InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Be Careful What You Say ❯ Chapter Twelve : Explanations and Revelations ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Twelve

A/N: I don't own Inuyasha. I'm only borrowing him! Thank you for your patience, life has been interesting, lately. Thanks to mcjewelfiend for the e-mail. And, a final thanks, to the people who have been reading and reviewing. And awaay we go ...!

Sango and Miroku followed the Elder to a room nearby. Neither were pleased with the way things had went. The only good thing that had come out of it was Inuyasha's cure.

Once inside the room, the elder shut the doors and turned to them. He motioned for them to be seated, the look on his face showing that it was not a request. Once they were seated, he spoke, "I can tell that you are displeased with the arrangment that I have made with your friend. She is of age and can make her own decisions, so this is between she and I!"

"You used Inuyasha against her!" accused Miroku. "You are old enough and wise enough to see that she loves him and feels guilty for what happened. You used her guilt to entrap her!"

Sango laid her hand on Miroku's arm. He looked at her, startled. She was equally startled. First by his show of temper and second by her touching him. "Miroku, calm yourself. Do not upset the elder. It will only make things worse." she told him softly. Turning to the elder, Sango composed herself. "My apologies for my friends outburst, but he is upset with the way things are going for our friend. And to be honest, he voiced things that were in my own mind. Our concern comes from the fact that Kagome is young and inexperienced in these matters. Her customs are not the same as ours and we feel protective of her as if she were younger than her years."

The elder's face, which had begun to show lines of anger, smoothed out. He drew a breath and released it slowly. "Very well. I understand your concern. But do not worry. I am not an evil man. I wish no undue hardship on the girl. Being a member of this clan will be good for her and the husband I choose for her will make her happy and will provide for her."

"Elder, you don't understand. Kagome comes from a place that doesn't arrange marriages! I know that it is strange, but all from this place choose their own spouses!" Sango explained.

The elder's eyes widened in surprise. "Where does she come from that there are no arranged marriages? I have never heard of such a thing. True, there are those here who choose their life mate by love, but there are still arrangements made in many families!"

Sango and Miroku shifted uneasily and looked at each other. Perhaps this was a way out for Kagome! Miroku took a deep breath and began, "Elder, there is a great deal of magic involved in this tale. I do not know if you will believe but here is the truth. Kagome is not from our time, she is from 500 years in the future. She is the reincarnation of a great miko and is the guardian of the Shikon no Tama. Inuyasha is her sworn protector. He also loves her and is just now coming to terms with that, because he also loved the miko whose soul now resides in Kagome. The jewel was shattered in an accident. Kagome and Inuyasha have been finding the pieces to reassemble the jewel. There is an extra problem. An evil hanyou named Naraku is after the shards, as well. Sango and I have reasons for revenge against him, that is why we joined Inuyasha and Kagome originally. Now, we stay because we are all each other has. We are a family of sorts."

The elder sat in silence. Finally, he spoke. "Houshi, that tale is fantastic. I have a hard time believing it."

"Naraku was the one responsible for the deaths of my clan, elder." Sango said quietly. "That is why I seek revenge and why I joined them. Everything that Miroku-sama has said is true."

"WHAT!?" cried the elder. Words failed him for a moment. He composed himself. "So that is why you travel with a hanyou. I thought it strange that a demon exterminator would plead the case of a half demon!"

"I know. It is even stranger since I tried to kill him and then later betrayed him. He has forgiven and accepted me, regardless of this. Of course, Kagome had some to do with it, but still..." Sango trailed off.

"Still, it is not what you would expect from a human, much less a demon." interjected Miroku. "Inuyasha is a special case. He has little reason to trust anyone, and yet he trusts us. He has put his life in danger many times for all of us, with no hesitation. He has a worthy soul."

The elder drew a deep breath. "You have given me much to consider. Sango, I want to hear the whole story of your clans destruction and your time with this Inuyasha. I will call the servants for food while you tell me everything that you know. Houshi, I want the same from you. Begin, Sango."