InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Angels Descending Over Me ❯ Angel Feelings ( Chapter 4 )
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Wow you guys must really like my story! Well I love you all and thankies for the reviews! Just for that here's chap 5!
Chp.5 Shiki no Harusame (Four seasoned spring rain)
Kagome held on to appa's reins as they glided through the air once more. It's been another few months and so far kagome's met some interesting people. However only one of the people she wanted to seriously wanted to see. The misunderstood prince with the scar of shame marring his handsome face zuko. On one of the many run inns with the prince she was able to truly see his face and it all most made her cry. Pain. True agonizing, soul searing, heart jerking pain. `His eyes reminded her of her own before midoriko found her drifting towards the light.
Katara and the other were sleeping so kagome decided to land appa to let him rest. “Get some rest boy, you have a long day ahead of you.” appa licked her and she giggled. “I'll go find a stream or something to wash up in.” so kagome walked deep in the woods as momo watched her go. (A lot of people got on my case because of the fact that nobody heard momo mentioned in my fic so all u momo lovers…here you go). Kagome walked and walked until finally she noticed a beautiful and serene oasis. “I wonder what an oasis is doing on a uncharted island” kagome wondered out loud before shrugging it of.
Just as kagome was bending down to drink some of the water she tensed. `Someone is here.' “Show yourself.” kagome yelled. And just as she said that out stepped
I wonder… should I stop here? (Sees angry readers raising pitch forks.) O0 okay I'll keep going
And just as she said that out stepped the one person she was trying to get out of her mind. “Prince Zuko, what are you doing here?” he jumped back and prepared to talk but kagome bowed which made him halt his assault. “I know we are enemies but does that mean that we can't chat out of battle?” she asked pleadingly. “I am tired and I don't feel like fighting right now; and don't forget…it's a full moon and I'm a water bender.” he nodded stiffly.
So kagome sat at the bank and dipped her feet in the soothing water and gestured for him to join here. So he sat Indian styled next to her and they satin silence. “So how old are you?” he mumbled something but she didn't quite hear him. “What?” “I said I'm 17.” kagome smiled brightly. “Really? I'm 16 and