InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Kagome!!! ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
Disclaimer: Do I really have to do this?
Moon: Welcome to Ask Kagome!!
Yuyuhakgirl: Ditto!
[Shippou runs in]
Yuyuhakgirl: SHIPPOU!!! [Runs over to Shippou and gives him a loving death hug]
Shippou: Ack! C-cant bre-breath need a-ir.
[Kagome runs over and pries shippou from Yuyuhakgirls' hands.]
Kagome: Shippou are you all right?
Shippou: Yes, Im ok.
Moon: -_-0
[Rest of Inuyasha cast walks in]
Moon: Now that everyone is here, lets start the question asking! [Pulls out note cards]
[every one is scared to death except for Yuyuhakgirl and Moon]
Moon: our first question is from inuyasha-lovers and their question is for [reads note card] well I think its for you Kagome,
Kagome: [Sarcastically] Oh goody.
Moon: Well their question is: WHY WONT YOU JUST KISS OR JUMP INUYASHA?
Kagome: o.O Well um, I um, I don't know! Why would I want to anyway! [Thinks] If I could only tell the truth that I love inuyasha and want to grow old with him and live with him forever, but moon said that if I told the truth the plot would be ruined…
Inuyasha: [Is Crying inside] Well I feel the same way! [Thinks] I LOVE YOU KAGOME!
Everyone else: -_-0
Moon: Ok next question! [Reads] ok the next question is from GeminiElf and her question reads: I have a question for Inuyasha. I'm a girl. So, if we switched, and Inu was in my body, and I was in his for a day, what would Inuyasha do in my body?
Inuyasha: Well Lets see. [Thinks] I know! I woul-
Miroku: [Cuts Inuyasha off] I know what I would do in a girl's body!
Miroku: [Runs away]
Inuyasha: Ok as I was saying, I would roam around the human world and cause terror in every one and get all the ramen in the world!
Sango: Well at least he's being truthful.
Shippou and Kagome: Yup.
Moon:Ok this next question is from Lyingeyes911 and their question is: Why don't you just kiss inuyasha? You've had enough opertunities!!! Damn! I would be on freaking 2nd base with him by now!! Don't be soooo stiff! You too Inuyasha!! You're stiffer than a steel pole!! Get a back-bone puppy!!
Inuyasha: IM NOT STIFF!
Moon: QUIT TALKING IN CASPS! Now Answer the question already!
Inuyasha: since you people are bothering us with theses questions, here! [grabs kagome and hugs her] THRE!
[Kagome blushes]
Everyone else: Awwwwwww!
Moon: Ok Next! This one isn't a question its more like an offer. But any way its from animegirl411 and it reads: Dear Sango, My sister will take the perverted monk off your hands.
Sango: That would be great but we really need Miroku around to keep us company and suck up all the bad demons.
Miroku: Aww Sango you care! [Walks over to Sango] [Looks into her eyes while his unseen hand goes behind her] [Moves his face closer to hers] Sango…
Sango: Miroku.. EEP! [Hits miroku over the head with Hiraikotsu.] YOU LETCHER! [Walks away]
Miroku: @.@
Moon: He was asking for it….
[Everyone agrees except Miroku]
Moon: The next question is for Kagome and its from Itsukami Urokum and it says : Kagome, may i give Inu-Chan a doggie treat? what do you think his reaction would be? *Hands Inuyasha a pail of treats.*
Kagome: Yes you may.
Inuyasha: [Takes pail] [Sniffes it] [Takes one out and eats it] Hmmmm..
Kagome: So wats it taste like?
Inuyasha: [eats another] Chicken with the occasional bit of raccoon. [eats another]
Yuyuhakgirl: OOOOO This ones from me! CAN SHIPPOU MARRY ME!!!!!!!!!!!
Moon: Ok!
Shippou: NOOOOO!
Moon: Let me go find a guy that will marry a couple against their will! [Runs off stage]
Yuyuhakgirl: [pulls out a small tux for shippou to wear and slips it on over his head] [Runs into dressing room to get changed into her wedding gown]
Moon: [returns with Yami 4m yugioh] This is the only guy I could find.
Yuyuhakgirl: [returns wearing wedding gown] Ok Im ready! [Picks up Shippou]
Yami: [marries them]
Yuyuhakgirl: [Gives Shippou a big kiss and runs off stage with him]
Shippou: NOOO!!!! SAVE ME!!!! HELLLLLLP!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Inuyasha: I wonder what their kids will look like.
Everyone: -_-0
Moon: Ok we have time for one more and it's a dare for Kagome and Inuyasha,
And its from K005, it reads: I dare Kagome and Inuyasha to french kiss for a whole 5 minuts or more then say if they liked it or not
[Sess. Is off stage listening closely] [Evil grin] [Unsheathes tensaiga and runs toward patents grave]
Moon: [Gets timer and pushes Inu and Kag together] ready set [stops and pushes their heads together] go! [pushes their lips together]
[Sess. Walks in with revived inus parents and tells them to look at inuyasha]
Inuyasha: [muffled 4m kissing] mom? Dad?
Moon : 5 MIN IST UP YET! [Pulls out frying pan]
Inuyasha: [continues kissing]
`~` 3 min later `~`
Kikyou : [walks in and spots Inu and Kag kissing eyes burn red along with face]
Inuyasha: Kikyou!?
Moon: [holds up frying pan]
Inuyasha: [continues kissing]
Inuyasha's mother: Looks like our boy has found true love. Lets go dear. {walks off stage with Mr. Inu-chan]
Sees: [bursting with laughter]
Kikyou: Im going to murder you, Inuyasha!!!!
`~` 5 min is up `~`
[inu and kag stop kissin and both blush furiously]
Kikyou: {readys arrow] [points it at inu's heart] [shoots arrow]
Kagome: [Jumps in front of arrow and gets shot herself] Inuyasha, I really enjoyed that.
Inuyasha: me too
{kikyou runs off stage]
[Sess. Passes out 4m laughing]
Moon: [Uses mind control to take over Sess'body. To make him revive kagome}
Kagome: [Is revived]
[Kagome and inu hug]
Moon well that's all the time we have so until then, SAYONORA!!!!!!