InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ally-Oop! ❯ Death Wish ( Chapter 11 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Death Wish
"Inuyasha," Miroku admonished, tugging one jet-black forelock. "This is no time to seek risky situations."
Kagome agreed. Sango nodded. Miroku continued.
"True humans learn all sorts of ways of protecting themselves and assessing danger," said the monk. "You don't know any of them. Your sense of self-preservation is completely out of proportion."
The ex-demon folded his clawless arms. "I'm going and that's final. Besides," he said with a wry snort, "it's not like I'm the only one around here who turns into a loser on certain days of the month!"
Kagome twitched. Sango glared. Miroku sighed.
"Case in point..."
Dedicated to every male who doesn't do this.