make me any promises, and I know that, but I can, and will, promise you a few things,” she stated then.


Kagome...” he started, trying to tell her that that wasn't necessary, but she shook her head, and he allowed her to continue then without protest.


We don't know what will happen in the final battle against Naraku, but I promise to make your life a happy one, until that day, and hopefully beyond. We don't know what will happen to the well, if the jewel were to be purified, but I promise that if I can continue to visit your time, that I will continue to visit your time, and if I have to choose-”


No, Kagome,” he interrupted her then. “I could never ask you to choose my time over your own.”


Don't you want me to stay with you?” she asked, slight hurt present in her voice.


Oh gods yes.”


Releasing her hands merely to tug on her upper arms, he pulled her into a tight embrace.


Of course I want you to stay with me...” ...forever... he added in his mind. “But let's just live for the here and now, and not worry about the future just yet, okay?” he asked her then, while deeply breathing in the scent of her hair, which smelled of jasmine from her soaps.


He felt her nod against him in answer, and then he smirked, stating, “Good. Then in that case, there's a few things I can promise you too, after all.”


With that, Inuyasha pulled away, hooking a clawed finger under her chin to tilt her eyes up to meet his own. Finally, the hanyou understood what Kagome meant by getting lost in his eyes, for in that moment, he found himself completely lost in hers.


I promise to love you, with all of my being, for as long as I live, however long that may be. I promise once more to always protect you, with that very same life, giving it if I must, if it means saving yours.”


For you to always protect me, I have to be with you always,” Kagome pointed out, which earned her a small chuckle followed by the words, “Sneaky wench.”


You say you cannot ask me to choose, but I am telling you, if there ever were to be such a choice, it would be you.”


Then promise me one more thing,” he said, deciding not to argue with her on that point.


Which is?” she asked


If anything does happen to me, then I want you to go back, come back here, to your time, live a normal life. Find a human husband, and be happy. Don't try to avenge me and get yourself killed.”


I doubt I could be happy without you,” she started to argue, but upon registering the look he shot her way, she relented. “I promise.”


Good,” he said with a nod. He then added as nearly a whisper, “But if we somehow both come out of everything alive, and it is your desire, truly your wish, to remain with me, then I promise I'll let you.” He smirked at that, leaning in for another kiss.


Good,” she echoed, after pulling away from the kiss. Slipping the opened yukata down and off her shoulders, Kagome reached behind herself to unclasp her bra.


His eyes widened in surprise when he suddenly found himself privy to gazing upon Kagome's bare, unconcealed breasts, presented before him for his inspection, his enjoyment, and then he heard her speak once more.


In the mean time, let us live each day to the fullest, knowing that it may be our last,” she whispered softly, knowing that she was on birth control, and that at least no consequences along those lines would occur from their night together.


At the time, back when she'd first started taking the pill, Kagome had tried to convince herself that it'd had absolutely nothing to do with planning ahead in case that ever happened. Rather, the miko had discussed the possibility of taking the pill with her mother under the pretense of merely wanting the benefit of it regulating her cycle. Having legitimately been a bit on the irregular side, Kagome had experienced first hand how such a thing was not fun while hiking and camping out in the wilderness. Her mother had merely given her a knowing smile however, and flushing in embarrassment, Kagome had mumbled something about needing to regulate her cycle really being the truth, although she'd also admitted that the 'regulating medicine' included a wonderful side effect. A side effect which now ensured them at least one less consequence to worry about from their current and rather impulsive decision. Reaching forward, then, Kagome brushed her companion's robes down his shoulders, watching as they rested hanging loosely around his backside from where they were still tucked within his hakama.


Agreed,” Inuyasha stated after a moment, to her comment of living each day to the fullest. Deep down inside, Inuyasha knew that he, or kami forbid even she, could one day be slain by an enemy, and he at least wanted the chance to cherish her fully before that happened.


Pulling his robes free from his pants, Inuyasha tossed them to the floor, along with Kagome's robe. He then proceeded to press her down onto the bed again, crawling back on top of her, their bare chests pressed together, their hearts beating as one as he captured her lips in a searing kiss that bespoke of spending eternities together in every waking moment.


It wasn't long before a clawed hand found its way to the soft fleshy pillows of her breasts, and he took his time, cupping one in the cradle of his hand while slowly inching towards the other with his tongue. Kagome moaned quietly in pleasure as he trailed his kisses down her jaw line, chin, throat, and collarbone, but when his soft lips closed around the hardened peak of her right nipple, she hissed in surprise and enjoyment. Since they were both new at this, it was true, in a way, that neither of them really knew what they were doing, but it was also true that they had no basis for comparison, so then they obviously weren't about to offer any complaints on the subject. Kagome quickly decided that she loved what Inuyasha was doing, as he swirled his tongue teasingly around her hardened peak, as he offered her other breast a gentle squeeze with his right hand. About the only thing of his that she had easy access to in that position was his ears, but he wasn't about to complain one bit when he felt her suddenly start to massage them once again.


Slowly, gradually, his right hand ventured lower than her chest.


Slipping his hand down towards her cotton clad womanhood, he didn't need to feel her to know that she was wet, the scent of her arousal having perfumed the air long ago. Cupping her covered warmth, Inuyasha felt his own arousal grow at the soft sounds she made as a result of his simple touch. Grinding his stiffness against her thigh, the hanyou let her feel the evidence of his own desire, as he slowly moved his fingers in teasing circles across the soaked fabric of her panties. Hooking his fingers into the waistline of the flimsy garment, Inuyasha shimmied himself towards the foot of the bed, taking Kagome's final covering with him, as he stripped her bare, tossing the damp piece of cloth on the floor along with everything else. Lowering himself to his feet, Inuyasha quickly stepped out of the hakama that fell to his ankles with the assistance of gravity, the ties having already been loosened by Kagome a while back, and in one more swift motion, he pulled down his fundoshi as well, his erection springing to life, as she gazed across at him lovingly and longingly.


Now, Kagome had seen him naked a couple of times before, purely by accident, of course. But even so, as a result of those times the miko had thought that she was fully aware of what to expect. She'd already known that he was uncircumcised, for example, which was obviously to be expected under the circumstances, and she had also already known that his pubic hair was as white as the hair on his head. What Kagome had had absolutely no forewarning about was how large he truly was when fully aroused.


Must be a youkai thing… the miko reasoned in her mind, as his entire body seemed just a little too perfect.


I hope I don't disappoint him… she thought then, suddenly losing her nerve, as she unconsciously moved her hands and arms into a position of concealment over her own naked flesh.


Inuyasha, sensing her unease, and misinterpreting her visible hesitation, suddenly felt rather self-conscious himself, as he shifted nervously while asking her, “Is everything all right?”


Kagome tried not to look away in shame as she nodded, realizing regrettably that he might believe her reluctance meant that she found him disgusting. Knowing she had to say something to alleviate his ungrounded concerns, she finally managed to find her voice, sort of.


I just…” Crossing her arms tighter over herself, she tried again. “You're so beautiful,” she managed to whisper. “I just…”


Unable to say any more, she turned her face away again, but Inuyasha was not as dense as he pretended to be, and immediately knew what was wrong with her given what she had managed to say.


Kami, I've always told her she was ugly


You're beautiful too, you know. I lie about a lot of stupid shit,” he said without hesitation, stepping towards her side of the bed and giving her a full view of himself in the process, as he gazed down upon her own form lovingly.


Kagome was surprised to hear him say such a thing, and so confidently, but it did prompt her to lower her arms, once again exposing herself to his view. She suddenly remembered the time, not too long after they'd first met, when he'd confessed to lying about hating her smell, so she quickly decided in that moment that it wasn't too hard to believe that he would've lied about finding her unattractive, too.


Sitting himself back down upon her bed beside her, Inuyasha continued to gaze down at her lovingly as he stated, “No more. I will lie to you no more. I love you, you are beautiful, and I love your smell.” Maneuvering himself down and towards her nest of raven curls, he purred hungrily, “Kami how I love your smell,” right before burying his nose between her legs.


Kagome tried desperately to suppress a giggle at the unexpected action, but her giggles quickly turned into gasps and moans when she felt him pull her legs apart, spreading her wide before him as he darted his tongue out to taste her.


She writhed and wriggled as he devoured her, exploring her inch by inch. He quickly found her bundle of nerves, isolated in a little nub directly above her entrance, and he focused the majority of his attention on that one location. He hadn't even known what he was doing, at first, his instinct merely insisting that he prepare her before his entrance. But upon realizing how much pleasure she derived from the act, he quickly made it his goal to deliver unto her as much pleasure as was humanly possible. Just because he might not be human, he did realize that she was, and he knew that he had to be gentle with her. He didn't dare enter her with his fingers, though he longed to, having overheard enough lecherous talk from the perverts of his time to know of such things, knowing also that such acts were, in truth, meant as further preparation for the girl. Shaking his tribulation free, Inuyasha focused on the task at hand, or rather, the task at mouth, as he continued to pleasure her with his tongue, keeping his claws a safe distance away.


Feeling her start to buck more wildly beneath him, he found himself holding her thighs in place to prevent her movements, as he hastened the speed of his strokes, shifting between delving his tongue within her depths and flicking it across the hardened nub that rested just above.


Kagome felt the coils within her beginning to wind tighter and tighter, a burning, aching sensation washing over her so strongly that she knew she was about to explode, and she was powerless to prevent it, even if she had wanted to.


Hearing her breathing suddenly become erratic, and feeling her body start to shake below him, her hands clasping themselves tightly in his hair, ever mindful of his sensitive ears, Inuyasha felt a wash of male pride overtake him at the realization that it was his doing, he was the one bringing her so much pleasure. Kagome knew it was him, and Kagome wanted it to be him. If there had ever been any doubt of that fact, it was instantly alleviated by the way she screamed his name as she came, pinning his face against her as he rode her through her turbulence, refusing to relinquish his claim of her until she drifted back down from Nirvana.


Crawling up her body after a moment and gazing down into her eyes, Inuyasha lost any smart ass comment he might have been tempted to make at the moment, as all he could think about was how desperately he loved her, and how desperately he hoped that in the end, the gods would permit them to stay together. Shaking his worries free, he told himself Live for the moment, as he reached down between their bodies and positioned himself at her entrance.


Are you ready?” he asked her then, his eyes actually asking Are you sure?


Yes,” she answered, to both of his questions.


Slowly, carefully, Inuyasha pressed himself inside of her, stretching her walls to accommodate his intrusion. Her hymen had been lost somewhere along the way, what with getting tossed about in grueling battles against fearsome youkai, not to mention rough bicycle and hanyou-back riding, but it still hurt her somewhat to have such a small space suddenly expanded so thoroughly, as he gradually filled her to capacity. Sniffing frantically, he was relieved, though, when his nose failed to detect the scent of any blood; his Kagome was a tough woman.


My woman, my Kagome


Pulling out slowly, he didn't hesitate before swiftly pushing back in, resting for a moment once he was sheathed fully to the hilt within her warmth. Kagome released a few quiet sounds of discomfort, but nothing else, as she nodded for him to continue.


My mate


Slowly, tenderly, Inuyasha picked up his pace, increasing the tempo of his thrusts. She felt warm, so wet, so tight. She clung to him, enveloped him, milked him of his passion, as her inner muscles contracted automatically around his size.


Kagome was in pure ecstasy, albeit an ecstasy of emotions. The act of making love was rather uncomfortable, as she had known her first time would be, but it did not actually hurt, or at least, not as badly as she had been led to believe. She could deal with it, and she would deal with it, because she loved him. Their joining was pure heaven for her, for the simple reason that she was joining with the man she loved beyond anything else in the universe, beyond life itself. She knew the pleasure he was feeling likely rivaled that which he had just delivered to her moments prior, and that notion alone sent her heart soaring.


Kagome longed for him to reach his own completion, to find his fulfillment within her, knowing that he deserved no less, now or ever. Though he seemed roughly her own age, Kagome knew he was in fact around one hundred and fifty years old, not counting the additional fifty years that he'd spent in suspended animation pinned to the Goshinboku. One and a half centuries was much too long of a time to have spent living alone, believing himself unlovable. Even Kikyou, who had loved his human heart and soul, would never have bedded his hanyou body. Kagome knew deep in her heart that their joining must mean the world to him, and in turn, his happiness meant the world to her.


Was this real? Was this really happening? Or had he previously died in some fierce battle long forgotten, and was existing purely in his dreams?


No, there was no way this was a dream. It was far, far better than any of his dreams regarding this moment had ever been, and yes, he'd had plenty of dreams regarding this moment.


For him, it wasn't just about the physical pleasure, which was immaculate, but much more than that, this was about love, and trust, and joining. He knew his species didn't 'mate for life' the way ookami did, but at the same time, he also knew that he would never want another outside of Kagome, forever remaining loyal to her and her alone for the rest of her life. Her mortality was the furthest thing from his mind at the moment, though, as he knew now was not the time to be worrying about such things. They still had to get passed the here and now, and then later, once it arrived, they would worry about the future. 'Where there's a will, there's a way' was an expression that he suddenly found coming to mind, having heard Kagome utter it on more than a few occasions, and suddenly, the hanyou thought he might know what he wanted to wish for on the jewel.


One day at a time… he reminded himself then.


Kagome, as she appeared below him, did not writhe in pleasure as she had done when he'd been tasting her, and he knew that she was likely in mild pain, but the look of absolute love that shone up at him in the depths of her chocolate pools was enough for him to wish to have those pools to gaze into for all of eternity. Finally giving into the more carnal desires of the act with which they were currently engaged, he slammed himself into her, long and hard, sheathing himself to the hilt with every thrust. He was just about to ask her to tell him if it hurt, and that he would stop if she needed him to, when he suddenly heard her pant out “Don't stop...” and he found that, upon hearing her request, he couldn't have stopped himself even if his life depended on it.


It wasn't her own completion that Kagome had sensed on the rise, but his. As she gazed up into his shimmering orbs of molten gold, the miko witnessed first hand as the man above her slowly but surely permitted his animal lust to take control of the moment. She wanted him to have no regrets, no hesitations; she needed him to fulfill himself within her.


Ka…gome…oh…oh gods…”


Yes…yes Inuyasha…” she whispered back to him.


Ka…Kago…Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!” he cried as he came, burying his face in her neck, as all harsh movements stilled while he quietly shook above her, his hips locked tightly against her own as he buried himself as deeply as he could go.


I love you,” she heard him whisper against her neck after a moment, as he managed to wrap his arms around her by tucking them underneath her body while he still laid on top of her, still sheathed within her core.


Uttering what she knew he would recognize as a wedding vow, even though she was sure things were done differently in his era, she whispered back, “I love you, forever, and I will never leave you, so long as we both shall live.”


Understanding was not lost on him, as she felt him nod against her. Before pulling back and out of her, he softly kissed her neck, and replied, “So long as we both shall live.”




~ Fin ~






As stated in Chapter One, this story has since been expanded into a trilogy. The sequel, originally written in 2007, is entitled Hallowed Anniversary, and the latest and final installment, completed in 2008, is entitled Hallow Be Thy Name.