InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Another Day ❯ start ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


He took an aspirin and a swig of water to help wash it down.

"Maybe," he thought, looking at the ground, "maybe I'm worried about her. Dreams do that. They reveal your fears and shit. It's not like she was actually dying."

It was a weird dream. Kikyo in his arms, outside in the garden, underneath the trees, like old times. Talking about college and life like they had before she broke up with him. Than she just, she was screaming, and…it was weird, it was like she was dying, she was dying, but, it was…weird. Than she disappeared, disintegrated almost, and…he woke up.

"Maybe it's symbolic or somethin'…maybe her dying means breaking up with me and talking about college right before she died, that could mean that…err…I'm no good at this shit, where's Miroku when you need him?" He said, glancing at the clock on the microwave.

"Wait, today's a Monday and it's ten o'clock…ah crap."

He finished off the glass and set it down next to the sink.

He could afford on day off. His grades were good; he could get into his first choice, easy. All he wanted to do today was sleep and get rid of his hangover.


The first thing she was painfully aware of was her uniform. It was a school day and all little kiddies not in bed were to be at school being brainwashed by the powers that be. It was bad enough she looked younger than every other person out on the streets, but to have on a uniform…

She could stop by her home. Say she left her gym clothes and went back to get them, her mom might buy it.

"Wait, I think I did bring a change of clothes," she said softly to herself.

It had been getting colder as the year progressed and she had been getting into a habit of bringing a sweater with her, but maybe she hadn't brought it today…

She would be coming up on a park soon; she could go through there. Even if she hadn't brought the sweater, it would be better than being out in the open.


"Damn it, I'm paying shelling out big bucks for a cram school and then the teacher doesn't even show up…" Miroku complained. He cared about his studies, but that wasn't why he was pissed. He would normally have welcomed an unexpected day off, but that teacher was HOT, and without his routine ogling at her he was out of sorts.

He'd go check up on Inu Yasha. The guy wasn't THAT drunk this morning, he should be okay.

"Inu Yasha…" he muttered, irritated. His friend had shown up at his apartment a week or so ago (he let himself in of course), while Miroku was out getting…guy stuff. Inu Yasha was messed up that night, dazed, confused and slightly paranoid. Miroku had tried to talk to him but Inu Yasha was muttering some unintelligible shit before he blacked out. When he woke up, about a day later, he said Kikyo had broken up with him and instead of going to T.U. like they had planned she was going overseas.

It didn't seem like that big a deal. People got dumped as their partners moved on to bigger and better things all the time. But, they had been close, real close. On the verge of marriage close. It wasn't normal for someone that close to someone else to just drop the relationship, drop the opportunity of a lifetime, but not the relationship. Kikyo wasn't a technophobe, she could use a computer like everyone else, so what was the problem?

Something happened that Inu Yasha wasn't telling him, that had to be it…


"Yes!" she said, excited. The sweater was in her bag. She didn't have an entire outfit, but that was okay. She could wear the sweater over her uniform and keep the skirt on.

Now, what to do? She couldn't risk getting caught by a truant officer or having someone report her, so that narrowed out movies, the mall, and anything fun.

She continued to dig through her bag. She found a hair tie she normally kept for gym.

She tied her hair up into a ponytail, slipped the bag over her shoulder and walked on, wondering what to do until five.


`Hey, it's that girl," Miroku thought to himself. The girl he met at the station, but she was wearing a junior high school uniform, what was she doing out here, during school hours? Well she wasn't wearing one now, though that skirt looked familiar…no, there was something else he needed to think about. Namely that weird aura…

"Hey." He called out. He could have two questions answered at once. Two birds with one stone. Why she was out here and what the hell was up with that aura.

She turned in his direction. She knew she shouldn't be out here. Yeah, she was playing hooky.

"What are you doing out of school?"

"Well, um…" she started, blushing with guilt.

"Hey, no worries. I've been there. Only I didn't hang out in the park all day…"

"Well, I don't want to get in any trouble…" she stammered, blushing some more. He noted that she was slowly inching away from him. After their last meeting, he couldn't blame her.

"Than why did you skip school in the first place?'

"I, I, don't know, first there was- Hey! I don't need to take this from you! You're not my mom." She said, turning and walking (stomping) away.

Miroku smiled.

"Hey, wait. I'm sorry. I understand. But hey, walking around a park all day is not the way to spend your "day off" I'll take you to a movie."

"Huh? What? Oh," she said, taken aback, "Thank you."

"No problem, as long as you're with me, no one will ask questions."

She blushed again. Junior high girls were adorable.

"Hey, I didn't catch your name at the subway station."

"It's Kagome. Now what is the name of my generous benefactor?"

He smiled again. She was getting a little more comfortable around him. That would make it harder for him to get her to blush.


Inu Yasha would be fine. The guy healed fast and would probably be perfectly fine by the time he got home. Right now he had to treat a young lady to a movie.


I am officially ashamed of my writing skills. If anyone needs me I'll be under a rock, crying.