InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Angel ❯ What In The Hell Happened? ( Chapter 66 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Sixty-Six:

What In The Hell Happened?

Kagome lay curled against her mate, seeking his warmth and comfort.

From the darkness of the room she knew that she had only slept a few hours. She didn't know how late it was but there was a few hours before sunlight broke.

Sesshomaru's hands smoothed over her belly.

They had spent all of last night this way and Kagome was in no great hurry to change it. She wanted him here for as long as possible.

Beneath her ear his heart beat strong and steady, the sound calming her own heart. His hands tightened around her waist, his fingers stroking her skin in smooth, soothing circles. Every so often his nose would nuzzle the soft skin of her cheek and temple while his lips brushed over her forehead and ear.

They had lain this way for close to an hour now, neither one wanting to break the silence.

Kagome was grateful for his comfort after her frightening accident. Even now she felt shaken and scared, so scared that her hand moved over her stomach in a constant search for movement, any sign of life from her precious pups.

She wasn't disappointed.

Her babies moved every so often, their kicking and shifting like a soothing balm to her heart.

She could not remember a time when she had felt such emotions all jumbled together like that. Fear, grief, pain, and so many more feelings she couldn't even put names to.

Still they lingered, driving her to seek solace in the safety of her mate's arms.

What was sort of surprising was that said mate was just as unsettled and upset with the incident as she herself was. Though of course he wasn't as emotional as she was, she knew that he was feeling the effects of her fall as much as she was.

His hold on her was a clear indication of that. He held her tightly, as if he feared to let go and yet he held her gently, as though he was afraid she would break.

His fingers, rubbing her skin were so very light and steady; his lips soft and tender against her flesh.

It was a side of him she had not seen much of.

Leaning back slightly, Kagome looked up into his troubled amber eyes. Reaching out, Kagome ran her hand down his check, tracing his magenta strip. His clawed hand wrapped around her smaller clawed hands, and slowly he brought her fingers to his lips.

Kagome felt tears burning her eyes at the tender gesture.

The look in his eyes…she had never seen him give her such a look. There was pain, sorrow and an intense guilt shining in those eyes.

"Kagome," he began softly, "I'm sorry I left you alone and unprotected. Never again, I vow this will never happen again,"

And he meant it.

Never had he felt what he was feeling right now. He felt like he had been the one that had pushed her down those stone steps. He may as well have, leaving her alone as he had. Not one soldier had been placed at her side for more than a few days and the surprising thing about that was that he had either not noticed or had not cared.

Which one it was he knew not, but he did know that both were completely unacceptable and unlike him.

What in the hell had come over him?

The past week seemed a blur, and yet he knew he had not been himself. He could feel it.

He was out of sorts and making stupid, childish mistakes that he could ill afford to make. Mistakes he had never made before, that he would have disciplined his own soldiers for if they had ever done the same.

And because of his ignorance and seeming temporary insanity his mate had been hurt and his pups nearly killed.

It made his stomach knot and his heart clench to think he'd been so foolish in the first place.

Right now, he could not let go of her even if he tried. His inner beast was too upset to let go, he was too upset to release her. All he wanted to do was hold her, comfort her and convey to her his great sorrow, to show her he took full responsibility for his part in the incident and pray her heart was filled with forgiveness for the foolishness of her mate.

Unable to help himself, his hand descended to her belly, searching for the movement of his offspring.

He felt them, a limb moving slowly across his palm. His eyes closed at the feeling, relief coursing through him. His eyes opened as Kagome's hand covered his own, holding it tightly, tears running over in her beautiful cinnamon eyes.

Sesshomaru felt a stab of pain pierce his heart.

As gently as he possibly could, he wiped the tears away.

"Sleep and rest your body," he encouraged, "Slumber heals the body better than anything else,"

Kagome watched him with glistening eyes, her lower lip trembling softly.

"You…you'll stay with me?" she questioned.

Leaning down, Sesshomaru kissed away the moisture at the corner of her eyes before brushing a soft kiss over her lips.

"I'll not leave you," he whispered, nuzzling her neck softly, "Sleep, my mate,"

Kagome stared into those amber eyes for a long moment before closing her own tired eyes, more tears running over. Even as she drifted off to sleep she could feel his fingers moving over her cheeks, wiping away those tears.

Nearly three hours into her slumber, knocking sounded at the door.

Sesshomaru looked over at the door, his arms tightening even more on his slumbering mate. From the smell of the person, it was either one of his soldiers or a messenger. Definitely not anyone of consequence, and thank Gods not his father. He didn't think he could deal with his father right now.

His emotions were too dangerously close to the surface, too raw and overpowering for him to even pretend that he was in a remotely civil mood.

A soldier or messenger, he could deal with quickly and efficiently.

Whether it was one or the other, he didn't care.

He would not be bothered. Not today, not now. He had promised his mate that he would stay with her and he damn sure would. He had failed enough as a mate, provider and protector for one day. The male knocking at the door was extremely persistent though.

The loud noise was weighing on his already frayed nerves, not to mention it was disturbing his mate's slumber. Her dark brows drew down in her sleep, her little clawed hands twitching every so often.

With infinite care, he detangled himself from her embrace and walked over to the door and jerked it open. The soldier backed up two steps at his Lord's piercing glare, his hand still raised to knock again on the door.

Hastily he bowed low at the waist.

"Excuse the intrusion," he began, a little panicked, "I was ordered by the Elders to-"

"Leave," Sesshomaru interrupted in a hard voice, "This Sesshomaru cares not what the Elders have ordered. Lady Kagome is incapacitated from her accident and this Sesshomaru will not leave this room, nor does he wish to be disturbed. Return here at the risk of your life, soldier,"

That said, Sesshomaru turned and promptly shut the door in the face of the shocked male.

Sesshomaru walked back over to his bed, climbed under the furs and once more wrapped his arms around the slumbering female. For a while he watched her sleep, unable to help it.

Emotions were churning in his chest, feelings he didn't want to acknowledge or analyze.

But as much as he wished to ignore them, to pretend that they didn't exist, he knew he could not. Never had he been one to lie to himself or deny the obvious. Such things were reserved for the filthy humans, therefore, beneath him.

Reaching out, he caressed her cheek with a gentle clawed finger, marveling at the softness of her skin.

He cared for his little mate that much was abundantly clear to him. And it wasn't the normal care an Inuyoukai showed his female either.

Nay, this one was a bit deeper than instinct.

It festered in his heart, warming him in a way that was not bad but not exactly good either. The feeling was foreign and not all that welcome. He damn well had no use for such useless affections. It was a weakness a male in his position could ill afford to have.

His eyes roamed her face once more, traveling down to her extended belly.

And yet he could not say that he was sorry that he had them. They were no good to him of course, but the fact that he could feel such things was not completely unpleasant.

Maybe it was the excitement of the day, the fight with his father and Kagome's accident that had him thinking and feeling such things. He had no idea, but right now, there was nothing he could do but hold his mate and try and keep his own guilt and shame for allowing her to be hurt at bay.

What better way to do so than sleep?

Sesshomaru closed his eyes, his nose burying in the crook of his mate's neck.

And yet still, as he descended towards a dreamless slumber, his behavior over the past week nagged him, making him ask himself over and over;

What in the hell happened?


Kagura sat on the chair of her vanity looking at the herbs in the box.

Her emotions completely bottled and forced back, she fingered the little plant gently. Her mind ran through each and every possible way she could get Kagome to ingest it without implicating herself once it took affect.

The only thing she could think of was putting them in her tea, but how was she to sneak into the kitchen and do so?

With the cooks and servants in the kitchens daily there was no way she could do it.

She had gotten lucky at the festival. The big pot of rabbit stew had been left to boil as it normally is, so of course there had not been a need for any servants or cooks to be in that part of the room, thus giving her the few seconds she needed to pour the green substance into the bubbling soup.

But even then she had nearly been discovered.

Ensei had come looking for her and had nearly made her drop the entire vial into the food.

If she was seen anywhere near the drugged tea once Kagome went into labor she would be discovered, and if that happened, she would lose everything.

Her mate, her happiness and most likely her life.

Footsteps alerted her that her mate was returning. Quickly she hid the box small box behind her vanity before hastily taking her seat at the chair and pretending to be making an attempt to keep herself from crying.

A small cup of water used to remove excess makeup sat on the vanity.

Kagura dabbed her fingers in the water and dribbled a few drops on her cheeks and eyes giving her the appearance of having wept recently. She would not have thought of herself as an accomplished actor, and yet she was able to summon a look of sadness.

Ensei entered the room a few moments later, a bewildered and somewhat confused look on his face.

He was no doubt coming down off of the effects of the drug and trying to piece together his strange behavior over the past week. Her poor mate, he had no idea what the hell was going on. She wished that she could explain it to him, to take that half dazed expression from his face if nothing else.

The instant his eyes found hers in the mirror in front of her, his expression softened into concern.

"Kagura," he called, walked over to her and kneeling down next to her low seat, "What's the matter love?"

Kagura could have fainted in relief. Despite the fact that he'd been drugged and mostly out of his right mind, he didn't seem to be acting any differently towards her, and he certainly didn't seem to regret the mating.

She didn't think she could have borne it if he had.

Nor did she think she could allow him to live if he had. Her hands clenched. Nay, she would not have allowed breath to pass his lips if he had come to tell her of his regrets.

They were good and truly mated and there was naught he could do about it except cheat on her.

And for that he would also perish.

But lucky for him and her own sanity, he seemed to be as in love with her as she was with him.

Pushing away her increasingly darkening thoughts, Kagura focused on maintaining her sad and distraught act, squeezing out a few sob-like sniffles for good measure.

Her eyes closed in bliss as his thumb wiped away the feigned tears. Every time he touched her he set her body on fire. It was like a drug that she was so very addicted to, a drug she would do anything to obtain for herself.

"It's...Lady Kagome," she explained, her voice barely above a whisper, "She fell down the stone steps yesterday,"

"Good God, is she alright?" Ensei asked, wrapping his arms around her.

Kagura's arms snaked around his neck, tightening in irritation a moment. Maybe if she had pushed the little bitch a bit harder she would not have been. But alas, the fall had not ridden her of the mutts she carried.

But of course she could not vent her frustrations to her dear, beloved mate.

She was grateful he could not see the anger she was sure was blazing hot and naked in her eyes at that very moment.

"Yes," Kagura sniffled, "She's okay, and so are her pups. Lady Shusui examined her and has put her on bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy,"

Ensei leaned back, once again swiping at the moisture on her face, his eyes concerned and relieved to hear that the Lady of the Western lands was alright.

"That's good news is it not?"

Kagura nodded solemnly.

"Then why all the tears, love?"

Kagura wiped at her eyes, pretending to wipe away more moisture, cursing the fact that she could not produce tears of her own. Had she had that ability she would have forced out more of them.

"It just…I was right there when it happened. I can't help but to feel that I should have done something…anything to prevent it from happening but I couldn't," she whispered in what she hoped was a pitiful and remorseful tone of voice, "I just…"

Another sob broke off anything else she was about to say.

Ensei, darling heart that he was, responded instantly. His strong arms were once more around her, holding her tight as his clawed hand stroked her soft short hair, his lips gentle at her temple and cheek.

Kagura couldn't help but smirk at the results of her acting.

Had she known it was this easy to manipulate a person she might have tried it sooner. Once again her own arms embraced his larger frame, hands clenching his shoulder in feigned distraught.

"You are not to blame, Kagura," he said leaning back to look her in the eyes, "You could not have stopped her fall,"

Perversely, Kagura uttered her next words with a look of devastation, while inside she laughed at her newly discovered morbid humor.

"But it feels as though I was the one that pushed her. I was there with her and didn't see to her care so in a way this is my fault,"

Ensei's hand slipped around the nape of her neck, drawing her forward. His lips caressed her own with the gentlest of kisses. Kagura was in absolutely heaven at the light contact. God how she loved his lips; soft and firm and always so very tender. Her heart clenched and sang.

She loved this male more than words could describe.

"Listen to me," he commanded softly as he drew back, "None of this is your fault. You didn't push Lady Kagome down those stairs, she tripped. It was an accident, accidents will happen. No one is to blame, least of all you. I won't hear any more of such talk from your lips,"

Kagura smiled gently, nodding her head.

Leaning forward she embraced him again, not wanting him to see the struggle she was engaging in.

He would surely think it strange if she burst into laughter.

"Come," he said after a moment, grabbing her hand and helping her to stand, "The final guests are leaving the castle today so we should have some alone time to wander the gardens without all the chaos from before,"

Kagura nodded and allowed her mate to lead her out into the morning air, a smile helplessly stuck on her face.

"Yes, it will be nice to have some peace and quite now that everyone has left and things have calmed down,"

Ensei nodded at that, brow furrowed.

Seeing his look, Kagura asked, "What's wrong?"

Ensei stopped, looked down at her and then rubbed the back of his neck in confusion.

"With all that's happened, the strange way we've all been acting, I can't help but ask; what in the hell happened?"


InuYasha sat poking at his food, trying his best to ignore the dark glare flaying him alive.

It was no use.

Jolicia was in a foul mood and was determined to let him know it. The feline youkai was tearing apart her food with excessive vigor and viciousness, chewing just as threatening as she was stabbing the morsels on her plate.

He didn't know what her deal was.

Over the past week she had been acting so damn weird. She seemed to be back to her normal abusive self this morning but in the days past her anger had seemed to be over the top but surprisingly none of it had been directed at him or her brother Yamiko.

No, instead the rage had been placed squarely on the head of the young fox demon that had clung to him quite a bit over the past week.

Yui, her name had been.

The girl had seemed to attach herself to him throughout the events of the May Day festival. She'd grab a hold of his arm and drag him to and fro gushing over how handsome he was, how strong he was, how much she liked being with him.

InuYasha hadn't really known what do with the forward female.

He hadn't exactly been adverse to her company. Quite the opposite really, he found her funny and really pretty. Though he balked at being carted off every second, he had actually enjoyed her company.

Jolicia however had hated the girl's guts instantly.

Every chance she got she had humiliated or said something particularly unkind to the young fox youkai. InuYasha had been a bit surprised at her viciousness and cruelty. He would never have thought she was type.

Sure, she liked to beat up on the males around her in her spare time, but he didn't think she meant much harm by it.

But this past week, she had definitely been out for blood.

Even worse, that Yui girl had been more than up for the challenge. InuYasha had been holding his breath while in the company of the two women feeling sure that, at any moment, a fight would break out.

Luckily, it hadn't gotten to that point, but more than once he had taken cover just in case it did.

Thank the Gods the May Day festival had come to an early end and Yui had had to leave the castle with her party.

She had left early that morning with her family and other two friends but not before she had wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him full on the lips promising to visit again soon. Since that time, Jolicia, who had been standing near by and had witnessed the kiss had been giving his a rather nasty look ever since.

Like it was his fault that the girl had kissed him.

His brows drew down angrily.

What the hell her problem was he had no clue.

It wasn't like they were dating or anything.

They weren't a couple, so he could damn well let anyone he wanted kiss him.

Ignoring the glaring female at the other end of the table, InuYasha looked at the other shame faced inhabitants.

The room was quiet and tense, each person having their own reason to be ashamed. His eyes moved over each person seated at the dining table.

Toramaru barely touched his food.

He seemed to be in deep thought. No doubt trying to figure out why he had been acting like a jackass to Lady Kagome and ignoring the growing tension between his elder brother and eldest nephew. Even InuYasha knew such things were out of the normal for his uncle.

Normally, the older demon was the peacekeeper, the one male that seemed to have a leveled head in times of crisis.

No such thing had occurred.

Elder Toramaru had instead ignored any other plight but his own. His own peace of mind had come before the problems around him.

It was a side of his uncle InuYasha had definitely not known existed.

His eyes wandered over to Yamiko who sat blushing and quiet. He had damn well earned that blazing redness in his cheeks. InuYasha had known the male was a lady's man, but this week had been something extreme and more than a bit excessive.

Yamiko had spent a good number of days locked in a room with several of the female guests in a four day orgy of some sort.

The sounds that had come from that room had told the story if no one could have guessed. Not to mention the scent of sex lingering in the hallway near the bedroom and the numerous women going into the room and not coming out.

Even now, he couldn't even speak aloud about his debauchery.

He had chosen to ignore it.

He'd have succeeded if not for the vicious blush that stained his cheeks and necks and the fact that he couldn't look anyone in the eye. InuYasha, while surprised at his behavior, was amused at the turn of events concerning the feline youkai. It just gave him one more thing to use to further antagonize the conceited ass.

His eyes drifted over to Lady Shusui and Sinjaku.

Those two were acting strange as well. While Shusui could not look at the demon with breaking out into a blush even brighter than Yamiko's, Sinjaku couldn't seem to keep his eyes from the woman.

The only thing blazing on the face of that demon was his eyes.

The desire shimmering in those depths was enough to embarrass any one that happened to witness the look.

InuYasha hadn't really seen much of the two actually, and yet when ever one was missing, so was the other. It didn't take a genius to figure out why such a thing had occurred and as dense as he was about some things, InuYasha had put two and two together and came up with four long ago.

Last but not least he looked over at his father sitting at the head of the table.

Now this was something that disturbed him.

The sad, distant look in his father's eyes broke his own heart. A few bumps, bruises and cuts decorated his face and hands and yet none of the injuries looked as painful as the one that undoubtedly plagued his father's heart.

InuTaisho looked worn and beaten down in a purely emotional manner of speaking.

He couldn't seem to focus on anything being said to him, and refused to speak of what had caused the fight between him and Sesshomaru. InuYasha thought he had a pretty good guess though. His father had been inserting his wishes more and more lately, slowly trying to take over the entire position of Lord of the Western lands despite the Co. Lords stipulation decreed by the Elders.

InuYasha had to say that he was a bit surprised at his father's behavior.

Never had he thought father would do something like that.

And yet he didn't know if his father was in the right or the wrong. Technically, he was still the Western Lord for he had never died all those years ago, but at the same time, Sesshomaru had a legitimate claim to the title having accepted the position since his father's presumed death.

So who the hell was right and who was wrong?

Was an old claim more potent than a new one or did the new claim stand as it was? What was the right and fair thing to do in such a situation?

InuYasha had no clue and was damn grateful such a decision was not up to him.

No matter their choice, someone was going to be the loser in this case, and he had no doubt that a choice was going to be made. Already the Elders were preparing for a meeting to reevaluate the Co Lords solution.

From the little he had been able to pry from his uncle, the other Elders as well as the people of the Western lands wanted one figure of authority not two.

And with that demand came more problems.

The Territory was divided. Some wished to see Lord Sesshomaru retain his claim on the title while a good number wished to see the return of their former Lord, InuTaisho. As of late, the difference had put a strain on the once peaceful Western lands.

In conclusion, this whole thing was a mess.

InuYasha could only shake his head at the events that had occurred and watch as the events play out.

That and ask himself and what everyone else was probably asking themselves as well for the hundredth time:

What in the hell had happened?


The villages ran and screamed, scattering about like tiny ants. One by one they were cut down. Blood lingered heavily in the air, and the scent of death was everywhere. Numerous fires sent dark smoke billowing up into the sky, blocking the sun and bring a dark tint to an otherwise sunny day. The heat from the flames made it feel as though the entire village had been pulled down to the very gates of Hell.

Vishious, seated atop a hill overlooking the destruction, looked over at Ehvil, wondering what was going through the demon's head.

Since Kagome's little trip down the staircase he'd been extremely quiet and withdrawn, his thoughts, once an open book, now completely closed off from all. His eyes were hard, gleaming with some unknown emotion. Every now and again his eyes would narrow and his brows would draw down in a bit of a scowl.

No doubt he was contemplating killing him.

Vishious laughed quietly at that, he really wished he would try it. It would sure as hell liven things up around here.

Not that things were boring.

With the Western lands being torn apart by politics and his very own creatures there was certainly plenty to do. Tormenting the inhabitants of the land had become something of a daily routine for him and his band of murderers.

Sesshomaru had been more than a bit lax in security lately; the defenses against his attacks in every village grew more pathetic than first. They had already spread throughout the other territories and were even more disappointed at the lack of proper resistance. He had expected more of a challenge really. It was nearly insulting that there was not more protection for each village.

He shrugged mentally.

It didn't matter, when he ruled all of Japan no amount of protection would save anyone.

This time, he sighed aloud.

He would have much preferred to expand his rule far beyond Japan, but father had already claimed it and he knew that if he decided to extend beyond his reach father would send him back to his room in Hell without a second thought.

Vishious rolled his eyes.

Father was such a pain in the ass sometimes. He was always trying to take over shit, always getting in his goddamn way with his psychotic schemes and twisted fixation for beautiful young women.

Vishious had not heard from the male in centuries but he knew he was still around.

He could feel his power lingering heavily in this village or that, especially when a young woman had recently and unexpectedly met her end.

To be fully truthful, it made him nostalgic.

It was just like the old days. He, trying to carve out his own ambition, his father doing the same, their paths crossing at times and yet never actually meeting face to face. It made him happy to know his father had stayed the same even after all these years. He could only wonder what the male had up his sleeve this century.

From what he could gather, the male had been very busy with a young woman whom he had lured into death decades ago the last time he had managed to claw his way out of hell. If his father was on the prowl once more it could only mean the woman had bored him finally and had been discarded like the others.

Poor soul, he thought with a laugh, her torment was only beginning.

Turning his attention back to the antics of Khaos, he felt a smile splitting his face. The beast was angrily snapping bones and peeling flesh from humans and demons alike. For some reason he enjoyed both activities much more than anything else. Vishious was pretty sure he did it to vent his ever present, infinite supply of rage and anger.

What made him laugh was the way he yelled and screamed at the victim to stop screaming, working himself up into a frenzy when he didn't get his way. He was very much like a child at times, his mind still trying to grasp the concept of rationalization.

Regardless of their faults he felt such pride in his creations. They had nearly mastered the Japanese language and were speaking in complete sentences.

And here he had thought the dumb shits would never be able to wrap their little brains around a simple thing such as speech. He had done more with them than his father had been able to accomplish, though it wasn't really saying much considering his father's complete and utter lack of patience with the stupid.

Speaking of the stupid, he turned his thoughts back to his "daughter".

The corner of his lips turned down.

She was messing around with that mate of hers once again instead of figuring out how to grind the plant into powder and somehow get his future woman to ingest it.

He was finding that the little wolf was getting to be an annoyance.

More than once he had contemplated ridding her of that distraction and each time he had thought better of it. Through him he could control Kagura. Though he could easily control her without using the wolf as bait, he much preferred it to be that way.

It brought the little bitch pain and agony to hurt her friend in order to keep the demon alive.

His lips turned up at that.

What misery he could wrench from her. Her pain was different than those he tormented because the two of them were connected. Instead of just seeing the pain in her eyes and face, instead of just hearing her sobs and cries he could actually feel it through her. He could feel each gut wrenching pain, each contraction of her breaking heart and it was ecstasy.

He craved it, revealed it, welcomed it and encouraged it.

He had been hesitant to let her take the potion to numb her emotions but had quickly realized the advantages in allowing her to do so.

When the drug wore off and she had done the deeds he had bade her to do the pain would be multiplied and amplified. She would probably consider suicide when he was done with her, anything to stop the pain.

She'd be in a rude awakening.

The bitch had no heart. That shriveled black thing beating in her chest was no heart. It was nothing more than a piece of his essence; sort of a monitor, it informed him of changes in her body, in her thoughts, everything. They were connected on more than a telepathic level, though she didn't know it.

He was what kept her alive. As long as he lived she lived. Of course he could end her life himself if he wished it so, but he definitely could not see that happening.

Nay, after this was done she would suffer pain the like of which she had never thought possible.

He sighed, folded his arms behind his head and sat back to relax. For a moment, he closed his eyes, relishing the peacefulness of the destruction occurring down below. The screams filled his ears, the fire heated the air and the smoke clogged his nostrils.

It was almost like home.

Almost, but not quite.

As much damage as he tried to inflict on this little country, nothing quite compared to his beloved home.

There was not enough pain, not enough death, and certainly not enough torture. But he had no doubt he'd get it right eventually. He'd been working on it for years now, there really was no reason to quit after all he'd been through and all the hard work he'd put into accomplishing his goals.

Besides, he was having fun getting there.

Thinking about the events that had proceeded the green drug he had had slipped into that rabbit stew was still buzzing about in his head.

Good Lord he had never laughed so hard in his entire life.

So weak were they, to actually succumb to the effects at all. There were few that were able to do so, but it was funny that at of all the people there not one of them had overcome the effects. Kagome didn't count; her morning sickness was the only thing that had saved her.

But Sesshomaru…

His shoulders shook with mirth.

The shit he had put him through had been priceless to say the least. His mouth stretched wide in amusement just thinking of the fight between him and his father. Served them both right. Sesshomaru deserved every moment of his torment for putting his dirty paws on his woman, and impregnating her with those little bags of garbage.

InuTaisho had deserved it even more so for aiding that damned Siunki in imprisoning him and escaping from his prison before Vishious could get to him.

It helped that in a small way he had paid them back.

He wasn't done with them of course, they would both suffer great agony before he ended their lives, but it was a start. It would certainly cause a rift between the two males. A rift that would bring pain to them both, InuTaisho especially.

The sentimental fool was still chasing after the love of a son that did not want to give it.

It was pathetic and sickening.

"You are unusually cheerful today, Vishious,"

Vishious opened his eyes and looked up at Ehvil. The male had taken a seat next to him, his eyes fixed on the smoking village.

"Aye," Vishious agreed brightly, "Today is a cheerful day, ne Ehvil?"


"You seem to be the opposite,"

"That servant of yours, Kagura, I do not like her methods,"

Vishious chuckled, that was just like Ehvil, he did not mince words nor did he skirt around the truth.

"Is that so?"


"I like it no better than you do," Vishious stated, "yet it is necessary. If she is hurt in the process it is no more than she deserves for her defiance,"

Ehvil was quiet once more, that gleam in his eyes brighter than ever. Vishious was damn curious about its meaning. Was Ehvil really contemplating killing him?

God he hoped so.

Closing his eyes once more, Vishious dismissed the other male from his thoughts. He would relax until it was time to go back to their little hide out. He was really looking forward to watching the reactions to the events that had occurred in the last week.

But most of all he wanted to laugh aloud as they walked around in a daze asking themselves the same question over and over:

What in the hell happened?


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