InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bachelor Sesshoumaru ❯ Fill in you status ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer-I don't own Inuyasha, if I did Rin would be an adult and with Sess!!!
Yuki-Welcome all to Sesshoumaru as the bachelor! I'm your host Rin-chan! You can call me Yuki since the actual Rin will be in this fic, ne, Rin-chan?
Yuki-Okay, this is how this thing…. well whatever this is goes. First I need at least ten contestants to fight for Sesshy's heart. If you want to be a contestant you will need to review and tell me. I'm going to need your name (doesn't have to be your real one), age (same as name and you have to be older that than fifteen), race (human, type of demon, angel, etc., etc....), what you do (student, fighter, etc…), personality, description, likes, and dislike. You guys have to vote each other off except those I say you can't.
Sesshou-Who are they to choose who gets to be MY mate?
Yuki-I am someone who has blackmail of course. Remember when you-
Yuki-ANYWAYS, as I was saying, you can tell me one detail of what you want happen with Sesshy…
Sesshou-What do you mean, “… What you want happen to Sesshy?!” I refuse to do anything with a ningen! And why in the seven hells are you calling me Sesshy?!
Yuki-Demo, some peopleses are hanyou and youkai.
Sesshou-That's NOT what I meant, wench.
Yuki-I know, but would you rather I call the whole thing off (fan girls-NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!) and pair you up with Knives? And I call you Sesshy `cause everyone else does.
Sesshou-*twitch twitch* Iie, onegai iie.
Yuki-^_^' that's not what I meant, Legato-chan. We all know that Knives-ku- I mean Knives-SAMA is yours.
Legato-^_^ And you know it!
Yuki-^_^' Let's go on to the already registered contestants, shall we? First off is RIN-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!
Rin-Rin is?! *blush*
Sango-NANI?! But I love*thinks for a second*… um… no one?
Yuki-We all know you love hoshi-sama, Sango-chan.
Sango-N-no I don't.
Yuki-Anyways, I just wanna see how many Sango/Sess fans are out there.
Sango-NANI!!!!!!!! *fume vein fume*
Yuki-Sango-sama, Yuki was just kidding. Besides, we all know that you'll end up with hoshi-sama in the end.
Yuki-Anyways, there's also Kagura (Kagura-Yes!), Kikyou-
Kikyou-I only love Inuyasha.
Yuki-Sadness. But what about Suikotsu-sama?
Kikyou-Suikotsu is just a friend. *blush* Wait, didn't I help him rest in peace?
Yuki-Yeah, he was but I got Sesshy to revive him again for you so that you could rest in peace together.
Yuki-Jakotsu (A/n-Jakotsu, Bankotsu, and Suikotsu have been revived)(Ja-chan-Yes!) is also competing and-
Yuki-Hai, why do you ask?
Sesshou-I refuse to do anything with that that-
Yuki-Hot bishonen?
Sesshou-*glare* Iie…. Gay freak!
Jakotsu-Aww… Sesshy, don't be like that.
Sesshou-*twitch twitch*
Yuki-Would you rather I write a fic about you being my man bitch? *snicker*
Sesshou-*twitch* I hate you, you damned woman.
Yuki-YAY! I win. Anyways, last is the person I like least in Inuyasha, is… Kagome.
Kagome fan girls-WHAT! How can you hate Kagome!
Cherushi-*kills `em off*
Yuki-Arigato, Cheesy!
Kagome-Why do you hate me?! And why am I in this fanfic?!
Cherushi-`Cause you're a stupid fucking hore!
Yuki-And b) because I say so… *comes up with an idea* Mimiru (NOT from .hack//sign), can you come here for a sec?
Yuki-*whisper whisper*
Mimiru-*smirk* Okay. *leaves for a sec*
Yuki-Anyways, *Kagome disappears* so if you wanna *an ear piercing scream is heard in the background* be in this fan fic, just review. It'll be on or *Kagome comes out with blood all over her* * Mimiru comes out with spattered blood on her* Ja Ne, Minna!