InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bargaining Death ❯ Morning Interlude ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN***You know the drill

Morning Interlude

The sun rose over the horizon the same as it had done every day before that. Inuyasha barely slept in his modest human bed. Visions of an innocent ran through his mind all night leaving behind a frustrated young man. Inuyasha rolled over again for the umpteenth time that night, a thin sheen of sweat enveloped his body causing his black boxers to outline his body, his hair in obvious disarray due to the abandonment of the hair tie hours ago. A timid knock was heard at the door.

"What do you want?! I am trying to sleep!," snapped the irritated young man as he rolled onto his back.

Kagome gingerly opened the door and poked her head in. She was not prepared for the sight before her. The clothing he was wearing left little to her imagination which at that point was running wild as the blush flooded her cheeks. "I came to wake you for breakfast, but I see that you are not ready so I'll leave." The poor girl nearly stumbled out of the room causing Inuyasha to chuckle. In her attempt at a hasty exit she left the door open and tripped over her own feet. She never hit the floor because she found herself entwined in Inuyasha's arms. Oh my god I'm touching him and he's practically naked. How did he get to me so fast?

"I'll be ready in a few minutes. Try not to fall and hurt yourself while I am in the shower." He released her arm to only find that she was easily angered.

"How dare you! I didn't ask for your help nor did I want it. I am more than capable of taking care of myself thank you! Just get ready quickly, because I am not waiting around all day for your to decide when you are ready to wake up and join the rest of humanity!" with that she stormed down the steps in a fit of rage leaving the young man wide eyed.

She has an angry streak. Hmmm. Her face turns a fitting shade of red that is most appealing. Ill enjoy this day more than I thought. The young man finished his shower quicker than expected. He was dressed neatly in black dress pants and a black button up shirt with the top two buttons undone. His hair was loosely tied back demonstrating his obvious rush to dress.

The smell of breakfast caused him to stop thinking about Kagome for a short while, until he seen her sitting down at the kitchen table. She wore a lovely green and white summer dress with small spaghetti straps, and white kitten healed sandals that accentuated her legs. Her hair was thrown up in a small claw clip.

"You finally decided to join us your majesty." Kagome turned her nose into the air as she turned her head away from him.

"Good Morning Inuyasha! Please sit and have some breakfast. Kagome made it herself, she is a wonderful cook. One day she will make a wonderful wife for a very lucky man." Mrs. Higurashi winked at the last comment. The poor woman was determined to have to daughter married and with children soon.

"Mom! Can you please stop, you are embarrassing me. I do not want to marry until I find someone I love and not a moment sooner. So please stop trying to find me a husband. I am sure Inuyasha has spouse" snapped Kagome.

"Well actually I am single. With my line of work it is best not to find love, so you are safe with me." Inuyasha gave her a charming smile melting her cold exterior.

"Are you ready to leave yet Inuyasha?"

"Whenever you are my dear Kagome I will follow you anywhere."

The girl blushed at the obvious flirtation.