InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Always Here, But Never Seen. ❯ Chapter # 7- I Don't Hate You, I Could Never Hate You. ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Always Here But Never Seen

Chapter # 7
I Don’t Hate You, I Could Never Hate You.

Why had it taken her so long to get off the bed and dig through her drawers? Why had it seemed like her whole body was stiff and sore. Why…did it feel like her leg was bleeding?

It took her a moment to realize that her leg was indeed bleeding, but when she did Kagome sighed heavily, and slumped against the wall, opposite the door.

She couldn’t go down there now, not after what she just did to Inuyasha. He’d be mad! Furious! He’d hate her more then he probably already did.

Sighing she ignored that nagging voice inside her head that told her not to go, and opened her door.

Stepping into the hall, she sent a nervous glance down the hall. Then to what she knew was Inuyasha’s and Miroku’s room. She was slightly surprised when she heard someone sigh from within.

Stepping cautiously towards the door, the pain in her leg long forgotten, Kagome peered around the door frame. And there stood Miroku. Looking slightly puzzled.

The jeans he wore were extremely baggy, and if not for the belt they would be hanging around his ankles. Obviously they were Mizu’s idea.

For what she would see of his shirt it was a dark blue, but she could only see the collar of it over the black sweater he wore. It was slightly similar to the one that she wore now.

“Roku?” Kagome whispered, stepping inside. Miroku jumped and turned. Smiling slightly.
“Lady Kagome.” he said surprised. “Inuyasha informed me that you would probably be staying in your room for a while. How is your leg?”
“Y-You were talking to Inuyasha?” Kagome asked, thankfully she held back the blush. “Oh…uh… My legs fine Roku. Ur…sorry. I should really ask if you mind me calling you that.”
“Not at all, not at all.” Miroku replied, walking over to her and giving her a hug. “I’m just glad you’re alright.” “Roku? If you’re trying to grope my-”
“Can’t you believe that I changed?” Miroku asked, a small pout on his face as he pulled away.
“I am so misunderstood.” he shook his head. “You and Sango both think it’s impossible to change.” “Not impossible. I mean, look at me!” she stepped back and twirled for him, and he smiled in return.
“Yes, you have changed quiet incredibly Kagome.” “I meant other then my body.” she hissed in a warning but playful whisper.
“Well that was what I meant, but now that you mention it, your body is quiet nice!” Kagome laughed and hugged Miroku a little. “Good to see the good ol’ Roku back.”
“I wish I could say the same for you, or Inuyasha.”
“Inuyasha’s fine. He can suck it up.”
“If you say so.”
“And I do.”
“Shall we go back down to everyone else? I’m sure their all worried about you.”
“Yeah, sure.” and she slung a casual arm around his shoulder when she limped. Miroku slung his arm around her waist to make sure she didn’t fall down the stairs.

Sitting in the living room while everyone else was in the kitchen, talking about the demon attack, Inuyasha watched the T.V blankly, occasionally running his tongue over his lips; or touching them with his fingers.

He couldn’t get the feeling of her lips off his. Even if he had kissed her the night previously, she had been - and maybe he was slightly - drunk, so he wasn’t sure if she had known what she was doing.

But he was damn well sure that she had known - just maybe not aware of it at the time - when she had kissed him. Then why was she walking down the stairs, her arm over Miroku’s shoulders and Miroku’s arm around her waist?

Inuyasha did a double take as he looked back to the stairs. Kagome was indeed snuggling up to Miroku. Who was smiling and when he said something that Inuyasha either didn’t hear, or didn’t care to register Kagome laughed. He was getting extremely pissed off.

“Alright Roku.” he heard Kagome say. So now she was giving him nick names?
“You can let go of me now.” Miroku pouted, but gave her a hug anyways.
“Can you walk fine now Kags?” Miroku asked, he pulled away, a nervous smile on his face. “Err….sorry. I can call you that right?”
“Sure.” she smiled at him. “And thanks for helping me down the stairs. I think I probably would have fallen down them.”

Inuyasha almost hit himself for not thinking of it earlier. Miroku was already married to Sango, and Kagome had hurt her leg. Her thigh was were most of the leg muscle was to begin with. He was such an idiot.

Getting up he noticed that he could see some of the bandages, or well over half of them poking out of the shorts she had chosen to wear. His eyes soon found himself gliding up and down the length if her legs. Slightly surprised that he hadn’t noticed how long they really actually were. Gulping he walked towards her, all anger about her holding Miroku and vice versa long gone.

“You okay Kagome?” he asked as he walked up to her, sending Miroku a warning glare that Kagome thankfully missed. Miroku gulped quietly.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” she muttered, looking away from him, a blush staining her cheeks. “Kagome I-” “I think I’m goin got go make something to eat. I’m starved.” she quickly cut him off and headed to the kitchen. Where Mizu was walking out of.

When Kagome shrugged her off after she asked if she was okay, Mizu turned to Inuyasha who was still staring at the spot where Kagome had been, and Miroku was looking a little nervous.

“She’ll come around.” Mizu said to Inuyasha, pulling him back into the living room. But he sent a longing glance at the kitchen, hoping against hope that he was in there instead of out here with Mizu.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Inuyasha asked as Mizu forced him to sit down on the couch.

“I saw you guys kissing.” Mizu said bluntly. “And frankly, Kaggy tends to avoid most conversations that have to do with her own feelings. She’ll talk about other people’s feelings, just not hers. She seems to take a liking to teasing my about how I feel about Jake.” Mizu sighed. “But that’s not the point. My point is that she’ll come around.” “Wait…how do you feel abort Jake?”
“I like him, a lot.” surprisingly she didn’t feel awkward about talking to him about it. Maybe it was because in the short time that she had known him, Inuyasha was sort of like an older brother.

“Hmmm.” Inuyasha said, a smirk on his face.
“You’re not planning something are you?” “What if I am?”
“You couldn’t plan anything like that!” “I did for Miroku and Sango. Look where that got them.” Mizu pondered it for a minute, until she recalled the monk and demon slayer saying something about that to her once. So she assumed it wasn’t impossible for the hanyou to think of anything like that.
“Please don’t?” Mizu whispered. “I wanna go abort this my way. If he doesn’t like me, too bad.” “If who doesn’t like you?” Kagome asked quietly from the doorway.
“Jake.” Inuyasha said, not looking up. “Ah.” Kagome walked towards them, and sat on the other side of Mizu, hugging her gently. “Mi.” “Kag. Don’t start?” Mizu whined. “You know how I feel about that.” “I know you like the guy.” Both Kagome and Inuyasha looked taken back.
“Yeah.” and Kagome’s answered shocked Inuyasha a lot. “As my brother. And come on, getting seriously involved with your brother…is just…” she shuddered as a finish. Mizu laughed.

“But seriously Mi.” Kagome continued, “You know how many times I’ve told you Jake likes you?” “Lost count.” “And you know I’m right.” “You are not!”
“I am so!” Kagome yelled forcefully. “Remember, I set Sam and Jade up for prom?” “His dream date.” Mizu laughed.
“Yeah, too bad she got hit by that car though huh?” Kagome pouted. “I actually liked her.”
“Yeah. Poor girl never saw it coming.” “Poor Sam. He wasn’t the same after that.” both girls sighed and looked at each other.
“Yeah, poor Sam.” Mizu agreed, Hugging Kagome closer. “Kaggy?” “Yeah Mi?”
“I think I need help.” “Well I already know you need help.”
“Alright. But what happened to wanting to do this your own way?”
“I can’t. I’m scared.” Kagome chuckled a little. “Mi. I’ve never once heard you say those words. ‘I’m scared’ isn’t something you normally say.” “I don’t want to be rejected.” Kagome looked down at the girl who was now lying in her lap as she stroked her hair. Inuyasha could see the look of sympathy and understanding in Kagome’s eyes. And it hurt him to know that he was the cause of it.

“I know Mi.” Kagome whispered after a few minutes, forgetting that Inuyasha was there.
“It hurts at first, it really does.” she drew in a small breath before a smile was graced over her face. “If he doesn’t like you, he doesn’t know what he’s missing. And besides, sometimes you need the pain, to get over it.” she closed her eyes. “Over him.”

“Kaggy.” Mizu sat up, smiling slightly. “I think you’re right.” Kagome slowly opened her eyes and smiled, a smile that only Inuyasha seemed to know was fake.

“Aren’t I always?”
“No. You made that mistake with David.”
“You guys are never going to let me live that down!” “Of course not! You slept with the guy!” Inuyasha cringed. “So what!?” Kagome screamed. “Just cuz you’re all virgins you’re gonna rub it in my face!?”
“I’m not sure if Josh is still a virgin but Kagome! I’m not trying to rub being a virgin in your face! I’m happy for you!” Mizu yelled, standing up. “Your…what?” Kagome asked, completely shocked.
“The guys don’t know what the hell their talking about. Maybe it was because they just didn’t like that David creep, but I think that if you wanted to, you shouldn’t have to take the crap from them afterwards.” “Wow Mi.” Kagome said, smiling. “You…wow.”
“I…uh…sorry. I totally blew my top there.” “Don’t be sorry. And I’m gonna help you.” “Huh?” “I’m gonna help you get Jake.” Kagome said smiling. “With a little of Inuyasha’s help of coarse.” an evil smile spread across her face as she glanced from Inuyasha to Mizu, and they both got the idea.
“You can’t be serious!” Mizu said. “I can and I am!” Kagome said happily. “Besides, weren’t you just telling me a few days ago that you thought Yash was hot?” Kagome elbowed Mizu gently as both Mizu’s and Inuyasha’s face went red.

“All Inu has to do is pretend to be your boyfriend until Jake realizes that he really does like you.”
“I…uh…” Mizu couldn’t for words anymore. “If he’s up to it.” she turned to him, silently begging him that he would. Apparently she really liked Jake.

And Miroku’s words from a few days after Kagome returned echoed in his head.

“If you can make Kagome jealous, she will realize that she really does like you in return.”

Miroku seemed to be giving Inuyasha more and more advice that he probably didn’t think the hanyou was going to use to begin with. He just thought he’d throw it out there in case some of it actually worked. Apparently - even though Inuyasha would never admit this to the monk - it was working.

“Um…alright I guess.” he shrugged, and smiled when he saw Mizu’s relived face. Though, something was stirring in Kagome’s eyes that he couldn’t quiet place, but it was gone before he could think about it anymore.

“Anyways. Should I call the guys?” Kagome asked smiling.
“Yeah!” Mizu cried happily, dancing around the room. Until Kagome eyes went wide and she crumpled to the floor. Inuyasha jumped up to catch her.

“Kagome?” he whispered and she whimpered. Then he noticed her scent. She smelled…like…dog! “Kagome! Ah damn! Get Miroku, and Sango quick!” Inuyasha snapped at Mizu who ran out of the room.

“Come on Kagome, wake up. Come on!”
“What’s wrong?” Sango asked as she saw Inuyasha holding Kagome as he sat on the floor.
“Dunno, she just collapsed.” Mizu said as she entered with Miroku and Shippo.

“You smell that Oto?” Shippo asked.
“Yeah squirt I do.”
“Smell what!?” Sango asked, kneeling in front of Kagome and Inuyasha.
“Kagome smells of dog.” Shippo informed her.
“Are you sure it’s not Inuyasha?” “Of course it’s not him. Cuz it’s not dog demon I smell, it’s just…dog. Kinda like Kirara.”
“Like Kirara?” Sango repeated.

And at that exact moment Kagome let out an ear piercing, blood curdling scream. And glowed a dark grey almost black color. They had to shield their eyes from the light. When they opened their eyes again Inuyasha was holding a….dog!?

There in his arm was a pure black two-tailed dog. About the size of Kirara’s kitten form. And she was growling at Kirara. Who was growling back.

“Kagome?” Inuyasha whispered and the dog barked up at him. And he understood. “What happened?”

“You actually expect me to know?” she snapped at him. Narrowing her now emerald green eyes at him.

“I didn’t really expect you to know. But I thought you’d have some idea!” he snapped back.

“Well you’re wrong dog-boy.”

“Dog-boy!? Look whose talking miss twin tail!”

“I’ve got two tails!?” she spun around, watching them twitching and just realized something. “Why the hell am I so small?”

“I don’t know that either. But we have to find a way to change you back.” Inuyasha said, and Kagome jumped up onto his shoulder wrapping herself around his neck as he stood. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Getting comfortable.” Kagome purred. “I didn’t know you’re hair was so soft.” And she nuzzled into it farther, burying her face into it. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow at her but shrugged it off.

“If you say so.” and he looked at everyone who was giving him weird looks. “What?”
“You can talk to dogs?” Mizu asked. And Kagome growled.

“Watch it Mi, or I’m gonna bite you.”

Inuyasha laughed a little at Kagome’s remark and nodded to Mizu.
“I’m dog demon. You think I wouldn’t be able to talk to dogs?”
“Wasn’t really thinking clearly.” and suddenly Kagome and Kirara perked and started growling.
“Kagome?” Inuyasha whispered.
“What is it Kirara?” Sango asked as Kirara’s fur spiked up.

“You’re telling me you don’t ear that?” Kagome snapped at Inuyasha and she jumped up, tweaking one of his ears. “If you can’t what good are these!?”

“What do you hear?”

“Demons. Lots of them.”

Now he could smell them, and they were close. They were actually on the shrine grounds.
“Demons.” he said, heading to the door. “Get ready.” as soon as he opened the door both Kagome and Kirara jumped out of it.

“Kagome! What good are you going to be when you’re that small!?” Inuyasha yelled before Kirara transformed. And Kagome was engulfed in black flames.

Surprising them all the one puppy size Kagome was a good 3 feet talker then the transformed Kirara.

“K-Kagome?” Inuyasha stammered as a rather large demon appeared in front of them.

“I see they did their job well.” it hissed, smirking at them. Apparently this was all his plan.
“What did you do to her?” Inuyasha yelled, standing between Kirara and Kagome.

“The miko you mean?” the demon laughed a little. “Why I just turned her into a dog. As you can see. Saves us the trouble of fighting her to get the jewel.”
“How did you do that?”

“The cut on my leg.” Kagome answered for him. “You son of a bitch!” and she charged with Kirara beside her, tearing into the demons that stood in her way.

Shippo proceeded to attack the demons with his lengthened claws. Over the years Kagome had been gone he had grown, and with that his powers grew too.

Sango swung her Hiraikotsu around and flung it at the demons. Slicing through a good amount of them.

Miroku, with the loss of his wind tunnel, was swinging his staff around, and that’s when he realized that in this era, it wouldn’t do him any good to carry it around.

Mizu was holding her own, but sticking close to the monk and demon slayer. Seeing as she had no real experience with fighting demons.

And it took all the will power Inuyasha had to not draw Tetsusaiga and use the wind scar on the demon’s sorry asses. But he remembered Kagome - and Souta when he had used the Adamant Barrage once - that he couldn’t go around swing that sword in this era. No matter how much he wanted to.

Taking a glance at the enlarged dog Kagome, Inuyasha clarified that she was just as good in fighting in dog form as she was when she was still human. He still couldn’t quiet believe that she wasn’t human anymore.

Suddenly in a flash of white, the demons were gone. And at the top of the shrine steps stood three boys. One holding his hand out, palm facing them, steam rolling off it.

Kagome took a cautious step forwards before she sniffed, and smelt dog demon. It shocked her a little but she continued towards them. And saw them stiffen. When she saw their faces it shocked her. Especially the one who reeked of dog demon.

“Sam! Jake! Josh!” Kagome yelled, running towards them and landing on all three of them, licking each of their faces.

“K-Kagome?” Sam whispered, shocked when the dog grinned.

“You can hear me too! God I thought I was going to go nuts with only Inuyasha to talk to!”

“Hey!” Inuyasha snapped from behind her. She looking up at him from between her legs.

“Can I help you?”

“You can help me by getting off my arm.” Sam whimpered. “You’re going to crush it.”

“Oh sorry!” Kagome eminently jumped off and licked his face apologetically.

“No problem. Now, I’m assuming from what we heard, that big demon did that to you?” Jake said, completely unfazed. Kagome nodded.
“So, shouldn’t it have turned you back if we kill him?”
“What are you guys anyways?” Inuyasha asked. “Aren’t you supposed to be human?”

Sam’s bright blue eyes glinted playfully as he smiled, reviling sharp fangs under his lips.
“Nah. I ain’t human. Only part. Half actually.”
“You’re a half demon too!?” Mizu yelled, stunned.
“Not so loud!” Sam hissed. “I don’t need anymore demon slayers after my sorry ass!”
“Got a problem with demon slayers?” Sango hissed. Sam chuckled nervously.
“N-Not really no. They are just a big pain in the ass to deal with. Especially when you don’t wanna kill them.”

“You didn’t tell me you’re a half demon!?” Kagome growled.

“What? Why would I? All I knew was you were Miko. And I thought that if you knew I was part demon-”

“That I’d purify your sorry ass?”


“I still might do that you stupid ass! How could you keep something that big from me!? I thought we were friends.”

“Hey. Don’t you dare go all waterworks on me.” Sam hissed.

“If I do there’s nothing you can do about it you stupid mutt!”

“Look whose talkin miss two tail!”
“That’s exactly what I said.” Inuyasha smiled.

“Kiss my ass Yash.”

“Alright, turn around.”

“That’s disgusting.”

“He’s a…wait…why the hell didn’t I notice before.” Sam sniffed gently. “He’s half demon too! Damn, I should have noticed.” Inuyasha grinned.

“Hey! What about us!” Josh yelled, crossing his arms.

“Don’t tell me you’re demons too.”

“Used to be, half like Sam too. But some miko bitch stole out demonic power. Can’t get it back until she’s dead.” Jake replied, sighing heavily.

“You’re all against me! You assholes! Had you told me sooner I could have prevented it! Damn it all to hell an back! If you had of told me I could have put up a barrier!”

“Kagome. Miko barriers kill demons, cuz their pure barriers.” Sam said dryly.
“Not Kagome’s barriers.” Miroku informed them. “Put a barrier around Inuyasha please Kagome.” Kagome complied and when a pink bubble surrounded Inuyasha the three boys winched. But were surprised when he didn’t cry out in pain.
“See. She will only purify the demons she wishes to.” Miroku said, heading back to the house. “I say we get inside before someone gets suspicious.”

“Wait a minute.” Kagome muttered, looking at her back leg where it used to be cut. But the cut was gone.

“What is it Kagome?” Sam asked.
“I don’t think those demons did this to me Inuyasha.”

“Well they said their plan worked.” Inuyasha replied.

“But something doesn’t feel right.” Kagome glanced at Miroku, and gasped. “Miroku, damn it! Get out of the way!” Charging forwards black flames licking at her paws Kagome jumped in front of Miroku, pushing him back just as a blast of demonic energy in the form of a blade came his way. Slashing her side open.

Roaring in pain Kagome reared back, and growled at the unseen intruder.

“Stupid mutt. Get out of the fucking way.” someone hissed.

“Why don’t you try and make me!” Kagome snapped, jumping forwards again latching her jaw on the demons shoulder. The demon roared in pain and stuck the back of Kagome’s head a good few times, before he struck her temple, causing her jaw to relax and her to fall to the ground, just as Inuyasha pulled out the Tetsusaiga and slashed the person in two.

“Kagome!” Inuyasha yelled, picking up the now puppy size Kagome in his arms. “Wake up Kagome!”
“She pushed me out of the way.” Miroku muttered, completely shocked and confused.
“Well yeah, did you expect her to let you die?” Sam snapped, coming over to Inuyasha to see the damage. Kagome’s side was torn open pretty deep. “Oh that doesn’t look so good.”
“Way-to-go genius. Want a medal?” Inuyasha snapped, taking her towards the house.
“Geez, no need to get snappy.” Sam muttered, motioning for Jake and Josh to follow them.

“We wont be able to do anything while she’s that small.” Sango said, helping Miroku onto the chair across from the couch.
“Do you know how to get her to transform?” Inuyasha asked, lying Kagome gently on the couch.
“Well, I used to do it for Kirara, but I’m not sure if it will work for Kagome.”
“Try it anyways.” Sango nodded and moved over to Kagome. Taking one of her ears and her nose in her hand Sango pinched them. Kagome yelped and growled at Sango, before transforming in front of them.
“I guess it does work.” Inuyasha said. “Sam, go get my some bandages and stuff from the bathroom.”
“Upstairs or downstairs?” Sam asked.
“On it.” and Sam bolted up the stairs. Just as Kagome glowed that grey almost black color again and a human Kagome lay there.

“Alright, that’s weird.” Souta muttered. And they all got a good look at the gash on her side. It was deeper then they thought on her human body. Being able to see a few of the rips isn’t good.
“Damn it.” Inuyasha growled, picking her up gently and carrying her to the stairs. “Sam, drop the stuff off in her room!”
“Which one’s hers!?” “Sniff it out you idiot!”
“Oh, right.” and Sam opened a door for them, laughing slightly to himself.
“What’s so funny?” Inuyasha asked.
“Kaggy hates pink.” he was referring to the wall color, and Inuyasha laughed a little at that, but set her on the bed. “You gonna be okay with dressing the wound?”
“Should be.”
“Maybe you should get Sango or Mizu to do it. You’re gonna have to take her shirt off to dress it.”
“It’ll be fine. I’ve seen her naked before.” he blushed as he said that, but thankfully Sam didn’t see it. But he smelt Inuyasha’s nervousness.

Sighing Sam passed him a bowl of water, a few clothes, some gauze, and some bandages before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

“Come on Inuyasha.” Inuyasha snapped at himself. “It’s not like you’re gonna take the time to ogle her!” Giving himself a mental scolding as a image of her body a few nights before popped into his head, Inuyasha sliced the ruined shirt with his claws, taking it off only to find that the bar underneath had already been ripped due to the cut.
“Damn it.” he muttered, taking a deep breath as he too, took that off. He blinked a few times, staring at her chest, her perfectly round and full breasts, wanting to reach out and touch one of them. He hand was almost there before he remembered who he was, who she was and what he was supposed to be doing.
Growling to himself he picked up the cloth, dampened it in the water, and gently turned her on her side.
“This would have been so much easier, and much less distracting if she was still a dog.” he muttered to himself. Trying to keep his eyes on what he was doing, instead of what was moving in front of him as she breathed. ‘Damn, why did I have to pick up Miroku’s perverted antics?’ he asked himself, as he cleaned the blood off her side.

A few minutes later Inuyasha was done with the blood, and was now putting the gauze on her cut gently. Hoping not to hurt her. With that finished he propped her up in his arms, and had to bite his tongue to reframe from taking one of her breasts in his mouth. ‘Damn it. As much as I’d like to, now is not the time!’

Wrapping the bandages around her torso and chest he was happy with himself that he had been able to control the sudden urges he had gotten. Now the only probably was he was overly aroused, and Sam could probably smell it. Not to mention Shippo, and if Kagome turned back into a dog, she’d be able to smell it too. He was royally screwed.

When he went to move he to the bed she whimpered and pushed against him more, trying to get comfortable and warm. This surprised the hanyou, but he wasn’t complaining.

He yanked the slightly bloody blanket off her bed, set her down on it. When she whimpered at the loss of his warmth it almost killed him when he opened the door and walked out. Walking down the stairs and to the closet by the living room, a dark red blush staining his face.

“Inuyasha?” Sango whispered worriedly.
“Is Kagome going to be okay?”
“She’s fine.” he couldn’t lie about that, from what he’d just seen, she defiantly was. Causing him to blush darker. Hopefully no one notice. But he had no such luck…

“You’re not just talking about her injury are you?” Sam asked, a smirk on his face.
“What are you talking about?” Inuyasha snapped.
“I’ve dealt with injuries like that. In order clean and wrap them, you have to complete undress the top half of the person.” Sam’s smirk never left, and only grew wider when the hanyou in question blushed a deeper shade of red and looked away. “Ah ha. I knew it.” he pointed and acquiescing finger at Inuyasha.
“What’s you point?” Inuyasha growled, glaring at the boy.
“You liked her body, didn’t you?”
“I’m not going to answer that.”
“You did!” Sam smiled. “You perv!”
“Look whose talkin!”
“I haven’t done anything to Kaggy. Sure she’s hot.” that earned a growled from Inuyasha. “And I’ve seen her body a few times, but I haven’t done anything. Except that one time I fell on her, but that was entirely Josh’s fault!”
“Hey!” Josh yelled. “Just cuz I left my guitar in the living room and you tripped over it doesn’t mean it’s my fault!”
“Yes it does!” Sam snapped. “But anyways, it doesn’t matter. Inu here likes Kagome’s body. Doesn’t he?” Sam wiggle hi eyebrows at Inuyasha, and Inuyasha in return increased his glare.
“That’s a yes.” Sam cheered. “Take my advice buddy. Kagome likes you. She really does.”
“Yeah right.”
“No really. Are you completely blind?”
“Huh?” “Have you mot seen the looks she sends your way?”
“What looks?” Sam stood the and gapped at him.
“He really doesn’t know.” he said t the rest of them. “He really doesn’t freakin know!”
“I told you he thinks she hates him!” Sango said.
“Well if he left her for someone else she has every right to hate him!” Josh snapped.
“Doesn’t matter!” Sam yelled over all of them. “That’s the past. And if he really did chose someone more then her then he wouldn’t be here would he?”
“Guess not.”
“Would you all stop talking about me like I’m not here?” Inuyasha snapped.
“Sorry. But do you still like her?” Sam asked.
“She’s a friend isn’t she?”
“I meant as in…love her?”
“W-What?” Inuyasha’s blush returned again, and he was inching backwards.
“Do you?” Sam took a few steps forwards.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Then you wouldn’t mind if I marked her would you?” Sam threw out, and Inuyasha had him pinned to the wall in seconds. Growling in his face.
“Stay away from Kagome.” Inuyasha’s eyes were rimmed red, and Sam smiled.
“That answers all my questions.”
“Huh?” Inuyasha asked, blinking and realizing how he had Sam pinned by his neck. “What the hell?” he muttered, backing off.
“Your demon got the better of you.” “Why?”
“Cuz I asked you if you minded me making Kagome my mate.” and Inuyasha went into another growing fit. “Relax, I didn’t plan on it!” the growling died down. “I just said that to test you. And if you lost control to your demon that fast when the mention of someone else being with Kagome, you must love her.”
“Let me guess, you thought you loved the other women?”
“S-Sort of.”
“Demons never make mistakes when it comes to their mates. Hanyou’s only make one. You already made yours by the looks of it. So obviously, you can’t be wrong about Kagome.”
“But she hates me. Why the hell would she wanna be with me?” “Kagome doesn’t hate you. Despite the way she acts she’s not capable of hate.”
“How’s that possible?”
“Do you hate your brother Inuyasha?” Sango cut it, seeing where this was going.
“Well…not really…no.”
“Even after everything he’s done. The amount of times he’s put your life in danger, treated you unfairly.”
“No, I don’t hate him.”
“That’s exactly it. No matter what someone does, you can’t hate them.” Sam said. “Kagome’s the same way. She can’t hate you.”
“I don’t believe you.” Inuyasha whispered, looking back up at the stairs.
“Inuyasha.” Sam put a comforting hand on his shoulder, smiling a little. “Just trust me on this one.”
“I don’t know if I can.”
“She doesn’t hate you. Go ask her yourself if you don’t believe me.”
“I’ll do that. But first.” he grabbed a blanket out of the closet that he had almost completely forgotten about. “She might be getting a little cold.”
“That’s the spirit. Go ahead, we’ll start making something to eat.”
“Alright.” heading up the stairs he stopped half way up, and turned back towards the group. “Oh and Sam.” when said boy looked at him he smiled. “Thanks.”
“Anytime.” Sam smiled, and watched as Inuyasha walked up the stairs and out of site. “I think he’ll do fine.” he muttered to himself, before heading to the kitchen.

Opening the door Inuyasha crept inside of Kagome’s room. Surprised when he saw her sleeping on her uninjured side. He smiled as he brushed some of her bangs out of her face.

Was he making another mistake? He knew that demons never made a mistake when it came to choosing mates. So it was only natural that a hanyou would make one at least. Being part human, humans normally always make at least one, if not more mistakes. So he figured the demon blood cancelled out the human blood when it came to mates. That made him feel a little bit better. Knowing that he wasn’t making much of a mistake if he chose Kagome. Hell he was sure that he wouldn’t be making a mistake at all. He just had to convince her of that. That was going to be the hard part.

His hand was resting on her cheek when her hand covered his, and he had to look down at her eyes. Surprised that they were a lighter brown then normal. Possible from going from dog to human, and back again. And the fact that she was probably tired.
“Inu…yasha?” she whispered, looking up at him with confused eyes.
“Yeah Kagome?” he asked, smiling down at her.
“W-What happened?” She tried to sit up, but a pain shot through her side and she sank back down.
“You shouldn’t try to move Kagome. You might reopen the wound.” “Wound….what wound?”
“You don’t remember?”
“Not really no.”
“You jumped in front go an attack, to save Miroku.”
“Did I?” she pondered it, and bits and pieces of it came back before she realized what he said was true. “I guess I did.” then she realized her hand was still over his and she blushed, taking it off.
“Hey Kagome?” “Yeah?” “Can I ask you somethin?” “Sure. What is it?”
“Do you . . . do you hate me?” he looked away when he said it, feeling like he knew the answer was going to be a yes.
“Hate you?” she repeated. “Inuyasha.” she laughed a little, pushing herself up and hugging him. “No, I don’t hate you. I could never hate you.”
“Really?” he asked hopefully.
“Of course. Why would you think I hated you?”
“I don’t know. I just . . . The way you’ve been acting, I thought it was because you hated me or something.” Kagome laughed again, squeezing him tighter.
“I don’t hate you. And don’t you let anyone tell you otherwise.” He smiled, and hugged her back gently. As not to hurt her side.
“Thanks Kagome.” he said, kissing the top of her head. “That means a lot.”
“I’m happy to help.” and she kissed his cheek gently. Before pulling away a little shocked. “Uh . . . Sorry about that, I shouldn’t have done that.”
“I don’t mind.” he said, kiss her cheek in return. “I don’t mind at all.”
“G-Good to know.”
“Hey Kagome?”
“What do you want Inuyasha?” she seemed to be content to just sit there in his arms, and he was happy about that.
“Doesn’t really matter what I want but-”
“It always matters what you want.” Kagome snapped pulling back and giving him a playful glare. “I don’t care how people treated you in the feudal era. Here you’re going to be treated like a normal person. Anyone who says other wise I’ll kick their ass.” Inuyasha laughed. “You would too.” he replied. “Absolutely.” she kissed his cheek again. “Now really, what do you want?”
“Well . . .” he didn’t know how to put this, all he really wanted was to kiss her, but how the hell was he supposed to ask her that!? “I don’t know how to word it.” a blush was creeping up in his checks again, and he smiled weakly.
“Hmm . . . I think I have an idea.” she said, leaning forward. “All you want is a kiss huh?” He chuckled nervously.
“If that’s okay.” “You don’t even need to ask.” she replied without hesitation. And she pressed her lips softly to his, before he pressed back. Slightly harder and pulled away shortly after.
“I’d better stop that.”
“One, your injured, two, there is too many people in the house for what I have in mind, and three, I’m not sure you’d want that.” Catching onto what he was talking about Kagome smiled shyly.
“Good point. Maybe later.” she smiled at his blush and pulled him down to the bed with her. “Right now, lets just gets some sleep.”
“Alright.” Inuyasha smiled, unfolding the blanket he threw it over himself and her, before wrapping a arm gently around her side, smiling at her and she looked back up at him.
“I could get used to this.” he said happily.
“If all goes well, you will.” she smiled, kissing him lightly again, and snuggling into his chest. Falling asleep almost instantly.
“Go away Sam.” he hissed in a deadly whisper. “Ah damn.” Sam said threw the door and he head Sam’s foot steps go down the stairs and into the living room.
“Night Kagome.” he whispered, and he barely heard her faint whisper of
“Good night Inuyasha.”

************************************************* *****************************
Alright. There’s the chapter, And for any of you who are wondering why Kaggy got turned into a dog. You’re just going to have to wait and see. But here’s a hint:

It helps with her senses. Makes her notice things faster. Gives her like . . . Inuyasha’s hearing, and reflexes, but not his sense of smell. Lucky for out favourite hanyou!

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter. It took me a long time to come up with this idea. Please Review! More reviews, faster update!! XD Bye *Waves*