InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Alone till Love ❯ The Death ( Chapter 13 )
A/N : This chapter is also a partial song-fiction near the end. DO NOT skip ahead, unless you want to see the spoilers below. If you want to know exactly what happens, read all the way through. It's your choice in the end, however.
The song is "The Reason" By Hoobastank and neither I, nor Cresent own either the song, the lyrics, or the band. So don't sue us (lol......unless you're that desperate for my sexy bellybutton lint.....)! Thank you! Please continue!
Chapter 13: The Death
Two days had passed, without event. Unless, of course, more angry words exchanged between brother and sister were considered event.
Inu-yasha and Danika had grown accustomed to the constant bickering that seemed to take place whenever the four came together. "Perhaps we should call back your other companions?" Danika whispered out of the corner of her mouth, one evening.
"Like that would help.....Miroku would be groping you, Sango would be yelling at Miroku, and Shippo would be clinging on to everyone!" Inu-yasha grumbled back to the elf. Despite the words he had spoken, he truly did miss his friends. Especially the humor that Miroku and Sango provided, and the amusement Shippo always proved to be.
Inu-yasha sighed inwardly, just as the conversation between Riku and Kagome grew heated.
Riku glared at her, showing the most anger Inu-yasha had seen since their encounter with Naraku. "DO NOT TAKE ME FOR A FOOL, I KNEW AS WELL AS ANYONE THAT YOU COULD TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! BUT DO NOT SCOLD ME, FOR YOU ARE ALIVE, ARE YOU NOT?!"
Inu-yasha stood up, stepping between Kagome and Riku. "That's enough!" he snapped, "You're worse than we used to be!" Kagome gave a half-hearted smile, after a moment of hesitation. Things had really changed since her transformation, including the personality of Inu-yasha......and herself.
"Forgive her, Inu-yasha, she doesn't understand love." Riku growled, but before any more cold words could escape, Inu-yasha had drawn Tetsusaiga. "You're a fool of a demon if you can't see why Kagome's mad! Now you're pissing me off, and it's not gonna end well if your big mouth don't shut up!"
Riku's eyes narrowed. "Is that a threat?"
This time, however, Danika was the one intervening. "Riku, cut it out. We don't have time for this. We should be summoning Kouwyn and Kougen, not bickering amongst ourselves!" Kagome glanced at Danika when her other brothers' names were mentioned. "Kouwyn? Kougen?" her voice was quiet, as she searched her mind and the events from the day of her first time travel. The day Akirako had died to save her.
Soul and Danieru......Kouwyn, Kougen, Riku......Akirako and Chito......all these people who had been there, protecting her and helping to save her life. She suddenly felt so empty, as if she had jumped to conclusions about Riku.
She fell silent, getting to her feet slowly. "I'm going for a walk." she said simply, as Riku glared after her. Danika nodded, grabbing Riku's hand. "Come Riku, let's leave the two in peace." Danika smiled at Inu-yasha, who got to his feet as well.
"We'll leave." The hanyou said roughly. Danika's smile faded and Riku's glare deepened. "Fine." the raven-haired demon snapped at Inu-yasha.
"Go, and be done with it then."
Inu-yasha rolled his eyes, and began to follow Kagome. A walk was just about what he needed after dealing with Riku and Kagome. The hanyou sighed. As if he didn't have enough to worry about......
"Kagome?" Inu-yasha questioned the frowning demon, the heavy silence broken by Inu-yasha's gruff voice. The girl turned to glance at him, silver eyes glimmering in the bright sunlight, reflecting the cloudless sky.
"What is it Inu-yasha?" she asked, her tone soft. The hanyou fell silent as he felt her eyes bore into him. How could he put into words that fact that Kagome had, as of late, changed so very much? How could he ask her to not be different, when her past had become so devastating; even more so than that of her uncertain future?
Inu-yasha sighed.
He couldn't. There was nothing he could do now, for the time of regret was long past. He raised his amber eyes slowly and gazed at Kagome with a longing in his eye. How could he miss her, when she had been at his side this entire time? Never could he of imagined a day when he would need the cheerful, kind demeanor Kagome possessed; nor a moment when he would long for her standing beside him.
Inu-yasha closed his eyes, turning from her as she reached out to him. How could he, even now, look Kagome in the eyes and tell her that he missed her? This words could not be spoken aloud, but even Kagome felt the tension that seemed to be around everyone she had at one time loved......even Riku.
Inu-yasha wanted so badly to have his Kagome back, but he swallowed his words and smiled at Kagome. He wanted, needed, to know she was still with him......And yet, now that she seemed laden with too much misery to find even herself, how could he ask her to attempt to remember the love she had once so completely felt for him?
"Inu-yasha, I know I haven't exactly been myself lately......" Kagome began quietly, voice barely heard amongst the rustling of the leaves and chatter of the various birds, "And I'm sorry to you , because I know you've given up so much for my sake.......including Kikyo."
The hanyou's eyes snapped open and came to rest once more on Kagome. The girl beside him, dressed so elegantly with her silky, raven hair pulled up and toppled upon her head, seemed to shrink before him; back to the Kagome he so longed to see.
"I'm always here......even though inside I'm so different." Kagome added after a moment of thick silence. Inu-yasha swallowed hard, glad in his decision to not speak of his thoughts. But suddenly, his mind was ripped from his own thoughts, and he spun around impulsively.
"Kikyo." he whispered, his voice carrying to Kagome, who was already gazing at the dead woman before her. Kikyo's hair whipped out behind her in a null breeze that seemed to radiate off of the priestess herself. Her dark eyes glittered maliciously as she beheld the newly-demon Kagome.
"Not all pasts can be forgotten, nor may all promises be kept." Kikyo said, voice indifferent, but eyes betraying her tone. Kagome stepped forward, the intricately engraved marking on her shoulder glowing with a pale light.
Kagome wasn't going to wait for Kikyo this time; it was her turn to speak up.
"You're soul has long gone dark, Kikyo, so why must you plague us with your constant interference? Go back to the depths of hell where you belong!" Kagome spat angrily, letting the demon blood within her take hold of her tongue.
Inu-yasha watched her hand snatch the hilt of her blade in one fluid motion. She did not draw her weapon, however, and her eyes still remained locked with Kikyo's.
The hanyou continued to watch them intently. Unspoken words lingered in the air, memories left in the sands of time, only to be rediscovered as they stood now; as cold glares were exchanged and confusion became familiar.
Kagome longed to draw her blade, mind racing and heart pumping. Kikyo had destroyed so many souls', betrayed and lied to more than Riku, more than herself. Kagome would never forgive her for the pain she had cause Inu- yasha......the chance she had stolen from them.
The hope for love that Kikyo ripped away, just by being near Inu-yasha.
Kikyo stared at Kagome, at the billowing silk ensemble and the black mark carved onto Kagome's shoulder. "I see you have become you're true form, eh Kagome?" Kikyo replied, voice biting into Inu-yasha like the cold, lifeless breeze of a winter morn.
In this instant, Inu-yasha realized he had chosen before he had even noticed. He had decided at last, and his silence ended with this thought. He loved Kagome; and it was about time he showed it, so he decided in that instant.
"Kikyo, why do you keep coming back? Why are you still waiting for me if you hate me so much?!" Inu-yasha called, stepping beside Kagome, silver hair fluttering in the wind, amber eyes glowing slightly. Kikyo stared at him with her vacant eyes and scowling lips. Her hatred--and love--burned as their eyes met.
He paused in his every movement. Still, after finally realizing the truth, this woman had hold over his heart. How could he keep his promise to Kagome now? When in his heart, every futile attempt to forget his love for Kikyo was forgotten? Yet something within him stirred.
He loved Kagome, too.
"I come back, Inu-yasha, because I gave my life to be with you in death......and I own you as no other may ever." Kikyo replied, voice dangerously low and eyes burning into his. "I wait for you because of your pathetic love for me, that shall never die as long as I walk this earth."
"No longer." Inu-yasha whispered, Kagome's voice mingled with his as they spoke in unison. Kikyo's eyes widened, showing as much emotion as possible of her. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came. Twice she did this, before swallowing and stepping forward once or twice.
"Wench! How dare you! You filthy wench of a demon!" Kikyo spat, pointing a single, slender finger at Kagome. "You've changed him! You've poisoned his mind! I own him!"
Kikyo's scowl faded and her mouth twisted into a wicked smirk.
"He is mine alone, Kagome. You can never truly have his heart. He is mine, even in death." Kikyo said, voice sinking even lower, into a smooth whisper. Kagome ripped her sword none too gently from it's scabbard and pointed it directly at Kikyo.
"You're wrong!" Inu-yasha exclaimed, stepping between the too. "Kikyo, I don't belong to you! Not anymore!" This surprised Kikyo once more, and her smirk vanished instantly at his defiance. "I love you Kikyo, and that's my weakness. But I love Kagome reluctant and selfish as I was, I'm not anymore!"
Kikyo clenched her fists as his every word hit her, broke upon her. She gritted her teeth and raised her finger once more, pointing at Kagome with a shaking hand. "YOU FILTHY DEMON WHORE!" Kikyo roared, lunging at Kagome. Inu-yasha gasped, not expecting what had happened above many other things.
Kagome was in too much shock, as well, to realize what the once so indifferently calm Kikyo had done .
"YOU DO NOT KNOW THE MEANING OF LOVE!" Kikyo sobbed, anger and frustration coloring her tone. She wrapped her pale, pale hands around Kagome's neck and tried her best to strangle the woman lying beneath her.
Inu-yasha ripped at Kikyo, grabbing her arm and throwing her back, off of Kagome. "KIKYO!" he yelled, shoving her backwards with all his might. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Both women looked at Inu-yasha, a heavy, breathless silence engulfing them all.
"Fine, then I know now what I must do. I WILL KILL YOU AND THAT WHORE OF A WOMAN!" Kikyo spat vehemently, voice shaking in all her rage. Kagome raised her sword threateningly,
"You will touch neither I, nor Inu-yasha." Kagome said, the sword's inner light radiating and it many colors swirling into a dark cloud within the translucent blade. "I won't let you hurt him again, Kikyo."
Inu-yasha growled slightly, at more than the mere thought of Kagome harming Kikyo......more at the very memory of Kikyo attempting to strangle Kagome! He glanced at Kagome, who was watching both Kikyo and him at the same time.
`Inu-yasha I won't fight her if you ask me not to......' Kagome thought-spoke to Inu-yasha, her heart pumping even more rapidly than before. Inu-yasha sighed inwardly. `Try not to......for my sake.' Inu-yasha replied, even his thoughts shaky. Kagome nodded, but Kikyo's movements alerted her.
Kikyo was fitting a glowing arrow into her old, wooden bow. "YOU WILL DIE HERE AND NOW, WENCH!" she called to Kagome, raising her bow. To Kagome, every moment came in slow motion. Was she truly going to die here? At the fault of Kikyo?
She had only an instant to realize she would die in the arms of Inu-yasha, and this brought a flicker of warmth within her as she gazed at Inu-yasha painfully. She knew she could not dodge this arrow, for some power held her rooted to the ground.
Kagome realized devastatingly that this mysterious power was her own fear, her own hatred for Kikyo.
"KAGOME!" A voice called, full of concern, full of emotion. Kagome tore her eyes from Inu-yasha's yelling voice and indefinitely deep eyes, to find the arrow flying at her. A moment in the eyes of another, saw a scene of irreversible tragedy, as the arrow grew ever closer, flying true in motion that seemed too slow for reality.
Just as Kagome knew the arrow would reach it's destination she winced, but no pain came. She opened her eyes and screamed louder than she had ever in her life. "INU-YASHA!!!" She sank to her knees holding Inu-yasha to her.
Kikyo stumbled back horrified. Her arrow hadn't missed, Inu-yasha had save Kagome. Kikyo's startled expression froze within Kagome's mind, but the demon would not forgive Kikyo. Never. This priestess, to the eyes of Kagome, was worse than Auron himself. Kagome held Inu-yasha to her.
Inu-yasha had taken the arrow for Kagome......Inu-yasha was giving his life, in return for her own.
Kagome set him down gently, tears falling from her silvery eyes. She got to her feet, glancing at Inu-yasha once more before taking the blade in her hand, the Silence, and whipping it at Kikyo.
"DEATH OF THE SOUL!" Kagome cried, making the four charter spells with her hands. This was, in a single phrase, the ultimate punishment. A soul would be destroyed upon impact, to the living......or the living dead, where ever their soul may lie.
Kikyo fell as the sword be-headed her and her scream was cut off instantly. Inu-yasha groaned from behind Kagome, who let the charters fall as she slid to her knees beside him. Blood trickled down the corner of his mouth, and he tried his best to smile at the woman holding him.
Kagome let the tears fall, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Oh, Inu-yasha......why did you save me? Why did you get in the way?" she sobbed, refusing to look at the arrow that stuck directly from his chest. She gently pulled it out, but the glowing light dispersed before she had removed it. She let out a dry sob as he winced in pain.
Inu-yasha clutched onto Kagome's hand, a single tear rolling down his face. Blood drenched his wound, and formed in a pool of sorrow around him. "I love you so much K-Kagome......" Inu-yasha took a breath, ragged and sharp, "and I don`t want to--to hurt you, I`m sorry for everything......I-I don't want to die......"
(Start song)
I'm not a perfect person, There's many things I wish I didn't do, But I continue learning...... I never meant to do those things to you.
Kagome sobs shook her entire body, the tears an endless stream of pain, of memory. "No.....n-no, you can't leave me, not here......not like this!" she choked out, eyes clouded by tears that she didn't want to let fall, she couldn't let fall.
Inu-yasha felt so dark inside, lost in his own mind. He loved Kagome so much. He would never regret dying for her, even if it meant an eternity in hell. He knew now that Kagome had changed him, saved him. She was all he had sometimes, and love wasn't a great enough word for him to express his feelings for her. He was so sorry, he wanted so badly to be here with her......he had so much to tell her, to show her.....he loved her so much......
And so I have to say before I go, That I just want you to know:
I've found a reason for me, to change who I used to be. A reason to start over new......
And the reason is you.
"I love you......" he murmured, and Kagome slowly met his lips, the taste of blood filling the painful kiss. Inu-yasha draped his arms around her and Kagome held onto him tightly......and she collapsed against him, the blood soaking into her ensemble as well.
I'm sorry that I hurt you, It's something I must live with everyday.
And all the pain I put you through, I wish that I could take it all away, And be the one who catches all you're tears.
That's why I need you to hear......
Kagome's weeping softened as Inu-yasha smoothed her hair back and glanced at her, eyes misty and unfocused in his pain. "I need you, Inu-yasha......I need you here.....with me." she murmured, tears staining her face as she kissed the hanyou's forehead, brushing his hair from his eyes. "I love you, too." she choked as the tears mingled with his dark pool of blood, Inu- yasha's arms still holding her to him.
I've found a reason for me, to change who I used to be. A reason to start over new......
And the reason is you.
Inu-yasha's breathing was off, falling short and sharp. Kagome began to cry once more, all the agony of death, of love, pouring down her fair-skinned cheeks. She held onto Inu-yasha lightly, but enough to reassure him that she was there.
She lay there, beside him, soaked in his blood and began to sing as the tears poured still. Her voice was quiet, barely heard, but it soothed Inu- yasha all the same. `You saved me, Kagome. I know this now......'
And the reason is you......Oh, the reason is you........
I'm not a perfect person, I never meant to do those things to you, And so I have to say before I go...... That I just want u to know
I've found a reason for me, to change who I used to be A reason to start over new,
And the reason is you.........
I've found a reason to show, a side of me you didn't know. A reason for all that I do.......
Kagome met his lips once more, in a passionate kiss that Inu-yasha returned with the very last of his own strength. "I'm......I'm sorry....." Inu-yasha whispered as Kagome pulled away from him, hoping beyond hope that he would live to see tomorrow......
"No, I don't care about any of it.....I love you....." Kagome whispered, still clutching onto him, the futile hope fading within her as his breathing grew strained.
"I love you, Kagome......" he whispered, raising his blood-soaked hand and placing it on her cheek, Kagome put her hands over his, the tears falling silently as she kissed his hand. With his last breath, he kissed Kagome upon the forehead and smiled.
Inu-yasha's eyes fluttered closed, and Kagome's sobs poured out as she lay next to him still, until his last heartbeat vanished and his breaths no longer filled the empty silence. "Inu-yasha....." she sobbed silently.
The demon woman could feel her own heart break, once more.
Kagome muttered a prayer, a spell, and brought her sword to rest in the blood. Kagome's final wish for Inu-yasha, that he may be released from Kikyo and sent to heaven, was fulfilled. Inu-yasha was meant for eternal peace......and this made Kagome sobs grow louder, harder. He was free......
"Inu-yasha......." she whispered, her head resting in the crook of his arm, which was draped limply over her shoulder. She slept, restlessly, uneasily, in his arm, drenched in the blood of the man she loved.
Inu-yasha had loved her as no other, more even than Kikyo, who had perished that day under Kagome's spell. As the soul of Inu-yasha wept for Kagome, a single phrase floated melodically throughout the forest, echoing within Kagome as Inu-yasha's final farewell.......
The reason is you.
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Mia & Crescent: *crying and looking at old photos of Inu*
Inu: I....I DIED?!? NO WAY!
Mia: *sniff, sniff* I can't believe Inu-yasha died!
Cresent: *angry* YOU WROTE IT! YOU MURDERER!
Mia: *blinks confused* I did?!......OH YEAH! I am evil *does the Dr. Evil thing with her hand*
Cresent: Poor Inu, he died......
Inu: Uhh, Crescent? I'm right here?
Mia: Until next time then, farewell Inu-yasha......
Cresent: As we mourn of the loss of Inu *sniff*
Cresent: Plz review *Mia & Cresent crying of inu* Poooooor Inu-yasha……