InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Awaken My Memories ❯ Sacrifices ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: ShikonAngel 
Disclaimer: All Inu-Yasha characters don't belong to me but to Rumiko Takahashi.
"Hirikots!" yelled Sango as she let her giant boomerag hit one of Naraku's claws.
"Wind Tunnel!" screamed Miroku when he opeed his right palm unleashing his deadly attack. Soon poisen wasp surrounded Naraku. miroku quickly closed his palm and began hitting them with his staff.
Arrows were fling at Narakuand attacks were being flung out. "Dragon Strike!" yelled Sessho-Maru to everyone's surprise. The attack easily cut through many oppents.
"What the fuck are you doing here Sessho-Maru?!" Inu-Yasha yelled over the loud scream from Naraku. Sessho-Maru glared at Inu-Yasha and just continued to fight.
Out of no where Naraku flung his arm at the unsuspecting Inu-Yasha. Inu-Yasha fell off the cliff where everyone fought Naraku the source of evil and pain that they fought. Without Inu-Yasha it seemed winning was not an opption.
One by one each person fell and soon Kagome was the only one left. She let her final arrow fly and it fit Naraku's spider shaped scar his weakness. Naraku was defeated but in the process she lost all the people she cared about.
Kagome fell to the ground and cried for her friends. A bright light arose in front of the weeping priestest. "I am the Priestest Midoriko. And I am here to mare you a deal Kagome." the voice spoke in a beautiful that sounded like a thousand birds singing.
"What deal and how did I desrve it?" Kagome asked confused.
"I will revive all the people who have died here as long as you give me your memories of this place. You deserve this wish because you are very pure hearted Kagome." Midoriko said.
"I will do it as long as my friends live agian as happy people."
"you have a chance to regain these memories if..... One of the Inu-Taishio brothers helps you remember. Good luck Kagome." Midoriko said before vanishing. A light envolped the etie battlefield and every soul was revived in exchange for many wonderful memories also known as Kagome's most prized possesions.
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai / Romance | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 01.08.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 12 | Visits: 467 | Status: Work In Progress

Disclaimer: All Inu-Yasha characters don't belong to me but to Rumiko Takahashi.
"Hirikots!" yelled Sango as she let her giant boomerag hit one of Naraku's claws.
"Wind Tunnel!" screamed Miroku when he opeed his right palm unleashing his deadly attack. Soon poisen wasp surrounded Naraku. miroku quickly closed his palm and began hitting them with his staff.
Arrows were fling at Narakuand attacks were being flung out. "Dragon Strike!" yelled Sessho-Maru to everyone's surprise. The attack easily cut through many oppents.
"What the fuck are you doing here Sessho-Maru?!" Inu-Yasha yelled over the loud scream from Naraku. Sessho-Maru glared at Inu-Yasha and just continued to fight.
Out of no where Naraku flung his arm at the unsuspecting Inu-Yasha. Inu-Yasha fell off the cliff where everyone fought Naraku the source of evil and pain that they fought. Without Inu-Yasha it seemed winning was not an opption.
One by one each person fell and soon Kagome was the only one left. She let her final arrow fly and it fit Naraku's spider shaped scar his weakness. Naraku was defeated but in the process she lost all the people she cared about.
Kagome fell to the ground and cried for her friends. A bright light arose in front of the weeping priestest. "I am the Priestest Midoriko. And I am here to mare you a deal Kagome." the voice spoke in a beautiful that sounded like a thousand birds singing.
"What deal and how did I desrve it?" Kagome asked confused.
"I will revive all the people who have died here as long as you give me your memories of this place. You deserve this wish because you are very pure hearted Kagome." Midoriko said.
"I will do it as long as my friends live agian as happy people."
"you have a chance to regain these memories if..... One of the Inu-Taishio brothers helps you remember. Good luck Kagome." Midoriko said before vanishing. A light envolped the etie battlefield and every soul was revived in exchange for many wonderful memories also known as Kagome's most prized possesions.
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai / Romance | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 01.08.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 12 | Visits: 467 | Status: Work In Progress