InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Beads & Bones ❯ In A Flash ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: In A Flash
Author: psyco_chick32
Rating: PG
Genre: General/Introspection
Word Count: 355
Universe: Canon, takes place during chapter 448, page 14
Summary: Distrust, amusement, shame, gratitude, jealousy, concern: what takes precedence when one can hardly control their own thoughts?
Black, liquid shouki bleeding from his eyes like tainted tears…
Spider's legs of blemished skin curving over his chest to where his heart beats erratically…
Nothing Sango can do. No youkai to slay, no herbs to collect, no miko powers to fight the encroaching evil taking hold in her Houshi-sama's body.
Shouki rises in a cloud, collecting in clay hands and darkening the faux skin.
Kikyou answers Sango's question calmly, as though she expects it, “Houshi-dono's shouki transfers to me… and is purified within me.”
Sango stares at the reanimated miko with emotions fighting for dominance in her mind.
Distrust - this is the woman that lures InuYasha away when their group needs to be united as one… the reason Kagome cries and sighs and feels incompetent. She has threatened Kagome, has taken their jewel shards… jewel shards that later ended up in Naraku's possession.
Amusement - Houshi-sama lies on the floor, half-undressed and under the caring hands of a woman. Though she fears the emotion may be the result of sleep-deprivation making her hysterical, Sango cannot help but wonder how he will react to know he was tended so gently, so… lovingly. It is a miko's power, to love, and he cannot be awake to enjoy it.
Shame - She should not think such ridiculous thoughts; Houshi-sama is in pain, is suffering. She is strong and should not come to hysteria, even mentally. She should not think horrible thoughts about Kikyou-sama, who is doing everything in her power to help a man she has no real connection to.
Gratitude - this is the woman who can save Houshi-sama, who is giving of herself to help another in need. This is the woman who travels with Kohaku, who protects his shard from being tainted and appears to be helping him find himself.
Jealousy - this is the woman doing what Sango cannot. Sango is taijya, used to approaching issues head on. She is strong, she is independent… she is screaming on the inside louder with each passing hour Houshi-sama does not open his eyes, does not reach out to her.
Concern rises above all the others. “Will you be alright?”