InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Away From the Dark ❯ Chapter 35

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

WARNING (this story contains the following): homosexual relationships, (verbal, physical, sexual) abuse, descriptive sex scenes, (major) OOCness, uke Sessh, and it is AU. If you oppose reading about any or all of these things then do not read this. Do not complain to me about the things I've just listed because we all know that you didn't have to read my story. That covers the warnings. I will add any new ones as the story progresses.

Oh, uh...hey there...


Chapter Thirty-Five

A twenty-three year old Sesshomaru was hiding out in the backyard he shared with his husband. The sun had set hours ago but he sat alone in the darkness without any lights. He was scared. For the last year Naraku had been more insulting and had even slapped him sometimes. The first time it happened, the older man promised it wouldn't again. That was quickly proven to be a lie.

Now Sesshomaru sat there cradling his swollen right wrist. His smoking hand. The crimson-eyed man didn't like the fact that he smoked. He said it was disgusting and that Sesshomaru should quit. He didn't really want to give up the habit just yet, he had been doing it for years, but nevertheless he told Naraku he would. That was why a week later when the older man pulled up to see Sesshomaru on the porch with a cigarette in his hand, he grew furious. Naraku despised being lied to.

The young man was surprised and quickly snubbed it out. He thought Naraku was coming home later. He started stuttering out an excuse when he walked up but he was told to shut up. Then he grabbed his wrist and dragged him inside the house. He shoved the man after closing the door.

"Please, I'm sorry," Sesshomaru apologized.

"I said shut up!" he yelled.

"Stop it! Rin's sleeping!"

He grabbed the other's long silver locks. "You'll just have to keep your mouth shut then, eh? Now why don't you tell me why you lied to me. After everything I do for you, you have the nerve to do that?"

"I didn't lie. I told you I'd try. I've been smoking for years though, it's hard for-"

"Excuses!" He yanked on the hair. "You just want to rebel against me." He grasped Sesshomaru's right wrist. "Haven't you learned yet? And remember...I'm doing this for your own good. I don't want my bitch dying early from lung cancer."

Sesshomaru's heart raced as he was thrown to the ground. He tried to get up but one of Naraku's shoe-clad feat stayed on his back.

"Don't move."

The younger man barely dared to breath at that point. His heart was pounding so loudly he was sure Naraku would hear it and punish him for it.

"Now. Stretch your right arm out and put your other hand over your mouth."

He shakily obeyed. A moment later he was biting into that hand so hard he was sure it would bleed. Naraku had just stomped on his right wrist. The raven-haired demon of a man straddled his back, his hands now gently combing through snow-colored strands.

"When I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it," he said softly. "I'm only like this for your own good, alright?" Sesshomaru didn't answer so he gripped the hair harshly. "Alright?"


"You know I hate hurting you, right?"


"But what's worse? A little pain now or lung cancer later?"

"P-pain now..."

"I'm glad you see it like I do." He leaned down and kissed his temple. "Now go get cleaned up and don't let me catch you with a cigarette again."

"Alright, Naraku..."

The older man stood and left upstairs to change out of his work attire. As soon as he was gone Sesshomaru pushed himself up (using only his left arm of course) and scrambled out of the room. The only 'safe' place he could think of was the backyard. It was nice and dark and Naraku probably wouldn't search for him there. He stepped into the cold evening air without a jacket and sat on the chair he knew was on the other side.

It would be a long time until Naraku actually found him again.

Sesshomaru held his wrist as he thought back on the memory from over five years ago. He could hardly believe it was that long. He wasn't even thirty yet and he felt old, tired. Naraku had nearly broken his wrist that time, or at least it sure as hell felt like it. It had also been the time when the abuse had transitioned to what it was now. No, what it had been. He couldn't go back to that. He wouldn't.

It had been days since Naraku had come and Inuyasha drove him away. He sighed, it was only a matter of time before the bastard popped up again. He stayed in Inuyasha's backyard for a few minutes longer. Then suddenly he turned around to go back inside. At the same time the younger man came to the back door. Sesshomaru rushed past him muttering a quick excuse. Inuyasha gave him a confused expression then glanced outside.

A pack of crushed cigarettes lay abandoned on the ground.

That night Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were downstairs. Rin was already asleep in the bedroom. Inuyasha was sitting on the couch, the older man laying across his lap.

"Hey," Sesshomaru started. "...Is it really okay for you to be missing all this work? I mean, I know you said you're friends with your boss but won't they think you're taking advantage of that?"

"Oh, uh, no. It's fine. Trust me."

"So how did the two of you meet? You can't actually be getting paid..."

"Well, it's just a construction company. My dad owns it and my boss is his friend so I definitely won't be fired."

Sesshomaru sat up and frowned. "Your dad? So he knows you've been gone. Does he know what happened? About me?"

"No, don't worry. My boss didn't tell Dad until recently. He left me a voicemail this morning just asking what was going on and if I was alright. Haven't talked to him yet or told him about anything."

Sesshomaru stared down at his hands. "You can tell him. I don't mind. I don't want there being problems for you."

"It's okay. I'll just make something up. He doesn't need to know your business."

He stayed quiet for a few minutes. Then suddenly, "Are you close with your dad?"

"Wha...yeah, I am."

"Does he live far away?"

"Nah, my parents live about an hour away."

Sesshomaru wanted to ask what it was like to have loving parents but he refrained. No point in making things more awkward than they had been lately. "I think we should go out somewhere tomorrow." He had left the house a couple times but only for short amounts of time. If things were ever going to improve then he had to learn to move past his fears.


"It'll be Saturday. I was thinking we could just take Rin to the park or something. Naraku usually works Saturdays so it should be fine." Small steps. He could do things in small steps.

"Alright." He brushed a hand through his silky hair. "Wanna watch a movie til we go to bed?"

"Yeah, put whatever you like on." Sesshomaru ended up falling asleep an hour into it.

"You wanna go to the park today?" Inuyasha asked Rin in the morning.

The little girl nodded her head up and down excitedly. "Yeah. Are you and Papa gonna play games with me?"

"Of course. Whatever you want."

"Where is he?"

"Taking a shower. He should be out soon. We'll leave around noon, okay? So be ready by then."

"Okay." She then bound up the stairs to where her clothing was kept.

"Easy to please girl..." the man muttered to himself.

They left in the afternoon. It was warm out, a t-shirt and shorts day. They took the car so that they could go to the bigger park across town. Inuyasha could tell that Sesshomaru was forcing himself to act as cheerful as he was. But it was for Rin's sake. She had another therapy session after school on Tuesday.

After a quick lunch they parked and got out. Inuyasha barely had time to grab their belongings before the girl grabbed his hand and started running to the grass. Sesshomaru smiled at them and followed at a slower pace. At least those two got along, this would be so much harder if they didn't.

As soon as the young man placed their things on the bench, she immediately tried to drag him into a game of baseball. He gave her the bat and she ran off a short distance. Sesshomaru jogged to catch up with them. He joined the game and the three spent the afternoon together. He tried to focus on Inuyasha and his daughter, he didn't want to dwell on what he had for days now. But he just couldn't stop his eyes from drifting occasionally to make sure no one unwanted was approaching them.

That same evening they were walking home from a nearby restaurant. Rin was ahead of the two men a short distance, her attention focused on a pretty rock she had found. The others were chatting about nothing in particular. Inuyasha glanced over at Sesshomaru, then as casually as he could he grabbed the older man's hand. He was surprised at first but smiled and allowed it.

"Papa, can I call Tami when we get back?" the girl asked.

"Sure. For what?" the father told her.

"Just to talk."

She made a beeline for the phone once they entered the house and turned on the lights. Within a few moments they heard her talking away to her best friend. As they sat down, Inuyasha's cell buzzed with a text. He pulled it out and typed out a hasty reply before tossing the device onto the table.

"Who's that?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Just my dad. Nothing urgent," Inuyasha responded.

"Did you tell him about...?"

"Nah, I haven't actually talked to him. Just sent him a few messages to let him know I was alive."

"You should call him."

"It's fine."



He glanced over to see Rin holding the phone to her ear, an excited gleam in her eyes.

"Er, yeah?"

"Can I spend the night at Tami's? Pleeease? A couple other people are there too! Come on, please?"

"Um...can you tell her you'll call her back in a few minutes?"

She pouted but grumbled out the message to her friend. "I'm gonna pack a bag!" she said quickly then zipped up the stairs.

Sesshomaru frowned and Inuyasha asked him what was wrong. "I'm just...worried I guess. To let her go alone. What if Naraku goes over and gets her?"

"He won't. How will he even know that she's there? Besides she goes off alone at school. At least she'll have fun with her friends."

"Yeah, I know..."

"Just tell the girl's parents that if Naraku comes, not to let her go with him and to call you."

"I guess. It's not like I have to spell the situation out to them. Do you mind driving?"

"Nah, better let Rin know though."

"Yeah. Hey, Rin!"

She ran to the top of the stairs, bag already in hand. "Yeah?"

"You can go. Call Tami back and let her know. We'll leave in a few minutes."

"Yay! Thanks, Papa!"

"Heather, can I talk to you for a minute?" Sesshomaru asked Tami's mom. Inuyasha was waiting in the car for him.

"Sure, what's up?" she said.

"Well, the thing is, Naraku and I sort of...broke up. It's messy, to say the least. Just if he comes by, can you call me? And not let Rin go with him."

"Yeah, of course. Sorry to hear that. Don't worry, I understand."

"Thanks. What time should I pick her up tomorrow?"

"I was going to take them to the movies in the afternoon. I could drop her off sometime after that."

"Oh, yeah. Let me give you the address where we're staying then. Anytime's fine."

"Alright, I'll probably be there around four. Bye, Sesshomaru."

"Bye. Thanks again."

He said bye to his daughter then made his way to the car. The younger man pulled out of the driveway and they went home. Inuyasha's phone buzzed again from the table, the hard surface making it sound extra loud.

"Is that your dad again?" Sesshomaru asked. "Please, just call him and talk to him. It'll make me feel better."

"Fine," the younger man sighed.

Sesshomaru stood. "I'm going to take a quick shower. I don't mind you telling him what's been going on." He felt bad that he was making the man lie to his own father. He didn't want to be the reason why problems arose in their relationship. If they were close like Inuyasha had said, it shouldn't be difficult to tell him.

Inuyasha stared at his phone for a few moments. Once he heard the other man enter the bathroom, he called his father.

"Hello?" Inutaisho's deep voice answered.

"Hey, Dad," Inuyasha said.

"Hey. So what's been going on with you lately? You won't give me a straight answer about all the work you're missing. I just wanna know if you're okay."

"I'm fine. It's just...I've been helping out a friend."

"Mhmm." The tone demanded an explanation.

"This guy I met when I moved. He just left his husband and he and his kid needed a place to stay."

"So someone's staying with you and Miroku?"

"Eh, Miroku practically lives with his girlfriend. It's just the three of us."

"Then why have you been missing so much work?"

"I...Dad, he's going through a lot right now. His husband...that bastard has been abusing him for the last six years. He was scared just to leave the house."

"Inu...that's some serious business. Are you guys okay? Is his ex going to attack you?"

"He already stopped by once. I don't think he'll do anything, not while I'm around. I won't hesitate to call the cops. I've just been staying with him and making sure he's okay. That's why I haven't gone to work."

The older male let out a deep sigh. "Where's this guy now?"

"Taking a shower. His daughter's sleeping the night at a friend's. She's only seven but...she saw him get hit."

"Oh god...just...promise me you'll stay safe. I don't know these people but that man must be insane if he's abusive like that."

"We'll be fine, don't worry."

"Pfft. Call me if you need anything, okay? No, you know what? Just call me tomorrow night."

"Alright, I will."

"Do you care if I tell your mom?"

"Uh...I guess not. My friend already said it was okay to tell you, so I guess it's fine."

"Alright, I'll let you go then. Night. Be careful."

"Night, bye."

Inuyasha hung up and re-pocketed his phone. He didn't realize a frown marred his face as he thought about the conversation.


To all the readers that made it to this point: thank you for still sticking with me. I understand if a bunch of people have lost interest in this story. It is good to be back though, I forgot how much I enjoyed writing this.

A few people have reviewed/messaged me asking about this during the last few weeks. Thanks to you guys for motivating me to finally get this chapter done.
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