InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ancestors ❯ WHAT? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"WHAT?!!" Kagome sat staring dumbfounded at her mother.

"You have probably met your paternal grandfather in the feudal era." She repeated.

"Mother, That's impossible. That was five hundred years ago. No one is living from
That time." Kagome informed her.

Her mother replied with one word. "Youkai"

"WHAT?!! I have Youkai blood?"

"Yes, but I won't tell you who it is just yet. I will tell u if you have met him or not.
Name a few Youkai you know."

Kagome began listing. "Inu Yasha.."

"I said Youkai not Hanyou, Dear."

"Sessho-maru, umm…., Toto-sai, Kouga, Jaken, Shippo, Myoga and Naraku."

"Yes, you have met him." Momma commented.

"Mother, Who? I need to know. Why tell me at all if you aren't gonna tell me everything?"

"You needed to know. But that is all for today Kagome, When the time is right you
Will learn the rest. Isn't it about time you were getting back. Inu Yasha will come for you if you don't hurry!"

"Mom? Is he still alive?"

"Yes" was her only reply as she turned and walked away.

Kagome grabbed her backpack and headed to the well still reeling from the news.
She knew Inu Yasha would be waiting for her inside the well house. As she walked
To the well she felt a presence like someone watching her. She tried to search the shadows but found nothing. So she proceeded into the well house.

As she opened the door she heard, "About time wench. Where have you been?"

She couldn't hold it in anymore. She burst into tears. Crying hysterically.

"Kagome?…. What's wrong?" Inu Yasha asked concerned. "Did I do something? Kagome?"
She just kept crying and jumped into his arms, burying her head into his comforting chest. Inu Yasha was startled but held her tightly to him. After a few minutes she started to calm down and began to tell him her story.

"My mom told me my paternal grandfather is a Youkai."

"WHAT?! Who is it Do we know him?"

She nodded. "Mom won't tell me who though. Only that we've met him."

"That makes you a quarter youkai. I wonder why it doesn't show? Why can't I smell it?"
Inu Yasha contemplated.

"Maybe It's my miko powers. It could be suppressing it."

"Could be. We need to go speak to your mother."

"She won't tell us."

Inu Yasha grabbed her hand and dragged her back to the house.
He walked right up behind momma and boomed "WHO IS IT?"

"INU YASHA!" She screamed turning around.

"Well…I'm waiting." He said impatiently.

"All I will tell you is that you and he do not get along, Inu Yasha."

"Well that narrows it down to Sessho-maru, Kouga or Naraku." Kagome surmised.

"And Shippo." Inu Yasha added. He got an evil glance from Kagome. He just knew he was going to get a "sit" for it later.

"Maybe it is one of them or maybe not." Momma answered.
"You two had best be getting back. You're friends will be worried."

"Alright , see ya soon."

When they reached the well Inu Yasha picked Kagome up and jumped in. For Kagome was looking quite melancholy and afraid. As they exited the well on the other side Kagome asked Please let's not say anything to the others right now, OK?"

"As you wish ,Kagome" He said then kissed her forehead to comfort her. He then took her backpack then her hand in his and they walked slowly towards the village to Kaede's.

Can you guess who it is??? Feel free to guess in your reviews. I will put a clue in each chapter. Next chapter Kagome and Inu Yasha contemplate how they might be related.
I might even eliminate one of the candidates.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha or any of it's characters!!

This is my first Inu Yasha fic!!