InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bad Day ❯ not HIM! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer:I own nothing
Bad Day-Chapter 2
Kagome climbed out of the well, grunting as she lugged her bag with her. At times like these she would give anything to have just a little youkai blood in her. As she walked from the well house and towards her home, she thought over the words she had said to Sesshoumaru.
She knew none of her friends would survive to her time. None of them were full youkai except for Shippo, and she had no clue how long kitsune lived. But Sesshoumaru was, and lately, whenever she had come home, she had felt a loneliness building in her,a deep discontent. Her friends would never know about the well, or Inu Yasha, or Shippo, or anything. They'd never believe her.
Her eyes often caught the pitying glances and she always noticed the whispers that abruptly stopped when she walked into a room her friends had occupied.
They all thought she was depressed.
“Better depressed than insane,” She snorted as she walked into her home. Buyo tangled himself in her ankles and meowed, wanting either food or attention. Most likely the former considering the cats considerable girth.
She went into the kitchen and poured him some food, then walked to the fridge.
A note was stuck to the door with a magnet.
`Kagome, you grandfather, brother and I are going to Aunt Simiko's for an indefinite period of time. Her number is on speed dial on the phone, number 2. Call us when you get home. She's sick right now, so if we don't answer we may be at the hospital. Please have a nice time without us.'
Kagome snorted and walked over to the phone and pressed speed dial #2. It rang several times without an answer. Kagome hung up and huffed slightly.
`Inu Yasha is keeping me from family emergencies! I need to be here more in case something happens. What if something had happened to mom? Or grandpa or even Souta? What would I have done if I didn't know?” Kagome asked herself, her eyes turning a stormy blue gray of rage and fear.
She sighed and left her bag in the kitchen and walked up the stairs. After running a nice hot bath she stepped in and let herself finally relax all her aching muscles and let her mind wander once again to the enigmatic demon lord.
`I wonder if he'll try. I doubt it, even if he makes it into this time I bet he'll be some rich businessman. That strikes me as Sesshoumaru. If anything he's become so wrapped up in the business of some electronics company that he had forgotten about me,' Kagome thought ruefully.
Her mind became more numb by the second, not wanting to think at all, merely to sleep. Kagome, never being one to deny herself something so important as sleep(in her era anyway) got up from the bath and drained the tub. Quickly she dried off and walked to her room in a fluffy terry cloth robe.
Once in her bed, her mind seemed lifted of it lethargy though, because suddenly her mind replayed everything she had seen before she had left the feudal age.
Stumbling,she had searched for Inu Yasha, after all, he said he was going to search for shards. Shouldn't she be with him? She had ducked under branches, avoided rocks, making her way in the direction he had gone.
She'd heard the moaning first. Soft moans and low growls.
After tripping her way towards the sounds, not knowing(in her naiveté) just what those sounds meant, she watched in horrified fascination as Inu Yasha made love to Kikyo.
Well, she couldn't see it as making love.
It was…Fucking. She hated the word because it brought less than savory images to mind. Nothing like the gentle, romantic images she had always dreamed about happening between her and Inu Yasha.
But what was going on between the hanyou and the dead miko was nothing close to romantic or gentle. It almost seemed…Dirty.
And she had fled for the camp.
Kagome called herself a wuss several times. She should have just walked up to the dumb male and told him exactly what she wanted to say. That she hated him at that moment. That he could have the dead miko because he was nothing more than a- a necrophiliac!
But she hadn't, and once again Sesshoumaru had comforted her, or at least let her vent to him and cry on him. She was surprised he hadn't gone postal when her tears had soaked his chest through the fabric of his clothing.
Sighing she rolled restlessly in the bed and tried to sleep.
As the sky lightened with azure,lilac and pink hues in the sky, she finally fled from the world of reality to the world of dreams, knowing that for just a little while, she would have everything she ever wanted before having to return to the nightmare her life had become.
The knocking wouldn't stop. Kagome desperately wanted for it too, but it wouldn't.
Peeking her head from beneath the covers, she dared a glance at her alarm clock.
It was 11 in the morning.
Who would dare?
“Kagome? Are you there? I know your mom is gone and I was worried that with the cist on your buttocks you wouldn't be able to move too much since it causes so much pain,so I decided to come and bring you some lunch!”
Hojou would dare.
Or more aptly, not have a clue.
Damn grandpa.
Kagome buried her head under her covers once more,hoping that if she didn't answer, he'd think she had gone with them and he'd leave her alone until she went to school.
The front door opened and slammed shut and Kagome realized her mother, being the kind woman she was, had probably given Hojou a key to help Kagome out.
Groaning Kagome curled under the covers and pretended to be asleep.
“Kagome, I have brought you some lunch, please wake up,” Hojou whispered. Kagome didn't bat an eyelash. Instead, she pretended to snore.
“She must really be out of it. I wonder if the cist has burst? Maybe I should check,” Hojou said.
Kagome immediately rolled away from him and growled in her sleep.
“Okay, I guess I'll ask her about it when she wakes up.I guess she's okay since she's not crying out or anything,” Hojou said aloud as he left the room, closing the door behind him. Kagome sighed, thankful he was leaving.
`Wait,did he just say he'd ask when I woke up?' Kagome thought, right as she heard the sound of the vacuum cleaner starting up.
She groaned and then got out from under the covers and quickly changed from her pj's into a pair of pants and a tank top with a baggy sweater thrown over it. Not fearing noise since Hojou was making enough of that on his own, Kagome leaped from her window onto the tree right outside of it. Very clumsily she climbed down the tree, and crouching so Hojou wouldn't see her, she ran for the relative safety of the city.