InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Anrui ❯ Kakou ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
D.V: I don’t feel like doing homework, so I’m working on this story. Oh! And the lyrics in the previous were Evil Angel by Breaking Benjamin. Now it is So Cold by Breaking Benjamin.

Japanese English
Anrui silent tears
Munashii lifeless
Furui ancient
Ran orchid
Riou jasmine/village // center/thread/cherry blossom
Kakou fragrance of flowers
Natsuko summer child
Ume(s) plum blossom(s)

Kagome – same, Sango – same, Miroku – same, Shippo – looks 5, Inuyasha – same, Anrui – 150 (about), Furui – 400 (about), Ran – 700 (about)

Disclaimer: (same)


Watcheyes watched as the young priestess rolled out her ‘sleeping bag’, as she put it.

The fire crackled; occasionally a spark would jump out.

Kilala looked at the humanoid neko, she knew his mother. Such a kind demoness, she was.

She let out a mew beside the other youkai.

Anrui looked down at her. Of course, he remembered her. His mother knew the neko, as well as Midoriko.

He gently shooed her back over to the taijya. He kept his distance from her, partly from fear. … Okay, mostly from fear.

The neko youkai closed his eyes, feeling his stomach rumble softly. When was the fish going to be done?

“Ah! Fish is ready!” announced the happy priestess. She passed out the fish on the sticks.

Anrui pulled down his mask, how was he going to eat with it up?

“Keh. You can actually take that thing off?”

The neko prince bluntly ignored the inu hanyou. He was not worth it.

His watcheyes landed on Kagome’s smiling face next to him.


“You look…cute, without your mask on, Anrui,” stated the miko.

“Hm?!” Anrui blinked owlishly, some fish was in his mouth, but he was not chewing it.

Kagome cocked her head to the side, smile gone, and watched as a deep blush covered the neko prince’s cheeks.

She soon giggled, ‘I never knew full-blooded demons could blush.’

Inuyasha watched this interaction. Truth be told, he hated it.

“Kagome! Leave the disgrace alone!”

Cerulean eyes looked to amber before narrowing.

Inuyasha gulped, he was glad he finished his fish.

“Sit boy!”

Inuyasha fell from his perch onto the ground, face first. A muffled groan barely met their ears.

“So, do you want to continue with us or have us bring you home, Anrui?” asked Miroku.

“Truthfully, I don’t really want to go back. The other Taiyoukai are pressuring my father to pressure me to find a mate,” answered the humanoid neko.

“Hm… You should have your own right to find a ‘mate’,” commented the blue-eyed priestess.

“My mother chose her own and she’s…dead,” four pairs of eyes widened at the neko prince.

Kagome brought Anrui into an embrace, “I’m so sorry!”

Anrui blushed and shyly brought his arms around the miko. She felt sorrow for him. For losing his mother.

‘She did lose her father. Of course, she understands how I feel. Every one here does. They all lost a person or people dear to them,’ thought the humanoid neko.


“Did you need something, Furui-sama?” inquired a youkai soldier.

“Yes. Track down my son. I want him here and anyone he might be attached to. Kami knows he doesn’t like separation,” answered Anrui’s father.

“And if it is a female?”

“A potential mate to get the other lords off my back.”

The soldier nodded and bowed before leaving. He would for his lord’s son.

His shoulder length orange hair swayed in the wind.

Green-gold eyes took in everything around him.

With a flick of his tail and ears, the lower neko youkai disappeared.

The wind whipped at his hair and tried to make him close his eyes.

He would not fail!


The members of the ragtag group had fallen asleep. Except for Anrui.

He never really liked the dark. That was when his mother was killed. In the dark.

Wide, watcheyes looked over at the priestess. She was slumbering so peacefully, the kit with her.

Leaves twitching and something gliding entered his ears.

Looking up into the air, through his bangs, Anrui saw soul stealers.

Feigning sleep, the humanoid human heard the sounds of a person awaking and leaving.

When the sounds have stopped, the neko prince sat up from his position.

He looked around the makeshift campsite. Where was Inuyasha?

A slight noise, like one made in the back of someone’s throat, caught his undivided attention.

Gold and blue eyes met stormy cerulean.

Kagome was awake.

“H-have you seen Inuyasha, Anrui?”

“He just went somewhere. Why?”

His response brought a troubled expression to her face.

The humanoid’s white eyebrows furrowed, ‘Why are you sad?’


‘He went to her…why? I know he loves her, but not at night. When we are the most vulnerable! Why Inuyasha? Why not when I am not here? It’d be a lot easier then,’ I debated. He always left during the night.

Did he think no one would notice? I notice when she is near. Anyone would if she had half their soul.

I turned in my sleeping bag. I did not want anyone knowing that I cried when Inuyasha left to see Kikyo.

I bore no grudge against her. She was killed by Naraku, and forced to believe that it was Inuyasha who did it.

I would be the same way if that happened to me.

The weight and prickling sensation of someone staring entered my mind. Anrui was worried. It was easy to tell. By how his eyes roamed my back, wanting answers, but never prying.

I don’t blame the neko prince; he’s not a normal youkai. He allowed emotion on his face.

Anrui gets along well with humans, if they don’t insult him, but most likely happened as he was growing up. He cares for people in general.

Sighing, I closed my eyes as a few stray tears made their way across my nose and onto my sleeping bag. Shippo mumbled a few words, before turning onto his stomach, content in dreamland.


I remember laughing. My mother was there. So was my father.

He was actually happy with mother. He used to pay attention to me.

I was his only heir after all.

On of the soldiers in his army was there. Natsuko, I believe he said his name was.

He watched me if my grandmother or mother couldn’t. Mother, she always tried to make time for me.

She wanted me to be more like her. A bit of a tactician, so I’d be useful and help her if a war occurred.

I remember the umes. Pretty flowers they were.

Mother used to collect petals and put them in scrolls or books where she left off. A reminder for her.

Father would look skeptical at mother when she mentioned it. He just reread the scroll or book to refresh his memory.

However, one day, mother and father got into an argument. Grandmother was with mother.

Natsuko took me to the gardens, away from the yelling and shouts. He kept forcing smiles, hoping to ease my mind, but it never really helped.

Mother died that day. I only spoke to father when necessary from then on.


Poking in my side forced me to open my eyes. My eyes met forest green eyes.
Shippo was poking me.

“We’re almost ready to leave. After breakfast was decided.”

I nodded and sat up.

It wasn’t hard to notice how tense the air seemed. I stared at the fire, wondering why. I wanted to voice my answer, but I never did. I wasn’t one to pry.

All of the teasing I dealt with as I grew wore heavily on me self-esteem. I felt insignificant to other people. Especially people, who could get almost what they wanted, like Inuyasha or the other Taiyoukai.

Kagome-san made what she called ‘ramen’ for breakfast. Truthfully, I had no clue what it was. Inuyasha practically all, but whined about it taking to long to cook. The miko said it took only three minutes to make, and for him to stop whining.

When it was done, the inu hanyou slurped the noodles out of it in a hurried manner. Unlike his companions, they were more civilized.

I was curious when what looked to be a large, upward cup was handed to me. It was a bit warm, but the noodles inside it were giving off some steam. Usually I never really ate much, but I could when I was alone.


Kagome smiled when Anrui started eating the ramen. Inuyasha slurped it down, wanting more after his first cup.

‘He keeps this up and we’ll run out of ramen by the end of the week!’ she commented mentally to herself. He could be a pig sometimes when it came to ramen.

After breakfast they would be continuing on the journey for more jewel shards.


Leaves swayed as a body of mass moved by them.

The morning sun caught orange hair hand highlighted it with a bit of gold.

The soldier youkai had previously stopped last night to conserve energy for the next day. He was slowly, but surly reaching the border of the Southern lands.

Natsuko thought about his lord’s son. The kitten was smart, but had no strength to back it.

‘What if the female is human? …My lord never really hated humans, but never really backed them either. As long as she isn’t weak, she could be an exception,’ thought Natsuko.

Orange-yellow ears twitched. He could hear birds chirping, squirrels twitching and darting about.

Pupils dilated, scanning the forest for any danger. Physical danger that can be easily seen.

The soldier spread his senses, there was no lower class youkai nearby.

Jumping through the trees, Natsuko continued his search for Furui-sama’s son.


Poison insects flew through the air. They ignored their surroundings, intent on finding their master’s interest. Naraku could see through their eyes and through Kanna’s mirror that the void demoness constantly carried.

Their see-through vein-filled wings flapped, keeping them afloat and moving forward.

Their target; Anrui Munashii. Next Southern Taiyoukai.


streets are cleared away

Kagome had her cd player with her. Her mother insisted that she bring it should she get bored in Feudal Japan.

by One

Breaking Benjamin was playing. Their song So Cold. Kagome liked it. No matter how strong a person, everyone eventually died.

heroes separate

Not everyone could get the spot light, or be the best there is. It doesn’t work that way.

they run

Sighing, the blue-eyed priestess stopped her cd player, took out the batteries and put them in her backpack. That was enough listening to music for the day.

She shifted her gaze to Inuyasha. He went to Kikyo. The miko wasn’t going to pry. He wouldn’t answer a shard detector anyway.

Anrui looked up from Shippo’s talking. Kagome was walking a bit slower than she was yesterday.

She’d been like this since Inuyasha left yesterday.

His and Inuyasha’s ears twitched. Insect buzzing. Faint but coming closer to them.

Watcheyes and amber eyes looked around.

Anrui spotted the poison insects first.

‘Giant bugs… Giant… bugs… … I hate bugs! Never liked them, unless they were harmless. Like caterpillars or butterflies. Maybe even the ones with the red shell and black dots. … Ew… they’re ugly looking,’ thought Anrui and his ears twitched and as well as his left eyebrow. Bugs tended to bother him when he never did anything to them.

Shippo looked at Anrui, seeing how he was on his shoulder. The kitsune kit noticed an aura of discomfort around the humanoid neko. He was afraid of bugs?

Sango and Miroku got into a defensive position, while Inuyasha got into an offensive position.

Kagome, Anrui, and Shippo got behind the three and waited to see if any attack would come from behind.

“The one in the very back has a sacred jewel shard!”

“Got it!”

The inu hanyou leapt from the ground, intent on using the Wind Scar. Right as he was descending the Tetsusaiga, a powerful gust blew him backwards onto the ground.

“Seems you still can’t use the Wind Scar as long as I control the winds, Inuyasha,” stated Kagura.

Inuyasha let out a vicious growl at the incarnation of Naraku. She was right the Wind Scar was as useful as throwing a pebble at a dead person. It had no effect and wouldn’t work!

“So it is true. The prince of the Southern Lands is traveling with you.”

“So what if he is?! What are you going to do about it?” barked Inuyasha.

Behind him, Anrui gave a bitter smile behind his mask. His eyes looked empty. Either someone was going to die, or flee from the fight.

From what he overheard when his father was at a meeting with the other three Taiyoukai, is that this was an incarnation of a so-called Naraku.

“A human who fed his soul to hundreds of demons. Just to gain enough power to trick a priestess and her hanyou lover and try to obtain the Shikon no Tama.”

More of a disgrace than he was, personally.


Orange cat ears preened forward, he could hear people talking.

Natsuko hid behind a tree, only looked passed it to observe the people in the clearing.

One was Anrui, himself.

‘Sesshoumaru-sama’s younger half-breed brother, Inuyasha.’ the neko soldier let his eye roam the figures, ‘Taijya Sango, monk Miroku, kitsune kit Shippo, honeko Kilala, and…the jewel-seeing priestess Kagome.’

Gold-green eyes widened fractionally, ‘If it isn’t the incarnation of Naraku himself. Kagura of the wind. I could see her in the sky and she led me here. How will this fight go about, anyway?’


D.V.: Chapter 1! ^^; Kind of so-so chapter, but hey, I like it. :3 R&R.