InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ An Honorable Decision ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters, although it would be fun to bend them to my every will. **evil laughter ensues**
This is it, Inuyasha has to take one last shard from Naraku and this will all be over. Miroku thought to himself as he tightened his grip on the prayer beads that kept his wind tunnel at rest.
“Kagome, where is the last shard?” Inuyasha yelled impatiently to his companion, while trying to dodge several tentacle attacks from the half-demon Naraku.
Kagome squinted her eyes, desperate to find the last shard and felt her heart skip a beat when she located it, “It's on his back Inuyasha!!”
“Fools do you honestly think you can defeat me?” Naraku retorted while sending another attack at Inuyasha that blasted him back several feet.
Sango would have been of great use to us right now, but it was for the best that she waited for us back at Kaede's village.
Inuyasha leapt forth from the ground and sent a wind scar straight at Naraku, it appeared to be a direct hit, but he didn't even wait before catching Naraku by surprise and ripping the last shard from his body. This was how they were finally able to defeat him, by slowly taking each shard from him, making him weaker and pissing him off to make mistakes.
“This is it for you Naraku! This is for Kikyo!” Inuyasha bellowed lifting his Tetsiaga above his head preparing for another attack. And even though Naraku was now shard less he still shot out miasma into the air making Inuyasha's attack stop abruptly.
Now's my chance. Miroku thought coming to stand in front of Inuyasha and Kagome. “My friends please tell my dearest Sango that I love her with all of my heart, and there was never another that compared to her beauty and sincerity. Ask her to watch over little Askai for me.”
Miroku turned and began walking towards the miasma with the staff as his aid. “Miroku are you crazy?! What are you doing, we've almost defeated him! Your curse is almost over!”
The monk turned back to his friends giving them a small smile, “My friends, it is already too late for me, my wind tunnel has progressed too much and there is no more time, I must do this for Askai. When he was born with the cursed wind tunnel I vowed that he would never have to live such a life that I have led.”
Starting back towards the miasma he ignored the desperate plea of Kagome who shouted out to him begging him not to do this, promising that there was other ways, that he should not forsake his family.
But he ignored and kept heading deeper, he had to do this, he had to save his beloved son. Removing the beads the wind tunnel began its usual destructive air stream. Naraku suddenly appeared before him, looking worn and disheveled, “Monk have you finally decided to accept your destiny and fall under my wrath?” His voice booming with malice made his body ache as his tunnel opened just a bit further.
“You are a fool!” Naraku shouted as he began to move away from the impending disaster. However, Miroku was not so willing to give up and he followed, every step he took, until finally the tunnel opened double its original size consuming his entire hand.
Miroku smiled at the demon before him who looked more panicked than he'd ever seen him and held out his arm as the tunnel began to pull him in.
“NOOO!!!” he shouted as he was pulled into the black vortex along with his deadly miasma.
Miroku collapsed to his knees, the winds still strong about him and the hole consumed his arm and it began taking his body.
Goodbye Sango.
Back at the village Askai's wind tunnel disappeared…….
Okay don't kill me, once again no clue, this just popped into my head and begged to be written so I did. Yeah yeah I know what you're thinking, if Naraku gave him the curse couldn't he just take it away? And Naraku seems kind of weak AND where's Kagura and Shippo and Kiara……..And all I have to say is……
Leave me alone okay? My story :p