InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Angel ❯ The Trial Beings ( Chapter 15 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Fifteen:
The Trial Begins
Kagome walked through the door, and immediately felt an
intimidating air. Everywhere she looked, males, all males; looking
down on her, as if she were beneath them. She stood straighter and
stared them down; receiving intense disapproving glares in
She could care less about their disfavor, they could all kiss her
Boldly, she took her time to look around the room, meeting the
glower of more than one male in the room.
The room was tastefully decorated, and well lit, large cathedral
style windows let the sun shine down into the room. The wooden
floor gleamed and sparkled, clearly polished to perfection. Chairs
behind her were lined up in two separate sides. Three rows and four
chairs on each row, a small table and chair sat next to the judge's
It would have been a cheerful room if not for the immense
intimidating judges podium that dominated most of the space. The
booth was long and tall, about a foot taller than her, it curved
into a semi-circle. At one end sat Lord Sesshomaru, Lord Yamiko and
Lord Sarinji, all three Lords looking regal and serious, and at the
other end were what she assumed the elders.
It was surprising because they didn't look elderly at all.
More like they were in their mid thirties to forties.
The one next to Lord Sarinji was a tiger youkaiwith bright orange
hair and even brighter orange eyes; his features were exotic and
dangerous, and one of the more disapproving looking individuals. He
wore a very expensive looking blue kimono and hakama. He regarded
her with intense scrutiny, disdain and curiosity.
Instantly, she knew she probably would not like him. He looked like
the type bastard to speak nonsense about “a woman's
Well he could kiss her ass.
Deliberately she dismissed him from her notice, nearly smiling in
satisfaction as his orange eyes narrowed on her in clear
Next to him sat a falcon youkai, his features were sharp as his
deep chocolate eyes. He was quite handsome, his shoulder length
braid resting on his right shoulder. His clothing was equally
expensive except the color of said garment was a bright red.
He was looking at her much like the tiger youkaihad except he
lacked the open disdain and censure, so she couldn't say she
disliked him right away, but she did decide that she wouldn't
decide to like him right now either. Looks could be deceiving and
he could turn out to be her worst enemy in this trial.
She would have to watch him and listen closely to what he had to
say about this whole mess.
And last sat there was a inu youkai. Shockingly, he looked just
like Sesshomaru, except older. From the crescent moon that graced
his forehead, and the magenta markings on his face, he was
definitely related to the Western Lord. His expression was direct
and piercing. Seeming to see right to her core, she avoided his
But he didn't seem to look at her in a disrespectful way; his gaze
was merely curious and intense.
She was led further into the room by General Haku halting the
middle of the room before the royal demons.
It was intimidating and galling, pricking her temper.
They looked so disapproving and serious, and the open condescending
air with which they regarded her grated on her already frayed
nerves. With the patronizing body language she couldn't help but
wonder how in the hell would make it through the proceeding without
saying or doing something that would land her in even more
She knew herself, knew her temper was easy and quick to stir. She
knew that when she opened her mouth with her temper consuming her
that she had little control over what was said and how it was
Clearing his throat, General Haku came to attention, clicking his
boots together with a loud thump and stated in a strong clear
throat, "Prisoner is presented before the royal council as
Wrong words to say.
Kagome's eyes narrowed in outrage, "Prisoner?“
she sputtered, “I am the Lady of the Northern lands! Not a
prisoner! I demand to be released and returned to my home
immediately! I've broken not laws and committed no crimes,"
The tiger Youkai's eyes flashed at her, lips curling back in a
snarl. Kagome straightened her spine, ready to see what ignorant
bullshit spewed from his lips. She was not to be disappointed
"You will hold your tongue, woman. You are in enough trouble
presently, best you keep your mouth shut and show respect for this
Her hands clenched and her jaw ached as she ground her teeth
That pompous, stuck up, chauvinistic, ignorant old bastard! If her
hands were free she'd purify his ass!
"I'll not be silent!” she shot back, ignoring the shocked
gasps of the males seated behind her watching the trial, “You
have no right to do this to me! I have broken no laws!"
"Yet you have not shown this council respect. Playing everyone for
a fool, you have broken a law indeed. Those who live under the
royal council must show proper respect and deference
to their superiors. You have broken this vital law,
female. For this reason alone you have forfeited your
lands, position, title, and subject yourself to penalization."
Kagome trembled, trying to pull air into her lungs.
Not in fear of her punishment, but in unadulterated rage. Energy
thrummed fiercely through her body, pounding painfully through her
veins. She wanted to kill him; kill them all, wipe the earth clean
of chauvinistic, arrogant, pigheaded, condescending, no good males!
Good Lord she had never been so angry and disgusted in her entire
life! Never had she ever had a reason to hate
But dammit she could feel it now. Taking over her thoughts; turning
them dark and ugly and violent. It scared her, these hideous
feelings, and yet at the moment, she revealed in it. Letting it
consume her as she stared the tiger youkaidown, unable and
unwilling to back down.
She lifted her chin in defiance.
"I have not played any a fool. Nor did I directly deceive
"Enough," the elder inu youkaiinterrupted, "We will begin the first
phase of the trial now. There will be time enough for objections as
we proceed. This is a place of order, and it will be maintained as
Kagome stayed quiet, but it was one of the most difficult things
she'd ever had to do in her life.
“Continue General,” the inu youkaicommanded.
General Haku nodded and intoned in a strong voice, "Yes sir."
He marched over to the door and opened it, and more people, human
and youkaialike filed in, all male,their clothing and postures
oozing smug elitism. She assumed that these had to be Overseers of
some of the villages. Overseers were second only to the four
Territory Lords.
They were probably all here just to catch a glimpse of the female
that had “fooled” them all.
She knew she had no supporters among that group.
One of the newcomers took a seat in the small chair behind the desk
next to the judge's booth. He was human. Short brown hair and kind
brown eyes, he wore a beige kimono, not nearly as grand or
expensive as some of the other material in the room, but was still
above average. He carried a few scrolls inside a leather bag, took
them out and opened a blank scroll and whipped out writing
utensils, waiting patiently.
Clearly he was the stenographer. He looked up at her, and stopped.
His eyes widened slightly and his mouth moved as if he wanted to
say something to her.
Kagome's dark brows drew down in confused disapproval; what was he
As if reading her thoughts he blushed furiously, looking
embarrassed and flustered he fumbled with his materials. Scribbling
words on it in a distracted manner, he stared at the scroll as if
his life depended upon it.
What the hell was his problem?
She was beautiful! Good lord almighty! He felt as though his heart
was constricted, he could barely breathe! This was what it felt
like! This was love! Love at first sight. He had to be in love.
There was no other explanation for it. Forget Julia, she no longer
held his heart. He could not have loved her, for he loved this
raven haired beauty.
He paused for a moment.
His mother had told him that he fell in love with a new woman every
other week and that if he ever fell in love with another woman that
he should stop and count how long it had been since he had claimed
to be in love.
He began to think back to when he had first declared his love for
It had been two days since then, and five days before that it had
been Michi, and three days before that it had been Kotiko.
He frowned.
Was his mother right? Did he fall in love to easily?
Hojo blushed as he stole another look at the glaring woman. Her
cinnamon eyes flashing at him.
No, this was real love, maybe he had fallen in love too easy
before, but this was different.
It had to be.
He wanted to laugh aloud. She was so beautiful to look at! He could
stare at her all day!
He sighed; she was too beautiful for words.
He would write a poem for her later today when he was alone,
although he wanted to leave now. Steal away to his bedroom and
write for days, weeks. Knowing he could not was sorely
disappointing. But for now, he had to be her hero! He had to be her
champion as she was facing the elders and the Territory Lords. He
would record her trial word for word! He would not let his new love
Lord Toramaru sat quietly, his sharp amber eyes taking in the
people inside the room, not missing a single detail.
His eyes drifted over to his nephew.
Lord Sesshomaru had not taken his eyes from the woman since she
arrived. An intense sense of possession surrounded him, as though
he had some unspoken claim upon the young woman. His demeanor spoke
volumes. He wanted this brown eyed spitfire currently engaged in
battle with them.
He had never seen his nephew so ensnared before.
And there had been a lot of women that went through
the capable hands of the young Lord. But none had ever lasted
beyond a day or two.
Through it all, Sesshomaru treated them as a mere annoyance when
not in bed, something to be fucked and tossed without a second
thought. He'd feared his nephew would never mate and insure the inu
youkailine continued and thrived. Although, if his brother
InuYasha, produced pups their line would not completely die out. A
small portion of his line would be preserved.
Besides, his younger nephew was no where near settling down. He
wasn't as big of a man whore as his older brother, but he did have
his share of women, none of which lasted more than a night or
What would InuTaisho say if he could see his sons today?
He sighed, his brother.
InuTaisho had been his best friend, his comrade, his closets
confidence. They had been as close as twins, though InuTaisho was
three hundred years his senior. He'd been presumed dead years ago,
leaving two sons behind.
Because of that Sesshomaru had had to take over as the new Lord of
the Western lands. Cold and aloof, he was described as "Killing
Though Toramaru liked to think there was another side to the young
Lord, he knew it was most likely just wistful thinking on his part.
But he could still hope, could he not? And he did, he hoped that
one day his nephew could have the ice melted from around his heart
and the wounds of the past healed.
But he was not certain if that would ever happen.
And then there was InuYasha.
Hot headed and foul-mouthed, the complete opposite of his older
brother. Unlike him and InuTaisho, Sesshomaru and InuYasha were
more blood enemies than close brothers. They fought often and
exchanged insults daily.
Though hanyous were not nearly scorned as they were back in his
day, InuYasha was snubbed because he was a noble and a degenerate.
Those of high breed were expected to conduct themselves in a
certain manner.
InuYasha could care less.
He spent most of his time in the forest, away from his brother and
those that would sneer at him.
It was well known that the two brothers had no love for each other
due to the events that occurred between his father and mother and
InuTaisho's subsequent actions with InuYasha's mother Izaoi.
That had been years ago but still the, hatred and resentment had
carried over.
Sesshomaru's mother, Kaori, passed away from a mysterious illness;
wasting away before his very eyes. The mating between InuTaisho and
Kaori had been arranged purely political. There had been friendship
between them and nothing more. After her death, InuTaisho had moved
his lover Izaoi in to the castle, mating her almost immediately,
and soon after she gave birth to InuYasha.
Toramaru had to admit that his brother had made a mistake in mating
Izaoi so soon after Kaori's death, especially with a grieving son
to look after, but at that time, InuTaisho had not been thinking
He'd been blinded by his love for Izaoi, too excited that they
could finally be together as true life mates. Toramaru had
understood his brother's feelings.
Sesshomaru had not even pretended to understand.
Never again had Sesshomaru spoken to InuTaisho as a father, but
merely as a stranger, it had broken his dear brother's heart. It
had been as though Sesshomaru had cast his father completely from
his heart, like a parent that had disowned his child. After some
time, InuTaisho had come to understand what he'd done wrong and why
his son had turned from him, and the guilt had eaten at him.
He had carried around that guilt for a long time, up until the time
he had disappeared.
But he had been happy at times, able to escape the guilt for a few
peaceful moments with his new mate.
Unfortunately, a few years later, even that was lost to him with
the passing of Izaoi in a tragic accident.
InuTaisho had never recovered, losing both his mate and, to him,
his eldest son had thrown him into a deep, dark depression.
Toramaru still remembered that awful time. His brother had
considered suicide on more than one occasion, hiding the attempts
from all but his younger brother. Toramaru had not been fooled, he
knew how hurt his brother was and had taken the precaution of
checking every vial of poison they had in the castle, noting any
missing weapons, even going so far as to follow him for several
weeks when InuTaisho seemed to be at his worst.
After a heart to heart talk with his older brother, Toramaru had
seemed to curb his suicidal compulsions, reminding him of his
youngest son and his responsibility to his people as the Western
It had seemed to work.
To dim the pain, InuTaisho had thrown himself into his work, making
the Western lands the most prosperous in all of Japan, rushing into
battle after battle until one day, he never came back.
After decades of searching, he;d been pronounced dead, and
Sesshomaru had taken his place.
He turned his attention back to said demon.
Amber eyes were still locked onto the female.
A man stepped forward; scroll in hand and waited for the attention
of the occupants. When the room quieted, he unrolled his scroll and
began to read.
"The trial of the accused; Kagome of the North will begin.
Presiding judges:
Lord Yamiko of the Southern Lands.
Lord Sarinji of the Eastern Lands.
Lord Sesshomaru of the Western Lands.
Elder Torao
Elder Kiji
Elder InuTaisho
First phase of trial shall commence under the witnesses of the
village Overseers:
Of the Southern lands, Overseers:
Overseer Ryokotsai
Overseer Naverna
Overseer Katio
Overseer Sarikuyo.
Of the Eastern lands, Overseers:
Overseer Rintaihu
Overseer Lankoyuu
Overseer Shirantu
Overseer Gentama
Of the Western lands, Overseers:
Overseer Rankiku
Overseer Shintaku
Overseer Reyuuki
Overseer Jankotski.
Prisoner Kagome of the North has committed numerous crimes, and
shall be tried for each charge on this day. Phase one of said
prisoner's trial will come to order and begin, now."
Bowing, the man stepped aside, taking a position near the door.
Kagome fumed.
Numerous crimes her left big toe!
How dare they?!
She had committed no crimes!
And she found it very funny that they invited none of her own
Overseers to her trial. This trial was a sham, a complete and utter
farce, more for show than anything else and she knew it,
they knew it.
She would not stand for this!
She looked into the eyes of each male before, letting them see her
hatred, naked and undisguised. Lord Yamiko had the gall to look at
with those same twinkling eyes and winked at her as though they
were still friends and this was some sort of game they were
playing. As if he weren't sitting up there with the rest of them
and trying to ruin her life.
He had some nerve!
She wanted to scratch his fucking eyes out and make him eat
She turned away from him deliberately and insultingly, fixing her
attention else where.
Lord Sarinji did not look pleased but more resigned to what was
taking place here, giving her a nod of good luck she neither wanted
nor needed from the likes of him. If he wanted to give her
encouragement or even make her feel better then he would put an end
to this travesty of a trial or at the very least stand in her
As far as she was concerned, he was just as bad as that damn
smiling Lord Yamiko.
Her attention reluctantly moved to the silver haired Lord, who
looked composed and aloof, but whose eyes burned with such passion
and possessive desire that she blushed and looked away.
Her gaze landed on the elder tiger youkaiTorao, who once more
regarded her with keen interest, then to the elder Kiji who was a
bit surprised that she dared to reveal her hatred so openly to her
superiors, and then finally to Toramaru who gazed at her then to
Sesshomaru; a calculating look in his wise old eyes.
Did he suspect the attraction between them?
Kagome would not be surprised if did, Sesshomaru sure as hell
didn't seem very good at hiding his feelings.
Torao spoke, detaining her attention back to him reluctantly.
"Kagome of the North, you have been charged as follows:
Concealing your identity with malicious intent.
Deceiving nobility.
Commanding the Northern inhabitants to assist you in your
Abusing your power to cause confusion and unrest.
Disrupting the trust and peace between the Territory Lords and
promoting disrespect for the position of the Lords.
To these chargers, how do you plead?"
Kagome felt her stomach churn; they had turned all her actions
against her! Made her out to be a bad person when they knew she had
not done any of that.
Mentally she went over each and every charge and debunking it for
the made up, non-sense that it truly was.
Okay, so she had concealed her identity but not with malevolent
intent. She had done it because she knew that these dusty old
bastards would give her trouble for not being born with a penis
between her legs.
And what disrespect had she brought to the House of the Northern,
Western, Southern and Eastern territories? If anything, they had
brought the disrespect.
Deceiving nobility?
What noblemen?! There was not one noble male in this entire
Bringing shame to the Northern lands. She snorted inwardly. Oh
please, she had brought no shame to anyone.
She hadn't demanded the cooperation of her people; they had helped
her deceive the other Lords out of loyalty, respect and the general
good nature of their hearts. Something these bastards would know
nothing about.
She had certainly not abused her powers, nor had she disrupted any
trust or peace between the Territory Lords.
She was not guilty and she would not say she was to please them or
anyone else. She would tell the truth and continue to protest her
innocence, no matter what happened, no matter what the outcome of
this trial was.
She was innocent.
Good Lord she hated men!
"Not guilty" she hissed between clenched teeth, the
heat of her answer blazing over everyone in the room.
Miko energy crackled, and a few youkai shifted uncomfortably at the
electric charge. Most in the room had not been this close to a real
Miko before. A large portion of miko's had retreated to a coven in
the Eastern lands after peace between youkai and humans had
stabilized, leaving only a few to, roam the free lands, their
services used only for unruly youkai.
Torao raised a brow at her answer but made no comment. Instead, the
tedious and harsh questioning began. At first, the questions had
been fairly simple.
Was her name Kagome?
Was she the daughter of the late Lord and Lady of the Northern
Simple questions.
But then it turned bad, it turned into something akin to a witch
trial. And the way they phrased their questions! They delivered
them in a way that would easily confuse her, trick her into saying
something she would rather not say.
By the time they had finished with their ridiculous and insulting
inquiry, Kagome was drained from the intense emotions coursing
through her body.
Anger, despair, frustration, all of her emotions seemed on the edge
of bursting free.
She was quite ready to commit murder to more than a dozen males,
and not all of them were on the judges bench.
She could feel the heated glares of the Overseers behind her. She
could hear their murmurs of agreement when ever one of the judges
made a comment about women aren't allowed to do this, or women
aren't fit to do that.
Non-sense, stupid, ignorant non-sense.
Women were as good as men, better even! And she had said as much
over and over through out the trial, satisfied with the venomous
denials from the males.
Hours came and went and before Kagome knew it, the first part of
the hearing was over.
For that Kagome was grateful, she'd had more than enough.
The trial had been long and tiring. Every time she tried to defend
herself they had shot her down, turning her words around on her,
trying to make her incriminate herself. The elders and Lords had
left for a brief recess to go over the facts and evidence
She'd had to stand the whole time and she was still to remain
standing even though she was so tired, she was shaking. She was
almost relieved to see the males file back in and take their
respective seats. She hoped with all her heart that they were going
dismiss this whole thing and return her to her lands in the North.
Her heart was pounding so loud in her ears as Lord Toramaru
"The elders and Territory Lords have deliberated and come to a
decision. The prisoner shall appear before the royal courts once
more on the morrow, at mid-morning for said verdict. Court is
Her heart sank at his words, and she could barely stop the anger
that wanted to break free.
As the court began to file out, Kagome was lead back out by Lord
Haku. As she was led away, she clenched her fists, so damn angry
she was tempted to turn back and purify every male she could get
her hands on.
Beside her, General Haku walked quietly, clearly reluctant to be
the one to lead her away. He seemed to think everything around was
interesting, for he looked everywhere but at her. For his sake she
decided not to make a scene. Besides, it wouldn't really get her
anywhere. Succumbing to temper tantrum and acting like a female
controlled by her emotions would only make things worse.
She had to be smart about this. She had to pick and choose her
battles, and not start a pointless war she couldn't hope to
Right now, she had no choice but to go along with this farce,
adding more trouble by doing stupid things in rebellious female
fury was not a good way to go about things. It would only prove
what they were already saying about women.
That women could not use reason because of overactive emotions.
She wouldn't give them such ammunition to use against her.
Looking around the room, he shook his head.
His collection had been destroyed; he would have to start over
again, collecting every shade of blue he could find just like he
had before his imprisonment.
No matter. He enjoyed collecting his favorite parts of the body; it
soothed him to be surrounded by his jars of eyes. He had no idea
why blue eyes fascinated him so much, but they did. He often looked
for victims with some shade of blue so that when he was finished
with them, he could harvest their eyes and place them into one of
his jars.
Behind him, he heard a muffled scream of terror.
It seemed his first victim had awoken. Anticipation tingled up his
spine. This would be the first of many victims since his
resurrection, and he was more than ready.
He turned and looked at the youkai make manacled to the wall, his
arms contorted painfully in the irons, the chain hung so high the
man had to balance on his toes to keep from breaking his own arms.
Blood dripped from beneath the iron bracelets, the result of the
metal spikes connected to the inside of the manacles that were
buried deep into his skin.
He `d caught the water demon unawares at the lake he had come
across. His blonde hair and blue eyes had attracted him.
The color entranced him.
He needed those eyes.
He strolled over to the confined male slowly, intimidating the man.
He knew how he must look. Long dark hair, long bangs covering his
eyes, purple eyes as cold as death, handsome, sinfully so. He
looked much like the killer psycho he was. He smiled at the man
before him; his gaze looked on his big blue eyes.
"Why have you abducted me foul demon?" the water demon demanded
despite the fear radiating from his body.
Mahdness tilted his head to the side and said nothing. They stood
there, looking at each other for long moments, the captured male
breathing hard and fast.
"Why have you abducted me foul demon?" Mahdness repeated.
The male looked at him with a confused horrified look.
"Why do you mock me?"
"Mock me why do you?" Mahdness questioned , sitting down, knees
"I know not what game you play, but I want no part of it! Release
"Mother shall be here soon, come in from the rain, yeah?"
"You're mad!"
Mahdness stood hastily and rushed over to the man and grabbed his
face in both hands,
"Tell no one tell no one tell no one they will come for thee! My
eyes will see me and judge me! Open!"
Madness's hands shook the man's head side to side.
"You'll take me home won't you big brother?"
He licked the terrified mans cheek.
"Incest… incest… incest… incest. They took one of
my hands as well. Come with me big brother come with me!"
Pulling the man forward in one hard, jerking motion he broke both
of his arms, the appendages snapping like twigs.
The man screamed in agony nearly passing out from the intense pain.
His screams echoed off the walls of the room. No one would hear the
screams. Not here. This was his secret torture room, carved into a
mountain, hidden away in the Western lands. It was a damp room,
large and sound proof. The walls made of rock, the floor of dirt.
No light pierced the overbearing darkness save for dim torches that
lined the wall.
Mahdness stood quietly as the man's screams became soft whimpers of
"Do you think it will rain soon sister?"
Enraged, the water youkai screamed at the top of his lungs,
"Yes, I am not in my mind, I am outside of my mind. I am right
here. Yes right here,” Mahdness replied.
He pulled him by his chin, bringing them eye to eye. In a movement
almost too fast to be seen he pushed his fingers into the man's
eyes, seeming oblivious to the tormented screams.
He pulled both blue eyes out.
As the male crumpled against the stone wall Mahdness looked at his
bloodied clenched fist with childlike excitement.
He had two.
Two blue two blue two blue!
He went over to the small jar filled with a glowing green goo and
dropped them both inside and capped it. He brought the jar eye
level and smiled brightly.
"Two blue."
He would sleep well tonight. He shuffled over to the dead man's
body and took off the shackles. The body fell lifelessly to the
floor and Mahdness set the glass down and bent over the body.
Gently, he turned it over on its back.
He spread the arms out, and tilted the head slightly to the right,
and pushed the stiff mouth into a smile.
That done, he reached down and grasped one leg, pulling until the
bone snapped before turning to the other leg to break it as well.
He positioned the legs at an odd angle and rearranged his hair.
"Perfect. I will sleep this night."
He lay down between the jar and body, and shut off his shattered
mind, allowing himself to sleep, his purple eyes still shifting
about in the dark room.
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Please review!
See you later guys!