InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Be Careful What You Say ❯ Epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


A/N: I know I said I was done, but I couldn't resist a teaser for a sequel!

Kagome's time

A man in a business suit looked up from his desk when one of his lieutenants from records came in.

In silence he crossed the room and presented him with a sealed scroll. The man took the scroll and examined the writing on the outside of the scroll. His eyes widened slightly when he realized that this was THE scroll; the scroll of legend. "So, it is time." he stated calmly.

The lieutenant nodded. He tried to remain impassive, but the contents of this scroll had been anticipated for several hundred years, and the idea of finally knowing what was in the scroll made him fidget. His superior looked at him with amusement. "We have waited a long time for this. The magic of the seal has finally faded and we can read the contents. Let us see what it contains." So saying, he took a dagger from his desk and broke the seal.

He read the scroll through. Then he read it again. As he laid the scroll down on his desk, his face reflected his disbelief.

"What did it contain?" asked his lieutenant, somewhat eagerly.

"You would not believe me. If I didn't know that this was the scroll that has sat in our archives for 500 years, I would think that this was a hoax."

The man sat pondering for a moment. "If this scroll is true, then we have a great opportunity for the clan. We have to know."

"How do we prove the truth of the scroll?"

"We must find someone. A young woman named Kagome Higurashi. Find her and bring her here, but, take care. She has a guardian."

The lieutenant snorted. "Our men can take care of any one she has."

"Not this time. Her guardian is a hanyou, and her mate."

"That's impossible! There is no such thing as youkai or hanyous!"

"If we are to accept this scroll as true, then there are and she is married to one. Now, go get this woman."

A/N: Now, let the fun begin.