InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Autumn Wind ❯ KAZE ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Something I wrote after the move. (>.< Hate moving) Also one of those fics that gives you a �break�. The original Kikyo/Kagome fic I�m working on had a �writer�s block� on me (Ugg) Hopefully this one will make me break it. It is another �Kagura/Kikyo� (they�re too wonderful), I happen to like them a lot. Writtten in Kagura�s �POV�.

I know a lot of you are not so open-minded to these things (you think pairings like this are ridiculous), but please do not flame unless it is �helpful criticism�, because I really don�t want to hear on why Kikyo is a �bitch� or how Kagura is not gay, blah blah blah. I really don�t care.

For those who do like this kind of thing- please enjoy and be nice and review. (I�ll love you forever�erm�sort of)

Also- Warning: This is a Kagura/Kikyo fic (as stated) which is a Shoujo-ai/Yuri (female/female) pairing; if you are uncomfortable with things like that� just don�t read this fic then�

Autumn Wind
August 18-19 2004
By: Arashi, Fuyumiko

Disclaimer: �InuYasha� and characters/events belong to Rumiko Takahashi and respected owners. I have no claim or ownership of them whatsoever.


I am Kagura.

I am but one person.

One youkai.

One female youkai.

I don�t know what started it.

All my life has not been mine. None at all, but his. Naraku; my creator. The main problem.

Well it was; till my life turned upside down. Sometimes I think I shouldn�t feel this way. Feel such a way toward another woman. Now I know homosexuality isn�t really common among creatures such as me. For we live in instinct. Not emotions.

I guess you could say it was my own fault I loved her.

Or, well, the Naraku part of me� actually it was more like�

�the Onigumo in me.

He was always posting problems for Naraku. Keeping him human, making him weak, making him feel. And now that bastard has moved on to me. Made me less a youkai if you may call it. Even worse making me sympathize with Naraku. Perhaps this was why I was disgusted with my feelings.

My feelings for that�that human.

That miko.

I admit I love her.

She is kind, polite and charming.

And as scary as hell.

Every run in with Naraku she has had. I could feel how she affected him. Made him tremble, made him feel fear. Fear of death and memories his hanyou heart cannot bear. I love her for that. A dark storm arriving with the howling wind. It makes me shudder in adulterated delight at the thought.

To watch her. It was watching perfection. Perfection that I loved. Sometimes I must admit that sometimes I think Naraku would prefer me over Kanna as his favourite. For I was like him. I was obsessed.

I understood how he felt. That sick need to want to slice through her creamy smooth skin, run your talons threw that silky dark mane, and to gaze into those dark maroon orbs of sorrow. It was exciting; Onigumo was right to wish to see her in her fear. I never had, but I still wish to.

To have her.

Her purity mine to taint.

Her body mine to fuck.

Her soul mine to control.

To have her just as mine.

Sometimes I watch her in Kanna�s mirror. Enjoying her graceful walk, the way her beauty un-wavered in the wind. The flutter of the stark red of her hakama and white haori in the breeze of morning. I even used to wonder if she bathed. If she needed too, for every time I saw her� her hair the dark shining black, her skin white and soft looking.

And her scent.

Sweet like what the orchards used to smell like in bloom at Kagawaki�s castle. That is before Naraku let them wither and die along with the remaining retainers and last soldiers in the castle. All poisoned in his deadly miasma when he tried to get ride of that Higurashi girl.

Through the mirror once, I saw her in the water. It was near the second full moon in the summer. She had been residing in a small village near by the Hitomi clan. I was so happy.
Her body was tall and splendidly built. Her limbs slender and creamy. The locks of her dark hair soaked through, dripping with once used water. It had clung to the curvy outline of her hips and breasts.

Perhaps I had actually died that day and entered a realm other then hell.

Dreams had plagued me since. My hands cupping her soft mounds, pinching at those pink nipples. My body up against hers. Her face flushed, scent all delicious and small sounds indescribable coming out with the pleasure I wanted to make her feel. A wonderful feeling. Unlike my recent one�s of that idiot InuYasha.

I remember how I felt once when I fought that mutt InuYasha.

With her holiness�s scent on him.

I had seen red.

That had been my day. My �Fuji no Mai� had slashed through his fire rat and made him bleed heavily. Making her scent leave and be replaced by his sweat and blood. I had been victorious.

That was until that Higurashi bitch sliced through my wind and nearly struck my fan. I had taken leave after that. Let the wind calm me and cradle my soul in its embrace. Leaving the dull ache of just seeing a reminder of her.

I often sought her in the mirror of my sister after encounters life that.

My heart flutters with butterflies every time I see her.

Even now. I wait anxiously to see her once again. Be allowed if but in secret to inhale her scent and see her beauty for real and not through the tainted glass.

I still smile at the memory of her acceptance. Yes smile, not smirk; like I usually tend to do. I don�t do it often and always alone, that chirpy little comment Kohaku had murmured me still fresh in mind. �You should do that more, it suits you� he had said, hmp; if he wasn�t a jail bird with me I would of killed the �ex� Ta-ji-ya.

The stone cup of Buddha.

To unseal Kaguya I sought after it.

And found it with her. She had been roaming the autumn winds lending me a brief lasp of her scent with lazy ease. My heart had pounded so fast. She had walked, slowly down the path- her Shindama-chuus floating anxiously around her. In warning of the all too familiar aura of Naraku. My aura.

She reached five feet from me, calm and collect.

I almost drowned in the soft arising tension. My voice was steady and mocking; I had to treat her as the enemy. Be as Naraku. Eww.

�The miko who eats the souls of the undead?� My crimson eyes softly shut, fan to my lips in empty control of the turmoil I felt within. �That�s rather disgusting,�

Her Shindama-chuus fly furiously behind her. She had drawn her bow, arrow pulled back, ready to shoot. I had shivered in twisted delight. Then she spoke. Her voice, soft and unyielding, sorrowful and powerful in every way. My bones felt chilled to the marrow.

�Answer me: Is everything part of Naraku�s plan?�

I was in slight shock, she worried about things? Yet it was expected, Naraku did seem the type to plot even after death. Kami I hate him. She was right though later it was all a plan. A plane to have Kaguya become one with him and make him immortal.

I still had said �Are you still worried about that dead idiot?� Fan tapping against my crimson painted lips.


She had responded her voice questioning and slowly I saw a part of her I knew to cherish in my mind�s eye forever.

Her look of relief.

I was giddy with happiness, it almost burst with in my chest.

I had made her look grateful.

I had made her relax.

I had made her be happy for some minutes to come.

She had reached within the fold of her haori then, I had watched the slender fingers curl around the grey cup and throw in a graceful arc.

She had freely given me the stone cup of Buddha.

It rolled down and left me see the character of it�s vulnerability.

�What�s the matter? Aren�t you going to take it? Isn�t that what you desired?�

I had smirked and kneeled to retrieve the cup, my thoughts echoing what she had said- �What�s the matter? Aren�t you going to take it? Isn�t that what you desired?�

To take what I desired? �No, its; You, you, you,� I wanted to say. On twisted impulsion. Possessiveness was creeping up on me like the lurking beast.

Instead I replied, �Aren�t you being extremely helpful,� more of a comment then question. I still wonder if she gave it to me in attachment or in the need to see things through. Kind of like that time when Sesshoumaru saved me. Though that is relatively different; he sort of reminds me of her. Powerful and quite, always wandering�

�You and I are different,� she had said and walked, no brushed past me.

I knew was head over heals then. The autumn leaves had sung of it.

I want her.

I lust her.

I love Kikyo.

Just as that Onigumo did so many years ago; motionless on a straw mat in that cave with the cursed soil. In remembrance of Kikyo�s kindness and gentle hands. It is odd how I sometimes feel her hands in the dark; stroke my skin as if to rub in an herb or balm. The ghost of it felt so nice.

Maybe it is the memories I don�t have that make me feel this way.

Of Kikyo.

She is the fragile flower in the wind.

Something I would never break entirely.

But it didn�t prevent me from trying.

Because the Autumn wind told me.
