InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Beautiful ❯ Reunion and the First sign of Naraku's Return Part 2 ( Chapter 8 )
It's me again. Yep Rahnee and Shippo as a couple, so what if there is a teensy weensy bit of an age difference. Back then, nobody really cared you know. Anyway let's get down to business shall we?
miko no tsuki...-Thank you very much and in answer to Kikyo and Naraku's ages. No it is Naraku and Timor who are the same age. Remember a child can be just as an evil as an adult. Children of the corn for example..... But anyway I am glad you are enjoying the story....smiles...
DarkMoon1...-Giggles...yep Rahnee and Shippo and for an added touch....where is Miroku's lecherous ways going to go....most of the time they say it is men who do it...well why not a woman. So Shippo will have his hands full with Rahnee who will be taking after her father in some habits. But yes Naraku is back and he has a firm control on his mother this time. So Nikia will be around as well. But will she be like Kagura and fight back I wonder..... to have a little suspense and as to the flashback...giggles...that was the whole idea. Inuyasha gets a kick out of it because Shippo is being tortured the same way he was with Kagome. So turnabout is fair play don't you think? I am working on the update right now as we speak.
cussie...-Thank you very much and it was inspired by a song that I could see if you or any of the others would like to listen to Sara Brightman's song Beautiful...which is vastly different from Christina Aguilera's prior notice go to this The one thing all of you might find ironic about her is that if you click on the video for either this song or her other one Harem. You might notice that she and Kagome look a lot a like. Just don't forget to put the usual http stuff before it.
Dragon Man 180...-Sorry about the cliffy....giggles.....Am updating now. As to Shippo, he does look more like Inuyasha but eh is of a leaner and more muscular build, where Inuyasha is was a little stockier. As to the revenge....never mess with a girl who's a Miko...she might scare you into next week with a spell if you know what I mean.
The votes so far for couples are
Kikyo/Hayek 4 votes
Rahnee/Shippo 1 vote
Betia/Timor 1 vote (Just in case you're wondering they will get older eventually)
Anyway keep voting and I will keep writing as long as ideas come through my skull. Anyway onto the disclaimer, I don't own Inuyasha, but beta, Timor, Rahnee, Hayek, Nikia, and all other characters that are obviously not Inuyasha belong to me, ME, ME!!!!!!!!!
Reunion and the First signs of Naraku's return Part 2...
"DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!" Kikyo yells as she and Rahnee battle through the hundreds of poisonous insects to get to the silver haired man below fighting a purple demon of immense power.
"Kikyo what are we going to do?" Rahnee screams as the boomerang flies through the air. It cuts through the insects as her and Tiasma dodge their attacks with accuracy and agility. Tiasma let's out a roar and somehow a black fireball forms from in front of her and turning around the fire cat kicks it dead center into the group of insects and it begins to burn, the flying hordes of demons.
Meanwhile Mirada and Kikyo are dodging as Kikyo manages to launch one holy arrow after another through the small path, forcing Goshinki to remain on his feet as he attempts to kill the older man.
While the fighting goes on as Kikyo and Rahnee get closer to helping out Inuyasha. Kagome has a sense of foreboding. Looking out where the birds seem to be circling overhead as if in wait for something she calls to the two young men who are out working on the new addition to the hut.
"Yes Kagome?" The two young men pause in mid building for a moment. Timor now a happy ten year old boy peeks out from the doorway of the addition. His ears perked when he hears his mother calling for two of his idols.
"Something's wrong..."
"What do you mean...?" Hayek starts to respond, but Shippo shakes his head and looks to Kagome's worried face.
"Where do you want us to go?"
"Thanks Shippo" Kagome smiles gently and in relief. Yet the worried gaze still remains fixed upon her face. "I need you to go and see if Inuyasha and the girls are safe. Something tells me they are in trouble. you know the way better than Hayek, that Inuyasha takes."
Shippo nods his head and gestures to Hayek. Soon the fox demon and the gold one take to the trees and are flying as they leap from one to another. Timor is about to follow when he is stopped by his mother.
"But momma...what if they need me?"
" are far too young right now to go into battle, despite what your father and the others have been teaching you. Here you can help protect home for them."
"But Momma!"
"Timor no buts! We need to protect the house. So that they have a place to come back to...."
Hearing his mother's words Timor can't help but frown a little bit in displeasure. He does understand his mother's sentiments and looks out towards the area where a battle rages for the lives of those he holds dear.
Unaware that aid is on its way the girls continue to fight against the small army of insects as they battle to get to the hanyou, who battles the demon in front of him.
"So thought you destroyed me all those years ago....I can still read your mind and believe me what you think is very true! As soon as I am done with you I am going after your family starting with that daughter of yours!"
"YOU WON'T TOUCH A HAIR ON ANY OF THEIR HEADS!" Inuyasha growls as he swings wildly. He is not focused on his attacks, for his subconscious knows that if he was to as he normally does it could be his undoing. Goshinki having to focus on Inuyasha keeps him in sight, he has to just be patient as one of the girls will tart to run out of arrows sooner or later. That and her firing from the air is keeping him on his guard as he waits for the right time to attack and destroy Inuyasha.
As she reaches behind her for another arrow Kikyo panics as she realizes that the one she finds ins her last one and she turns to Rahnee in fear.
"This is my last arrow Rahnee what are we going to do?"
"I don't know Kikyo." Rahnee bites her lap as her arm is starting to hurt. The poisonous insects seem to have not dwindled any around them and the constant tossing of her weapon is wearing her out. Throwing the boomerang again Rahnee is never more surprised when she hears a familiar voice call out!
A familiar blue flame swirls as she throws her boomerang and this time a considerably clear path is cut through the poisonous insects as Shippo approaches the scene. Nodding his head, she dives down and reaches out with her arm. Pulling him up behind her, they proceed to switch to the group of insects that have been harassing Kikyo.
Hearing the command, Kikyo nods her head and her and Mirada go into dive just in the nick of time as Tiasma's fireball and Shippo's Foxfire merge and explode in the midst of those insects.
Yelling her gratitude towards them, Kikyo dives and heads towards her father to see him teaming up with someone, whom she once loved with all her heart against their common enemy.
She watches as Hayek brings out a sword that Inuyasha and he had journeyed to have made from Totosai according to her father. She has always wondered what the story was behind the sword and as she watches Hayek use it and her father whirl the Tetsaiga around she brings out her daggers and jumps from Mirada's back and deftly lands on her feet.
Seeing how his baby girl has come to join the battle Inuyasha and Hayek both block their minds. But it is too late as Goshinki whirls around and spies the 16 year old.
"So if it isn't the half-breeds spawn." He chuckles. "I will make your death slow and painful...."
Inuyasha and Hayek both move, their minds inadvertently focus on one thing, which is to protect the young woman at all costs. Sensing their moves Goshinki speeds out of the way and swings his long clawed arm into their stomachs. Both men are thrown back against the trees of the forest and are dazed as Goshinki, moves towards Kikyo.
"I can read your mind did you know that...I can see that watching me do that has you worried about your father and your friend. Do not worry after I am done with you they too will die!
Kikyo tries to keep her mind blank as she battles. The daggers in her hand become infused with the miko power she inherited from her mother. Scared and frightened with worry over whether or not her father and Hayek are all right she battles with all her heart. But it seems to be a losing battle as to no matter what she does Goshinki seems to know her every move.
She steadies herself as Goshinki comes towards her and blocks her mind with all she can. Raising her hands with her daggers in her mind Goshinki manages to avoid it coming down upon his back as he tackles the young woman to the ground. See you will be my first victim of master Naraku's revenge.
As she hears that name Kikyo seems to disappear with him as a flash of pink light seems to emanate from her body. "WHAT'S THIS!"
The light surrounds Goshinki and he writhes as it seems to burn into his flesh. The pain that surrounds his form is overwhelming for with his dying gaze he looks into the eyes of the girl underneath him and shrieks in terror. "IT CANNOT BE! YOU ARE DEAD!"
"As you can see I am not!" A voice that sounds eerily familiar reaches out to Inuyasha's ears and his eyes gasp in surprise as he comes to. The sight before him is incredible. His daughter is glowing with a pink iridescent light and its warmth soothes him and the injuries he suffered seem to disappear as it caresses his soul.
"Inuyasha...." Hayek looks on as a woman that looks like the young girl he grew love stands before him. Her hair is free and flowing as the silver streak in her hair seems to expand with each passing minute. "Is that Kikyo?"
Inuyasha nods his head and stands up. He watches and approaches the young girl, who smiles and waits for him. She speaks and seems older and wiser as he approaches.
"It is not the one you are thinking of but the one from before Inuyasha...or should I say father...."
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~(Should I be mean....naaaahhhh you all would seriously kill me)
"It is a long story Inuyasha. But before you wonder, this part of me that was the Kikyo you knew will disappear. Although your daughter will retain my memories and abilities after what is left of me goes. Kagome has done well in her teaching and I am glad to have seen you and to know that this time I am loved as I should have been before...."
He smiles and nods his head. Catching his daughter with some help from Hayek, the pair stays on the ground as the others come to join them from the air. Shippo jumps off Tiasma and Rahnee does the same both are mutually worried about their friend.
"Inuyasha did what I just saw actually happen?" Shippo looks at his teacher and adoptive father with incredulity as he had seen from the air and heard the words of a miko who has been dead for close to 20 years.
He nods his head as his clawed hands cradle his daughter's cheek. Hayek meanwhile looks at the young woman in awe and is also confused. He remembers the stories from so long ago about Inuyasha and the miko Kikyo from over 70 years ago. the circumstances as he understood it from Shippo, was that Kikyo when she was brought back from the dead, was filled with hate and vengeance for Inuyasha. She had always wanted to kill him.
Pushing these questions to the back of his mind for right now, they all sigh in relief as Kikyo opens her warm golden eyes and smiles softly.
"'re all right."
Inuyasha smiles as he hugs his baby girl. She manages to hug him back and struggling to stand Inuyasha shakes his head. Mirada agreeing with her young Mistress's father runs over and turns around. Smiling as the fire cat knows what he wants, Inuyasha in turn lifts his daughter so that they could head home.
Far in the distance, watching as the two girls take to the air and the three men fly from tree to tree a child smiles as the spirit inside him gazes in open awe and admiration.
"So Kikyo's powers have manifested themselves all the way. This should prove to be quite challenging now." The child turns to his mother Nikia and feeling her struggle he clamps down on her soul and she ceases to struggle. Satisfied that she can not fight him right now, Naraku moves with an unholy black aura and chuckles as the insects surround him and his demon mother. When they disappear, the mother and child are no where to be seen....
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*
This is the end of this part now....I had a sudden fit of writing inspiration and this part only took me all of a half hour to type. I am impressed with myself for a change. Anyway I must post this and please one and all. Don't forget to REVIEW!