InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Away From the Dark ❯ Chapter 17

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

WARNING: This story contains male on male relationships, abuse (verbal and physical), descriptive sex scenes, (major) OOCness, uke Sessh, and it is AU. If you oppose any or all of these things then do not read this. Please, do not complain to me about the things I've just listed because we all know that you didn't have to read this. I'm pretty sure that covers the warnings. I will add any new ones as the story progresses.
Chapter Seventeen
“Hey, Sesshomaru!” Inuyasha said.
“Hi,” Sesshomaru smiled.
“Where you headed?”
“Not sure.”
“Hop in then.”
Once he did, they drove off. Sesshomaru was glad to see Inuyasha, especially right now. He needed to be around someone who didn't want to have sex with him.
“So why were you just walking around?” Inuyasha asked.
Should I tell him? “Naraku and I went to some business thing of his. We got in a fight though and I left.”
“Ooh, must've been pretty bad then. What about?” Inuyasha saw Sesshomaru's hesitation. “You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.”
“Sorry…I just don't want to talk about it.”
“I understand.”
“Where were you on your way to?”
“Actually, Kagome's friend Hojo is having a party tonight. I was on my way there.”
“Oh…well, I don't want to bother you then…”
“Nah, you wouldn't be bothering. Do you want to come with me?”
“Come on, it'll be fun. And if it isn't then we can drink until it is.”
Sesshomaru grinned. “Okay then. Let's go. I can be your…guest.”
“Haha, yeah. You're married so you can't be my date. That's a shame really.” He winked jokingly.
“Haha, damn.” They were playing but both felt something when they were talking.
They parked in front of what Sesshomaru assumed to be this Hojo guy's house. Tons of people were already there. As they were getting out of the truck Sesshomaru had the urge to tell Inuyasha something.
“Y'know…they say there's truth to every joke.”
Inuyasha smiled. “That they do.”
Sesshomaru wasn't sure what to make of that. Was Inuyasha still playing? He had to be. He followed Inuyasha.
“We can stay close if you want,” Inuyasha said. “Since you don't know anyone here really.”
“Yeah, okay.”
Inuyasha took Sesshomaru to a group of his friends and introduced him. They had all been talking for a while when a guy with brown hair showed up.
“Who's that?” Sesshomaru whispered to Inuyasha.
“That's Hojo,” he told him.
Hojo and Sesshomaru met briefly before Hojo was off again.
“So he's gay, yeah?” Sesshomaru assumed.
“Nope,” Inuyasha told him. “That boy straight.”
“What? No way! Damn, I think my gay-dar is broken.”
“Haha, yeah he has a tendency to throw people off.”
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru enjoyed themselves for the next few hours. Neither of them drank too much surprisingly, though Inuyasha had a bit more than Sesshomaru. They didn't leave until almost two in the morning. Sesshomaru drove back to Inuyasha's. When they got out of the car he realized he still needed somewhere to stay for the night. Since they were already there would Inuyasha mind…?
“Hey, Inuyasha?”
“What's up?”
“If it's not too much trouble…can I stay with you for the rest of the night?”
“Sure, I don't mind.”
They stepped into the dark house and Inuyasha flicked on the lights.
“You had fun tonight, right?” Inuyasha asked.
“Yeah, a lot.”
“Okay, good. Hey, those clothes can't be too comfy. Want me to get you something to sleep in?”
“Uh, yeah. Sure.”
“I'll be right back then.”
As Inuyasha went upstairs, Sesshomaru made himself comfortable. He sat down on the couch and unbuttoned his shirt leaving just his white t-shirt on. When the other male came downstairs, Sesshomaru couldn't help but stare. Inuyasha had clothes in hand with a shirt thrown over bare shoulders. Sesshomaru stood up and grabbed the pants Inuyasha had gotten for him.
“No problem.” Sesshomaru watched, what he thought discreetly, as Inuyasha put on his own shirt. “I'll go get you a blanket.”
Sesshomaru changed out of his pants and put on the pajama ones he was given. Inuyasha came back down and tossed the blanket on the couch. He was wondering what to think about Sesshomaru. He had noticed that he was staring when he was putting on his shirt. Did that mean anything? Was Sesshomaru just looking because he happened to be standing right in front of him? Though he was unsure why he came down shirtless in the first place. It was just because I was in a hurry. Yeah, that was it. He watched as Sesshomaru walked to sit back down. Come to think of it, he had been walking a little strange all night. Now that he had the chance to get a good look, Sesshomaru was almost limping.
“Hey, Sessh. Did you hurt your leg or something?”
Sesshomaru became nervous. “Uh, no. Not really.”
“Oh, because it kind of looks like you're walking strange.”
“Gee thanks.”
“I'm serious. Get up again.”
“Don't order me around.”
“Come on. Please?”
Sesshomaru sighed. He really didn't want to. He didn't want Inuyasha to suspect anything and he was exhausted anyways. He just wanted to rest. Inuyasha started pouting though and he soon found himself walking again.
“See? You're in pain. You just won't admit it.”
Sesshomaru sat back down. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Jeez, you're so stubborn. I can make your legs feel better.”
Sesshomaru was definitely interested in that. Honestly, his legs did hurt a lot. “Oh yeah? And just how would you do that?”
“If you don't mind…” Inuyasha got up and sat near Sesshomaru. “Put your legs over my lap.” Sesshomaru listened. Inuyasha was sitting close to him but he didn't care. “This is something Kagome taught me.” He put his hands on Sesshomaru's calves and started massaging them. Sesshomaru's eyes slid closed and he let a small smile tug at his lips. Those hands felt wonderful on his aching muscles.
“Hehe, feel good?” Inuyasha asked.
Sesshomaru nodded. “Thank you.”
Inuyasha knew that he was in pain but too stubborn to admit it. “So how did you get all sore?”
“I don't know what you're talking about.” Sesshomaru couldn't tell him that it was from his husband beating him.
Inuyasha shook his head. “If you insist…” He rubbed him for a few more minutes. “You seem really tired. I think I'll leave you alone now.”
Sesshomaru cracked an eyelid open. “Are you sure? You're not bothering me or anything.”
“Do you want me to stay?”
“Okay.” Inuyasha sat back down, happy that Sesshomaru wanted to still be with him. He was a bit suspicious though. He wondered why Sesshomaru wouldn't tell him what the source of his pain was. He'd think about it later. “Kagome's brother was at Hojo's tonight.”
“Souta was his name, right?”
“Did he see you?”
He smirked. “What happened?”
“…I have a date this Friday.”
“Haha, and how did that come about?”
“He asked me after I had a few drinks…I have an idea though.”
“And what would that be?”
“Well, there's no way that I'm going alone with him.”
“Why? Afraid he might try to seduce you?” Sesshomaru joked.
“Oh, ew. Don't even play around like that.”
Sesshomaru laughed. “Okay, what's your plan then?”
“Since I don't want to go alone, the logical thing to do would be bringing a friend.” Inuyasha then stared at Sesshomaru.
“Let me guess…I'm that friend.”
“You're pretty smart. So what do you say? You could bring someone with you.”
“Thanks…you said yes because of this pretty face, huh?”
“Guilty,” Sesshomaru said with a smile and roll of his eyes.
Inuyasha went up a long time after. Sesshomaru looked absolutely exhausted and he wondered why. He had been fine when they had hung out the week before. Maybe he's getting sick? That still wouldn't explain the limping. Perhaps he'd ask him more about it in the morning.
Sesshomaru lied down and closed his eyes. He was so tired. He and Inuyasha had stayed up for a long time just talking. He enjoyed it a lot though so it was worth being exhausted. Inuyasha really was a nice guy and Sesshomaru found himself talking a lot around him. Usually he was pretty quiet, unless he was around people he'd known for a long time, but Inuyasha was able to bring out his personality.
Then Naraku came to mind. He'd probably be in a lot of trouble when he got home. Not only did he disobey him, but he slapped and ran away from him too. Naraku went way too far this time though. Sesshomaru was still furious about the whole situation. And a little scared. I'm not someone Naraku can just pimp out to his friends! But what if Naraku was able to get him when he was too weak to fight back? What would he do then? Sesshomaru didn't know. But he sure as hell would fight Naraku if he tried to hook him up with Jakotsu again. Yeah, he would get a lot more than a slap.
Sesshomaru eventually fell asleep although he was mixed with different emotions from all the events that had happened that night.
Hot. It was so hot. That's all Sesshomaru knew. He had woken up but he was still in a sleep-filled haze. He threw the blanket off and kicked his pants off without even thinking about what he was doing or whose house he was doing it in. Feeling better, he turned onto his side and fell back asleep.
Inuyasha quietly walked downstairs. It was morning and he was wide-awake. He wasn't sure if Sesshomaru was up so he made sure not to be loud. He stopped as soon as he laid eyes on Sesshomaru. He was still asleep alright. But he was curled up, had his back to him, and wore no pants. Well, that's odd. Inuyasha couldn't help but look at his legs. He followed them until they disappeared into his boxers. He was unable to stop himself from continuing further up. Sesshomaru started to stir and it was then that he realized he was staring at Sesshomaru's ass. Even it did look perfect that still gave him no right to look…did it? Inuyasha bolted to the kitchen so he wouldn't look like a creep just staring at Sesshomaru. He put the coffee pot on then went back to the living room. Sesshomaru had just sat up and was rubbing his eyes.
“Hehe, morning Sessh,” Inuyasha said.
“Morning…” he said back. “Why are you laughing?”
“Nice legs.”
Sesshomaru looked down and went wide-eyed. Inuyasha chuckled at the cute look of shock on his face. Cute?
Sesshomaru was horribly embarrassed. He was sitting at Inuyasha's house…with no pants. What the fuck? He quickly found the ones he had abandoned and put them on.
“So do you always strip at people's houses?” Inuyasha laughed.
“I don't know what you're talking about.”
Inuyasha had no idea how he could say that and keep a straight face. “How is it that you can be totally embarrassed one moment but then completely serious the next?”
“A lot of skill.”
Inuyasha smiled. “You want some coffee?”
“Yeah. Wait…it's not going to be like last time, is it?”
“Oh yeah…heh. Only if you want it to be.” He got up.
“Yes, because I just love hot coffee dripping down my body.”
Hm, when you put it like that…Inuyasha came back with two cups in hand. After they were done Inuyasha's phone started to ring. He looked at it and groaned. “Sorry, Sessh. It's my boss. Do you mind?”
“Not at all. Actually…I'm going to go to Kagura's for a few minutes. I have to talk about something with her.”
Sesshomaru quickly changed his pants to his own and walked out the door, crossing the lawn into Kagura's yard. He knew she was up. He knocked and waited for her to answer.
“Hey, Sesshomaru.”
“Hi.” He walked inside.
“What's up? Are you feeling better from yesterday?”
“Yeah. I don't have all my strength back but have a good amount at least.”
“That's good. How did you get here? I didn't see your car outside.”
“Well, actually there's a whole story behind that. I wanted to tell you.”
“I'm listening.”
“I told you about that thing we had to go to last night. We went but after a while I went off alone. I was just walking through the hallways when Jakotsu came. He pinned me to the wall and forced me to kiss him! That fucking bastard. Naraku saw him do it…and he didn't care! I tried to get away from Jakotsu but Naraku wouldn't let me go! H-he told me to stop acting like a child…so I slapped him and ran away. But then Inuyasha found me so he picked me up and we went to a party. We went back to his house and I slept over here. He's a really good guy. I like him a lot.”
“I can't believe Naraku but at least Inuyasha is nice. I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself. He's crazy if he thinks he can just give you to his friends.”
“That's what I thought. That was going too far…” He glanced out the window then looked back at Kagura. He did a double take then got up.
“What's wrong, Sessh?”
“That's…that's Naraku's car.” So he was trying to take him back. Well, Sesshomaru didn't want to go. Sesshomaru opened the door and went outside. Kagura followed him. They stopped on her porch just as Naraku got out of his car.
“What the hell do you want?” Sesshomaru asked.
“You're coming home with me,” Naraku spat. “I'm very upset with what you did last night.”
“No, I'm staying here. I'm not some plaything for your friends.”
Naraku walked closer and Sesshomaru went to the grass to meet him. “You're my bitch and you'll do as I say.”
“No, I'm not doing anything you say.”
“You dare not listen?!” Naraku yelled. That made him even more furious. He was going to have to teach his bitch a thing or two about obedience. Didn't he learn from the other night? Naraku knew Kagura was watching but he didn't care. He raised his hand and backhanded Sesshomaru.
Both Kagura and Sesshomaru were shocked. Kagura had never witnessed that bastard hitting her friend before and Sesshomaru never thought he'd do it in public. It took him a second to get over his surprise. He felt so embarrassed and angry. Sesshomaru didn't want to feel like this anymore.
“Leave me alone!” he screamed. Something inside Sesshomaru snapped. He suddenly pulled his hand back, balled it into a fist, and aimed it directly at Naraku's face.
Naraku was beyond surprised when a fist collided with his jaw. It was on now. Naraku punched him back and it set off an entire fight. Both men were yelling at and hitting each other. Kagura could only stand and watch as they fought. She didn't know what else to do. She then saw Inuyasha running out of his house from all the commotion. He froze at the sight he saw.
Sesshomaru slugged Naraku in the stomach but Naraku grabbed him and threw him onto the grass. Neither of them was aware of anything besides the being they were trying to beat. The whole world could have been watching them and they wouldn't have known.
Inuyasha came over to Kagura. “Is that Sesshomaru's husband?!” he asked.
She nodded. Neither of them said a word after that. They didn't interfere with the sight before them. This was Sesshomaru's fight, Sesshomaru's chance to prove himself.
Naraku had an advantage. He had all his energy and strength, Sesshomaru didn't. However, Sesshomaru was still doing pretty good with that considered. Naraku managed to pin him down though by straddling him.
“You're gonna pay,” he whispered to the man underneath him. Then he clasped his hands around Sesshomaru's neck.
Sesshomaru thrashed around. He was trying to strangle him?! Sesshomaru kicked around until he was able to roll Naraku off of him. He threw himself on his body and punched him in the face.
Kagura was disgusted with this. She was glad that Sesshomaru was fighting back but she couldn't believe Naraku. She looked around. A few of her neighbors had come outside and were now watching in horror. One of them decided to yell at them.
“We're calling the cops!” a woman yelled. This got both brawling men's attention.
Naraku knew better then to mess with the police. He wasn't dumb. He pushed Sesshomaru away before standing up.
“This isn't over,” Naraku growled menacingly. Sesshomaru just glared at him as he got in his car and drove away.
Sesshomaru turned back to his friends. He began to walk but started stumbling. They both ran to him and Inuyasha caught him just before he fell.
Inuyasha picked Sesshomaru up. His mind was in shock. That was the man Sesshomaru was married to?! When the three of them got inside, he set Sesshomaru on the couch.
Sesshomaru was panting. Kagura kneeled next to him. “I'm proud of you, Sesshomaru. You didn't let him control you.”
“I don't know what came over me…” Sesshomaru admitted.
“You're fed up with the way he treats you, that's what.”
“What if someone really did call the cops? I don't want them here!”
“Shh, it's okay. The police aren't coming.” She knew he was scared of that.
“Yeah.” She also knew that her neighbors wouldn't do anything. She looked down at her tired friend. He had blood on him. She wasn't sure how much of it was his and how much was Naraku's. “Now you just relax. Inuyasha and I are gonna clean you up, okay?”
He nodded and closed his eyes.
Thanks to VegoSacomoto and leta for reviewing. I plan on getting a few chapters out tonight