InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Angel ❯ Chapter 13

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sadly, they aren't mine. I only use them for my wicked fantasies.

A/N Kuma- bear

Chapter 13

Sesshomaru spent the night with Nev and left at first light. He left her exhausted, but happy in their bed.

He thought about Ken and how well adjusted he seemed. His anger was lessening in intensity, and he was not surprised it was his mate's doing.

She inspired his men, they looked to her as something to be protected. He noticed that Ken reacted the same way. She drew them like moths to a flame.

His mother said that there are a few stories out there about women such as Neveah. That their goodness drew a demon to them, and that sometimes they were used as bait to catch demons.

He sighed and put the thoughts of his mate and the growing family he had. Turning them instead to finding Kagura, he knew she had to be close. What he didn't understand was why was she using humans.

"It maybe that humans are immune to Neveah's charms.", his youkai spoke up. Sesshomaru silently agreed with it. These humans were mercenaries, hired to do a specific job. The only one they caught died before giving any information.

He was heading back to Daichi's to start looking again. They were hiding from them very well, evidently someone in their group was good at covering scents. He began planning their deaths, one by one, including Kagura.

No evidence pointed to her, but he knew she was behind this. She couldn't get to Neveah, so she was trying to hurt him in any way she could. Her death would long in coming and pain filled as she waited for it.

Chiyo watched from the window as Sesshomaru left. She sighed and got up from her window seat. She knew that now would be the perfect time to show Neveah, the one secret the Lady of this house always kept.

She wasn't going to show her, she didn't think Neveah could understand. Then, she saw what Neveah did with Ken, and a little hope stole into her heart.

She went to her son's door, knowing that was where she would be, and knocked. "Yes?", Nev's voice called out.

"Neveah, I must talk with you. Now, while no one else is awake and Sesshomaru is not here.", she said.

She came to the door and slid it open, "Mother, what is wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. It's something I must show you and no one else but, the Ladies of this house should know.", she explained.

Nev nodded, "All right, give me a moment to dress?"

Chiyo smiled, she could smell sex all over her. "At least she is taking care of my son's needs. If she continues the way she has been. My son will spend the rest of his days happy.", she thought.

Chiyo waited patiently for Nev, and motioned her to follow. As they walked, Chiyo spoke to Neveah. "What I am about to show you is a secret. One that only the Lady of the Western Land is privy to. We are going to a part of this castle that no one knows of, save for myself and the captains of the guard."

Quickly she went into her apartment, and to a corner in the floor. She bent down and lifted it, indicating that Nev go down the stairs that had been revealed. Chiyo followed her, closing the hatch as she came down.

What Nev found at the bottom of the stairs was a well lit hall with doors lining each side of it. She could pick up sounds coming from behind the doors and gave Chiyo an odd look.

"Behind these doors you will find all the feral pups that have ever been brought to me. There are still one or two still alive from when I mated Touga and was brought here for the first time.", Chiyo told her.

"It has always been part of our duties to care for these pups and try to calm their youkai. Sadly, none of us have ever really been able to reach more than one or two over our lifetimes. I have even kept the ones that were completely hopeless, I found I couldn't kill not one.", she admitted.

"This duty will be passed on to you, after your mating. We will need the captain to accompany you, to provide protection for you, and to lift that hatch.", Chiyo smiled at her.

"So, you weren't going to kill Ken?", Nev asked.

"No, child. I always hope that the child can regain control of it's youkai, and become a productive member of demon society. After I saw what you did for Ken, I decided to let you in on this sooner. I'm curious to see if you can help any of these pups.", Chiyo announced.

"I always act like we are putting the pup down. I would not want any coming here to torture these poor pups, or to look at them as if they were an oddity. That's why the secrecy, to protect them.", she smiled at Nev, who was already hurrying to the first door.

She looked in and saw a young female cat demon, she had bright orange hair and brilliant green eyes. Nev thought the pup about ten years old, and her heart went out to her.

She gave her a big smile, then looked at Chiyo. "Does she have a name?", she asked.

"No. She has never spoken. I have always called her Koi. She's the only female.", Chiyo answered.

Nev turned back to the girl, "Hi, Koi. My name is Neveah. If it's all right, I would like to come visit you."

The girl looked up at Nev and smiled at her. Chiyo gasped, "She has never done that. Neveah, these pups are the reason you and my son were fated to be together. I have been searching for a way to help them. There are too few full demons left in this world and these few would add to those numbers."

Nev smiled at Chiyo, "Let's see what we can do for them. Together, we can help them. I'm certain of it. I would like to look in on the rest of them, if I may?"

Together they walked down the hall, briefly speaking with each pup. Then, Chiyo led her through that door into a large room. Off to one side a gurney sat at the ready, and medical equipment. "This is the infirmary. I have a physician to come and care for them. I, also, bring pups here if it seems calm enough to be in the same room with.", she explained, pointing to the small seating area.

Then they walked back down the other side of the hallway, to the last door. Inside this room, was a fully grown male bear demon. "He has been here since I became their guardian. We have never been able to get anywhere near him, unless we tranquilize him first.", Chiyo told her over the vicious growling coming from inside the cell.

Nev sent him a smile and the growling stopped. The bear demon just stared at her, like he had never seen a human female before.

"This has been very hard on you, I'm sure. All this time, no daylight or freedom. How about you and I work on changing that?", she said to him.

The demon's inner youkai was fascinated, "Never have we seen one so beautiful. Our life for her, she requires much protection, none should ever hurt her." He could smell that she was mated, and that her mate was powerful. He knew that he could never have her, but would still do anything for her.

Neveah looked at Chiyo, "Can we open the door? I see he is shackled, and I promise to stay out of his reach."

Chiyo nodded and opened the door, "Remember, just step inside. No closer." Neveah stepped inside and the demon shied away, pulling himself away from her, trying to hide.

"It's okay. I just wanted to come introduce myself to you.", she smiled at him. "I am Neveah, mate to Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands.", she gave him a small bow.

He looked up at her, then his eyes grew wide at her belly. She laughed a little, "Our first pup. A little girl. May I ask you something?"

His gaze fell on her, "Would you like someone to come and talk with you? I'm sure you get very bored in here all day."

Chiyo, who had been watching from the door, gasped. The demon's eyes actually flashed, like he was getting his youkai under control. Then, he stood and just stared at her again.

"I'll take that as a yes. Perhaps, I will come again tomorrow.", she gave him another bow and left the cell.

Chiyo blinked back tears as she locked the cell door, not letting Neveah see her weakness. She couldn't stop the excitement that flowed through her. " Finally, after all these millenia, someone who could help their lost pups, and she turns out to be human.", she thought, then snorted to herself.

Then it dawned on her, "Inu Yasha's mother was probably like Neveah, and that was what pulled Touga from her side." She began to understand why Touga did what he did. She wouldn't forgive him, but wasn't as angry at him.

Over the next month and a half, Neveah made a daily trip down those stairs. She took special treats to them and just talked. She told the stories that Chiyo told her, and about Naraku and Inu Yasha's quest for the Shikon-no-tama.

She always stopped to visit the male, and would sit and talk with him. She would leave the cell door open and sat on a stool right inside the door. As she would talk she would knit, he would just watch her hands as she created a large afghan.

The colors she used reminded him of something, but his memory was fuzzy. Suddenly, he heard, "Finished, at last." He watched as she tied it off, and snipped the yarn.

She gave him a huge grin, "I made this for you. I know you don't need anything to keep you warm, but sometimes I think it's nice to wrap up in a blanket and just relax."

She put her needles and the scissors in the bag she had, and stood folding the blanket up. She took a step to him and held it out. "Go ahead, take it. It is for you.", she gave him a trusting smile.

He wouldn't come near her, afraid that he would be beaten or given that stuff that made him sleep.

She looked at him, her eyes soft, "I will trust that you won't hurt me, if you trust that I won't hurt you."

His hand shot out and snatched the afghan from her, and raised it to his nose, smelling her scent. It made him think of being outside in the sunshine, running free. He unfolded it and wrapped it around him, her scent swirling around him.

He tried to smile back at her, but didn't know if he had it right. He knew it was a long time since anyone had been this kind to him. Not since Mother and Father.

Nev noticed the forced grin and said, "I'm glad that you like it. I must go now, my mate will be home soon and I need to attend to him."

The demon sighed and lay down on his futon, afghan still wrapped around him. "I will see you tomorrow.", she whispered, and slipped out of the cell.

The captain locked the cell and looked at her. "My Lady, he has grown so calm since you have been coming. I feel glad for him, to gain a little control after so long has to feel wonderful. I'm sure if our lord knew, he would be very pleased.", he said.

"Thank you, Captain. I want them to get better. They have a right to a normal or almost normal life, like anyone else.", she said. She went up the stairs to her mate and family.

Two weeks later.............

Chiyo and Neveah sat in the sitting room with Daniel, Ken, Kyo and a pup about their ages. They listened as Chiyo told a story about powerful demon lord and his lady, how they worked together to bring some order to the demon world.

All their heads snapped up at the sounds of a pop, pop coming from far away. Chiyo heard the footsteps on the stairs and said, "Pups, not a sound." She slipped from the room, only to back right back into it.

A huge blond male followed her in, an AK-47 aimed at her chest. "Well, well. Looks like I hit the jackpot. I was sent after the Mother, and I get the whole family.", he grinned, eyes ice.

"Bob, go get the boss. I got 'em all.", he yelled, eyes staying on Chiyo. "Lady, make one move and I'll send you to your mate.", he warned.

Nev jumped up, "What is the meaning of this? Who do you think you are, coming into my home and acting like you own it? Get out, before my mate shreds you to pieces."

"Lady, you will be dead before he ever gets here.", he announced.

"No, she and I have some games to play first. You think you can bewitch what should be mine and take my place?", Kagura pronounced as she entered the room.

He eyes swept coldly over Lady Chiyo, "So, you accept a HUMAN as his mate?"

"Neveah is meant for my son. His mark is proof enough for me, as well as what she has done for the feral pups that are trapped inside themselves. She makes Sesshomaru happy, which is something you could have never done for him.", she hissed back.

Kagura looked around in disgust, "Separate them, lock them up with these ferals and let's see what happens."

Kagura drug Nev by the arm and made her watch as each of the pups was locked in a cell with a feral. She cried out when they put Daniel in the same cell as the bear demon. Kagura chuckled, "He'll make a tasty little meal."

Kagura yanked Nev back into the sitting room and shutting the door behind her. "I tried to get you to leave, but you wouldn't. Now, I am forced to kill you. First, you are going to listen to the sound of your pups dying at the hands of demons like the one you mated.", she growled.

Nev closed her eyes and began to pray, and to call for her mate with her mind. She knew it was a long shot, but hoped their bond was strong enough without her mark. She thought since he got so sick, that she might reach him.

Sesshomaru sat in Daichi's office going over the latest intelligence with him. "We lost them again. That's the third time this week.", he growled.

"Sesshomaru, we will pick up their trail again. I've already called Koga and he has his pack looking for them. Be patient.", Daichi was trying to calm him.

Sesshomaru jumped up and began pacing the floor, then stopped dead. His face registering shock. He heard the words very clearly, "Sesshomaru, they have us all. They are armed to the teeth and Kagura is with us. Please, we need you."

He looked to Daich, "Call Inu Yasha tell him to meet me at my home. Tell him not to tell Kagome, but that Kagura has them all. I know Kyo is with them." He walked out onto the balconey and created an energy ball and flew off to his mate.

He tried sending a calming thought to Neveah, knowing she had to be terrified. He could only hope she got it.

Neveah sat and faced Kagura, "Walk away now, and I will ask Sesshomaru to let you live." Kagura only laughed at her. Suddenly, she heard, "Don't worry, mate. I am coming to your side."

She looked at Kagura, "That will be the last laughter you ever utter. Sesshomaru comes to me and I have called him. You should pray that your death will be swift." She threw her head back and laughed wildly. Showing Kagura bravery even though she was scared to death.