InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Away From the Dark ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

WARNING: This story contains male on male relationships, abuse (verbal and physical), descriptive sex scenes, (major) OOCness, uke Sessh, and it's AU. If you oppose any or all of these things then do not read this. Please, do not complain to me about the things I've just listed because we all know that you didn't have to read this. I'm pretty sure that covers the warnings. I will add any new ones as the story progresses.
You know, I was just thinking- in both my stories Naraku is such a cunt. Hm, I don't know why I make him like that, he's actually one of my favorite characters. Oh well. Happy reading.
Thank you to everyone who has read, added this to their fav/ alert lists, and/or reviewed.
Chapter Five
Kagura wanted to talk to him. She wanted to ask him why he continued to stay with Naraku. Wait, she knew that already…it was because he loved him. Then why did he love him? Did he not realize that the man he claimed to `love' was the cause of the breakdown he just had? Did he see that? Did he care? These thoughts were racing through her mind as she stared at the sleeping man. She could ask him but he probably wouldn't give her a straight answer. Or he might even flat out lie about what went on in his home.
She looked at him more closely when he moved a little. At first she thought he was waking up but she saw that he wasn't. She became concerned once he began to move his limbs and twist his face into expressions of fear and pain. She got up to wake him but froze once he started mumbling.
“No…stop,” he whispered. “Please…don't do it.” His voice was rising in volume. She walked over and shook his arm. His eyes sprang open but he was still in a half-conscious haze. Naraku was going towards him, about to drag him upstairs to rape him over and over…and now he just grabbed his arm. “I'm sorry!” he yelled. He put his arms over his face in a defensive position. Out of all of the torment he received, the repetitive raping was the worse.
Kagura was shocked, her eyes were wide. “Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru!” she nearly shouted. “It's Kagura, calm down!”
He put his arms down and sat up. He took a shaky breath. It was a dream…nothing but a dream. Right now. It had been Sesshomaru's reality too many times over the years. And now his friend just saw his reaction. What was she going to think?
“It was nothing.” He shifted uncomfortably. He could practically feel Naraku's hands roaming his body.
“…Don't do this to yourself.”
He looked at her. “I'm not doing anything.”
She couldn't stand to see her friend like this. He knew what she was talking about. “Can you honestly tell me that you're happy?”
“I'll never fully understand you,” she whispered so quietly he almost didn't hear. Perhaps not. Perhaps for her to fully understand him he would have to tell her everything. He couldn't tell her what truly went on though. That would be betraying Naraku and he would never do that. “You look exhausted, lay back down.”
“What?” He had been expecting her to question him until he finally confessed.
“I said lay down.”
He silently thanked her as he lied back down. She kneeled right beside him and gently put her hand in his hair. She began to lightly scratch his scalp. He leaned in a little closer. “Guess you like this then.”
He smiled as a response. “Do you work tomorrow?”
“Yes. Do you?”
“Yeah, today was my day off.”
“Do you plan on going home in the morning then?”
“Well I have to go back and get ready…”
“You know Naraku will be expecting you.”
“Probably.” He was almost positive that he would be waiting for him. And in all honesty, he wasn't ready to go back. Yes, he loved Naraku but he didn't want to fight with him which would no doubt happen.
“Why don't you call in sick tomorrow? You can afford to take a day off.”
He thought about it a moment. Bankotsu would surely tell Naraku that he wasn't there. However, he wouldn't mind skipping a day. “I'm not sure…if I do I don't want to go home.”
“You can stay here if you want. I mean, you'll be alone but at least you can relax some.”
“You don't mind?”
“You know I don't.”
“Okay then.”
“Good.” She stood up to go to her own room. “Goodnight then.”
“Goodnight, Kagura.”
Even though he was tired he didn't go to sleep. He didn't want to have another nightmare. For hours he just laid there thinking about the last ten years. From the first time he and Naraku met to today. Eventually, the heaviness in his eyelids wouldn't go away and he reluctantly fell asleep.
Sesshomaru could hear someone moving about. Who was that?
Oh yes. I'm at Kagura's. Guess she hasn't left for work yet.
He opened his eyes and yawned. Then he sat up.
“Ah, you're awake,” she said as she walked into the living room. “I wasn't being too loud was I?”
“No,” he answered. “I always wake up early since I'm the one who usually takes Rin to school.”
“Oh. Naraku will take her today, right?”
He nodded. “He does whenever I can't.” He stood up and started to fold the blanket he had used.
“Okay, I have to leave now. Help yourself to anything here. I'll be home around three.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
“No problem.” She smiled then left.
He looked at the time, it was only seven. After he called his work and said he wouldn't be in, he decided to go up and take a nice, hot shower. His body was sore and he knew it would do him good.
He took his time. The water felt wonderful on his aching muscles. At home, he always had to rush. Either because he had to hurry up for work or Naraku would yell at him to get out. When he was done he got dressed and decided to take a walk.
Oh great, he thought as he closed the front door behind him. He continued walking. Actually…it's not likes he personally has done anything to me.
Inuyasha watched as Sesshomaru walked out of Kagura's house. He had already introduced himself to her. He wasn't sure what the relationship between him and her was but he was somewhat curious. Wait, he's an asshole. I've already tried being nice to him.
“Hey, Inuyasha!”
He looked down at the child that called out his name. “What, Shippo?”
“Can I go on ahead?”
“Yeah, yeah. Just don't go too far.”
He watched as the small boy ran up the street and was about to walk right past the white-haired man when a voice stopped him.
“Is that child yours?”
Inuyasha stopped and turned to the man. He was sort of surprised that he actually spoke.
“No,” he snorted. “What's it to you?”
“I was just curious,” Sesshomaru replied.
“Oh. No, he's my friend's son.” Inuyasha decided to try his chances one more time with this guy. “When I picked him up from school I noticed that you were with a girl. Your daughter?”
“Yes. She and he were talking when I arrived.”
“Yeah. From what Shippo tells me, she's really nice to him. That's good because his mother was worried that he would have a hard time making friends.”
“And why is that?”
“Well, her name's Kagome, Kagome and Shippo just moved here and she just thought that the kids wouldn't like the new kid, y'know?”
“Oh. Why are you taking him to school?” Wait, why do I care? I don't know this man.
“Kagome works too early in the morning to drop him off there so she brings him here and then I take him and pick him up.”
“That's kind of you.” I guess there is no harm in having one conversation with him. I have nothing better to do anyways at the moment.
“Eh, I don't mind. She's been my best friend for years.”
Without realizing it, the two started to walk. “So what's the deal with you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Are you and Kagura like a couple or something? I've seen you there quite a few times.”
“No. I'm married to someone else.”
“Oh. Really? How long?”
“He and I have been married for about eight years but we've known each other for ten.”
“You're gay?”
“Yes. Do you have a problem with that?”
“No! No, of course not. I don't know, you just didn't strike me as gay is all.”
“Just because I'm not the stereotypical gay male doesn't mean I'm not attracted to other men.”
“No, I didn't mean it like that. I wasn't trying to offend you or anything-”
“I think Shippo's getting further ahead.”
“Wha-?” Then Inuyasha looked up ahead. “Shippo! I told you not to go too far!” he yelled. Then he looked at Sesshomaru. “Um, hey I know it's a bit of a long walk but do you want to walk him to school with me?” He thought there was a chance he'd say yes. Talking was a positive sign, right?
Sesshomaru thought about it for a moment. Only then did he realize that they had walked to the end of the street already. He only meant to ask Inuyasha one question. Plus, what if he said yes and Naraku saw him with another guy while he was dropping off Rin? He'd think he was cheating on him or something, and Sesshomaru definitely didn't want that to happen.
“Perhaps another time,” he answered. “You should catch up with Shippo now.”
“Oh, okay then. Yeah, I should.” I really should have expected that. Sesshomaru turned to leave in the opposite direction. “Hey, wait a second.” He faced the other man again, an eyebrow raised. “If you don't want to go with me then can you at least tell me your name?”
“My name is Sesshomaru.”
“Well, I'll see you later then Sesshomaru.”
“Yes, I'm sure we'll run into each other again. Bye.”
The two men walked away. As Inuyasha hurried along he thought to himself. Last night he didn't even say hi to me, today he's suddenly talking. Hm, maybe he's just shy and that's why he declined.
Naraku wouldn't like me with another guy, especially one he didn't know. Sesshomaru went back to Kagura's. Guess there's no avoiding Inuyasha now though since I'm here so much. I'll just greet him from now on, nothing more. I wouldn't want to anger Naraku.