InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ask the gang!! ❯ PERVERTS ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
(a/n hey i'm glad you like it! I'm so happy I could cry!! Ok so i can't cry right now but still i'm happy!
You all are so nice!! ok i'm getting carried away! lol. i tend to do that. )

Jessie: Inuyasha how much money do I need to buy you?
Inuyasha: You can't buy me wench!
Shippo: Besides why would anybody want this jerk! *points at Inuyasha*
Inuyasha: Lots of people!
Jessie: Yep lots of people would love to own him but I'll just keep him looked up here in my house for ever!!
Inuyasha: NNNNOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kagome: Jessie thats not very nice.
Nicole: Besides If I can't have Sesshoumaru you can't have Inuyasha!
Jessie: Fine lets answer the questions!

From: Ana()

ok io just have 1 question:rnInu-Yasha are you a pervert or is that every time
kagome takes a bath you want to save her from demons when there are no really
around there?

Kagome: *blushes*
Miroku: Why Inuyasha I didn't know you had it in you! Welcome to the club!
Inuyasha: I'm not a pervert!!!
Sesshoumaru: Well then how come you save her from nothing when you know she's-
Miroku: Naked!! *starts to think perverted thought*
Sango: *hits Miroku* PERVERT!!
Inuyasha: It's not my fault the wench screams when she takes a bath!!
Miroku: So its the other way around she calls for you?
Inuyash: *blushes*yes!
Kagome: *blushes* What!?! I don't scvream everytime and before you do come you should at least ask first!
Inuyasha: What!?! So I'm suppost to sit there when a demon could be attacing you!?!
Kagome: YES!
Group: *watches*
Jessie: Here's some popcorn. *hands group popcorn and cokes*
Miroku: This is entertaining.
Group: *noods and eats popcorn*
Inu,Kag: *start to notice everybody is watching*
Kagome: Lets go to the next question.
Group: *mad that they wnt continue fighting*

From: Waterflash

This ones for Sango... even though its barely a question well it sorta is but i
feel really bad for you cause Miroku is always groping you. And its espicially
bad when you have PMS so along with this question (if it is one) i have sent you
my favorite METAL POLE OF DOOM! i use it to beat up those assholes at school and
my psychotic cousin. So can you use it to beat up Miroku? I have a few others so
you can keep it! Heheheheh hope you have fun.

Sango: Who said I had PMS!!
Group: *looks at jessie*
Jessie: *sweatdrops*
Sango: JESSIE!?!
Jessie: Um......well.........Miroku made me!!!!!!!!!
Miroku: What!?!
Jessie: Yep he did it!!
Sango: Miroku I'm going to hurt you!
Miroku: but I didn't!
Jessie: did to!
Miroku: did not!
Jessie: did to!
Miroku: did not!
Jessie: did to!
Miroku: did not!
Sango: *grabs metal pole of doom and hits them both* Shut-up!!!!!!!!
M,J: Ow..
Sango: I will!
Group: *gives Miroku a pitty look*
Miroku: uh oh......
Sango: *beats up Miroku*Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
hah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahah hahahahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahh hahahahahhaahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahha hahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahaha hahahahahahahahahahhahhaahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahhaahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahhahahahhahahhahhahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhah ahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahhaahha hahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahhahahhhahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahaha hahahhahahahahahhhahahahahhaahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahhahahhahhahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha!!!
Group: *starts to fear Sango*
Kagome: Uh...Sango? I think you should stop.......please?
Sango: *stops besating Miroku* I feel better!

From: Lady Wolf Moon

To Kohaku: WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU HAVE TO DIE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ;o; You are
so cute and adorable. I could just hug you. I would too, if your sister let me.
^^ ((winks))rnTo Sango: Can kiss your brother on the cheek? Please? Pretty
please? Pretty please with sugar on top?

Nicole: *brings Kohaku in* here you go!
Kohaku: I died? Wait she thinks I'm cute?
Inuyasha: aren't we smart?
Sango: *hits inuyasha* Shut -up! And yes you may.
Kohak: *goes over to Lady Wolf Moon's house.*
Jessie: you can keep him.

From: atlas-86

Well well well, I must admit I'm very dissappointed. rnrnShippou you little
bastard! And that vial of liquid for his hair was COLOR to
turn it BLACK because he though Kagome liked his human hair better! So now
Shippou, you have to live with knowing YOU screwed up Inuyasha and Kagome's
happiness! (Here's some poison, go drink it) rnrnMiroku, you can NOT have
both, because you're a fucking lech! rnrnSango, will you please beat Miroku
over the head and come on a date with me? We'll enjoy a relaxing dinner at a
FABULOUS sushi bar in town, then go catch a movie and a romantic moonlit
drive... Or we can go play violent arcade games all evening...
*sighs*rnrnSesshoumaru. You're nicknamed fluffy for a reason. You are a WEAK
go cry in a corner while I spit on your back. Hahaha!rnrnInuyasha. .HAHAHAHAHArnrn"Oh foolish mortal, how thy dost despise the will of the gods to bring misfortune upon thyself. Woe upon thee humanity, woe upon
thee!"rnrnJust felt like spouting off some crap. LOL Keep up the good work!rnrn~Next week on Inuyasha "tale of the two lovers"~rnsee ya soon!

Group: Not this freak again!
Kagome: you meany!! don't call shippo that!
Shipp: yeah!!
Inuyasha: damn you didn't have to say it!
shippo: GOOD!!!
Miroku: Damnit!! I hate you!! I thought you were my friend!
Sango: I'll hit him but I don't want to go on a date with you! you seem like a jerk and you called shippo a bastard! *hits miroku*
Miroku: *rubs head* damn I haven't even groped you yet!
Sango: GOOD!
Miroku: *smiles and gropes sango*
Sango: Pervert!!!!!!! *beats Miroku*
Jessie: I got a new best friend!!!!
Sesshoumaru: *starts to cry* I miss fluffy and you're so mean!!
Kagome: Sesshoumaru please don't cry..
Inuyasha: Why not its the truth.
Sesshoumaru: *cries more*!?!!
Group: *sweatdropps*
Tiffany: Uh.,....Sesshoumaru you're a guy you can't try be miss america.
Sesshoumaru: I can't? NNNNOOO!!!!! *cries more*
I,M,Sh,J: Freak

From: stableangel3579

I have some a question... Miroku will you go out with me? I LOVE YOU.

Inuyasha: Pervert.
Miroku: Of course I would love t-
Sango: *sends deathglares at Miroku*
Miroku: Uh......I can't.
Sango: Freaks! Why would anybody wont to go out with that pervert!?!
Miroku: Because I'm sexy!
Sango: *blushes* you wish!
Miroku: Oh you no its true!
Sango: Is not!
Miroku: Sango come on give me a hug!
Sango: NO!
Miroku: Please?
Sango: no but I will do this! ?*beats the shit out of Miroku again*
Kagome: poor Miroku.
Inuyasha: He had it coming.

From: Angel Of Reincarnation

.rnI have Questions!!rn1Miroku can i marry u and bear your child (children)rn2 Sess, did you and jaken
go out or what?rn3 Kouga can I be your mate, please??!!?!?!?rn4 Sessho-Maru will
you go out with me (i don't care if you're bi)rrnThanxrnAngel Of Reincarnation.

Miroku: I would say yes but the lovly Sango would hurt me.
Sango: perv,
Sesshoumaru: I do not date jaken. He's not my type
Jaken: whgat can I do to make you love me?
Sesshumaru: theres nothing you can do. We are to different.
Jaken: I understand. I shall go home now.
Sesshoumaru: I cannot date you for I suffer from heart break.
Tiffany: Who the hell would dump you!?!
Sesshoumaru: Naraku dump me for.......for......a fish demon! *cries*
T,N: Aww poor baby!

From: Dbzlover8

i have questions for the story i love so freakin much 1: i have a question for
Inuyasha why dont you go out with jessie man i man if kagome i being such a hard
to get bitch go with jessie you know she actua;;y likes you 2: hey i have a
question for sango hey sango can i just tell you something I LOVE YOU LEAVE
MIROKU FOR ME ME ok im done now the sugar rushn is gone twitches thanks.

Jessie: Yep I think I just found me my best friend in the whole world!!
Inuyasha: I don't like any of those fucking wenches!
K,J : *offened and slap him*
Inuyasha: *rams into floor* ow/...............
Jessie: Inuyasha I would never sit you!
Inuyasha: You would if you coud!
Jessie: Well yeah.
shippo: Next question already!
Sango: I'm sorry but I DON'T GO OUT WITH MIROKU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just for saying that I wont ever go out with you!
Jessie: Poor guy.
Miroku: Damn bastard tring to take Sango!!
Sango: Shut up!

From: InuyashaAnge

Hello ^-^ my questions... 1) Can I also bare your child Miroku? 2) Sesshoumaru... Can my friend wear your boa? 3) Kouga can you die? or at least pretend to? 4) Jessie can you tweak Inu-yasha's ears for me o.O
5) Kagome why is your cat so fat?rnrnInuyashaangel

Miroku: *smiles* Of couse I would be honored if you did-*sees sango* Um I can't.
Sango: *gives Miroku the if-you-say-yes-you'll-regret-it look*
#phone rings#
Kagome: Hello?
Koga: I wont die so go to hell!!!! *hangs up*
jessie: Damn freak! I agree he needs to die!
Inuyasha: What a coward.
Jessie: *smiles*
Inuyasha: *Starts to back up* NO!! Stay away!!
Jessie: But they asked so I should tweak them!!
Inuyasha: *starts to run*
Kagome: SIT!
Inuyasha: NO!!!!!!!!!*rams into floor*
Jessie: Yay!! *tweaks inuyasha's ears* Oh there so cute!!
Inuyasha: *spell weres of and he runs to bathroom and looks himself in*
Jessie: *pouts* Damn him!
Kagome: My cat is not fat!
Jessie: yes it is!
Group: *nodds*
Kagome: Well...ggrrrrrrr......*slaps hand over mouth*
Group: *stares*
Kagome: I'm going to eat dinner.
Group: *follows*

(a/n thanks for the questions!! I love you all!!!!!! Ok so idon't who cares any way remember send in questions the more questions the sooner the chapter!! oh and happy independence Day!!)