InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ask inuyasha! ❯ soo late but still good ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ask Inuyasha

By Cherry Hamster

Chapter 4

A friendly note from Cherry hamster: Sorry I actually stopped going on mediaminer cos it was down but now that its back I just slacked off but then I got a email from someone asking a question so I back (yehhhhh) with fresh new questions and if you ever what to ask a question just review or email me at (no .au)

On to the questions:

Our first lucky question is from inususu(sigh again) and asks:

inu would you marry me?


Shame I thought you two would have made a cute couple * sigh* to bad

Our next question is from Kohaku

And asks:

lol. Interesting fic X);; *cough* ANYway, I have one question for you, Inu-chan... If Kagome came up to you and said right in your face, "Inuyasha, I love you. Let's go get married." What would you do? *laughs evilly* e.e

Inuyasha says: Did she that? Oh mi gosh Kagome I thought you'd never ask huh? Ahem I would say GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME WOMAN! *cough cough*

I see…..Kohaku I think we go with the first answer

Moving on next question is from Kayko Yukimura( yu yu hakusho fan like me!) and asks:

First off I know you love Kagome so are you going to marry her!!!!!!!!! Oh ask Sessy if he and Inuyasha can come to my birthday it on the 29!!!! Everyone would love it and also do you like being human and do your feelings change when youre a human or are they the same.

Inuyasha says: NO NO NO!!!!!!

That's a bit harsh Kayko hes lying its more like YES YES oh god YES!

Next question is from sesshoumaru lover and asks:

sesshoumaru if you are there I wanted to ask you some
1. will you marry me? :p ( I am a Very strong miko and
I can purify half breeds to full demons if they are my
2. If you say yes then can you can to my house?
becuse The first time I saw you I just wanted you.
3. If you say yes then can you take me to your castle?
Please answer I am waiting.*smiling*
if you got any questions justed ask.
and tell your idiotic brother to marry kagome.
If not my friend WOULD LOVE TO. :p

Inuyasha says: well uh* Gets pushed out of the way by sessie of course* sessie says: of course we can get married we can take over the world together hehehe! And I'll send you the ring in the mail.

Of coruse you can come to my castle I'll mail you the address and


Cherry hamster" please people we've got a fic here we can discuss this later … anyway next question is from asianchik

And they ask: I got questions.
1.Have you told Kagome you're gay yet?
2.Have you told Kagome how you ate Shippou?
3.Have you told Ses you have romantic feelings for him?

Inuyasha says:

Well for the first question nope not yet for the second *burp* nope and I don't have "romantic feelings for my brother! Next!

I reckon he does have those feelings for his brother but so question is by Starheart (Awwwww)

And asks: Hey, Inu Yasha, what do you like really see in Kagome anyway that somewhat makes you jealous when she starts to like any other handsome guy?

Inuyasha says: I'd tear out his insides!

Woah! Next question is by Ahsayuni

And asks Inu--sorry we're all pickin on your mixed up love life, but...
i saw it here! you cant deny it now!
miroku- why dont you just cut your right hand off if worse comes to worse?
shippou- your so cyuuute! have a lollypop!
sango- isnt it hard to carry that hiraikotsu around all the time?:

The group says:

Miroku: you know I never thought of that I'll give it try but not now Shippou's watching
shippou: Hey anyway thanks for da wollypop if knowly us gorgeous people got the respect we need every day
Sango: no not really all you need is women power!!!

Inuyasha : hey this is my Fic all mine stop sending these Groupie questions

Cherry hamster: hes just kidding keep them coming!

Next question is from Pandapants182o not really all you ney
ly us gorgeous poeople so question is by ehe!t Chibi_chuckie@hotmail. and they ask Sooooo funny! May I ask a question? *ahem* Inu-baby, which would you rather do:
1) make out with Kouga
2) make out with Miroku
3) make out with Kagome. ((hahaha trick question! Kukuku!^O^))
4) make out with Kikyo. ((the trick part, haha!))
Please answer, Inu-baby! Or else... the the Imminent Vega Warrior and Destroyer of Life, Lyri Lupus, shall destroy you!!! Bwahahahaha!
Shippo: You know you won't really let her do that. You'd miss him too much.
Me: -_-0 Shaddap

Inuyasha says : All of the above!!!(says loads of times ) ahem I mean none! *cough cough*

That was scary anyways next question is from Kiaya and they write Inu Yasha,Do you think that Miroku is cute? If so,then don't you think you need to let Kagome and Kikio know about that? Can you also ask Miroku to go out on a date with me and my friend Alisyn? We both think that he's SUPER SEXY and and we can give him the time of his life.(*wink,wink*)

Miroku: just send me your photos and I'll be there wearing only an envelope (hehheh)

Ewww! And theres a another one from Kiaya that says: The offer good for you too,if you think you can handle us.

Inuyasha says: uh????? No thank you

Right next question is from Otaku Luver (ooo do you like the site to?) and writes: Inuyasha, Who do you hate more....
Miroku or Shippou
And why...?

Inuyasha says : Shippou! By far and whats not to hate of him?

How can you say that inu? Well next is from Zeah*-* and they ask

Hey Inu....I was wondering if you could kill your half brother for me....He is very annoying....He bugs me soooo much I can't even say his name!! And I really like your hair^.^
well gtg,

Inuyasha says: With pleasure heh!( cracks knuckles)

Sessie: you can't kill off me I just got married

Inuyasha : I deal with you later and thanks for the hair thing I have been putting blood shampoo on it

That's just gross but okay next is from Bishiglomper and asks hey inu, can u dress up inna bunny suit?!it'd be so kawaii!!!!pwetty pwease?

Inuyasha says: no !

Huh I would of liked to seen it but owell next question is by A meer Miko and asks Inuyasha....
Who do you hate more?
Miroku or Shippou
And why?
Oh, and I'll pay you money to take out Miroku!

Inuyasha asks: didn't I just get asked the same question before well I have the same answer so look back!

Stubbornlast one is by saki

And asksokay hmmm question that i would ask Inu yasha how about what does he think of all the fanfic written about him out there? oh and my friend's inu yasha pushie is sooooooo cute!!! but seriously why don't you just kill the flea?

Inuyasha asks: I think its horrible that people are writing about me and my horrible love life can't anyone leave me alone? What do you think I've been trying to do? The flea just doesn't die

That's all the time we have well all the questions we have for today and I'll see you guys next time and feel free to ask me any questions.

Bye bye!