InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ An Unexpected Encounter ❯ An Unexpected Encounter ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

An Unexpected Encounter
(I do not own any of the Inuyasha Characters. Just Kayko. For she is a character made up from me mind. :D )
His black brow lifted at the sight of his friends walking into his building. He's eye twitched when he saw a smirk dawn on the face of Sesshoumaru. `Oh yeah I'm screwed.' He's friends gathered around him, crossing their arms as the young man gulped.
“What's up boys?” Kouga asked nervously. They just smiled, even Sesshoumaru, who never smiled unless he was getting something in return.
“Just like you forced me…” The tall elegant Tiayokai started “… I am forcing you to have your own Bachelor party.” Kouga looked off, mentally hitting himself for telling his friends he proposed to Ayame. He watched the 3 men before him. Miroku had a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Inuyasha had an idea brewing in his head that Sesshoumaru had told him about.
“So, where you dragging me?” Kouga asked, his voice portraying his nervousness. The men just smiled at him.
“Oh that is a surprise my friend” Inuyasha said, an evil smile playing on his face that soon grew on the other two men. Kouga gave another strained gulp as he turned his head to the side, as if to block it from a blow of his next question.
“When is this surprise Bachelor party?” Miroku walked up next to him, looking like an innocent human that he wasn't.
“Tonight.” Kouga groan and put his head on his desk.
“Kami, kill me now.” Kouga muffled into his arms.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OOOOOO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< /div>
Kouga growled as the limo, that Inuyasha threw him in, pulled up to a strip club. His eyes twitched as the driver came around and opened the door. Kouga was going to stay stubborn and stay in the limo till Inuyasha came up beside him and pushed him out of the car.
Kouga's eye twitched more as his tail became crooked in anger. `They brought me to a STRIP CLUB!' Inuyasha walked up behind him and began pushing him into the club. Sesshoumaru stood up when he smelt his brother and Kouga above the smoke of the Strip Club. Inuyasha saw his brother and pushed Kouga towards him.
For the first time Kouga looked around. It was definitely a demon club with a few humans walking about. The waitresses walked around with mini-skirts and tube tops. He couldn't help but think that, yes some of the women here were cute, but he loved his Ayame. At least he thought he did. He was soon brought from his thoughts when Inuyasha shoved him into a seat.
He sighed, showing he was giving in to their Bachelor Party. The guys smiled and sat down in their seat, ordering some sake for the nice show ahead.
A few women came out, showing stuff that all 4 men knew a doctor gave them. Miroku and Inuyasha, being single, were the ones really watching. The lights soon went out as a voice came over the intercom.
The voice went away as all the men looked around. One light came on to show a deserted stage. The pole that was there was gone, being replaced with a few men who worked at the bar. A red light came down to cover a young woman walking out on stage. They didn't seem like dance objects, more like, bodyguards.
Kouga's eyes widened at the woman walking on stage, she walked confidence, with regalness in each step. His eyes started from her feet, laced up in black heels. The ties of the heels tied up her leg to her mid-calf. Her smooth, long tan legs looked so delectable. As his eyes traveled up, he noticed something. She didn't wear a tiny mini skirt, or a bathing suit bottom. It was a skirt but one of those plaid schoolgirl skirts only blue and green.
He watched the fabric sway across her tan skin as she walked to the middle of the stage. His blues eyes continued up her body to see her tone stomach, an emerald green jewel in her belly button. A small smirk came to his lips; she had a belly ring, how cute. His eyes continued up to see a large plumb chest covered with a blue lace bra. It hid the finer things that everyone really wanted to see.
His eyes soon graced the fine skin of her face. Such a gorgeous being he saw. Her lips were looked soft yet fierce, and when she smiled, she showed off canine fangs. His eyes soon came to look at hers. He was entranced. Ayame had green eyes but these; these were an abnormal green, deep emerald green eyes. The music started off with a woman sing and the woman named Kayko began her dance.
(Sexy Naughty Bitchy, by TATA YOUNG)
I pick all my skirts to be a little too sexy

Just like all of my thoughts they always get a bit naughty
When I'm out with my girls I always play a bit bitchy
Can't change the way I am sexy naughty bitchy me
Her body jumped in the air landing with her legs spread as her fingers played with the hem of her skirt
Her hand soon left her skirt to trail up her body to touch her temples making her head spin around, waving around her long brown hair
As her head came back to look at the audience a playful glare looked out at the crowd as she started to slowly kneel down towards the stage floor
As the rhythm changed she slide down into the splits and started slowly crawling forward her legs coming together behind her, her tail flicking upward in a flirtatious manner

I'm the kind of girl that girls don't like
I'm the kind that boys fantasize
I'm the kind that your momma and your daddy were afraid you'd turn out to be like
I may seem unapproachable but that's only to the boys who don't have the
Right approach or ride that makes a girl like me wanna hop in and roll
She soon pushed her self up to stand, in a crouched postion placing a finger to her lips
She soon started to slowly stand up, her hands rubbing up her legs, pulling the skirt up to show off matching lace undines, up her body, to roughly moving over her breast to being held in the air above her head
Her hand came back to her head as a twinkle came to her eyes as her head swung from side to side
Her head looked forward as her hips began to sway side to side, her tail rubbing up the side of her leg
Her head soon turned towards Kouga's table as her body rolled upward, making her breast poke out slightly

People think it's intimidating when a girl is cool with her sexuality
I'm a 180 to the stereotype girls like staying home and being innocent
Her high heeled feet walked across the stage, the soon began to walk across the tops of the tables
As her feet graced Kouga's table she spun around and slide down into her split on the table, looking at him seductively

I pick all my skirts to be a little too sexy
Just like all of my thoughts they always get a bit naughty
When I'm out with my girls I always play a bit bitchy
Can't change the way I am sexy naughty bitchy me
Her legs came around to sit in front of her as her fingers traced up her leg from her knee
Her fingers slide over the skirt trace up her stomach and between her breasts her head tilting back as if she were in heaven
Her head shot up as her hand slammed on the table behind her, her legs spreading
She slide herself off the table, landing graciously into Kouga's lap before giving him a kiss

My mouth never takes a holiday
I always shock with the things I say
I was always the kid in school who turned up to each class bout an hour late and
When it comes to the guys I'd lay, I'd always pick the ones who won't figure out that
I was clearly rebel to the idea of monogamy
She stood up form his lap and skipped across the floor her fingers tracing the wood chair or spare tables as she made her way back to the stage
She spun around as she reached the stage, her arms holding on to the sides as she gave a gaspy pout
Her back arched from the stage wall her hips swaying to the music
Two bodyguards made it to the front of the stage as the picked her up from the floor by her arms, her heels making a clicking sound as she touched the stage floor.
Her hands traced the broad men's chest as she started walking backwards towards the middle of the stage

People think it's intimidating when a girl is cool with her sexuality
I'm a 180 to the stereotype girls like staying home and being innocent
Her hands touched her hips as she began to twist her upper body
With one of her upper body twits she spun on the stage her tail flowing flirtatiously behind her

I pick all my skirts to be a little too sexy
Just like all of my thoughts they always get a bit naughty
When I'm out with my girls I always play a bit bitchy
Can't change the way I am sexy naughty bitchy me
Her body jumped in the air as she landed with her legs spread, her head twisted off to the side
Her flinger touched her lip as she bit the tip seductively
Her head popped back to the front, her eyes serious
Her arms came to rest on either side of her head and with each word her hips swung sharply to the side her head following her movements

Sexy sexy sexy...naughty naughty naughty...bitchy bitchy
Sexy sexy sexy...naughty naughty naughty...bitchy bitchy
Her hips began to slowly move as she took small steps, with each word she found herself facing 3 different ways from facing front she face off towards the right of the stage, from facing the right of the stage she faced towards the back of the stage, and from facing the back of the stage she looked off towards the left of the stage and with the word me she found herself looking off towards the front again
Her hands began to trace her body when the song said sexy, the began to tangle themselves in her hair at the word naughty, her hands untangled themselves from her brown tresses to come down and lay on top of her chest and bitchy and look of innocents on her face
People think it's intimidating when a girl is cool with her sexuality
I'm a 180 to the stereotype girl like staying home and being innocent
Her hands touched her hips as she began to twist her upper body
With one of her upper body twits she spun on the stage her tail flowing flirtatiously behind her


I like all my shorts to be a little too shorty
Unlike all my guys I like them tall with money
I love all my nights to end a little bit nasty
Can't change the way I am sexy naughty bitchy me
Her hands came to swish her flimsy skirt from side to side
Her hands traced up her body to come up and cover her mouth, her mouth a big O her eyes innocent looking
One hand came down to grip the side of her bra her other hand coming down to hold onto her skirt with one finger her head falling backwards her back arched
Her hand came to hold her head as it swung from side to side

I pick my Skirts to be sexy
Just like my thoughts a bit naughty
When I'm out with my girls...bitchy
Can't change how I am
Sexy naughty bitchy me
Her fingers pulled up her skirt tracing the soft skin underneath
Her hands soon came up her stomach to roll over her large mounds of flesh
The back of her hands then came up to trace the side of her face as she looks out sternly into the crowd
Her head soon looked down to the ground her hair hiding her face
Her body turned on the ball of her foot as she walked off stage the red light following till she disappeared.
Kouga stared dumbfounded at the stage. Did she really just kiss him? Miroku and Inuyasha slightly glared at him.
“Your getting married and you still get all the girls at the bars!” Miroku said, huffing. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and stood up. Kouga looked around to see people slowly getting up, many talking about the incredible woman. Sesshoumaru got up with Inuyasha and walked off towards the door. Miroku followed after the two brothers. Kouga followed more slowly, looking behind him towards the stage before stepping out of the club.
“You coming Kouga?” Kouga looked up at Inuyasha as he spoke.
“I'll call a cab. I just need to sit back and think for a sec. I'll see you all tomorrow” Kouga walked off away from his friend.
Inuyasha and them just looked at each other confused before getting into their cars and leaving. Kouga walked on down the sidewalk till he saw a little park off to the side. He slowly walked over to it and sat down on a bench. He looked at the swings swaying in the wind.
Before he knew it was 1'oclock. He sighed and looked up at the sky only to look off to the side at something moving. His eyes widened as he saw the girl from the club walking through the park. She was dressed in something way different from the other strippers. Instead of walking out of the club looking like a whore, she wore jeans, tennis shoes and a thin jacket. For the first time that night, he realized there was a strong breeze blowing through.
He continued to watch her walk through, her long brown hair blowing in the wind, her tail looked as if it was doing the wave. Kouga sighed and got up. He walked to her taking off his jacket and gently putting it on her shoulders. She jumped, a gasp coming from her lips, before turning to look at him. A blush gracing her face as she realized whom it was.
“I'm sorry if I scared you miss.” Kouga smiled as he watched her pull the jacket closer to her to keep herself warm.
“Oh, its ok.” She looked at him and smiled, her blush still on her face.
“I'm sorry if kissing you was too far, it just seemed like a good thing at the time.” She looked at her feet when Kouga chuckled.
“Aw, its ok. You made my friends jealous, so it's all good.” Kayko giggled and looked off.
“I'm glad you liked it.” Kouga looked at her and smiled.
“You need a ride home? You look tired and cold, which doesn't make for a good walk.” She smiled and looked up at him, nodding her head.
“Yeah, I would really appreciate a ride.” He gave a smile, putting a hand on her lower back and leading her off to the street.
Kouga stopped on the edge of the sidewalk; his had still on her lower back as he looked around the street. Headlight caught his eye as he saw a cab driving down the road. He waved his hand at the driver, only to have it drive by, people already inside the car. He sighed and pulled out his phone, calling one of his cars to be driven to him. Kayko just stood back and watched him.
She knew who he was; cause she recognized all of his friends. He knew he was getting married, and he felt sorry he was marrying the woman he was. He seemed so nice, and the woman he was marrying, was a whore. She stood there watching him. He was handsome, very handsome. Yet he was marrying someone so beneath him. He looked back at her and smiled. She smiled back and looked off to the side, blushing at being caught staring at him.
“My car is on its way. Where do you live miss…?” He felt kinda dumb for forgetting her name.
“Kayko, just Kayko.” She smiled at him. He smiled at her and held out his hand.
“Well, since this is spouse to be your bachelor party time. You want to do something for it? I'll be happy to help.” He smiled at her. In the back of his mind a very tiny voice said no, but it was easily squashed as he nodded. Wanting to have one last fling before getting married.
“And I'm not doing this for money. I'm doing it, cause I thought you would like to have more fun.” Kouga smiled and watched his car pull up. His driver stepped out and held open the door for Kouga. Kouga walked over and opened the door for Kayko. She stepped in and walked around to the driver side. The driver bowed and stepped aside, another car coming up behind Kouga's car.
His driver got into the car behind him and the car drove off. Kouga started the car and drove off. He took a deep breath, the car soon started to smell like her and her arousal. Kouga looked at her out the corner of his eye. She was just leaning back, her eyes closed, relaxed.
He pulled up to a small drive and turned on it. He slowly started driving up the drive. Kayko opened her eyes and looked around. Large trees, such beautiful trees that hid many secrets, lined the drive. She loved forest. Kouga looked over at Kayko who, at the moment, was looking out the window, Her eyes wide as she watched the trees move by.
Kouga soon pulled up to a nice sized two-story house. He wasn't like Sesshoumaru who liked large extravagant homes. He liked the simple homes. Kayko liked his taste. He pulled up to the front of the house and turned off his car. He smiled at her and got out. He walked around and opened the car door. She stepped out and looked around. She began to walk, but was stopped when she felt herself being picked up. She looked at Kouga as he walked up to the house and unlocked the front door.
He pushed it open, walked in and shut it with a kick of his foot. He smiled at her and she smiled back, her heart beating. `I'm doing this, for him. Remember that Kayko. He is marrying Ayame, not you. This is just a one-time thing. Beside, Sango said that you needed to get laid. That's all that it is. Getting laid.' Kayko thought to herself, trying to pump herself up for what she was about to do.
Kouga set her down and pushed her up against a wall. His lips found her neck as he started kissing her. She bit her lip as he started kissing up her neck. Her hands came up to grip the back of his shirt as he started to kiss her jaw line, only to start kissing down her throat. He shuddered at the feeling of her nails softly grazing his back.
Kayko's fingers traced up Kouga's back, tracing circles in the skin of his neck. Her fingers soon began to slide over his shoulder and down the front of his shirt. Her fingers came into contact with his pearly white buttons of his dark blue shirt. Her fingers played with the buttons as she started to slowly unbuttoned one. She slowly went down and unbuttoned another one. Her fingers softly touched the skin of his chest, making him shudder.
His hands came to her shoulder, slowly moving under his jacket and her flimsy one. He slowly started pushing them off, her arms being forced to her side as they dropped to the ground. Under her jacket she wore a tank top. He smiled as he kissed the top of one of her right breast. Her hands rushed back to his shirt and began to finish unbuttoning it. She began to push his shirt over his shoulder. He slacked his arms letting the material fall to the ground with the jackets.
His hand came back to her body on the verge of hunger. His hands grabbed her waist, slowly sliding his fingers under her tank top. Her skin so smooth he thought as his lips crashed against hers, a moan coming from her throat. His hands continued to go up her stomach, her shirt bunching up at being pushed up her body. His lips pulled away from hers as he pulled her shirt off.
He looked down at her, her eyes clouded, her chest rising and falling quickly. He smiled at her and she smiled back. His lips crashed against hers as her leg came up to drape on his hip. His hand grabbed her thigh, his nails dragging along her legs. He growled slightly at not being able to touch her skin.
He pushed away from her and locked his doors, making sure NO one would be able to get in. He went back to her, grabbed her hand, and pulled her upstairs. He opened the door to his room, and she gasped. Dark wood bed with dark blue sheets. He pulled her over and threw her on the bed. She landed with a bounce before having him on top of her.
She giggled when he started kissing down her neck; his hand coming up to kneed her left breast. His mouth came down to nip at her right breast, licking each place he just nipped. Her back arched as she gasped. Kouga smiled as he wrapped his lips around a perked nipple. Her leg wrapped itself around his leg, as a whimper escaped her lips. He kissed across her breast, through the valley and up the left breast. He nipped and licked it before sucking on her nipple just like the right. His hand soon attached themselves to her pants. Her hands stopped him and she smiled at him.
“You finishes getting yourself undressed, and I'll get my self undressed” Kouga smiled and nodded starting to take off his shoes and pants. Kayko quickly did the same.
She soon found herself pined as he settled between her legs. Her head tossed back when she felt him thrust hard into her, a groan filling the room. He groaned himself. Ayame was nowhere near this tight. Her legs wrapped around him as he thrust harder into her again. Her clawed hands gripped onto his shoulder blades. Her nails racked down his back as he thrusted harder into her.
His teeth bit down on her nibble as he continued to thrust into her. She smiled at him and rolled him over. She smiled down at him and put a finger to his lips when he tried to protest.
“Shh, this is your bachelor party still. I should be pleasing you, not you pleasing me.” She said seductively as her tail trailed up the inside of his leg. She leaned over kissing his neck as she slowly began to move herself up and down slowly at first then quicker as things started picking up. His hands came to rest on her hips as he helped her move up and down.
Her tongue trailed up and down his neck as she began to softly bite his neck. His body tensed at the feeling as she scraped her nails down his pecks. Her fingers traced the little lines between his abs. She shuddered at the feeling as she continued to give him pleasure.
“New postion.” He huffed out as he pushed her off. He rolled her on to her hands and knees as he slammed into her from behind. A whimpery moan slipping from her lips. He held her hips as he started thrusting faster and faster into her. Her claws held onto the sheets. He started kissing from the base of her tail down her spine till he came to the base of her neck. His hands moved to hold himself up on either side of Kayko. Kayko's head lay on the bed, as she tried not to moan too much, but as she started coming close her climax the silence was blown.
Kouga didn't know what it was, but he loved how she tried not to moan through the whole thing. Ayame would instantly start moaning with the first thrust. Kayko didn't, which made him want to make her moan. He felt her clasp around her harder as he groaned at the feeling. He heard his name slip from her lips as she came.
He opened his eye only to see a twinge of red. He kept his mouth closed as he felt his fangs seemed to become longer. Why was he feeling that now? He was marrying Ayame. She was to be his mate, yet he was starting to feel his beast awaken. He continued to thrust until he came. They both relaxed on the bed as he turned his head away from her, fearing he'd mark her if he looked at her.
Kayko pulled herself from him and lay on the bed. Her hand on her chest as she tried to catch her breathes. She looked over at him and smiled seeing him already passed out. She must have done the works on him. She gave a small giggle before getting up. She slowly got herself dressed in her pant and shoes as she wrote a little note for him.
Dear Kouga,
I hope you had fun, I know I did. Have fun in the married life, though I feel sorry for whom you're marrying. Anyways, I regret not being able to get to know you better.
With Love,
Kayko ran down stairs and grabbed her bra and tank top, putting them on quickly. She threw on her jacket, grabbed her abused purse that somehow got thrown into the kitchen. She grabbed some spray and sprayed the house, to help hide her scent as she escaped out the front door and ran off.
She made it to her house and snuck in. She walked up stairs, hoping not to wake her grandfather and son. She walked to her room and to her bathroom. She turned on a light and looked at her neck. No marks were left as she turned on the shower and stepped in. She smiled lightly as the water ran over her skin. This had to be the best night of her night she had ever had.
The next morning Kouga shot up. He looked around his room, only to see, she wasn't there. He whimpered slight at not seeing her beautiful face sleeping next to him. He heard a car pull up and looked out.
“Shit!” He yelled to himself as he ran around the house cleaning up, trying to hide the scent of Kayko in the house. He put his jacket on a hook and grabbed his shirt before running upstairs to see the letter she left him. He stopped and picked it up, reading it. He smiled agreeing with what he said. He would have loved nothing more than to be friend with her. He heard the sound of key's at the front door and ran to the bathroom, hiding the letter in a cupboard Ayame NEVER looked in.
He turned on the shower and jumped in, letting the water wash away the lingering scent of Kayko. His beast seemed to whine at the thought of the scent going away as he heard heels on the stairs. He started washing his hair when he heard her voice in his room.
“Kouga, baby I'm home,” She said as she walked to the bathroom smiling.
“Shower Hun, be out in a sec.” He yelled as he quickly washed the conditioner from his long black locks. He turned off the shower and stepped out. Ayame walked in when he stepped out smiling.
“Miss me?” She asked, as she looked him up and down. He just smiled at her.
“Yes, I missed you a lot baby.” He said as he grabs a towel, kissing her on the cheek, and starting to dry his hair. She smiled and skipped out. He sighed and looked off at the mirror.
“Will I ever get to see you again?” He asked himself quietly as he thought of Kayko, and her soft Emerald Green eyes.
Ok if you like the story and wish for me to go on, please review. I liked writing this story cause it was different form what I am trying to write now. So PLEASE tell me if you like it. I would really like to hear from people.