InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Battle of the Youkai (original) ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Warning: K/K fluff!!!
And, you know what's funny? I'm not a K/K fan, and yet I write a K/K fic. Interesting, eh?
Battle of the Youkai Chapter 3
In the silence that crept on, slight snoring could be heard from Kagome's sleeping bag, where a young fox demon child was snoozing. Slowly, the rumbling stopped, and a small boy popped out, yawning and stretching. "Huh?" Shippo said sleepily, rubbing his eyes, "What's going on here?"
He walked towards Sango and Miroku's hiding places. "Sango? Miroku? What's going on-" His voice was suddenly muffled by two hands clasping themselves over his mouth and pulling him down. By now, of course, Kagome, Kouga, and Inuyasha had looked over and just stared as the boy disappeared.
"Ah! Shippo! What did ya do that for?!" a male voice exclaimed in a grunt of pain.
"Kagome!" a boyish voice yelled.
Knowing she had to comfort the boy she considered her son, she ran over to where she thought Shippo disappeared. "Sango. Miroku. Why were you spying on us?" She reached down and picked up the kitsune, watching as the monk nursed his bitten hand.
Sango slowly stood up, knowing she would just have to tell the truth. "Well, when we came back from picking up firewood, we heard you three talking, so…"
Kagome sighed, thinking how could she forget about her other friends. "It's ok. But…how much did you hear?"
Sango blushed and said shakily, "Not much. Just something about Kikyo, mentions of an angel, the occasional curses."
Turning around, embarrassed, Kagome walked back towards Inuyasha and Kouga, combing Shippo's hair with her fingers. Trying to act as though nothing had happened, Kagome smiled as them "Well, it's getting late. It's almost 10 or 11, if I predicted right. We need to get up early, to go looking for the shards. Um, Kouga? Shouldn't you go back to your pack? I mean, wouldn't they be worried?"
The addressed man gazed into her eyes for a few more minutes before he slowly dropped his gaze to the ground. "I suppose so. Yet… Kagome, could I talk to you privately for a moment?"
Inuyasha growled, but Kagome accepted. Inuyasha, growling slightly, jumped up into the nearest tree, and sat, watching as Kouga and Kagome walked away. 'What the hell are they talking about? If it involves Kagome,' he thought, growling, 'it involves me. She does love me after all,' he thought. He quietly jumped after them and stopped in a tree when Kouga and Kagome stopped walking. He leaned forward perking his ears up to listen to what they were saying.
Even several meters above he could distinguish Kouga's voice with his dog ears. "Kagome, my love. I must ask something."
Kagome, blushing slightly, could only stutter out a "Y-yes?"
Kouga reached forward, grasping her shoulders, pulling her closer. Kagome blushed even harder as his warm arms enveloped her figure. Resting his head on hers, he continued, not noticing her blushes. "Kagome, why do you stay with him? He treats you terribly and doesn't understand how precious you are. I do. I promise to take care of you, like he hasn't been able to, since that bitch came into his life. Please, come home with me. I love you too much to have you stay here only to be hurt."
Inuyasha, seeing what's happening, started to growl quietly. 'She doesn't buy that crap, right? I mean, I protect her with my life and care for her. I let her go home, too. I don't have to do that stuff, but I do anyway.'
"Kouga. I can't." 'Point for me,' Inuyasha thought quietly, smirking. "Inuyasha needs me to find the shards. After all, I broke the jewel."
"I know, Kagome, but why? Why does he need the jewel? To become human and push aside to be with the dead one? Or to become youkai, and rip you limb from limb? Kagome, why do you put up with it?"
"Kouga. I told you. I broke the jewel. I-"
"Kagome. I know you broke it. So? Why doesn't he get the miko to fix it?"
Kagome thought this over, going over what she should do. "I don't know. I mean, Kouga, why hasn't he left me for her already? I'm just not sure."
"Exactly. You don't understand dog-tur- I mean, Inuyasha. But you must understand how deep my feelings are for you. If you don't, here-" He broke off as he leaned forward and kissed Kagome.
Her thoughts stopped as warmth flowed throughout her body. She started to melt into his arms as her legs suddenly gave out. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Kagome couldn't help but return his kiss, deepening it. Kagome stood dazzled and confused at what happened.
Meanwhile, above them, a very annoyed half-youkai looked ready to kill the wolf youkai below. 'That bastard. Kissing my Kagome. I'll kill him. Damn him!' Gripping the Tetsusaiga, he was about to jump down before he stopped. 'Yet…why does she look happy? Does she really want him more?' Inuyasha glared at the couple below. 'I'll get her back. I swear.'
Pulling back, Kouga looked into Kagome's cinnamon brown eyes. Panting slightly, Kagome licked her lips. 'Why am I getting this feeling from him?'
"Kagome, my love. I will be back to make you my mate. I love you too much to have you remain here alone with out me." Giving her a small kiss, Kouga left her breathless as he ran off.