InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Away From the Dark ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

WARNING: This story contains male on male relationships, abuse (verbal and physical), descriptive sex scenes, (major) OOCness, uke Sessh, and it's AU. If you oppose any or all of these things then do not read this. Please, do not complain to me about the things I've just listed because we all know that you didn't have to read this. I'm pretty sure that covers the warnings. I will add any new ones as the story progresses.
XD I'm in a good mood.
Okay, well, first thanks to all my readers.
Thanks to all the people who've added this to their faves: ActionBitch2011, AnimeMandi22, DarkAngelJudas, Dragon77, Kirai-Ninja, LadyKaa28, lrainbowl, milkchocolatehot64, teiboi, tiffyhatake, whiterice76, darkxangelx-xo, A Beautifully Broken Vixen, UnknownFlux
And of course, thank you to all of you who have reviewed: XwinterX, Nikkie23534, whiterice76, Dragon77, pumpkinpi, Candicehrt, demonic blood shed666, Princess Sin, DarkAngelJudas, ActionBitch2011, tiffyhatake, teiboi, AnimeMandi22, milkchocolatehot64, sabrinaw, dashllee, DracoDormiens7, Ladykaa28, lrainbowl
Chapter Seven
It was still early in the morning but so far it had been okay. By okay it meant Naraku hadn't hurt Sesshomaru in any way yet. The two were at as much peace as possible but Sesshomaru was still torn on the inside. It wasn't as intense as the night before but it still existed. But like always, Sesshomaru would just have to deal with these feelings and put them behind him.
“Yes, Naraku?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Come here,” Naraku ordered. He listened and went over to where Naraku was sitting.
Without another word, Naraku grabbed Sesshomaru's face with both hands and crashed their lips together in a hard, bruising kiss. He forced his tongue into Sesshomaru's hot mouth. The white-haired male couldn't help but moan into it. It was the last thing he actually wanted though. After last night he wished Naraku would just leave him alone but as it seemed his spouse had no intentions of doing so.
Naraku finally parted from him, leaving him panting slightly for air. “Actually, I have something to tell you.”
“What is it?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Tonight, Jakotsu is having a sort of…party if you will. It's pretty casual but some people from work are going to be there too.”
“Jakotsu, you mean Bankotsu's brother?”
“Yes. All of his brothers will be there. I know you don't like Jakotsu but he really wants us to be there.”
“…What time?”
“We don't have to be there until seven.”
“I'm going to be tired after work though…”
“Yes, well, Jakotsu and Bankotsu were kind enough to give us both the day off today.”
“Oh…even with me taking my vacation next week?” And calling in sick yesterday?
“Yes…so that means you don't have work for more than a week.”
Sesshomaru's days off were usually Thursday and Sunday. So now since he called in sick on Friday, was given Saturday off, and went on vacation next week he managed to get a week and a half break from the job he hated so much. Too bad that meant more time with Naraku especially if he decided to come home early.
“What about Rin? What are we going to do with her since we probably won't be home until late tonight?”
“She's at one of her friend's houses right now but I've already taken care of that. Tonight she's going to spend the night with another one of her friends. Some new boy.”
“New boy?” Does he mean…“Well does he have a name? Where does he live?”
“If my memory's correct, she said the kid's name was Shippo. And he lives about ten minutes away from here. Whichever one of us takes her can talk to his parents. Anything else?”
Sesshomaru was out of excuses not to go. He hated Jakotsu (not that any of his six brothers were any better) and he knew that it would just be a bunch of people Naraku, and not he, would know. Naraku wasn't going to give him much of a choice though.
“Okay,” he sighed.
Naraku smirked. “I thought you might say that. Rin is suppose to be picked up at ten.”
“I'll get her.”
“Okay but that's not for another two hours.” He suddenly stood up and wrapped his arms around him. “I know something we can do to pass the time…”
And that certain something was the last thing Sesshomaru wanted to do. “Not right…not right now, Naraku.” Sesshomaru saw a small amount of anger flash in his crimson eyes. “I mean…” Fuck, what won't make him mad? “I'm just a bit sore from last night…”
“Oh, of course…I was a little rough with my puppy. Well, I hope you're feeling better soon because I can't wait to get my hands on you again.”
At least he isn't going to force me into doing anything right now.
Around ten, Sesshomaru got his keys to go pick up Rin. “Naraku, which friend is she with?” he asked.
“Tami, of course,” he answered.
“Okay, see you in a little while.”
“Bye.” Naraku gave him a quick kiss and then Sesshomaru left.
Tami was Rin's best friend. She went there often so he knew where she lived.
I don't want to go to Jakotsu's. That stupid bastard.
Jakotsu was Naraku's boss but also his good friend. He was feminine, gay, and always wanting to have a threesome with Sesshomaru and Naraku and it bothered Sesshomaru to no end. He tried flirting with him, sometimes right in front of Naraku. No doubt he would try tonight too. And then Bankotsu would be there and he would ask him why he hadn't been at work.
Fuck it, it's not like I can get out of it.
He would just have to go and hope the time passed quickly.
He drove onto Tami's street and parked in front of the girl's house. He went to the front door and knocked. The mother answered.
“Hello, Sesshomaru,” she beamed.
“Hi, Heather.” He smiled back. “Is Rin ready?”
“Oh, yes. Here, come in. I'll call her down.”
Sesshomaru stepped inside as Heather went to the stairs.
“Rin!” she called. “Your dad's here to pick you up.”
“Which one?” he heard his daughter ask.
Rin and Tami ran downstairs. He greeted both children.
“You ready to go, Rin?” he asked.
“Yes,” she told him. She turned to Tami's mom. “Thanks for letting me stay.”
“Well, we love having you.”
They left. As he drove back home he listened to Rin chatter on and on about her time over there.
“Hey, Rin,” he said.
“Yes, Papa?”
“What time are you supposed to be going to Shippo's?”
“Daddy said I was going at six.”
“You weren't home Thursday night. And I didn't see you yesterday…Where were you?”
“Uh…well, I slept at my friend's house just like you did last night.”
“Oh. Whose house did you go to?”
He pulled into their driveway. As they walked up to the door Rin asked another question.
“Can you take me to the park today?”
“Sure. We'll go in an hour or two.”
“Okay. Because I missed you yesterday…I thought I did something to make you mad at me and leave…”
Sesshomaru's heart broke in two when he heard that. He immediately picked her up into his arms. “I missed you too. But you had nothing to do with me being gone. I'm sorry…”
She wrapped her tiny arms around his neck. “I love you, Papa.”
“I love you too, Rin.” He stood there for a second embracing his daughter tightly. “Now let's get inside and see Daddy.”
“Daddy!” she called when they got inside. “Where are you? I'm home!”
Sesshomaru saw him come out of their bedroom. He recently got out of the shower since his long black hair was still damp. A little while later Sesshomaru told Rin to go get ready because they were going to leave soon. He wanted to talk to Naraku alone anyway.
“Where are you two going?” Naraku asked.
“She wants me to take her to the park.”
“Yeah, since she missed me yesterday…do you know what she said to me outside?”
“She thought she was the reason why I left Thursday and yesterday.”
“She wouldn't have noticed if you had been home in the morning like you were supposed to.”
Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed. “I'll come home when I please.”
Naraku glared at him. “Excuse me?”
“I'll come home when I please,” Sesshomaru repeated. He wasn't in the mood for this. He was pissed off as it was for having to go to Jakotsu's plus Naraku was trying to put the blame on Sesshomaru for his absence. He wouldn't have had to leave if Naraku hadn't been so cruel. That feeling was bubbling in Sesshomaru, that feeling to rebel.
Naraku stood up and got in Sesshomaru's face. “You'll come home when I say. You know the consequences if you do otherwise.”
Sesshomaru kept his glare. He wanted to punch Naraku in the face. His fist started rising when suddenly Rin came to the top of the stairs.
“Hey, Papa!” she said.
Sesshomaru reluctantly took his eyes off Naraku in order to look at her. “What is it?” he asked in the calmest voice he could muster at the moment.
“Can you help me pick out an outfit?”
He sighed. “Sure thing.” He glanced at Naraku who was staring at him. He growled loud enough for just him to hear.
Naraku continued to watch him as he climbed up the stairs. He knew that Sesshomaru was about to hit him, he would've punished him severely if he actually had. Rin might've saved Naraku from getting punched but she saved Sesshomaru from one hell of a beating.
“Now which one looks better? This one?” Rin held up one shirt. “Or this one?” She held up another.
“The orange one,” he told her. She smiled.
“I thought so too!”
He smiled at her but he was troubled on the inside. He kept thinking about what she told him earlier.
“I thought I did something to make you mad at me and leave…”
Why would she ever think something like that? I could never be mad at her…not that mad anyways…Is she always going to think that when I leave?
Sesshomaru knew that that wouldn't be the last time he spent the night out. He was sure Naraku would get so mad at him again that he would kick him out for the night. For years, Naraku and Sesshomaru's secret relationship of abuse had never affected their child. They were able to hide it saying that Sesshomaru was hurt by something falling on him or the reason Naraku's hands were gripping Sesshomaru so tight was because he was hugging him. But now…this made it different. That one sentence made Sesshomaru's mind lead to other things.
What if she walked in while I was being punished?
Sure, Sesshomaru knew that he deserved it but that didn't mean he wanted Rin to see. Her innocent child eyes shouldn't be exposed to something like that.
“Papa? Papa!”
He jumped slightly. He had been too deep in thought to hear her calling to him.
“What is it, Rin?”
“I'm ready. Can we go now?”
“Yeah…yeah, come on.”
She smiled, grabbing his hand and he let her drag him downstairs.
Sesshomaru played with his daughter at the park for a few hours. She was either smiling or laughing the whole time and even with every thing that had gone on he couldn't help but be happy himself when he saw her.
It was only three when they left the park and they had a couple hours to kill before they had to go home.
“Hey, Rin. Do you want to go see a movie?” he asked already knowing the answer.
So they went and did that. By the time they came home it was 5:30. Naraku was probably wondering where the hell they were because Sesshomaru didn't bother telling him they went somewhere after the park.
Let the bastard worry.
“Rin, go get your things ready. You have to leave soon,” Naraku ordered.
“Okay,” she answered and then went to her room.
“Where were you?” Naraku growled.
“Rin wanted to go to the movies,” Sesshomaru answered calmly.
“You should've told me you were going to be out for two more hours.”
Naraku snarled. He didn't like Sesshomaru's change in attitude. He was about to do something about it when Sesshomaru spoke again.
“Rin will be down any minute. Do you really want her to see?”
Naraku glared at him but didn't do anything else. No, he didn't want Rin to see. Even if Sesshomaru did deserve to get punished that didn't mean Rin should have to watch.
Just like Sesshomaru said, Rin came down bag in hand.
“I'm ready!” she told them.
“Come on,” Sesshomaru said. “I'm taking you.”
He left without sparing Naraku a glance. Rin gave him the directions and soon they were at Shippo's house. He and Rin got out and went to the door. A woman who Sesshomaru assumed to be Kagome answered.
“Hello,” she greeted smiling. “You must be Rin and…”
“I'm Sesshomaru.” He shook her hand.
“Hi, Sesshomaru. You must be Rin's other father. I believe I spoke to Naraku on the phone.”
“Yes, that'd be my husband. So what time should I pick her up tomorrow?”
“Well, actually I have to go into work for a couple hours around eleven. So if you want you can pick her up then but I was going to drop Shippo off at my friend's house. If you didn't mind I could take her there too. He wouldn't care.”
Is she talking about Inuyasha? “Well, what friend is this?”
“His name is Inuyasha.”
“Oh, is he the one with black hair and gray eyes? And he lives with his friend Miroku?”
“Yes. You've met him before?”
“Yes. He lives next door to one of my friend's.”
“Oh. Well then would it be okay if I took Rin over there too?”
He thought about it for a second. He guessed it would be alright. “That'd be fine.”
“Okay, good. Shippo will be happy to hear that.”
A couple minutes later Sesshomaru left for home. Why did I let her go? Now when I pick her up I'll have to see Inuyasha…I can't let Naraku go. He'll wonder why I let her go to some stranger's house and then I'll have to explain that he's not a stranger, and ugh. It would be too much of a hassle. And now I have to go to that fucking party. Damn! Oh well, I just have to keep calm and not let this stress me out. Tonight will be fine.