InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ancestors ❯ The truth revealed ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The next morning Kagome awoke surrounded by protective arms. She looked around and realized she was in a tree with Inuyasha.

"About time, wench! I was beginning to think you were going to sleep all day." Inuyasha said trying to sound angry.

"The sun's just now coming up, you baka" She replied.

He snuggled closer to her and let out a sigh. " We need to find out about your grandfather. I think Shippo should be next on the list."

"Inuyasha, You don't seriously think it's Shippo, Do you?"\

"No but he needs to be eliminated. We'll do the same thing that we did with me."


Inuyasha grabbed Kagome and jumped to the ground, and headed for Kaede's hut. Breakfast was ready and waiting for them.


"Yes, Kagome-mama"

"Inuyasha and I need to see you after we eat alright?" Kagome asked her foster son.

"Anything for you Kagome-mama"

They all ate in silence. Then the three went outside. "Shippo hold out your hand." Inuyasha demanded.

Shippo held out his hand Inuyasha started to cut him with his claw.

The little fox kit pulled his hand away. "Inuyasha-papa please don't hurt me!!" He started to cry and reached for Kagome. Inuyasha intercepted him and held him tightly to his chest. Rubbing his back and soothing him.

"Calm down, son. I just need to cut your palm a little. It's for Kagome ok?
I promise It will only hurt for a second." Inuyasha explained.

Shippo held his hand out to his father and shut his eyes tight. "OK, Hurry"

Inuyasha took the small hand in his giant one and made a small gash across the palm. He then took Kagome's and repeated he process. Again the blood did not move. She and Shippo were not related, at least not by blood but by heart.

Kagome was relieved. She did not want her foster son being her grandfather.

"Now what?" She asked the hanyou.

"We can't get to Naraku, besides his blood is miasma. It's poison I don't want you near it. We will try the wimpy wolf. If It's not him then we'll know it's Naraku. OK?"

Kagome nodded. "Shippo stay her with Miroku and Sango . We'll be back soon." She kissed him on the forehead and watched him run back to the village. She turned to Inuyasha. "Let's go!"

He picked her up settling her comfortably on his back , sniffed the air and took off in the direction of wolf. They traveled for about an hour when they came upon Kouga.

Kouga turned around and headed straight for Kagome. "My woman you've returned to me."

"Stay away from my mate, you baka" Inuyasha said protectively.

"Your mate, a, She's mine. Tell him Kagome."

"Actually Kouga I am Inuyasha's mate." Kagome informed him.

"Since when?" Kouga demanded,

"Yesturday" Inuyasha said with spite. "We came here on a mission …"
Kouga was looking at Kagome with longing. "Hey you baka get your eyes off what's mine, and listen!"

Kouga jumped back to reality, "What do you want? You've already taken my heart!" Kouga replied very dramatically.

"Kouga, My mother told me that I was related to a youkai I know here. Can we test you we have narrowed it down to you and Naraku." Kagome informed him of her situation.

"Anything for you my dear Kagome" He held out his hand and cut it . Inuyasha did the same to his mate. Their blood slowly migrated to each other and merged. Kouga's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe he was in love with his decendant. "Kagome ,What am I to you?"

"My grandfather"

"I don't ****ing believe it, My mate is a quarter wolf!!"

"Better than being a quarter of whatever Naraku is, don't you think?" Kouga remarked.
"I guess"

"Inuyasha? Are you mad at me?" Kagome asked him tears forming in her eyes.

"No, My Kagome , I'm just stunned."

"We should go, Kouga we'll talk later ok? I need to go see mama!"

Last chapter:: Kagome confronts her parents in the present.

Well a lot of you guessed right !! Ya'll paid attention to the clues. The next chapter is the last one!! See ya soon!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Sigh.