InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Atashi no Yaki'in ❯ The Voice Awakens ( Chapter 1 )
"I walked to here everyday. How was I supposed to know that I shouldn't today? Was it fate? Was it supposed to happen, like it did, or at all? I don't think I will ever know the answer to that. All I know is that it happen."
`drip' `drip' `drip'
The sounds of water slowly falling upon the ground filled the air. A light flickers and casts a shadow upon a still form that lies upon the ground.
A moan is heard. A grunt. A shifting sound echoes out.
It seems that the still form is slowly coming to consciousness.
A voice is being heard. A barely, heard voice. A voice cracked with uncertainty but not fear. Just a sense of disorientation. The voice is weak. It seems to have not been used for quite some time. Even though the voice is weak and scratchy and quaky the voice still yet had a rich deepness to it that proved it to be a voice of masculinity.
"wh.. whe... where am I..."
Once the voice, voiced the words the answer came upon him. The masculine voice looked upon the area in which the voice found itself to be.
The voice opened its eyes. The eyes were that of vast, shadowy, almost smoldering, ruby red.
They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. If that is true then the voice's eyes showed an exceptionally, impiety filled, and haunted soul.
A being who showed such eyes, can only have the personality of one who has iniquity in their soul. A soul so dark, so heinous, so devious, so full of malice, of iniquity, of impiety, of callousness, of ruthlessness, of evilness; that evil is the only thing of which they are.
They are the embodiment of evil, of aku, of oni, of akuma, of diablo, of lucifer, of satan, of evil, of devil, of all the names and descriptions of evil, demons, and devils. They are in essence the incarnation of evil. May kami have mercy upon the soul of the one whom these eyes fall upon to.
Darkness still surrounds the area in which the voice found itself to be in. Most humans would not be able to see in the pitch blackness that surrounds the area in which the only light is a flickering light of much dimness. Even though, that is true for most humans, that does not say it would hamper the voice's sight.
The voice's eye's, if it seemed at all possible, grew in their intensity of the burnt color. As the voice used his eyes to see the surroundings something changed in the voice's eyes.
A glimmer of something new shined in. The eyes changed their intensity and grew more harsh and cold. A crimson color of the deepest, bloodiest color arose in the voice's eyes.
When the voice took in the sight of his surroundings, voice grew in apprehension. The sight that welcomed was one of a dark, dank, harsh, heavy, four-walled, solid dungeonite cell.
To say that the voice was unhappy was a greatly tragic mistake on anyone's part who voiced such things to the voice.
The voice was even more ticked off when the voice discovered it could only move its head. It seemed as if the other parts of its body were being held down by something.
Though it would seem like the voice would be stuck to rot in this dungeon, this prison of his, it would not be. The voice, was anything if not an ingenious thinker. The voice knew it would find a way out. The only setback to this was the question of when it would be that the voice would free.
The voice which was for the most part silent besides grunts and grits of movement, it was silent; but not any longer. The voice spoke up once more and for the last time in this prison of his. He spoke words of revenge, hatred, retribution, and lastly something of which he had not thought of for a long time…
He thought of the family that was to blame for the voice's situation and swore to cause that family great pain and suffering. As his laughter filled the prison, the heavens above shuddered in great worry and woe for those who the voice's vengeance was for.