InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Altering Mistletoe ❯ Ridicuous Betrayal ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Love of country is like love of woman-

he loves her best who seeks to bestow

on her the highest good.

- - - Felix Adler

Love is a power too strong to be

overcome by anything but flight.

- - - Miguel de Cervantes


Altering Mistletoe




Chapter 01: Ridiculous Betrayal

Kagomé held her friend close to her as she cried into her shirt, "Kikyo, it's okay."

Kikyo shook her head, "No, no, Kagomé, I loved him…I thought he loved me!" Kikyo shoulder shook as she let out loud raggedly sobs. Kagomé sighed and pulled Kikyo away from her and looked her straight in the eye.

"Listen to me, okay. No guy is worth crying over, okay? If he said he no longer cared for you and that he cared from some other girl, then it's okay? He never cared for you in the first place. Life moves on." Kagomé smiled. Kikyo smiled faintly and started wiping away her tears.

"You're right, Kagomé, I shouldn't be…you know thinking about this. Crying about this, I bet that's what he thinks I'm doing now. Probably laughing with his friends. But, why, Kagomé? Why did Inu Yasha betray me?"

Kagomé shrugged before a mysterious smiled appeared on her face, "Kikyo did Inu Yasha try to go all the way with you?"

"Several times, why?" Kikyo asked, getting off the sofa to stretch. Kagomé shook her head in pure amazement, "He said he had a girl on the side, right?"

Kikyo nodded, confused, "Where are you getting at?"

"Kikyo, does Inu Yasha have a penis?"

"Uh..uh…I-I… Kagomé! Such…ah...question. I don't know, I've never seen it." Kikyo stuttered, mouth agape staring at Kagomé.

"Well it's obvious why he left you. Sex. You wouldn't give him what he wanted, got it somewhere else. He tried to be patience but his genitals called."

Kikyo stared at Kagomé, "Are you telling me he did this for sex?"

Kagomé shrugged and got off the sofa, "Most likely. Sorry, girl."

Kikyo tapped her foot on the floor, annoyingly, "To think I was this close…"

Kagomé smiled before a shocked look was on her face, "Kikyo! We forgot! We have to go to Miroku's house to set up the party for Christmas!"

Kikyo grabbed her head in response to the shock, "Oh My Goodness! I can't believe we forgot after the whole Inu Yasha…" Kikyo collapse to the floor, and started cradling herself, "Inu Yasha…"

"Kikyo! Come on! Why are you so hanged up on this guy?" Kagomé snapped, getting angry. Kikyo looked up at Kagomé and shook her head, "You'll never understand till you're in love Kagomé. When you're in love that love kind of goes though the pain. No matter how deep or how long it is, you know?"

"Yes, but you're not in love Kikyo. Come on think about it! Would you want to stay with him for the rest of your life? Have his kids. Think about it. Do you honestly love him? Do you feel this deep emotion that everyone keeps talking about?"

"Yes…" Kikyo whispered desperately, "I love him Kagomé, I won't go back to him. I have too much pride for that. But I can't deny my feelings for him. Perhaps time will ease this hole he has punched in my heart, but for now it's as fresh as a flesh wound. When it's new it hurts and you wish it'll go away but in time…"

"I get it, Kikyo. But till time heals this wound, why don't we head toward Miroku's house to prepare for tomorrows huge Christmas bash!"

Kikyo stared at Kagomé for a long moment before nodding, getting up she dusted herself off, and "You don't understand yet, Kagomé "

"Are you willing to go back to him?" Kagomé asked all of a sudden, "Would you be willing to go through all the shit again."

Kikyo looked away and picked up her jacket, "I don't know, Kagomé, I seriously don't know. Come on, we have to head toward Miroku's house."

Kagomé stared at Kikyo's disappearing figure before clenching her fist, 'He'll only hurt her again. He's hurt so many girls. Oh! I can't stand him! Inu Yasha!'

Kagomé sighed and picked up her jacket, taking her keys and purse. She walked out and locked the door behind her.

"Kikyo! Wait up!"


Inu Yasha, kissed the black haired beauty intensely as he pushed her roughly onto the bed. Kissing her neck, leaving teeth marks behind. Growling as she felt her fingers brush his desires.

"Stop it." He muttered as he continued to ravish her body. The girl moaned in anticipation.

"Inu Yasha, please, I want you." The girl moaned in anticipation. Inu Yasha nodded and completed her wish. Bringing him into a world of pleasure. When the moment was done, he got off her. Pushing the girl off the bed, "Go away." He said gruffly.

The girl in shambles on the floor, looked at Inu Yasha in shocked, "I give you…my…my innocence and you…I..I thought you loved…"

Inu Yasha turned over and looked at the girl, "Yeah, I love you. Love in between your legs. I also love your mouth when you…"

"Stop it!" The girl shrieked, taking the sheets to wrap her. "What everyone said about you is true…you don't care!"

"No I do care for you, you're the reason why I got out of that damn relationship with Kikyo. I care for you for doing that!"

"Stop playing games!" The girl screamed, "Your sarcastic remarks---you-you…bastard!"

Inu Yasha smirked and chuckled coldly and placed his hands under his head and looked up at the ceiling, "I advise you to go now before something happens we both will regret."

"I'll---I'll get you for this!" The girl promised, in hysterics. Inu Yasha nodded, laughing,

"Yea, sure, oh what was your name? Oh yeah, easy."

Inu Yasha jumped off the bed, and landed gracefully on his feet as he predicted the girl had tried to attack him. Reaching toward the girl, he grabbed both her arms and slammed her back onto the white wall. With hands above her head, the girl head hanged limply.

"Listen here, easy, I told you to go, so please." Inu Yasha let go of the girl's head who crumple onto the floor. Inu Yasha lightly kicked the girl and shook his head.

"Feh, do you need help? I'll make sure you exit is very pleasurable. I'm sure we'll both have fun-" Inu Yasha stopped talking as the girl got up abruptly, and left the room. Leaving a trail is tears behind her. Sobs filled the hallway, Inu Yasha casted his golden eyes in shame before lifting it up.

"Another score, baby!"

Inu Yasha turned to the phone as it rang. Walking to the phone, he picked it up; he smiled as he heard his friend on the phone.

"Hey Miroku, what's up?"

"Nothing Inu, just your good friend here to invite you to his party tomorrow."

"Am I the last one to know?" Inu Yasha asked questionably as he started fixing his beds sheets.

"Paybacks a bitch. Yes you are, are you going to be there? Or do you more important things to do?"

"No-No, I'll be there."

"Say Inu, what's this about your break-up with Kikyo?"

"I broke it off." Inu Yasha sighed and look proudly at his neat bed. Grabbing his boxers on the floor he put it on.

"Well then, good luck with finding other attractive girls. After you use that girl of yours and Kikyo spreading rumors that you hurt her---"

"I'll get some. Believe, listen I gotta go. I'll be at the part tomorrow." Inu Yasha said. He nodded,

"Later." Inu Yasha pressed the off button and tossed the phone on the bed.


((Night at the Party))

Kagomé brushed her waist length hair, smoothing out the loose strands. Looking at her outfit. A white tank top with a furry red jacket with white feathers. A knee length red skirt. Kikyo behind her checked in the mirror, "You look good, Kagomé"

Kagomé smiled, "Thank you, Kikyo, you look good too!"

Kikyo smiled softly and nodded, "I know."

Kagomé rolled her eyes at the cockiness, and smooth out her outfit,

"Come on, we can't stay at Miroku's bathroom for the whole party! Let's go!" Kikyo whined impatiently. Opening the door, they were greeted with loud music. Making their way through the crowd.

Kikyo stopped at her tracks, as she looked a few feet away to find Inu Yasha talking with his friends. Kagomé came behind her and rolled her eyes, "Come on, Kikyo, he's not worth it."

Kikyo sighed, "I guess you're right. It's just… Kagomé! Stop! Where are you going?"

Kagomé marched away from Kikyo and walked to Inu Yasha, tapping lightly at his shoulder. Inu Yasha turned around and smirked slightly at Kagomé.

"Hey girl-"

"Shut up! Listen and listen well, boy. I don't need a little pimp like you prancing around hurting my friends and other females, okay? I don't appreciate it!"

By now the music was off and everyone was listening and watching intently at Kagomé and Inu Yasha.

"You need to control your genitals, because honey it's gonna run out. I'm sick of tired of you thinking you all that when you not even that cute! Get over yourself and stop hurting the girls. It's all gonna come back and bite your ugly ass. Look at your eyes man, it's so weird. I mean what the fuck? Is your family practicing bestiality? What are you some descendent of a goddamn dog? Cat, maybe? Look, you need to stop with you shit because I've had up to here, Mr. Yasha, okay?"

Silence filled the room as everyone watched for Inu Yasha's reaction.

"Now listen to me you stupid girl! I can do whatever I want! I don't appreciate you telling me what to do-"

"Okay! No fighting!!" Miroku yelled, "You two are going to have to settle this somewhere else. Not at my party, okay?"

Kagomé and Inu Yasha nodded and looked at each other, before Kagomé walked to Kikyo.

"See, that's all you have to do!" Kagomé said. Kikyo stared at Kagomé before shaking her head, "You're an insane girl."

"All right, everyone come to the Christmas tree!!" Miroku's voice rang out. Kagomé looked around trying to find Kikyo as she disappeared onto the bodies that crushed them. Kagomé started trying to walk through the crowd.

"Hey watch it!" A voice snapped. Kagomé turned to look at Inu Yasha.

"You watch it! You bumped into me!" Kagomé snapped back, "Look I don't appreciate you telling me what to do!"

"Or really? I can say the same!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Kagomé saw a flash of pale skin, before she realized it. She saw everyone laughing.

Kagomé looked at the crowd, confused.

"What's going on?" Kagomé asked. Inu Yasha shrugged and slowly followed the crowd's eye. Looking on top of him, he found mistletoe.

"Look up."

Kagomé slowly looked up and groaned, "No! No! No, I'm not doing it!"

Kagomé turned to the right to find two female they were smiling, "You two have to!"

Inu Yasha smirked slightly at the situation and remained quiet.

"No! I'm not doing it! No-no-no!"

Kagomé sighed as she felt a wave of disappointment from the crowd. Since little she had never wanted to disappoint anyone. Kagomé eyes twitch in irritation.

"Fine!" She screamed. Turning toward Inu Yasha, she walked slowly to him. Inu Yasha smiled slightly, Kagomé felt like slapping him.

Her breath caught as tingling sensation went through her as his hand lay on her hip. Pulling her closer. Kagomé stared into the golden eyes before closing her eyes. Finally she felt his lips on her own.

Kissing her intensely, Inu Yasha forced open her mouth. Kagomé responded back.


Kagomé felt her cheek turned red. She wanted more. She wanted more of this kiss. The desire, want. She wanted more of him.


Author's Note: I started this fic because there happen to be no good Inu Yasha / Kagomé fics out here. So I decided to try it out myself. I have a problem with characterization. Please comment on that if you want to. I hoped you enjoy this chapter. Expect the next chapter soon. **Sighs** Another fic to continue. Sorry for such a short chapter, too.

Oh and can you please visit my website? Please submit fan fiction!!