InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Another Time, Another Life ❯ The Insanity ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I bet all of you got excited because you thought this was an update. Well, Too Bad! I'm so mean, aren't I? Just call me Scrooge because I hate the holidays and if you don't get that reference read Dickens and then proceed to gouge out your eyes because Dickens is God Awful! Only Dickens could write a two hundred page chapter on the placement of a hat on a mantel. That's what you get when you pay a man by the word to write a story. And don't get me started on Joseph Conrad…


…but anyway, why I decided to write this. I have had the last chapter for this fic done for like two weeks now! Go me! But my beta has been ill and has not had a chance to read it over and send it back. So it won't be until January when it gets posted.


There is a secret to getting a sneak peak from me but I'm not telling what it is…hehe…


…The last chapter so far is 29 pages on Microsoft Word and there may be more added onto it and not to mention more of a lemon scene than is currently there. If a lemon scene gets added, though, it won't be posted on FFN, sorry guys, but I must appease the FFN Gods.


So, there, now you know what exactly is going on.


If anyone would like to read my new Naruto fanfiction, feel free. It's posted on all three sites I post everything on though on AFF I have the most updated version. It's done in the style of A Heart Once Not Broken and Rainy Day Rescues.


That's all for now. I'll talk to y'all later.


Until Next Time…

