InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Always ❯ Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2
Five days had passed, and Kagome was both surprised and… not. She was surprised that InuYasha had not come to get her, but at the same time, she wasn't surprised because lately he had been thinking more and more about Kikyou. She went through her life - going to school, spending time with her friends, and now she was supposed to go to a movie with Houjou. She didn't really want to, she knew she wouldn't be able to focus on the plot, but she had said yes because her three meddling yet sweet friends had pushed her into it. So now she was trudging - practically dragging - herself home. She had to get ready for the date, and then she wanted to pack so that she could go back to the Sengoku Jidai.
Home at last, Kagome told her mother of her plans, who nodded supportively. Mom, she thought. You're the only one who ALWAYS supports me, even though you know I must be having a tough time. Kagome went upstairs and took a shower, dried herself, and began to pick out her outfit. She decided on a pink dress, and had a light green sweater to go with it, since she always got cold in the movie theatre. Happy with her selection, she began picking out things to bring with her to the Feudal Era. OK, I've got my brush… my shampoo… soap… extra underwear, socks… what else?
Satisfied with the contents of her pack, Kagome went back to the bathroom to look herself over again in the mirror. She ran her fingers through her hair and straightened her dress. She looked at the items in a small basket on her sink counter. Poking out, as if begging to be brought along, she eyed a small tube of strawberry lip gloss. She picked it up, examined it as if wondering how it got there, then applied it to her lips. Still staring at it, she brought it over to her back pack, and slipped it into a pocket. Kagome left the bag on her bed and left to meet Houjou at the theatre.
She hadn't had the worst time, she admitted to herself, but there was so much on her mind. Kagome had paid enough attention to the movie to hold a conversation with Houjou, but there were a hundred other thoughts racing through her mind. I wonder why InuYasha didn't come for me… Was it because of Kikyou? Or because he's too proud to admit he's wrong. That's probably what it is. When he knows he wasn't right about something and I'm mad, he gets all embarrassed and proud. Just like… Sesshoumaru. I hope they aren't too far tomorrow when I go back. Maybe they'll be waiting for me. Maybe I should leave tonight, so I can get a head start? Yeah, I should…
Kagome snapped back to reality.
“Kagome-chan? Are you okay? You haven't heard I thing I was saying! Are you feeling ill? Do you need to go home?” Houjou streamed out.
Blushing slightly, Kagome nodded. She didn't like all the lying she had to do, but sometimes it was better this way.
“Yes, I'm sorry, Houjou-san. I'm not feeling well. Thank you for being concerned,” she said genuinely.
Houjou smiled and nodded, and walked her home.
When they arrived at the front gate to the Higurashi home, Kagome looked longingly to her bedroom window as Houjou stared at her and beamed.
“Arigatou, Kagome-chan. Thank you for coming with me, even though you don't feel well.” Houjou said, placing his hands on her shoulders. Kagome could feel that they were sweaty. He must be nervous. Just what was he thinking that made him so jittery?
Kagome laughed nervously. “You're welcome, Houjou-san,” she said, mustering a sickly smile out of her bag-`o-lies.
Houjou had still to remove his hands from her self. She looked at his left hand, then up at him.
“O…oh! Excuse me! Gomen nasai, Kagome-chan!” he stammered, lifting his hands and rushing them to his sides.
Smiling, Kagome nodded. “It's okay, Houjou-san. Arigatou, I had a good time. But I have to get to bed.”
“Of course!” he said, protectively. “I'll see you soon, bye!” he said as he turned and waved, walking away.
Kagome slumped. She was exhausted. The lies, trying to keep up with the movies' plot, thinking about InuYasha… it was all too much. She walked into the house, grateful that no one was about. Walking upstairs and into her room, Kagome thought about her previous plan to go back to the Feudal Era tonight. Should I go now? she thought. Kagome looked longingly at her bed. She was so very tired. I can take a nap and go in an hour or so, she mused. So, without changing into her pajamas, Kagome just laid on her bed, next to her pack, and fell asleep.
When Kagome woke up, she stretched, looked outside and realized it was still dark.
“Uh…” she grunted sleepily. It's still dark… I'm going back to sleep… she told herself, and closed her eyes…
“EEEEEEEEEEE!” she squealed. “Omigosh! What time is it?”
Kagome looked at the clock on her night table. Three `o clock… well, it's definitely longer than I planned, but at least I didn't sleep through the night. She jumped up, grabbed her bag, and turned off the light as she silently crept throughout the house, making her way to the kitchen. There she went through cupboards and the refrigerator for foods. She packed what she needed, and left the house. Looking back at the house as she entered the well house, she sighed. Then she went inside, shut the door, climbed the wells' rim, and jumped.
Climbing up the rim of the well was no easy task with the weight of the backpack, and it didn't make it any easier that InuYasha had not been there waiting for her. She knew it was unlikely, but deep down, she hoped he would be there. Kagome heaved the backpack over the edge of the well and pulled herself out. Whew… you would think I was getting stronger and it would get easier, but it doesn't, and obviously I haven't gotten stronger… she half-scolded herself. She went to brush off her dress and knees and… dress?! Dress?!?! I came here… in my DRESS?! Panicking, Kagome wondered how this happened. But I… oh, yeah. I never changed, and rushed out. At least I'm not wearing my pj's… she thought, laughing quietly. She continued to brush herself off when she felt a gust of wind. Kagome looked up to find a familiar pair of bright blue eyes dancing happily at her.