InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Another Time, Another Life ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimers: I do not own Inuyasha or company

Just a note: I was pointed out a plot hole. I must apologize. In the first chapter I said Shippo came back with Kagome and was attending school with Sota. Well in the chapters following that I changed that and said he was still in the past. I'm sorry and kudos for anyone who noticed it. I'll go back and change it so the 1st chapter matches up with the rest of the story.

What happened was that I started the first chapter and then seeing that I had a positive response for the fic I made an outline and the way I started planning things, it was better for Shippo to stay in the past but I forgot to amend the 1st chapter so everything matched up. But I'll make sure and go and do that soon.

Thanks KougaGirl for pointing that out to me. I'll have to think of something nice to do for you since you were so kind as to point out my HUGE mistake.

Now on with the story…

Another Time Another Life

Chapter Six

Kagome woke up the next day to her brother's over enthusiastic chatter. He was down in the kitchen and yet Kagome had no problem hearing what he was talking about. She threw the pillow over her head as she tried to drown out her brother. Miroku hadn't forgotten to pick Sota up yesterday and they had hung out with Gregor for several hours after school. Since then all he could do was talk about his new "friends".

"Kagome? Are you awake yet?" Her mother's voice softly came from the hallway. When she didn't get a response she entered the room and walked to the bed.

"Kagome?" She repeated. This time Kagome groaned and took the pillow from her face. She was flushed from being under a constricted place for so long.

"Are you not feeling well dear?" Mrs. Higurashi asked her daughter. She sat on the edge of Kagome's bed and reached to feel her daughter's forehead. "You don't seem to be running a fever but that doesn't mean much. Do you feel well enough to go to school this morning?"

Kagome's eyes shot up to her mother's-ever since her journey in the past had ended she never missed school but she really didn't want to deal with Miroku and the others today.

"I think…maybe…one's day bed rest will make me feel much better." Kagome mumbled.

Mrs. Higurashi nodded in understanding. She placed the pillow behind Kagome's head and tucked her in.

"Let me go tell Sota that you aren't well and get him on his way. I'll come back before I leave for work to check up on you. Do you need anything?"

Kagome shook her head and her mother left the room. A few moments later a loud moan could be heard as Sota was forced to go to school and Kagome got to stay home.

"Life isn't fair!" Sota screamed as he walked towards the exit of the shrine.


"Hey guys!" Sota said sprinting down the shrine steps at a pace that amazed onlookers. How one could go so fast down stairs and not once trip up was quite a miracle.

"Hey, where's your sister, brat?" Uyeda asked as Sota neared them.

"She's not feeling well today, or so she says. She just doesn't want to come to school and mom just lets her stay home. You would think with how much school she missed during her trips she wouldn't be allowed to miss anymore unless she was dying." Sota said not noticing the weird look Uyeda gave him.

Miroku was unusually quiet as he looked up towards the shrine. Seeing that his friend wasn't quite in the world of the living currently, Gregor took the initiative and helped manipulate Miroku into the back seat next to Uyeda.

"Let's go kid, we need to get you to school." Gregor said before hopping into the driver's seat.


Gregor wasn't the best of drivers, so when Sota arrived at his school he was very grateful to get out of the car. Gregor said someone would be by to pick him up before he gunned it off towards their own school.

"God damn it Gregor, who was the dumbass who gave you a license?" Uyeda said when they arrived at the high school. Gregor got out of the car and rubbed the back of his neck. He looked around sheepishly.

"You do have a license Gregor, don't you?" Uyeda asked pulling his "friend" up to him and getting into his face.

"Well…not really. I never passed the exam. After the thirteenth time, the DMV just told me to stop trying."

"I'm going to kill you, you put my life in danger, you fuckin' ass." Uyeda said drawing back his fist to strike at his friend.

"Leave him alone Uyeda. He's just an idiot." Miroku said finally climbing out of his car.

Uyeda harrumphed and put down the Scot. "I'll see you in class." Uyeda said, fishing a cigarette out of his pocket and walking away.

"You going to classes?" Gregor asked once he was certain Uyeda was out of earshot.

Miroku sighed. He'd been arguing with himself ever since yesterday if he should just tell her everything. I mean Kagome had obviously seen and experienced weirder things but there were still reasons he really didn't want to tell her.

"Listen, I'm giving you a choice." Gregor interrupted his thoughts. "You can either give it up and let me sweep in and have her for myself or you can stop being such an ass and go and make things better. Remember its out of the kindness of my heart that I'm letting you have her at all but if you don't do something soon, you'll lose her. Don't make the same mistake I've already made."

"She'll want to know about you."

"Yeah well just tell her I'll reveal all soon but until then she should just keep her pants on." Gregor said and then got a glint in his eyes. "Of course that is a figure of speech only, you of course would want her pants off, how else could she `bare your child'?"

Miroku gave a weak human growl at his friend as he took the keys from Gregor and jumped into the car. "Get a ride from Seichii." Miroku yelled out the window.

"Don't forget to pick up Sota." Gregor yelled at Miroku as he left the parking lot. Miroku waved out the window to indicate he had heard the reminder.


Mrs. Higurashi had left for work, leaving her daughter to rest. Kagome's grandfather was still at the shrine but he would be busy handling the daily rituals of the shrine to really watch over Kagome.

Kagome had drawn herself a hot bath with her favorite lavender scented bubble bath to relax in. As the bathtub was finishing filling up she walked back into her room to get her terry cloth robe that she had forgotten to grab.

"You know you really are a great artist. You should think about taking more art classes and refining your skill."

Kagome looked surprised and almost screamed in horror when the person first began to talk. Miroku, who had obviously climbed in through he previously closed window, was not lounging, very comfortably, on her bed. He had gotten out the drawings she had done in the feudal era and was scrutinizing over all the little details Kagome had tediously drawn in.

"You could have used the door, you know." Kagome growled. She walked over to the window, closed it, and then locked it.

"I figured you wouldn't mind. I mean, knowing Inuyasha he probably used this window all the time." Miroku said in a tone that bordered on snippety.

"Well there's a difference there, now isn't there?" Kagome said gritting her teeth at Miroku's tone.

"How so?" Miroku said standing up and walking over to her so he was in her face. "You were madly in love with him though it was partially one-sided and allowed him to walk all over you because he could do no wrong."

"No! Because he was a hanyou who had no manners and didn't have the common sense to use a door! I would have thought you would know better though. I guess I was wrong. You are just a selfish jerk, as always, relying on himself, never allowing anyone near and-" Kagome's words were swallowed by Miroku's mouth.

He planted a kiss on her lips. Kagome was shocked at the sudden movement but hesitantly responded back. Miroku, encouraged by her responses, added pressure to the kiss. He stepped forward, forcing a leg between hers. He encircled her waist with his arms and brought her closer to him. Kagome's arm encircled his neck and she stepped closer so there was no space between the two.

Miroku pulled back before deepening the kiss any further. Kagome panted lightly, her cheeks slightly flushed and her lips swollen.

"What was that for?" Kagome said so quietly that Miroku almost missed it.

"Well," he began sheepishly. "I guess I was trying to make you be quiet because, honestly, when you get all riled up…well, it really makes me horny."

Kagome, not expecting that answer, gasped and tried to back up but because of the position they were in she ended up falling backwards and bringing him down with her. Kagome landed hard on her back and then Miroku landed on her a second later, forcing all the air out of her lungs. Miroku lifted his upper body off of Kagome to check if she was all right. Kagome shut her eyes and worked on breathing again. She could feel Miroku's lower body pressing down on her. The hardness pressing into her stomach was undeniable and it sent a warm heat pooling through her stomach and heading lower.

"M-Miroku?" Kagome gasped. Miroku had buried his head in the crook of her neck and was currently sucking and nipping at the exposed skin there.

"Mmm?" He answered never stopping his attentions to her neck.

"W-what are you d-doing?" She asked squirming underneath him.

Miroku stopped his action just briefly to answer her. "I am taking the opportunity to completely enjoy myself as I lay on top of you-in a quite intimate way." He ground in her for effect. Kagome moaned as the heat continued to spread.

Kagome tried to protest. She tried to get him to stop but the combined sensations of Miroku's mouth moving down her collar bone and his arousal grinding into her lower body stopped her from saying anything to halt the actions.

She moaned and arched up. Miroku groaned and moved his hands up to the large flannel pajama top Kagome was wearing. He began fumbling with the buttons, kissing at the skin he was slowly revealing. Miroku stopped as Kagome's naked breasts were revealed. Her nipples were already hard and Miroku gratefully took a pebbled bud into his mouth. Kagome arched up again at the newest sensation. Miroku finished unbuttoning the shirt. He switched breast and began sucking on the right one. He slowly dragged his left hand up her flawless skin until he reached her abandoned left breast. He took the perfect mound in hand and began kneading it. Kagome's squirming had increased as he continued to assault her breast.

She was now hungrily rubbing herself against his arousal. Encouraged by her movements, Miroku began tracing Kagome's flat stomach with his right hand. He could feel her muscles flex underneath his hand. He moved his hand lower so he was resting on the elastic waist of the flannel pajama bottoms. Still not getting any objections, he grasped the waist and began to pull it down her slight hips.

The two were so involved in what they were doing they didn't hear the footsteps running upstairs. Seconds later the door was flung open.

"Kago-Aaaaah! Get off my granddaughter!" Kagome's grandfather yelled as he barged into the room to see his granddaughter on the floor, half-naked, with some strange boy on top of her.

Kagome sat up quickly, hitting her head on Miroku's. She sunk back to the floor grabbing her now aching head. Mr. Higurashi [A/N: I'm just calling him this so I don't have to repeat `Kagome's grandfather' over and over again. I apologize if this is wrong] grabbed at the nearest thing to him, which happened to be a white stuffed puppy her brother had given her for her last birthday, and began to run at the shocked teen.

Miroku leapt up. He grabbed Kagome and pulled her to him. With one hand he pulled her pajama pants back up. With the other he clasped Kagome's neck and brought her close to him.

"Meet me at the bottom of the shrine steps in a hour." He whispered before running to the window. He struggled to open the window, which Kagome had shut earlier, before Mr. Higurashi reached him.

Mr. Higurashi was getting closer and Miroku began to panic. His hands were shaking still from how far he had almost gotten with Kagome and his brain was still not functioning fully since his groin had pulled most of the blood to it. Seeing that he might get caught, he gave up on the latch and took a couple steps back before diving through the screened window. He caught a branch before he fell too far and carefully as he could considering the situation, he climbed down the ground.

Mr. Higurashi hung out the window brandishing the stuffed animals in his hands. He yelled out the window for him to come back but Miroku didn't listen as he dodged the shrine visitors, making his way to the exit.

Mr. Higurashi turned around, screamed and immediately turned back around, blushing furiously. Kagome looked down and saw her pajama shirt was wide open and causing her to flash the whole world. Kagome blushed down to her toes and with an `ep' she closed her top.

"Who was that boy? Did he hurt you?" Kagome's grandfather began to ask.

Kagome looked around the room while trying to think of a way to explain this situation. Her gaze fell on her robe that she had first came back to get. She gasped and ran out of her room.

Water was pooling on the floor causing Kagome to slip on the floor. She regained her balance and rushed into the bathroom. She had left the water running when she went back to her room thinking she would be right back. Since she was detained the water had overflowed the tub and flooded the bathroom and pooled out into the hallway. Kagome reached the faucet and turned it off. She sank to the floor and immediately became soaked through.

"I thought something was the matter when I came in and saw water every where-I didn't thi-I didn't know. I wouldn't have barged into your room if I had known-" Mr. Higurashi began saying. His and Kagome's blushe kept getting deeper until he finally gave up and left. "Please clean this mess up before your mother gets home so I don't have to explain what happened. I don't want to relive that scene."


Kagome put the mop up and quickly changed out of her soaking pajamas. She changed into a pair of denim jeans and an orange and blue horizontal striped fitted shirt. She wrote a quick note to her family before swiftly slipping out of the house. She ran down the stairs and stopped at the bottom. Miroku wasn't there and it was already past the time she was to meet him. Kagome walked to the curb and looked down the street. She couldn't see his car anywhere. Sighing, she walked back to the stairs and sat on the bottom one. She had waited for ten minutes more before she stood up to leave. She was fuming as she began to climb the stairs.

"Kagome, wait!" Miroku cried, running down the street. He had changed out of his school uniform and into dark denim jeans and a dark purple shirt that clung to his well-toned form.

Kagome paused and admired his form. She couldn't help but notice the colors he was currently wearing was so similar to the robes he wore as a monk in the feudal era. She walked back down the stairs and waited for him to reach her. When he did he was panting, doubled over with his hands on his knees.

"So…sorry…car…towed." Miroku panted out.

"Your car got towed?" Kagome gasped. After a few seconds she began to giggle. "You parked out front, didn't you? I told you it would get towed if you did."

Miroku mumbled something, which only made Kagome laugh harder.

"I'm glad you find this funny." Miroku said. He stood up and looked at the girl in front of him who was holding her sides from laughing so hard.

"You know," he began, stepping up and pulling Kagome flush to his form. "My family isn't home currently…we could…go back to my place and finish what we started in your room." He ended the statement with a wink.

Kagome stopped laughing immediately and she blushed. "Or we could go somewhere and get lunch." He said with a laugh and a grin.

He took Kagome's hand and began walking. Since his car was impounded they would have to use public transportation for the day. Miroku didn't even want to explain to his parents why his car got towed in front of a shrine at a time he was supposed to be in school.

"So where do you want to eat?" He asked as they neared the bus stop.

They could see a small group of people waiting for the city bus to pull up and take them to where they so desired. Miroku and Kagome reached the group and stood near the back, joining them in the wait. It wasn't long before a large bus pulled up. All the people on the sidewalk waited for the few people to disembark from the bus before they climbed on themselves.

Miroku took Kagome's hand as the neared the entrance. He could see that bus was already tightly packed and the new additions weren't making it better. Miroku pulled Kagome down the tight aisle and grabbed a hold of one of the overhead railings. He wrapped his other hand around Kagome's waist, squeezing her tightly to his body so the people who were still entering the bus wouldn't smash her.

Kagome went to grab a railing but Miroku pinched her lightly on her waist.

"Just hold on to me." He said. Kagome obeyed and wrapped her own arms around his torso. Her cheeks became inflamed as she heard the whispers directed towards them.

"Just ignore them." Miroku whispered, ducking his head so she could hear. "They are just jealous because they do not have a beautiful woman wrapped around them."

"Most of the people whispering are women themselves, Miroku." Kagome retorted. She angled her head up so she could look him in the eyes. This position made it look like they were about to kiss; the whispers continued with more frequency.

"Well, then obviously, they must be jealous because you have such a devilishly handsome, wonderful, distinguished, charming…" Kagome stepped on his foot to get him to stop talking.

He snickered at her response and brought his head up to watch where they were going. Kagome returned her head to his shoulder and relaxed to the sound of his heartbeat. Miroku used all his control to concentrate on their destination. He was loving how Kagome would be bounced against him due to the buses natural movements but he didn't want to explain to the temperamental miko why he had missed their stop.

"Where are we going?" Kagome asked. Miroku shook himself out of his thoughts and looked down at her.

"Well, I was going to just go to this ramen place that I like a lot but seeing as I figured you could probably go a couple of lifetimes without eating ramen again and that I'm a bit more hungry than simple ramen. I thought we would dine international for lunch and go to his small Italian place I once went too."

Kagome giggled at his ramen reference and was quite relieved he decided to go elsewhere. She hadn't really gone out to eat in a long time and eating something exotic (well at least exotic to her) like Italian sounded very appetizing at this point.

As they road the bus it became more jam-packed and Miroku was having trouble seeing where they were. He was able to glimpse as they left one of the stops of their location. "We're the next stop. Get ready to push your way through." Miroku said moving his arm from Kagome's waist to her hand.

They waited a couple more minutes before the bus stopped again. Miroku began pushing his way through to the second set of doors near the back. Those were the closest and would be the easiest to get out of. Kagome apologized to everyone Miroku shoved aside. He couldn't help but smirk at how considerate she was. He was certain that she would probably ride to the end of the line if she were left to push through the crowd herself. But then again, she did have a temper on her, if you got her provoked enough.

Kagome blinked as they exited the bus. The windows on it were tinted so the sun wasn't blinding the passengers on board. She was now subject to its brightness and it was slightly painful after the dull light on the bus.

"This way." Miroku said pulling her down the street. There were lots of people there and Miroku kept Kagome as close as he could while walking. Most of the businessmen and women were out for their lunch breaks so things were crowded. He was happy they didn't have anywhere to go until it was time to pick Souta up. That way they wouldn't have to rush through lunch.

They reached the restaurant and waited for the hostess to get to them to take their names. Miroku gave him his name and walked over to the wall to wait for their table to be ready.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" Said a man coming out of the men's restroom. Miroku's eyes widened as he registered what was going on. The man was considerably tall with dark black hair worn in a low pony tail and an earring made out of a long fang hanging low out of one earlobe. He had violet eyes which, though were trying to act serious currently, still held a lot of amusement and playfulness. He wore dark slacks and a plum button up shirt with a tie to match. His outfit and appearance was surprisingly similar to Miroku's.

There was a reason for this similarity.

"Oh, um, hey dad. Funny to run into you here." Miroku said sheepishly.

"I would have to say the same thing Takai, considering your supposed to be in school right now." His father answered him. He looked over his son's clothing, which was obviously not his school uniform and then moved his gaze over to the girl his son's hand was connected too. "And who might you be?" He asked curiously.

"This is Higurashi Kagome. I, um, told you about her, remember?" Miroku said sheepishly.

"Oh yes, I remember you. Well…actually, I've heard nothing but of you since school started." Miroku's father said with a smile. "Your mother is here with me, I know she'll want to meet the young lady who has captured our son's heart. If you don't mind joining us, I'll go and arrange everything."

Kagome nodded, blushing furiously. "Sorry about this. I didn't know they would be here." Miroku whispered. Kagome just nodded, not really knowing what to say. It was all just really embarrassing. Here they were, skipping school, going out for lunch and getting busted by his parents.

"This way kids." Miroku's father said. "Oh by the way, I'm Hiroshi, Takai's father." He said guiding the two back to where his table was.

"Takai?" A seemingly young woman with brown hair tied up in a high bun asked. She had dark brown eyes that were hidden behind small, black, wire glasses. She wore a black skirt that clung to her body until it reached a fitted hem at her knees. She wore a plain white button up shirt and had a matching black jacket on the back of her chair. Kagome couldn't help but think how dignified both Miroku's mother and father looked.

"Hey mom. Just thought I would pop in for a visit." Miroku joked.

A waiter came and added two more place settings for Miroku and Kagome. Kagome sat down under the watchful eye of both parents. Miroku, had pulled out Kagome's chair and after seeing that she was comfortably pushed up to the table, he crossed the table to take his own seat.

"So, Takai, care to explain why you are here, when you are supposed to be at school?" His mother asked.

"This is my wife Ami, Kagome." Hiroshi explained to Kagome. Ami shook herself to attention at the mention of her name. She apologized for her rudeness before she went back to glaring at her son. Miroku was steadily sinking down in his seat trying to get away of the knives shooting at him in form of his mother's stare.

"Takai?" She said in a way that indicated he should start talking now or reap the consequences.

"Well, you see, Kagome here wasn't feeling well and I couldn't just leave her home by herself when she has such a poor history of health. After arriving at Kagome's house I decided that a nice quiet lunch and peaceful afternoon away from her family's shrine would be much better for her health." Miroku explained twisting his napkin in his hand.

Hiroshi lifted an eyebrow at his son. He was proud that his son had taken after him in several ways, it just made him wonder about this situation, especially seeing as how Takai had something that looked suspiciously like a blush while he was telling his rather fake explanation. Certainly there was nothing ill about this girl, and as he looked at her very attractive face and lean, muscular body, he doubted there was any history of health problems in her case.

"So you say you were at her house alone?" Hiroshi teased. It was Kagome's turn to blush a deep crimson while Miroku beamed at his father. Hiroshi couldn't help but chuckle. Being his offspring, he knew that his son must have been doing something most parents wouldn't approve of to make Kagome blush that dark.

"Takai, I'm very disappointed in you. Taking advantage of a young lady. After lunch you will take her home immediately and then return to school yourself. We should take away your car for skipping school." Ami began lecturing her son.

Miroku looked down at his lap as he began twisting the cloth napkin again. "Well, um, I have another problem. My car…kinda got towed." Hiroshi broke out laughing as his wife began to lecture about responsibility.

"Ami dear," Hiroshi interrupted to give Takai a little relief, and so they could order. "Will you take me to work after lunch?"

"Why? You have your own car." She said.

"Well, I'll let Takai take my car, as long as he promises not to get it towed, so he can take Kagome to somewhere peaceful. He can pick up Sen at five from daycare and then the three of them can come to our house for dinner." Hiroshi rationalized out to his wife.

"We can't just allow him to skip dear. It would be wrong. He must got back to school." Ami began.

Hiroshi just waved her off and smiled at Kagome.

"By the look on your face I take it Takai never mentioned he had a younger brother." Kagome shook her head. "Well that is a bit surprising actually, they get along marvelously. It's hard to separate them actually, which is another surprise because there is such an age difference between them. Sen is only three but he adores Takai and they do a lot of things together." Hiroshi began. Miroku was fidgeting, his face suspiciously red and Ami was glaring at her son and husband while mumbling something under her breath.

Kagome looked at the woman beside her but she just shook her head. The waitress came and brought them their Italian dishes. Conversation waned as they all began to eat. Miroku had stayed rather quiet after the mention of his brother but Kagome didn't think much of it. In truth, Kagome was excited about meeting Miroku's family, even if it was a little mortifying that they had been caught skipping. She ate her meal trying to figure out the little things in Miroku's life in this era that she only had hints about. Her next big surprise would be Sen.

* * * * * *

Sorry it took so long to update. I actually went in there several times erasing and correcting things. Thanks to Sandy for Miroku's little brothers name. You'll meet him next chapter. I tried to make this chapter as long as possible but it still fell short from where I wanted it to be, I apologize.

Until Next Time…
