InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Anime Psychiatrist ❯ Shippou ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Shashomiru: O.o Where did people get the idea that I would put them in it?
Hack: Probably from your friend's comment.
Shashomiru: <.<; Hnnn. Ya'll, I'll consider putting you in, depends on time. I still need to update all of my other stories once. Ah, this brings back memories…. Chibi Dates…Soooo many people on the list……… so…. Many……….people!!!! O_____O EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Hack: ………<.< We'll consider it.
Shashomiru: Oh. Yes. Kirera and Shippou. -^^- Good idea!
Hack: Um…. Yeah. Enter, fools.
(Shippou and Kirera enter.)
Hack: Hii….guys.
Shippou: Actually…. Kirera is a girl. Can't you tell she's a girl? Do you have a thing about girls?!
Hack: Well, it's alright…. <.< Buuut.. to be honest. I thought YOU were a girl.
Shippou: -.-;
Hack: So, anyway… What's up.
Shippou: Do you really want to know? ^-^
Hack: <_< Just tell me why you're here.
Shippou: Well… I have a secret that.. I've wanted to tell Kirera for a looong time now.
Hack: What, secrets? Yeah, go on. ^-^
Shippou: Well… I came here to see if I could tell her. Up front. With encouragement.
Hack: What is this, Dr. Phil? (Disclaimer)
Shippou: Oh, come on!!
Hack: Look, I'm a Therapist, not a Confession Booth.
Shippou: Well, we're already here!! How about just this once??
Hack: *sigh* 'kaaaay…
Shippou: ^^ YAY! Thank you!
Hack: Whatever. Now… Before you tell us your secret, let us have Kirera's opinion about the situation. Kirera… How do you feel that Shippou has a secret from you?
Kirera: Prro prro prro prro. Prro prro proo. Prro.
Hack: You say that you think you may know what Shippou's secret is but you aren't sure and you think that if he tells you, it may affect you somehow and yet you wish to know because it may be good, but it's tugging at your curiosity so you want to know more than your other feelings about knowing?
Kirera: Prro.
Hack: Awesome. Shippou… How does this make you feel?
Shippou: I dunno… *he looks at Kirera*
Hack: Well, then, let's share the secret already.
Kirera: Prro…
Shippou: Alright, alright… *he turns to Kirera and sighs, blushing a bit* Kirera…
Kirera: Prro?
Shippou: I……I…
Kirera: “Prro”?
Shippou: I….
Hack: “I”!?!? *eats popcorn*
Shippou: I….I…I….I….. I….I love you!!
Hack: …..
Kirera: Prro!!! Prro!! *leaps to Shippou*
Shippou: Oh, Kirera!! I've been waiting such a long time to tell you!!
Hack: How glorious. * looks at wrist watch * Right, then. 
Shashomiru: It was meant to be!! Possible edits in planning! Just kidding! I edited this 20 years later! Hope you're all satisfied! ^-^