InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Another Time, Another Place ❯ Welcome to Undine, Inuyasha ( Chapter 5 )
Chapter 5
Welcome to Undine Inuyasha
Nova, Nave, Cyrus and Inuyasha returned to the castle so that Nova could explain more about her beautiful city Undine to Inuyasha. Cyrus was mumbling to himself about 'stupid half demons' Nova giggled and Cyrus knew he had been caught.
"Cyrus, why do you not like Inuyasha?" Nova asked with a smile.
"My Lady, It is not that I don't like him I just don't trust him." Cyrus said honestly.
"I understand, its alright if you don't trust him." Nova said placing her hand on Cyrus's shoulder.
"But my Lady." Cyrus questioned seeing Lady Nova's hand on his shoulder.
Nova removed her hand from Cyrus's shoulder and they continued to their destination, the throne room. Inuyasha was watching everything around him, but he was more concerned about Lady Nova she was young and no less the Queen of this land but still something was a miss Inuyasha didn't sense any evil around the castle except that Cyrus was angry with Nova for trusting him and not trusting himself to protect her and her kingdom.
"Cyrus?" Inuyasha said trying to sound calm.
"Yes, Mutt what is it?" Cyrus asked trying to get on Inuyasha's nerves.
"I'm not trying to intruding on your territory, alright." Inuyasha said not looking at Cyrus.
"Meaning?" Cyrus asked wonder what Inuyasha was talking about.
"I mean Nova she is yours is she not?" Inuyasha asked with a smirk.
"Yes... I mean no." Cyrus said shaking his head.
"Just what I thought you're in love with the Queen." Inuyasha said out load.
"What are you talking about?" Cyrus asked embarrassed that Inuyasha said it out load.
Nova and Nave both turned around with questioning eyes on both boys. Inuyasha was trying to control his laughter and Cyrus looked to be in a state of shock at the time since his mouth and eyes were both very wide open.
"What are you boys arguing about now?" Ask Nave.
"None of your business wench." Inuyasha said with a barely contained snicker.
"Lets leave them be, Nave." Nova said walking up to the three of them.
"I'm sorry m' lady." Cyrus said looking down.
"Cyrus, you have nothing to be ashamed of." Nova said with a kind smile.
"Yes m' Lady." Cyrus said bowing to Nova.
Inuyasha was still trying to contain his laughter when he realized that something big was coming and coming fast. Inuyasha didn't have time to think what ever it was, it was coming fast faster than even his brother, Sesshoumaru, could travel. 'This isn't good' Inuyasha thought looking around franticly.
End chapter 5