InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Alone in Death and Freedom ❯ Chapter 1
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kagura slowly floated along on her feather, the pain in her body over taking her mind. She grabbed her stomach, and feeling the gapping hole, vomited blood. Her wounds were too great. She knew she wouldn't make it. She found a large open field and landed taking care not to injure herself further. When she touched the ground, she fell, her body wanting or taking no more pain.
"If this is what it takes..." she said to herself lying still to avoid damaging her body worse than the pitiful shape it was reduced to. She tilted her head up and looked down at her body. It was beaten, bloody, and mangled. She slowly dropped her head. She thought bitterly. 'If Naraku came looking for me he wouldn’t know this was “my” body’
She was still in a daze. She couldn't believe what was happening. She was dying, and Naraku was nowhere. She couldn’t believe that she was missing the cold cruelness of that conniving bastard.
'Why would he be here or even looking for me. I have no more use to him...' she thought.
The air around her was light. The surrounding area covered in tiny white flowers. The ones closest to her were red from her blood. She turned her head and winced at the sight. That was enough to sent more pain through her body taking her further out of consciousness, sending her into an almost dream-like state.
Her life was racing through her head. Her service to Naraku, watching her “siblings” fall at the hands of others, the encounters with Sesshomaru, the attempt at freedom, and that failure.
"Is this the only way?" she said to herself. The urge to cry in the back of her mind was slowly coming out in large tears. The freedom she wanted had seemed so far away, yet now, she could taste it. The only thing she had want in this whole "life", if you could call it that, was the only thing she needed now.
Uncontrollably, she began to cry harder than she had ever cried before. Not tears of sadness or fear, but of joy and happiness. She realized that this was what it would take. Death was her way out. Death would be it. Death meant freedom.
The wind began to pick up, the air becoming chilled. She slowly slipped in and out of focus. The wind slowly wrapping around her, taking her soul. The last breath she took was full of happiness and hope of a better afterlife. And then she was gone, happy as could be, for she knew what this meant. She could never be controlled again. Kagura was free.
Ok if you liked this PLZ REVIEW alonegirl_34 (and plz no comments about my name cuz I know it's stupid)
"If this is what it takes..." she said to herself lying still to avoid damaging her body worse than the pitiful shape it was reduced to. She tilted her head up and looked down at her body. It was beaten, bloody, and mangled. She slowly dropped her head. She thought bitterly. 'If Naraku came looking for me he wouldn’t know this was “my” body’
She was still in a daze. She couldn't believe what was happening. She was dying, and Naraku was nowhere. She couldn’t believe that she was missing the cold cruelness of that conniving bastard.
'Why would he be here or even looking for me. I have no more use to him...' she thought.
The air around her was light. The surrounding area covered in tiny white flowers. The ones closest to her were red from her blood. She turned her head and winced at the sight. That was enough to sent more pain through her body taking her further out of consciousness, sending her into an almost dream-like state.
Her life was racing through her head. Her service to Naraku, watching her “siblings” fall at the hands of others, the encounters with Sesshomaru, the attempt at freedom, and that failure.
"Is this the only way?" she said to herself. The urge to cry in the back of her mind was slowly coming out in large tears. The freedom she wanted had seemed so far away, yet now, she could taste it. The only thing she had want in this whole "life", if you could call it that, was the only thing she needed now.
Uncontrollably, she began to cry harder than she had ever cried before. Not tears of sadness or fear, but of joy and happiness. She realized that this was what it would take. Death was her way out. Death would be it. Death meant freedom.
The wind began to pick up, the air becoming chilled. She slowly slipped in and out of focus. The wind slowly wrapping around her, taking her soul. The last breath she took was full of happiness and hope of a better afterlife. And then she was gone, happy as could be, for she knew what this meant. She could never be controlled again. Kagura was free.
Ok if you liked this PLZ REVIEW alonegirl_34 (and plz no comments about my name cuz I know it's stupid)