InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Awkward.... ❯ Maybe not a good idea ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Whew! Im gettind tired its...1:40 in the mornin. o well!
==========:new scene
*sound effect*
"qoutes of course"
Inuyasha started rumbling through Kagomes bag.
Inuyasha found her Scedual. He was in the school now and some bell just rang and students were
hurrying to there class room.
room 200 Spanish
He looked around. room 198, 199, 200. That was easy.
He walked in. Every one Stoped. unlike Hojo every one noticed Inuyasha was not Kagome. Some girl
came up to him. "Um who are you?"
"why im Kagome duh" he said again in his high pitched voice. The girl backed up noticing the broad sholders and musles.
She walked over to her friend Yumi "you think Kagomes been taking Steroids or is that part of her
illness?"she wispered.
"Shhh, she'll here you" replied Akira (sorry i dont know there names^.^;)
Inuyasha looked a bit confused but went alond with it.
The bell rang again and they all took there seats except Inuyasha. He paid no mind. He thought that everyones legs were tired.
Then the teacher came in. "who this?" she questioned hesitantly.
Yumi raised her hand "um Miss Higurashi remember?........shes been, um, ill."
The teacher looked at him "Well take a seat"
"Sit down" Inuyasha plumeted to the ground.(I know it onlt works with Kagome but play along ok)
Everyone was silent.
The spell wore off and he stood up. He was enraged but he didnt want to blow his cover "sorry I
tripped he said sweetly and walked to empty desk and sat down.
"Now, for the quiz tomarrow you all have to know the ten verbs I taught you. Including
Leveantensai:Stand, Sientense:sit-*bang*
The teacher raised her eyebrows. "Miss Higurashi? Are you sure your alright? youve been acting stangly...."
"i'm fine" He managed to squeak. Wow this school suff is tuff.
PE? he stared at the Scedual. room 001
He walked down the hall to find a huge platform, and to his relief, no chairs. He walked in and sat on the ground.
"Hey! Higurashi, arent you going to change" said a boy pointing to room labled "Girls changing room"
he blushed. "um, no I.........I what....? Oh!.....I forgot my 'PE' clothes."
"oh...."noded the boy in under standing.
"Alright shrimps give me 30 pushups!" called a booming voice and every one was one the ground something weird. Inuyasha followed suit doing 30 with ease.
What he didnt know was that the coach was watching him. "You, Higurashi, Where'd you learn to do
push ups like that?"
Inuyasha quickly remembered a word Kagome used to be funny and decided to use it. "um, my homey
gee taught me?" He said more questioningly then a statement.
The whole room filled with laughter and the coach just stared at her (him) with amusement.
Fun suff.^.^It 2:16 in the mornin now!!! I probably should go to bed. Please Send me reviews. Good or
*sigh* I feel Ba ba black sheepish.....*closes eyes and falls asleep*